"Good God," Kendall whispers to himself. As Logan is busy playing with Zoe during the afternoon, Kendall has taken a few minutes away from his writing to scan a couple gay porn websites for ideas. Having considered himself straight his entire life, his knowledge of what to do with another guy is quite limited. That's all changing now.

Twink takes a big load.

Hot threeway in back of truck.

The titles continue. Acre after acre of hot, steamy videos flood Kendall's screen as he scrolls down. Then he settles on one and watches, wide-eyed. A thin pale boy sits on his hands and knees as another, a bit more buff, gets behind him and begins to lick his asshole. Kendall's face turns bright red. The coos and cries that the boy makes as he gets deeply rimmed are so hot, so sexy and so fucking intense that Kendall feels he might cum right in his pants like that. He has to stop himself from drooling everywhere as the porn continues to play. Oh God, he wants to taste Logan's boy pussy real bad now. He wants to hear what sort of noises he makes when that happens.

But for now, Logan is busy with the kid so Kendall has to take care of himself. He whips out his dick and rubs one out quickly, then cleans up and gets back to writing. Unfortunately he can't work. His fingers sit atop the keys and he has to produce more, but his mind is a complete blank. All he can focus on is the prospect of fucking Logan again. He's a little addicted to that boy.

Time for a break. There's nothing else he can do. So Kendall shuts off his computer and goes downstairs. He pours himself a glass of water and meanders over to the sliding door to the porch. With his nose against the glass, he stares out into the yard and sighs. Writer's block is a bitch.

Then his cellphone goes off. He jumps, sets the water down then pulls the phone from his pocket. "Oh," he says out loud to himself. It's his mom. "Hey, ma."

"Kendall? Are you doing alright?" she says on the other end.

"Yeah of course. Why?"

"You didn't call me yesterday."

"Oh, right." Kendall almost always calls her on the first of the month, just to check in and see how things are. It often ends with him giving her money, even though she resists a million times. "Sorry, I guess I've been a little busy."

"Busy with what? Didn't you hire a nanny to make that easier?"

"Riiiight, well, I dunno."

"Is it a woman? Is there another woman?"

"Ma, come on."

"There is! Who is she? What does she do? How old? Kendall, tell me! I'm going to find out anyway."

"There's no woman," Kendall insists. His mother is quiet for a moment.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just me and Zoe and the nanny. Okay? I've been working hard on this novel and, oh! My agent has agreed to start a national tour for me."

"Sweetie! That's wonderful!" His mother gasps and giggles on her end of the phone. "When does it start?"

"Haven't booked it yet, but we're gonna. I'm sooo happy."

"Me, too! Oh, that's so good. But make sure you stay in shape while you're touring. Without your daily swim you might get a little thick in the tummy."

"Ma, please. I can take care of myself."

"Mothers worry."

"Pshh. It's fine. You act like I'm still a kid."

"You're still my kid, Kendall."

"I know. Relax. I'll keep you updated, okay?"

"Thank you, honey."

"So what else is new with you?" Kendall asks.

"Oh, the usual. Work is fine. Your sister is fine. Speaking of, when was the last time you talked to her? When did she last see Zoe?"

"A year."

"That's too long. You need to have you over. What happened between you two?"

"Nothing happened," Kendall insists. He takes his glass of water in his free hand and sips. "She's busy, I'm busy. It happens."

"She needs to see her niece more. Oh, I should call her. Kendall do you mind? I need to give her a call. I'll talk to you later."

"Uh, sure. Okay. Bye, ma."

"Bye sweetheart." She hangs up quickly and Kendall keeps the phone to his ear for a moment, shaking his head with a tiny laugh. His mom is such a nut, but he loves her. Finally he returns the phone to his pocket, then goes back upstairs to attempt writing some more.

But he's unsuccessful still. Rampant nasty, horny thoughts are clouding his mind incessantly. Being alone at his computer doesn't help it, either, so he needs to distract himself. Maybe he could go for a swim and take his mind off of things.

"I'll be in the pool for a bit," Kendall announces to Logan before heads downstairs.

"Okay, sure."

The blond makes his way to the pool, closes the door behind him then drops his robe and jumps in. He swims laps for a while, clearing his mind of everything, including Logan and rim jobs, his sister and phone calls, even Zoe and Zoe things. It's just Kendall and the water for a while. It feels good. He even thinks of some new ideas for the story which is of course excellent.

After a while he slows down and decides to get out. He drifts to the shallow end then ascends the steps out, grabs a towel and shuffles over to the door. As he opens it up, Logan is coming down the stairs.

