AN: I'm going to try this out for little while and see how it goes let me know what you think comments and criticism welcome enjoy!

Chapter 1: Timing

The night was young cold and seemingly like any other, Eponine Thénardier continued to trudge through life listlessly. Waitressing was the only job she was qualified for, so like every other night she served drinks, cleared tables, and tried to avoid getting groped by drunk men. Tonight she thought would be like any other and then her past walked through the door.

"Why did you bring us here Enjolras we could've gone somewhere much nicer for birthday drink", said a sweet soft voice.

"Come on Cosette where's your sense of adventure" replied Enjolras.

"Marius defend me I'm adventurous right" asked Cosette silence was the response she received, she looked at her companion following his gaze it landed on a waitress with long dark hair and alabaster like complexion, Cosette's eyes widened in surprise.

"Eponine", Marius almost whispered staggering forward until he was directly in front of her.

Eponine bit her bottom lip nervous her eyebrows starting to frown her eyes transfixed on Marius. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her embracing her in a tight hug that pushed her face into his chest.

"Where the hell have you been Eponine" he asked releasing her from the embrace yet holding onto her shoulders. Just then Cosette and Enjolras stepped forward.

"It's been a long time Eponine", said Cosette softly.

"It has Cosette, a long time", Eponine said finally managing to speak looking at Cosette anything to distract her from staring at Marius, who was still holding 'Éponine's shoulders.

"Why did you disappear you silly girl", he asked, Eponine turned her gaze back to Marius taking a step back freeing herself from his hold.

"It wasn't intentional things just turned out that way", she replied sighing. Marius ran his hand through his hair slightly frustrated by her answer, he wanted to know more but then he glanced over at Cosette ad Enjolras and decided to let it go for now. He stepped back.

"This is my friend Enjolras, Enjolras this is my childhood friend Eponine" he said. Before Éponine could even respond to the introduction Enjolras stepped forward grabbing her hand entwining his slender fingers with her small cold hands.

"Why such sad eyes dear Éponine" Enjolras inquired holding her hand firmly, Éponine was a little taken back and couldn't find a way to reply.

"I don't pay you to stand around chatting get back to work!" interrupted her employer peaking his head out of the kitchen door. Éponine snapped back to reality unclasping her hands from Enjolras.

"I'll take you to a table", Éponine said they quietly followed her she seated them by the windows giving them a drinks list.

"It's Cosette's birthday", chimed in Enjolras trying to dispel the tension.

"Happy birthday Cosette", Éponine said calmly.

"Thank you Éponine if you weren't working you could join us", Cosette said smiling softly.

"Well why doesn't she come to my party this weekend at the penthouse" aske Enjolras.

"Yes come Éponine it will be lots of fun", interjected Cosette like Enjolras she was trying to break the tension between Marius and Éponine.

"7 years Éponine!" Marius suddenly exclaimed standing up. Cosette tugged at his arm pulling him down.

"I'll go get those drinks", was Éponine's response to his outburst.

"Marius please", pleaded Cosette he looked into her soft blues and sighed.

"It's just nothing for 7 years not a letter, a phone call nothing I didn't even know if she was alive".

"I know... she must've had her reasons Marius… give her time she'll tell you Marius" Cosette suggested.

"You're right …your right sorry about this", he smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay the night is still young "she smiled softly.

"Once again our kindly Cosette has subdued the erupting troubles of our youth", exclaimed Enjolras dramatically. They laughed as Éponine brought their drinks.

"You must come this weekend Éponine if you think anything of me you must come", Marius said.

"I will try… I will try", Éponine said truthfully. The rest of the night hurried along in strange blur they drank and every now when Éponine came round they would speak. The night was no longer young. Eponine opened the bar door as a drunk Cosette stumbled out Marius in tow. Enjolras followed a distance behind Marius and Cosette they got in a taxi leaving Enjolras standing alone. Éponine turned to go in when she suddenly felt a hand grasp her arm a she was swung round to face Enjolras.

"What is it" she asked bewildered. He pulled her forward so that their faces were inches apart his strawberry blonde hair framing the glint in his dark brown eyes.

"It has been decided dear Éponine", Enjolras whispered softly.

"What has" Éponine said trying to pull back from him, her strength failed her.

"My new purpose".

"And what's that".

"To save you", he said unclasping her arm turning round to face the night air hands in his pockets staring into the cold darkness.

"To save me form what", asked Éponine curious.

"From despair", there was a short pause a contemplative silence.

"And why would you do that" she asked playing along.

"Because I have been struck in a moment of breathless delight"

"You're a romantic", said Éponine

"Not even a little", said Enjolras his tone serious the glint in his eyes intense.

"Then why", Éponine herd herself asking.

"Because I have decided to make you part of my destiny"

"What?" now she was thoroughly confused.

"I will save you with my love since Marius can't save you with his" he said steadily. Éponine's heart beat tripped a little at the mention of Marius' name, she wasn't going to play this game anymore she turned around to go back into the bar.

"He can't see you Éponine not the way you want him to"

"Look I don't kn…"

"But I see you... I see you Éponine" and then he walked off into the night Éponine simply stood for a second watching his back retreat into the night, felling bewildered lost and utterly confused.