This story starts 10 years after Mute's epilogue.
Emma, Ruby and Graham are 17 and in senior year of high school.
Mary Margaret still works at Storybrooke's elementary and David once again assumed the sheriff position. Besides Emma, they have two children: a girl named Alex, who just turned 10 years old and a boy named Oliver, is about to turn 4.
Regina is 25 and she just became a lawyer and moved back to Storybrooke.
It is going to me T for language. A lot of cursing - they are teenagers after all!
Also, I know some of you will not like the pairing, but I took in count all the votes and the majority won...
Other than that, hope you guys enjoy!
Let me know your thoughts.
P.S: I do not own OUAT.
The hallways were lightened only by the moon's light, and nothing but silence filled the empty high school's hall. If in day light, someone thought that Storybrooke High School was a scary place, they wouldn't believe how creepy the edification was once the sun had set. The night guard was the only person that was supposed to be in the school once the extracurricular activities finished. He did his usually patrol two times, to make sure that no one was breaking into the school, he never found anyone - kids barely wanted to by there by day, why would they want to be there by night? But that night was different. That night, watching the guard from a dark corner, two people stood still; the absence of light hiding their faces.
They waited until the school's worker had disappeared through the stairs straight to the second floor before they made their move. They walked slowly and carefully, checking the locker numbers that were next to them, they were looking for one in particular. Once they reached a locker that had a 815 written on its top they stopped and started working, one of the mysterious people worked on the locker and the other one in the wall across the hallway.
"Are you sure it's going to work?" a whisper broke the silence that reigned the high school.
"Yes," another whisper replied, "It's recording non-stop and sending all the footage to your computer,"
"Are you sure?"
"Emma," the voice sounded hurt by Emma's suspicion, "when have my technological skills let you down?"
"Never," Emma admitted in a whisper, "But it needs to be perfect, Rubes. We only have one shot at it,"
"And it will be," Ruby replied "Whale will not know what hit him,"
"Literally," Emma chucked. "I already finished with the explosive package for his locker,"
Footsteps silenced the conversation between the two friends. "It's time to go," Ruby suggested, "I'll take the left exit, you go through the bathroom,"
"Text me when you get home," Emma replied and she walked away from her friend.
Ruby and Emma had different exiting routes, they skipped at least one period per day. Teachers barely noticed their absence; the two of them were good students but usually silent in class, so as long as they kept steady grades the teachers didn't ask them to take part in classes and thus didn't notice when the girls were not present. It only seemed to bother Graham, Ruby's cousin, how was not a good student, but didn't miss any class - he was the responsible one.
Emma ran towards her car, she had parked the yellow bug that her parents had given her for her 16th birthday two blocks away from school, just in case they had to make a quick exit. Ruby didn't need a lift back home - Granny's B&B, where she currently lived, was less than five minutes away from the high school.
She got a text message before she could start the car's engine. It was Ruby's. 'Home. Graham decided 2 spend the night here & was waiting 4 me, he doesn't think this' a good idea' the text said.
'That's y we never tell him our plans, c ya 2morrow Rubes' she replied and threw her phone over her desk.
Getting in her house without waking her parents nor siblings was easier than entering the high school without being seen. Emma had learned that couple of months ago, when she and Ruby decided to sneak out and go to a concert with a couple of college boys they had met early that day. Without making noise Emma brushed her teeth and changed into her pyjamas.
Emma thought about what would happen the next day, a smile drawing on her face; she knew that what she was doing was far from being correct, but Whale had been bullying Mulan for a while now, and Emma couldn't handle it anymore. Mulan had been friends with her ever since the asian girl had moved to Storybrooke five years ago. Last July she had admitted to everyone that she was lesbian, and then the bullying started. It was not like everyone in Storybrooke bothered the girl, it was just a group of teenagers, Mulan always said that it didn't bother her, but Ruby and Emma knew better. It was killing their friend on the inside. And no one made Emma's friends feel bad about themselves.
Her thoughts were shaken off when she felt something launching onto her bed.
"Lauma!" she whispered angrily at her cat, "You nearly gave me a heart attack," she added but she didn't push the pet off the bed. Ever since she got her savannah cat, Emma had slept with Lauma, it always made her feel safe.
Emma woke up the next day before everybody else in her house and made breakfast for her family. She was humming while she did the morning chores. It was not very common of her to wake up this happy; but today, today justice would be served. Her parents studied Emma's odd behaviour as she drank coffee from her favourite mug. Her siblings didn't seem to notice, they were just happy that Emma was not in her cranky morning mood.
A honk interrupted the unusually peaceful family breakfast. It was Graham, he always picked up Emma on his way to high school, even when he stayed at Granny's and it was completely out of his track - it was the only way he made sure that Emma attended to school. Full with a rare energy, Emma bounced from her chair, kissed Mary Margaret's cheek, waved her family goodbye and, after grabbing her backpack, she exited through the door. David stared at Mary Margaret, confused at Emma's attitude, she was always making up excuses to skip school, so he didn't understand why she was so euphoric about going to class today.
"It is going to be epic," Ruby told Emma as soon as the blonde stepped into Graham's truck. The only times when Graham gave a lift to Ruby was when he stayed over at Granny's. Those were Emma's favourite days, because then she could gossip before school started, even if nothing had actually happened since they last talked (8 hours ago).
"It is going to get you expelled," Graham corrected his cousin.
"Whatever, Graham," Emma stated, "He's being an asshole towards Mulan, he deserves it."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, and you know that," he tried to make Emma understand the mistake she and Ruby were about to make as he parked the car. "You can't take justice into your own hands,"
"Just watch us," the blonde replied as they both got down the car and walked towards the lockers.
