Chapter 19: Lose end's

Walking back into the treatment room, his arm around Eponine's slender waist Enjolras felt at peace, as the door opened, Cosette who was now sitting on Marius' bed looked up her eyes widened in surprise at the sight.

"Enjolras you're here" Cosette said cheerfully, sitting up further Marius' leaned forward to see the source of Cosette's joy. His eyes clasped on Enjolras and Eponine as they made their way towards them.

"This is where I belong", said Enjolras looking at Eponine leaning down and kissing her cheek, Eponine's cheeks flushed red as she stepped out of his hold clearing her throat.

"There are people here", she said quietly, a little embarrassed, and Enjolras smiled placing his hands on her cheeks.

"They're our friends…besides I want the whole world to know how much I love you", he said before leaning down and giving Eponine a quick kiss on her rosy lips ,he pulled away his hands still holding her face which was no redder than before, Cosette cleared her throat.

"Erm where're right here guys", she said jokingly, Enjolras turned a little sheepishly to face them, Eponine reached out grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards her, Enjolras stared into those warm brown eyes in surprise.

"You call that a kiss..", with those words Eponine pulled him into a passionate kiss their lips melding gently, leaning into him further Eponine deepened the kiss before suddenly pulling way, leaving Enjolras red and flustered.

"I don't need the whole world to know that you love me…it's enough that I know", she said before turning to Cosette and Marius whose faces were agape. Enjolras cleared his throat and ran his hand through his strawberry blonde locks turning to face Marius and Cosette.

"Well that was unexpected" said Cosette turning to Marius who raised his eyebrows in agreement.

"How are you feeling Marius", asked Enjolras clearing his throat again, Eponine laughed gently at Enjolras flustered state.

"My legs are broken but apart from that I'm fine", he said casually, Eponine and Enjolras' eyes widened in horror. Cosette rolled her eyes.

"He's exaggerating he broke a few bones so, he has to stay off his feet for a couple of weeks…but he will make a full recovery", said Cosette reassuringly, Eponine and Enjolras sighed in relief.

"That's what I meant" said Marius confused. Sitting down on her bed, with Enjolras next to her, Eponine took his hand and held on tightly he turned and smiled at her.

"Eugh …you guys are too sweet", said Cosette gently.

"In my life, there's been no one like him… anywhere", Eponine said slowly staring at Cosette aware of Enjolras' gaze on her face.

"You've definitely changed Eponine…you're not the same as before", said Cosette Eponine smiled.

"I found a love that's all mine…that's all", replied Eponine, Enjolras pressed his forehead against the side of Eponine's head, his strawberry blonde locks entwining with long dark charcoal curls.

"A love that's all yours", repeated Cosette slowly turning to Marius who smiled gently, and without warning Cosette leaned in and pressed her lips against Marius', his hazel eyes widened in surprise, she pulled away slowly, her blue eyes boring into his.

"This is a hospital for god' sakes", came the slightly gruff voice of Valjean from behind. Cosette whipped her head around so quickly she almost got whiplash, Enjolras sat up straight, Marius avoided eye contact his face completely red, his heart threatening to rip through his chest and fall onto his lap.

"Dad..." said Cosette nervously, Valjean walked in further so that he was facing all four of them. His eyes rested on Enjolras.

"Next please time please try and keep your love story accident free", said Valjean, Enjolras shuffled nervously, Eponine squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"I'm sorry", he said.

"Dad there's no need…wait where have you been all this time", said Cosette interrupting herself.

"Making some calls, delaying our flights" said Valjean calmly, Cosette frowned swinging her feet she got off the bed and walked up to her father.

"Dad I'm not going with you", she said slowly, there was pause.

"What are you taking a about sweetie, we're leaving…" began Valjean.

"I found a reason to stay", continued Cosette cutting him off, he just looked at her bewildered.

"A reason to stay….What are", he began, but then he followed her gaze to Marius who was staring at Cosette curiously.

