Last chapter *cries* its he Victory Tour and took me ages to write because it is so long. But I hope it was worth writing and I hope you enjoy this final chapter!

The Victory Tour

Jace Mitten- Was it worth it?

I wake to a knock on my door. "Jace, you in there? Its time to get up, your stylists will be here very soon" my father says.

The Victory Tour, possibly the worst part of winning the games. For two weeks I do nothing but apologise for killing parents children, which I regret so much. What a nightmare. I quickly pull on some clothes and rush downstairs for breakfast.

Libra, my sister-in-law is cooking something on the stove. Her two daughters Coral and Theta stand next to her. "Good morning Jace, do you want some bacon?" She asks, showing me some of her brilliantly cooked bacon.

Libra moved in with my father and I after I won the games, she was married to my older brother Clive, also a victor. However he committed suicide soon after I entered the games, leaving his pregnant wife and two young daughters behind.

There's a knock on the front door and a slide my plate of bacon away from me to go open it. Theta follows behind me, hiding behind my leg.

I open the door to find my prep team standing there. "Jace!" My stylist Polla squeals as she throws her arms around me, "We're here to get you ready for your Victory Tour!" she says excitedly.

They all trail in and another one of my stylists, Kaky says "We have exactly three hours to have you looking fabulous before you go on the train".

"Where are you going, Uncle Jace?" Theta asks me.

"Uncle Jace just has to go away for a while, but you'll still get to see him on TV." I say, crouching down beside my niece. Since Clive died I've sort of adopted Theta and Coral as my own daughters. Neither of them really understand what happenned.

Theta nods and leaves the room leaving just me and my stylists, "Well, lets get too work" Polla says.

Three hours later I am cleaned and dressed and look "perfect" according to my stylists.

"Your ready! And just in time, the train is going to leave very soon!" Polla says excitedly.

I return to my family in the kitchen. "Well, I guess I'm have to go now, I'll see you in two weeks," I say.

They take it in turns to hug me. "We'll watch you on TV, try and have a bit of fun, I've always wanted to see what the other districts are like," Libra says.

I nod and wave goodbye to them as I follow Polla out the door. We walk down the street in the Victor's Village. Being the twelfth victor, my house is right at the end of the row. Across from me is Annie Cresta's house and next to mine was Clive's. They always keep the Victor's houses after their owners have died in remembrance.
"Here they come!" Grander, my escort, says as we walk into the train station. He and my mentors Annie and Finnick are coming with me on the Victory Tour. There is also a camera crew to film me on the tour.

"Hello Grander, hello Finnick and Annie," I say as we approach them.

Grander shakes my hand. "Long time no see." He says, winking at me, I wink back.

We board the train, it is the exact same one that took me to the Games. I suddenly feel like I am going back to the games again.

"So our first stop is District 12, then we will go to 11 and so on. But we will skip District 4 and go straight to 3. Then we will go to the Capitol," Grabder says. I knew what would happen but it still makes me sad that I won't be able to say anything about Alyssa.

District 12

The train pulls up at the station in District 12 and we get out. I look around, the buildings are small, everything is dirty, it doesn't seem like the best district.

"Now, do you remember what you have to say?" Grander asks me. We'd been through the procedure almost ten times on the train.

"Yes Grander!" I say exasperently.

I am taken down a street toward the Jutice Building and District square. It is a lot smaller than ours back in 4.

"We're ready," the camera-man says as he finishes adjusting his camera. I gulp as I walk towards the door that leads to the platform.

"Good luck, you'll do fine," Finnick whispers to me.

I push open the doors and walk out onto the stage. There is loud applause for me. I look out at the platforms. Two families stand there. On the left hand side in front of a picture of Stremer Down's, stand his parents and a younger girl who is probably his sister. On the other side in from of the picture of Maia stand just two parents.

I walk to the microphone. "Hello District 12." I start. "My name is Jace Mitten and I am here today to say sorry," I continue. I am not doing what Grander told me to do, I am dong what I want to do.

"I am sorry for your losses. I never really met either Streamer or Maia but I saw them. They both seemed like great tributes and even more amazing people. I was sad to see them go," I say.

