Hello pps!!! For all who like Kai/Rei fics, here you go!! I like how in these fics Rei just happens to conveniently be in the neighbourhood, well here he does anyway. I really should try writing one that doesn't involve the tournament and Rei popping up. Oh well, can't think about that now, I have this to write.

Disclaimer: I don't own beyblades, for if I did I wouldn't be living in the dump I have now.



A tough large hand hit Kai's previously beaten face, which lacked its blue triangles. Kai's body fell limp yet did not fall to the cold steel floor, his hands handcuffed to a pole above his head. Kai held back the tears that threatened to fall down, afraid it might cause him to suffer a worse punishment. As the dark figure loomed over his small fragile form, Kai lowered his head protectively and only then did he notice he'd been reduced to his boxers. Fear drove through Kai as the possibilities of what may come raced through his thoughts. He heard tapping from above him and slowly he raised his mahogany-clouded eyes to see his grandfather lightly hitting his left hand with a whip held commandingly in his right, a smirk growing on his face. Kai's eyes widened, his breathing quickened and his heart thudded against his chest at the events about to befall him. His grandfather raised the whip high above his head and brought it down with such fury that it caused Kai's ankles to rip open, blood slipping out onto the floor and forced a scream to escape Kai's horse throat. This cruel punishment continued slowly up Kai's body, up his leg, arms and chest. With each hit, more blood was released, more tearing screams emerged from Kai's swollen lips and those held back tears that now ran freely down his face. He couldn't remember why he was receiving this punishment he just wanted it to stop. But his grandfather never let down, never eased the pain until he had finished what he started out to do. When it did finally stop, Kai's muscles relaxed as best they could and his body numbed, he would've fainted if not for the sour smell waking him up. Kai weakly opened his eyes to look directly into his grandfather's emotionless eyes. His voice came deep and non-sympathetic.

"What do you say now?"

Kai looked at him in frustration and confusion. He grandfather slapped him on the face again. Kai screamed back, tears choking him.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

He got slapped again.

"Yes you do, boy!" he growled.

"No I don't!" protested Kai, screaming.

His grandfather stood up, unlocked the handcuffs and threw clothes at the collapsed figure of Kai.

"Get out of my house! I don't want to see you for a week!"

And with that, he left the room and Kai cry out his pains. Time passed and Kai still didn't move but now his fears of his grandfather returning encouraged him to slowly and painfully pull on the black jeans and slide on a black silk shirt. He had worn them that day to take a walk through the park. What had he done there, and why couldn't he remember? Painfully, Kai pulled himself up and crawled out of the room and out of the grounds of his home.

It must have been the middle of the night because the street were empty, apart from couple of beggars which Kai had no problem ignoring as he looked like one himself, the blood staining his clothes and dirt from his muscles giving up on him occasionally. Kai was loosing strength fast, he knew he had to find somewhere to rest quickly. After half an hour of dragging his body across town, he finally came to the river's bank and settled under the bride, falling to sleep straight away.

The next morning came too soon for Kai, the morning sun blinding him. Kai coughed when taking a deep breath. He felt sticky and dirty, and so, he crawled forward to the river's bank, tore his shirt off his back, Kai to hiss as he tore the scab that attached him to his shirt through dried blood and washed his wounds with the river water. It stung so much Kai had to grit his teeth and wait a while before he could splash himself with another handful of dirty water. After he completed this act, he looked at himself in the water, disgusted with what he saw.

Moments later, he heard a group of boys gasp simultaneously from behind him. Kai slowly turned his head to see Tyson, Kenny, Max and Rei standing, stunned at what they saw. Kai cursed himself for letting them see him like this. He pulled his shirt back on as his teammates walked over to him.

"Kai, what happened?" spoke Max. They were now only feet away from Kai. Memories of the previous night's events came rushing back to him and he had to fight the tears away.

"Kai?" Rei spoke, concerned for his captain and friend's health. Kai didn't even know what Rei was doing here, didn't he live in China? (1) Kai felt a hand on his shoulder, which he soon removed, but only in costing him his balance and he collapsed into Rei's arms. The voices came faintly to him as he slipped out of consciousness. Rei held onto the sleeping form tightly, the dried blood only adding to his concern as it rubbed against his skin. How had Kai got in such a mess? Rei looked over his face at the small cuts under his eyes and the bruise on his forehead, then Rei noticed he wasn't wearing his usual triangles and he realised how vulnerable Kai looked without them. Rei's train of thought was vanquished when he took in the whole situation at the moment.

"We need to get him some help!" Ordered Rei.

"Get him back to mine. I'll get the doctor." Spoke a more serious Tyson, realising this wasn't the time for joking, he ran passed the other as they rushed to Tyson's house with the unconscious Kai.

The doctor saw to Kai, cleaning him up, bandaging him from head to toes and gave Tyson's grandfather pills for Kai to take after every meal, if they could get him to eat The team left Kai to sleep and they collapsed in the lounge.

"I wonder what happened to him?" Max questioned, sitting next to Tyson, opposite Kenny and Rei.

"Maybe he was attacked." Tyson suggested leaning back obviously not taking a licking to the serious moods of his mates.

"Whatever happened, we need to find out and put a stop to it." Kenny spoke with determination. Rei spoke out the annoyance in his voice.

"Kenny's right! But it's going to be hard to get him to talk about it now."

"Yeah, Mr. Sensitive back there is going to be more of a loner than ever now." Teased Tyson.

Kenny stood, sighing, " Well I have to go. I call by tomorrow."

"Wait! I'll walk with you." Max rose and stood next to Kenny. "Sorry about this, Rei."

"It's okay."

With that Max and Kenny left. Silence occupied the room for a while before a sight broke it. Kai came limping down the corridor in the blue kimono left for him. Rei stared at Kai, enchanted, he usually hated Kai's triangles they made him look untouchable but now he wished Kai had them for he would look like a god to Rei if he did, minus all the bandages of cause. Tyson and Rei watched as Kai sat down between them.

"Can I have some water please." Kai spoke coldly to Tyson, who obeyed, leaving the room.

"I don't suppose you're going to tell me what happened?" Rei shuffled over to sit next to Kai, enjoying the closeness.

"What are you doing here?" Kai tried to avoid the subject Rei was pressing and the way Rei was acting around him.

"Tyson invited me here for a fortnight. I'll be staying here as well. What about you, Kai?" Rei pressed.

"It's nothing. I got into a bit of trouble, that's all."

"I don't believe you."

" Well you should."

Tyson entered the room and gave the water to Kai.

"Well, it getting late. We'll talk in the morning, okay Kai?" Tyson asked but Kai just sipped his water. Tyson sighed and left the room while saying goodnight.

"I think you should get some sleep too."

Rei stood and waited for Kai to stand, yet as he did his legs gave way and Rei was left to catch the blue-haired boy in his arms. (2) Kai soon removed himself from Rei's grip and stepped away.

"Sorry." Kai murmured.

"It's okay."

Rei and Kai walked down the corridor to Kai's room. Rei placed a hand on Kai's shoulder.

"You going to be okay?" Rei's sounded very concerned and it showed in his golden eyes.

"I'll be fine, Rei." Kai walked into his room and closed the door on Rei.

Lalalalalalalalalalalalalala!!!!! Chapter one done. What do you think, shall I carry on? I have great plans for these two, come on you have Tyson, Rei and Kai in one house how different can you get personality wise!!!!! Okay, please review so I can see where I'm going with this. Thank you!!! OH and by the way if you want to see what Kai looked like with the kimono just give me a shout and I'll send you the pic. Bye de Bye.

- see randomness of Rei just being there

(2) - Typical, just typical.