Mycroft Holmes had wished for a "challenging" jigsaw puzzle for quite sometime. To be honest, Sherlock didn't really find them all that interesting and wondered why Mycroft were so fixated on them when there were so many other interesting birthday presents to potentially receive. His parents obviously didn't understand either because every single year, Mycroft opened a large, brightly wrapped puzzle, usually with 400 pieces or less. In other words, totally unacceptable. But he'd always put on a thin smile and thank his parents because they meant well, truly.

This year, however, Sherlock was determined to find a satisfying gift. After saving up his tiny allowance, he had finally found something worth his attention: a 5000 piece puzzle of Edvard Munch's The Scream. Mycroft was a fan of fine art so it very well was perfect for him.

Seeing the rectangular box in navy grey wrapping paper, Mycroft's heart sank. "Well, at least the wrapping's different and not some blindingly neon colour", he thought. But upon tearing it open, he was most pleasantly surprised.

"Wow!" he breathed. "Five thousand pieces? Mother, where did you even find this?"

"I didn't sweetheart." Mrs. Holmes looked at her husband expectantly. "Did you—"

"Not me."

As if this was his cue, a tiny hand raised itself up. "I found it at the shop two blocks down from Pim's."

Mycroft's eyebrows shot up and their mother voiced what he didn't dare.

"You went all that way by yourself?"

"Yes, but—"

"Sherlock, that was sweet of you, but you mustn't do it again. What if something had happened to you?"

"Nevermind that," Mr. Holmes interrupted, "he's a smart boy. The real question is where'd you get the money?"

Mrs. Holmes was about to lightly hit her spouse on the shoulder but quickly realised it was just his dry sense of humour.

"Thanks, Sherlock." Mycroft said, smiling at his little brother, who wasn't looking at him.

"It wasn't that hard to find."

AN – Hope this isn't too soon for another "the five times" trope, but I got this request from a guest on ("And as for a prompt – how about five times Sherlock showed he cared about Mycroft, and the one time he said it out loud? (In his Holmesian way, of course).") and I absolutely had to take it. Reviews are appreciated. In this one, Mycroft is 14 and Sherlock is seven. Also, sorry I haven't posted in awhile! This weekend's been busy and with my two favourite people, Paul and Ringo, performing? Hells yeah. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the drabbles!