Emma and Ruby waited until Victor Whale, the same freak that dissected animals during elementary school, walked towards his locker and opened it. Then a huge explosion echoed through the high school walls as he disappeared into a cloud of white powder. The two girls, and the people around them, couldn't hold the laughter and soon everyone was pointing and making fun of Victor.
"Swan!" he screamed and stared at her. "You did this,"
"That's a strong accusation, Whale," she replied with a huge grin on her face. "Do you any have proof?"
He pointed at the inside part of his locker door, where 'I'm a stupid homophobe' was written in red paint. "You and your imbecile friend are the only ones that stand up for that dyke," he explained referring to Ruby and Mulan.
Emma launched towards Victor, but before she could even reach him, a strong pair of hands grabbed her by her shoulders. She turned to see August and Graham holding her back, behind them a guy that she had never seen before watched the whole scene with a smirk on his face. Just a gaze at this new kid's face and Emma's gut told her she would hate him.
"You are already in enough trouble, Emma," Graham said. "Let it go,"
"He insulted Mulan,"
"And you put a bomb in his locker," August stated, "Why don't you call it even?"
Emma opened her mouth to answer when the headmaster's voice interrupted the scene. "Miss Swan, Miss Lucas. A word in my office," he said, looking at them with an angry look.
They followed Mr. Guyton, the headmaster, in silence through the school, but as soon as he closed his office door behind him Emma started talking. There was no point on lying to Guyton that they didn't do it. He had been the school's headmaster for a long time, even when David studied, so he knew Emma's modus operandi good enough to know it was her. With Ruby's help of course. The girls always did everything together, just like their parents, David and Anita, used to do when they were in high school - he loved to reminded them about that.
"He deserved what he got," the blonde argued as the man studied her quietly from his chair, his elbows resting on the chair's arms. "He bullies Mulan just because she's lesbian, we told out counsellor last week but she doesn't seem to -"
"Emma," he interrupted her. "Even if I agree that his behavior is far from civilized, blowing his locker is not the solution."
"But -"
"I know we don't have proof to pin this on you," Guyton interrupted her again, "But I believe it is rather obvious it was you and Miss Lucas," Emma and Ruby sat in the two chairs that were placed in front of the headmaster's desk. "I'll not expel you this time, but you will be punished,"
"Fine, we'll do detention," Emma replied with a shrug. Ruby and Emma were already used to spend their afternoon's on detention.
"Oh, you are not doing detention," the headmaster replied with a grin, "You are doing community service,"
"What?!" Ruby and Emma asked shocked at the same time.
"All saturday's mornings until the winter semester is over,"
"But we just started!" Emma protested. "It's almost four months of community service,"
"I hope next time you decide to misbehave, you'll at least think twice about it," was the only reply from the headmaster. "You'll report on saturday morning to Leroy, miss two days and you'll be expelled" he added, emphasizing the importance of their service. "Misbehave again on school's grounds and you'll be expelled, skip a single class and -"
"We'll be expelled," Emma interrupted him, a smirk on her face. "We got the idea,"
"Miss Swan," the man leaned a little bit forward, "the only reason you and Miss Lucas haven't been expelled yet is because you are both outstanding students and an important part of our soccer team and cheerleading squad," he said. Emma had become the soccer's team captain last year and led her team to nationals, they won the third place. Ruby was appointed as the cheerleading captain this year, and she was doing pretty well with the new routines. The school couldn't afford to lose them both, "But my patience is reaching its limits and I will nottolerate another situation like this, did I made myself clear?"
Emma and Ruby nodded and stood up. They had learned a while ago that fighting with the headmaster would only get them more time in detention. Plus, they loved their high school and if they were expelled they would have to finish their senior year at Andersen Academy, where all the pricks and brats of Storybrooke studied, like Regina's step brother, Neal.
"And I'll call your parents and let them know about today's events," Guyton added before Ruby opened the door.
The two girls didn't comment on it. Even if Anita and David had been rebels during their high school years, they were parents now; and they were never happy when they got a call from the principal's office. Emma and Ruby usually got extra punishment at home - which, Emma thought, it was totally unfair.
Emma was walking out of the principal's office when she crashed against someone who was talking to Gerda Kai, the principal's secretary.
"Watch were you are walking, blondie," he said a little bit annoyed, she rolled her eyes at the boy and ignored his comment. She hated to be called blondie. And she hated when people talked to her in that tone, as if she was a child. Emma then noticed it was the same guy that had been with August and Graham moment ago when her friends had stopped her from hitting Victor. Her gut, as usual, had not been wrong. She already hated the newcomer.
However, she took advantage of the moment to study the new kid in town. His skin was as toasted as August's, and, just like Booth, he had blue eyes. Maybe they were related. Even if his messy hair was straight and August's was curly, the two teenager boys bear some resemblance. She raised an eyebrow, giving him her best bitch-look, silently screaming 'You do not want to mess with me, boy,' and left the principal's office without saying anything.
"Who's that?" Ruby asked Graham, who was waiting for them outside the office.
"That's Killian Jones, August's cousin," he explained, "He lost his mother to cancer few months ago and his father kicked him out, so he moved with Geppetto,"
"He's kind of hot," the brunette commented.
"He's also trouble," Graham warned Ruby and Emma, "He got expelled from three schools. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from him. Both of you,"
Ruby raised her eyebrow and shifted her gaze from her cousin to Emma, who was still staring at the new guy. Killian was talking with Gerda, he had somehow charmed her because she was smiling. Emma didn't even know that the secretary had the muscles in charge for smiling, she had never seen Gerda smile, her face was always dull - specially when she saw Emma walking through the doors. But somehow this Killian guy had won her over, it made Emma curious. And she knew that nothing good ever came from her curiosity.