I turn towards Streamers family. "Streamer was a great tribute. He saw the games for what they really were and I admire him for that, I am sorry he didn't last very long but I doubt he would've wanted to," I say. "And Maia, she seemed so innocent, not wanting to kill. They both saw the games in a different perspective from how I saw them. They saw them the right way."

The crowd applauds again when I finish, but this time it sound much louder and more enthusiastic. I see,ed to have pleased them.

One down, ten to go.

District 11

"This time, you will do what it says and not just make it up on the spot," Grander says, he had been very angry at me after the District 12 tour.

First we are taken on a tour of the fields. District 11 is agriculture so everywhere you look there are fruit trees or vegetable patches. It looks very beautiful.

"Alright Jace, its time for your speech, do what Grander said," Finnick says as we arrive outside the Justice Building. It is massive, much bigger than the one in 12 and there seem to be way more Peacekeepers.

I walk out onto the stage again. The crowd before me is massive, nearly double the size at District 12. I stare at the families again. On Lillian's side there are her two parents, her older brother and her younger brother and sister. On Declan's side stand what look like his parents. But they don't look very happy to be here.

I cough before I begin my speech. I begin the same way as I did in 12. "Hello District 11. My name is Jace Mitten from District 4 and I am here to say sorry," I say. I grin to myself as I imagine Grander at the moment.

First I address Declan's family. When I speak I ignore the rest of the crowd and just focus on them. "Declan was a great tribute and I feel terrible knowing that it was my ally that killed him," I say, though I am lying.

"It was in self-defence that we killed him and in my opinion he was happier. I don't know what happened to him in the arena but if I were him, I would've wanted to be out out of my misery," I say. I honestly never liked Declan much, the only time I saw him in the arena he was mad.

"And Lillian. She was only thirteen, she shouldn't have died, she was too young, but she was brave. If I was thirteen I wouldn't have the strength to do any of the things she did," I say. My only aim is to try and comfort the families.

A tear wells up in my eye and drops onto the piece of paper in front of me. "And I'm sorry," I manage to choke through. I can see Lillian's older brother weeping into his mother's shoulder.

Like in District 12, the audience applauds and I am taken off stage.

"You idiot, next time just do what the sheet says," Grander says angrily as I walk back into the Justice Building.

But I swear I hear Finnick chuckling in the background.

District 10

It's the third day and the third district. After my other two performances I feel like the tour is going well so far. I don't want to be one of those Careers who is happy to have an and killed names of tributes.

"Jace, come on, we have to leave in fifteen minutes," Grander yells. He has barely spoken to me since I said my speech in 11.

District 10 looks like a mixture of 11 and 12. The people look poor and the conditions of living are bad. It's very agriculturally based like 11. There are paddocks full of cattle. But like 12 there aren't many Peacekeepers.

Like in 11 I am taken for a tour around the district. It is quite boring, just endless paddocks of cattle. Then I am taken to the Justice Building.

I walk out onto the stage again. A crowd of people stare at me. In front of Sable's picture stand four adults. Two older ones who look like her parents and two younger one's who are probably her sisters. One of them is holding a newborn baby. Sable probably never got to know the baby.

I notice the mayor isn't on the stage. When I look out into the crowd I see why. He is standing with his wife and three daughters in from of Ralph's picture.

I clear my throat. "Hello District 10. My name is Jace Mitten from District 4, the victor of the 72nd Annual Hunger Games," I say. The crowd keeps staring at me and no one makes a sound.

"I regret everything I did in the games. Killing children, battling like I was in a war. And then surviving with the guilt of doing all these things," I say.

"I never really knew Sable or Ralph. But I am sure that they were great people and I am sorry that they died. Ralph was only fourteen, he shouldn't have died. And Sable, though she died in the bloodbath, I'm sure she would've gone far," I say.

The crowd applauds and I am taken of stage again. I am finding it hard talking about tributes I never really knew.

District 9

I am beginning to get into a routine. Get up, get ready for the day, go on a tour of the district and then say my speech to the citizens. Today is no different.

District 9 is the grain district, so I am taken and shown all the wheat fields. It looks a lot like 10 and both districts are very similar.

