The wind swept his golden, auburn hair. Drops of transparent, clear rain obscured his view, the path and sky seeming greyer and even more monotonous than usual. His shaky breath evaporated into puffs of air, trembling as the merciless cold fought its way through his jacket. Trenching his way through murky brown puddles as water seeped through his worn out converses, his destination finally came into view. He could hear the distant waves crying in the wind, screaming in anger as they slapped the rocky cliffs and jagged edges. Lovino let out a shaky sigh of relief as he cautiously sat down on the well acquainted smooth rock, not caring if his jeans got wet. He closed his eyes, letting the sea drown away his sorrow.
It all started with a simple comment.
He shouldn't think much of it really, but he couldn't help the stabbing pain he felt afterwards. The words pierced his sensitive flesh, each syllable echoing in the dense air. Anger boiled within him, and his eyes stung as he tried to stop his glassy eyes from watering.
His nonna, Romulus, stood there, finally registering what he had just said. A guilty look washed over him as he observed his grandson's reaction. He wanted to apologise, wanted to say he didn't mean what he said and that he loved Lovino just as much. But the damage had been done, and the cracks could not be healed.
"Fine." Lovino hissed, attempting to keep his voice steady. "If that's how you feel, then I guess it's better for me to leave then… nonna." His voice dripped with venom and hatred, and Romulus could do nothing but watch his grandson stomp out the house, slamming the fragile door. With a sigh, he decided it was best for Lovino to let off some steam, and that his other weeping grandson, Feliciano, needed to be attended to more.
The rain washed away the dripping tears Lovino bled, and the sounds of his cries were lost in the wind. His ears were ringing with the vile and detestable remark his nonna had bluntly said, and he couldn't help but replay the destructive argument in his head.
"Lovino, I need to tell you something." Romulus had on a serious face, which must mean this was a pretty serious thing since he rarely had on this expression.
Grumbling, Lovino reluctantly replied, "Goddammit, what is it now nonna?"
"Feli wants to start attending painting classes." Lovino huffed to himself. That was it?
"Yeah well, good for him." Lovino muttered.
"And… I'm sorry Lovino; I only have enough income for one of you to attend an afterschool activity. I'm afraid you're going to have to stop your singing lessons." Romulus looked away from his Grandson, knowing that he wasn't going to accept this fate easily.
Lovino's heart stopped. Stop his singing lessons?! But singing was all he had in life, and all of a sudden… because his stupid brother wants to attend some crap painting classes, he has to stop his singing?! Rage built up inside Romano. This wasn't fair!
"What do you mean, "stop my singing lessons?!"" Romano fumed. "Why… Why can't Feli not go to painting class? Why do I have to give up MY hobby?!"
Romulus sighed. "Lovino, Feli is a talented artist, it would be such a waste if he didn't pursue it."
"Oh? Is that so huh? So I'm not a talented singer? Is that what you're saying?!" Bitter words hung in the air, Lovino cringed at his question and too afraid to hear the answer.
"Lovino!" Romulus was getting impatient now. He had suffered a tired day at work, and all he wanted was to get a good night's rest. "Lovino, you and I both clearly know that Feliciano has more talent and charm than you ever will. You have a good voice, but your rotten personality isn't going to get you anywhere! If only you were like your sweet little brother!"
Time stopped in the Vargas house, as the truth was finally admitted and professed. Lovino was hurt, and he could hear his brother's pleads and cries for them to stop in the background. A part of him laughed at the irony, as he was the one that caused the argument in the first place. Glaring at the room one last time, Lovino grabbed his jacket and ran out the house.
Deep inside, Lovino had always known his nonna had loved his younger brother more. Sweet Feliciano, cute Feliciano, such a beautiful cheerful guy, unlike his older brother- the one who wore a permanent scowl on his face and cursed in every sentence. Where his brother excelled in everything, Lovino had nothing to show off with. Well, apart from his singing- but now even that's taken away. Shaking with anger and despair, Lovino opened his mouth, and began to sing to the fierce sea, the only audience that is willing to listen to him.
Antonio was lost. His smile was beginning to falter as his current situation sunk in. He looked at his guide map in hopes it would help, but his lack of map-reading skills left him clueless. The beautiful Italian street that surrounded him dimmed in the growing darkness, and Antonio panicked slightly. He told himself to calm down, as he desperately looked around for someone.
A further 20 minutes later, and Antonio was still lost. The streets of Italy were quiet and empty. Antonio figured that it must be pretty late, and he looked to the sky in hopes the stars would guide him to his hotel. Feeling hopeless, Antonio picked a random star and began following it. He contemplated whether to just sleep on a random bench and just wait for the sun to rise.
But then he heard it.
A voice.
A beautiful voice.
Like a moth attracted to flames, Antonio was compelled to follow the soothing, deep noise that rung beautifully in the night air. After walking a few minutes, he soon found himself at the seaside and a strong breeze sent shivers down his spine. He looked around his surroundings, trying to find the source of the melody being played- and finally, he spotted a dark figure sitting on a nearby rock. He walked closer to this person, wanting to listen more of his song, as well as hoping to ask for directions.
Antonio's heart stopped though when he got a clear view of the man.
His eyes were glued to what he believed to be the most beautiful being alive on this planet.