"Dad" said Cosette firmly.

"You can't be serious, he was the reason yon wanted to leave", said Valjean exasperated.

"Things have changed", she replied.

"What has changed?" he asked.

"I realised that… I love him", said Cosette turning to stare at Marius, Marius' breath caught hearing the words he had longed for, for what had seemed like an eternity.

"Cosette sweet, you're confused because of the accident" tried Valjean.

"Actually the accident has made everything clearer" said Cosette staring softly into her father's eyes, who faltered seeing the calm resolve.

"Look sweetie maybe you should take some time and think about this logically" he offered.

"I have dad…this is a logical step", she replied.

"It's such a big risk… one that could end up destroying you", said Valjean desperately, Cosette stepped forward and placed her hand on her father's shoulder.

"I love him dad… and he loves me and that's all the courage I need", Cosette said gently her pale blue eyes holding an unfamiliar tenacity.

"You're staying", he said with a heavy sigh after a short pause.

"I am" said Cosette, Marius watched the scene unfolding in a surreal trance.

"So you're sending me off alone", said Valjean, Cosette sighed then something clicked in her head.

"No…take Eponine and Enjolras with you", she said, Enjolras and Eponine looked up in surprise and Valjean looked at her bewildered.

"Cosette what are you" began Eponine.

"Enjolras hasn't got an apartment anymore, and now probably no job, Eponine quit her job, and won't have an apartment soon so" continued Cosette excitedly.

"So…" asked her father.

"There's nothing keeping them here…don't you see", said Cosette turning to Eponine and Enjolras.

"Cosette that's kind of crazy", said Enjolras.

"Yes it is…but it makes perfect sense, Eponine gets to live her dream alongside the one person she loves most in the whole world… what's crazy about that", asked Cosette turning back to her father, seeing the look in her eyes, Valjean smiled stepping forward he hugged his daughter tightly, before he pulled away and clearing his throat, turning his attention to Enjolras and Eponine.

"My offer extends to both of you…if you're willing I'd be happy to have you", said Valjean Enjolras stared at Eponine who looked back at him bewildered.

"What do you think Eponine" he said smiling his warm brown eyes burning with excitement, there was a long pause.

"Let's do it" said Eponine finally beaming up at Enjolras, who upon hearing her answer embraced her in a passionate hug which hurt but she didn't care, nothing mattered anymore, nothing but Enjolras.

"I guess that's settled then", said Valjean running his hand through his hair, Cosette jumped into his arms and embraced him tightly.

"I love you dad… so much", she said.

"And all the love I have in my heart is for you my dear", he replied basking in his daughters love, letting go Cosette walked over to Marius, and took his hand.

"And I love you Marius Pontmercy, with all my soul", said Cosette firmly. A short while later Valjean left , leaving the four in bask in their own happiness, seeing that Cosette and Marius clearly had things to discuss, Eponine and Enjolras left quietly hand in hand, out into the corridor, they walked slowly for a little while before Eponine suddenly stopped dead still. Enjolras turned to see what was wrong, there were tears running down Eponine's face, bewildered he swung her round to face him.

"Eponine are you okay", he asked in that gentle voice.

"This all feels like a ridiculous dream", she said quietly.

"It's not Eponine it's all real" said Enjolras stroking her head.

"I'm just scared that it's much more than I deserve", said Eponine, Enjolras smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Eponine.

"You deserve the world Eponine", said Enjolras pulling away to stare into her eyes.

"Enjolras… thank you for loving me" said Eponine gently, he smiled resting his forehead against hers.

"Thank you…for loving me back" he said leaning in for one more kiss of a thousand future kisses.

The End

AN: its finally over thank you all so much for being as invested in reading this story as I have been in writing it, it was a lot of fun, and I'm sort of sad its over but also relived that I managed to finish, I really hoped you enjoyed it, I hope to see you next time…I already have an idea for another story involving our two favourite leads so watch this space and once again thank you!