I am taken into the Justice Building again and taken onto a stage in the District square. I look over at Sander's family, his parents and brother and sister stand there solemly. On the other podium stand Fawn's big family. Her parents, four sisters and one brother, so many people affected by her death.

"Hello District 9. I'm not here to gloat about winning the games, or say something about the Capitol. I am here to say sorry," I begin.

"Sander, I never spoke to him but I saw him in the Training Centre. He was fourteen and was reaped into the games, yet I saw him smiling, and I saw him happy. I admired him for that," I say, I swear I see Sander's younger brother smiling at me.

"And Fawn. God, she was probably the bravest thirteen year-old I've ever seen," I say, tears rolling down my face. "And I killed her. And I'm sorry, I am so so sorry. She was smart, talented and brave. I'm sorry that she died," I finish, more tears rolling down my face.

The second-oldest girl standing on Fawns podium, who I saw glaring at me before, now faintly smiles at me.

"These were two amazing tributes, they were so young but so brave. Thank-you District 9 for your brilliant tributes." I continue.

There is applause for, the crowd but I am angry. Not at the citizens but at the Capitol. "It isn't your fault these kids are dead, it isn't mine, it isn't any other districts fault. It is the Capitol's fault that all these people are dead," I say, raising my voice.

The crowd begins to cheer and I am pulled off stage. "What the bloody hell were you thinking? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Grander hisses in my ear.

But I am not scared at what he says. I am proud of myself for voicing my opinion to the crowd.

District 8

"Any funny business and I will kill you Jace. I'm probably going to be demoted because of you. Just say what the sheet says," Grander tells me as I prepare to walk onto the stage again.

I roll my eyes at him. "I will okay." I sigh.

I walk onto the stage. I and suprised by the crowd, District 8 seems almost as big as 11, and they are all gazing up at me, not making a sound.

I take a deep breath and walk over to the microphone that has been set up. I look at the families. Harriet's family consists of her parents, two brothers and a little sister. Dylan's family is just his father and sister.

"Um, Hello District 8. I'm Jace Mitten, the victor of the 72nd Hunger Games," I start.

I wonder whether I should do what Grander said or follow my heart. I decide that I like my heart better than I like Grader.

"I am sorry for your losses," I say. "Dylan and Harriet were brilliant tributes and even better people, though I never really got to know them I saw them." I continue.

"I saw Harriet in the training centre. She was smart, making allies with people her own age and training hard. And Dylan was a great tribute as well," I say. I wonder whether I should tell the crowd a story.

"When I was in the arena, my allies sent me to look around our camp and see if anyone was there. I came across Dylan and Harriet. Harriet was injured, she was lying on a log and I could see that she wasn't going to survive. And I saw Dylan, he was holding her hand like he was comforting her. Though it was very late at night, he hasn't slept. I admire him too much for that," I say, telling my story. When I saw Dylan and Harriet that night it broke me.

"Harriet soon passed away and all day I thought about Dylan, I wondered how sad he must be. I think they were more the allies. They were friends," I say, tearing up.

The crowd cheers as I finish. I smile at them and wave as I walk off stage.

"That was brilliant," I hear someone say quietly. I turn and see Annie in the shadows, I have barely seem her all tour and she hasn't spoken.

"Thanks Annie," I reply happily.

District 7

Grander is refusing to talk to me. He keeps going on about how he's going to be demoted and maybe lose his job. I almost start to feel bad for him. Almost.

We are in District 7, so far it seems like the nicest district too me. I could imagine spending all day working in the depths of the forest. It was a very pretty district, little villages sprouted up here and there in the trees. There was also a main town where I would say my speech.

I find that I was beginning to enjoy myself on the tour. A lot more than I thought I would. It seemed like I was finally making amends for what I had done in the arena.

"Are you ready?" Finnicks asks me as I prepare to walk onto stage. I nod nervously.

I push open the doors onto the stage and am shocked by what I see on the podiums. On Alexia's I just see one sad-looking man who must be her father. But on Davy's I see no one.

"I am sorry District 7," I say, skipping the introductions. "For the losses of Alexia and Davy," I continue. I look across at Davy's picture, I killed him. And I regret it so much.