"Hey," Kendall says. "Everything okay?"

"Just put Zoe down for a nap so I thought I would see how you were doing. Everything alright? You seem a bit off."

"Eh, I talked to my mom on the phone."

"Oh yeah? How was she?" Logan walks up to Kendall and smiles. The older of them leans down and puts a kiss on his lips.

"Crazy as usual, but that's my mom. She wants me to have my sister over."

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, she's a few years younger than me."

"Are you going to? Have her over, I mean." Logan takes a few steps backwards and keeps smiling.

"Probably," Kendall says. "But I dunno what to do about you."

"How so?"

"Obviously since I've only realized I'm gay, my family doesn't know."

"I can just pretend to be the nanny, and nothing more," Logan grins. "I can do that."

"But Zoe? Zoe is calling you Daddy Logan now. That's not gonna fly."

"We'll figure it out," Logan says confidently. "Now come here."

He pulls Kendall by the robe, backwards toward the billiards table. Logan sits on the edge and wraps his arms around Kendall's waist.

"Someone feeling a little naughty?" Kendall asks. His face grows wide with a smile, terribly delighted that he's going to get some relief. Finally.

"Maybe," Logan teases. He pushes open Kendall's robe and looks up at him with a sinister, sexy smirk. "Is daddy going to take care of me?"

"Oh fuck," Kendall groans. "Yeah, yeah he sure is."

A thick boner grows beneath his swim trunks and Logan immediately begins to rub the outside of it. Kendall's face turns bright red and he moans. "That's good," he whispers. "That's a good boy."

"Fuck me on here," Logan says desperately. He brings both legs up to the edge of the pool table and lays back. "Please fuck me on here."

"I like that," Kendall says. The robe falls to the floor and he smiles at his young partner. "Logan?"


"Do you know what a rim job is?"

"Of course."

"Do you want one?"

"I guess so," Logan giggles. His toes curl and he lets his legs fall open even more. "You want to try?"

"Yeah," Kendall admits with a little embarrassment.

"I would like that," Logan whispers. Kendall grins briefly then moves down to his knees. He pulls Logan by the hips so that his legs drape over Kendall's shoulders. Then he spreads his soft butt cheeks apart and stares at the hole. It's so tight, so tender and young, so perfect and all his. Kendall moves in and rubs his tongue against it. He treats it like eating pussy, which he was always told he was great at; long, wet strokes followed by a series of violent flicks. Logan bucks his hips up and cries out, sending his moans and squeals echoing in the basement.

"K-KENDALL!" he screams wildly, now grabbing at his own dick with a shaking hand. The sensation is so wonderful and amazing that he almost convulses. "KENDALL! AH!"

The blond grins wickedly and continues to lick. His tongue presses inside the tight boy pussy and begins to fuck him. He thrusts and trusts, licking and sucking while keeping a steady stream of saliva running through it. Logan's body is white hot as he squeals and wiggles, barely capable of controlling his movements. He cries out very loud and locks his legs on Kendall's bony shoulders. Then he jerks himself off faster and faster, keeping a rhythm with the wicked rimming. It becomes almost tantric and trance-like in motion, then suddenly it all comes to a halt when Logan cums. Long ropes of white goo shoot across the boy's abs. He cries one final, silky moan and his body finally relaxes. Kendall moves his face away and gets back to his feet.

"I guess you liked that?" Kendall whispers.

"Y-yes," is Logan's response between gasps. His lips are bright pink and he's stuck staring at the ceiling. But he smiles when Kendall comes into his vision.

"It was hot. You're so damn sexy," Kendall grins. He leans down and puts a kiss on Logan's lips. "Mm. You feel great wrapped around my tongue."

"And it felt great."

Logan is finally able to sit up and get off of the billiards table. His legs are a bit shaky as he heads to the stairs back up and he takes Kendall's arm.

"You know what Zoe told me?" Logan says.

"What's that?"

"She told me that someone has a birthday coming up."

Kendall narrows his eyes and Logan and suppresses a smile. "Oh yeah? And who is that?"

"You, silly." Logan pokes his partner in the side and giggles.

"I know," Kendall grins. "But I don't want to make a big deal out of it."

"Why not?"

"I just don't." Suddenly Kendall's voice changes. It gets serious and he looks down while they go upstairs. Logan's grip on his arm stays steady.

"What's wrong, daddy?"

Kendall chuckles a bit at the nickname but goes back to frowning. "I'd rather not talk about it."