"They were great tributes and brilliant people. I know that. I'll start by talking about Alexia. She was brave, I watched her reaping, she volunteered to save a little girl. I saw her in the bloodbath, killing a tribute to defend her ally. I saw her in a fight with us trying her hardest to save another ally." I say, looking directly at her father.

"She was talented. I saw her with the axe, she got a training score of 8 which was amazing, I believe she could've won and I feel terrible that it was my ally that killed her," I say.

"And Davy. Wow, he was the youngest and smalles tribute in the arena but he had the biggest heart. At the age of 12 he was reaped I felt so sorry for him when I watched him on the reaping recap I felt so sorry for him. And I feel so sorry for killing him. I don't know why I did it and I regret it so much," I say.

I look down into the crowd, right up the front staring at me is a boy Davy's age. I watch as he mouths 'thank-you' to me, maybe he was one of Davy's friends. And maybe I broke him inside by killing his friend.

District 6

District 6 reminds me lot of District 8. Big factories, small houses, apartment blocks everywhere. A lot of people packed into a small district.

Its on Day 7 that I begin to get homesick, I wonder if my family is back home, watching me on television, I wonder if they approve of what I am saying.

I walk onto the platform in their square. Honestly I barely remember the District 6 tributes, they both died early, so I decide to read from the cards with little bits put it.

"Good Morning District 6. I'm here today to talk about Horne Redlow and Kasi Forman, the District 6 tributes," I say, reading from the cards.

"They were both excellent tributes who should be admired for what they achieved," I say, the cards are crap. "But I am sure that they will also be missed by their families back home," I continue.

I look up at the families. On Horne's side stand his parents and two brothers, on Kasi's stand her parents and three older siblings. One of them is carrying a little boy.

I decide not to read from the cards anymore. "I am sorry about both these deaths. Both these tributes were young, only fourteen, they shouldn't have died. I know Horne was a great person, he made an ally and they supported each other and Kasi was very talented. They will both be missed," I say. The audience applauds and I walk off stage.

"Thank God that's over I had no idea what to say," I say to Finnick and Grander as I walk off.

Finnick rolls his eyes. "At least you didn't have two districts where both tributes died in the bloodbath, they're hard to talk about," he says.

"You read for, the cards!" Grander says approvingly. It's the first time he's spoken to me in three days.

District 5

"Luna and Ray, these should be easier to talk about than Horne and Kasi," I say. Grander has given me cards again but I doubt I'll talk from them.

"Alright, it's time to go," Grander says. I open the doors and walk out.

As usual I look at the families. They look very different. Ray's family looks poor and beaten out, his father is in a wheelchair. He also has two little siblings. On Luna's side stands her parents and little sister. I notice that Ray's and Luna's sisters keep giving each other comforting smiles.

"Ray and Luna. They were two of the very best tributes in the arena," I begin. "I have to admit I was very surprised by them. Luna made it to the Final 5 and Ray was surprisingly very talented."

"They were allies and I don't think there were closer allies in the arena then those two. They were brave, Ray protected Luna with his life, he died for her," I say, according to the footage from the Games, Ray had purposely tripped and let himself get attacked by mutts so they wouldn't notice Luna.

"And I have never admired someone so much, I doubt I could do that. And Aluma was a brilliant tribute, she was smart, surviving to the final 5, but by then I think even she knew she couldn't go on much longer," I continue.

"Thank-you so much for your brave and wonderful tributes District 5," I say. The crowd cheers but I ignore that.

I am just happy that the little boy standing in front of Ray's picture is smiling at me, he is the splitting image of Ray. I smile back at him.

District 3

"Thank god there are only three more districts left," I say to Finnick.

"And then the Capitol!" Grander reminds me. I groan, I am not ready to go back to the Capitol yet. It's too soon and I just want to go home.

"Alright lets go," Finnick finally say. We are first taken for a tour. District 3 is a lot like 5 with many science labs and factories everywhere.

Afterwards I am taken to the Justice Building. Suprisingly Grander doesn't hand me cards, I think he's give up on any hope of me using them.

I walk out onto the stage. District 3 is a relatively small district, not nearly as big as 8 or 11. In front of Jarvis' podium stands a man, probably his father and in front of Marie's stands her mother and younger brother.

"Hi District 3, I'm Jace Mitten from District 4." I begin. "Marie and Jarvis were both great tributes, though Marie died in the bloodbath I think she could've made it far," I say.

"You know, sometimes I wish that I had died in the games. The days when I can't get out of bed because I am too overcome by guilt at what I did, sometimes I wish that I didn't have to live witht hat guilt," I say.

"Jarvis and Marie were two very smart tributes. Jarvis made it to the final 4, a great achievement," I say. "You should be proud of these two tributes, and honour their memory," I say, finishing up. The crowd claps and again I am taken off stage.

District 2

"This should be easy for you," Finnick says. He's right, District 2 were my allies so I will have lots to talk about.

"Yeah," I agree quietly. After today I only have to visit District 1 and then the Capitol.

District 2 is nothing like how I imagined it. It is overshadowed by a massive mountain which I think people work in. Like District 7 it is comprised of many small towns and a bigger town.

I am taken to the bigger town to say my speech. District 2 should be easy as the citizens will be proud of what their tributes achieved.

"Hello District 2. I am here today to honour the memory of two of my brilliant allies. Beau and Regan," I say. Both families are smiling at me, except and older girl standing on Regans platform who isn't even looking.

"Beau was possibly the strongest tribute in the arena, he achieved a score of 10, the highest score, and he made two kills. Regan was a brilliant tribute, she achieved an amazing score of 9 and was in my opinion the most vicious tribute in the arena," I say.

"They were both very valuable allies and should be honoured at what they did in the arena. In fact I am sure Regan could've made it home if our ally hadn't betrayed us, she was very resourceful and her knife-throwing skills were excellent. Thank you for my amazing allies, I couldn't have won without them," I say. The crowd cheers and I walk off stage agin.

I am very relieved. There is only one district left.

District 1

"Last one Jace, I'm sure you can do it," Grander says to me.

I nod, its the last one and Caelan was my ally so it should be easy. But I am still very nervous. But I think I can do it. I walk onto the stage.

"Hello District 1, the home of two amazing tributes Caelan and Aine." I begin, on both podiums stands just their parents.

"Caelan was one of my most valuable allies in the arena, I doubt I could've made it far without him. And I really regretted having to kill him. I'm sorry," I say.

"Aine was amazing, she wasn't a Career and I didn't think she had trained at all. But she still managed to score a 7. She lasted long in the arena and did a great job," I say.

"So thank-you so much for your amazing tributes, my ally and possibly my biggest competition in the arena," I finish, the crowd cheers and I walk off stage again. It is fis lily over, I have visited all the Districts. All that's left is the Capitol.

Finnick and Grander walk up to be discussing something. "We have bad news," Grander says. "Your trip to the Capitol has been cancelled, they don't want you there," he says.

I grin. It means the Victory Tour is over, it means I can go home. It means I can forget.

So, a succesful Victory tour. For the districts anyway not the Capitol. So what did you think? I hope it didnt get too repetitive, I had a hard time writing it. And here are the final questions:

1. Favourite District

2. Favourite Quote

3. What did you like best about this story

4. What did you think of this chapter?

As that was the final chapter for this sTory I'd like to say thank-you. Writing this story and getting 169 really positive reviews has inspired me to write. I now want to become an author. I'd like to thank the following people:

Hermy Bee, coolcattime and Enelya Arcamenal: You guys are my biggest Reviewers. Thank you so much for your really helpful and positive feedback. You guys inspired me to write. Thanks for your amazing tributes and I look forward to writing about your other tributes in my next SYOT!

The Songs of Felines and semperfi71: You guys come second in most reviews! So thanks so much for your tributes and lovely reviews.

Aranwen, David12341 and Jesseknocks: Thanks so much guys for your great tributes, and thanks for reading and reviewing this story.

7oaks302: My little sister, thanks for giving great input into this story and giving me ideas for it. Also thanks for your four great tributes.

JaylenFeliciano: Even though you didn't have a tribute in these games thanks so much for reviewing, it means a lot!

lalala114 and Bubba Keith: Thanks for your great tributes and reviews

Foreveryoung and Guest: Thanks for your brilliant tributes, they really helped in the games.

Well I guess that wraps things up. I'll see you in my next story!