Chapter 14
Ed felt so heavy. So lost. It was dark and cold. He could hear beeping and the ticking of the clock but he could not open his eyes.
He was alert enough, though, to tell he was in a hospital. What happened? How did he get away? He couldn't open his eyes.
It smelled like death and old people. Ed hated hospitals. The sheets were so scratchy and the food was so bland.
He felt a presence next to him, "how are his vitals nurse?" A male voice asked.
"They stabilized after last night."
The male sighed, "the surgery was touch and go for a while but we managed to fix all the damage, it missed all the major arteries luckily."
The nurse mumbled in agreement. So Ed had been rescued and fixed. Where was Roy?
"Has that man slept there all night?" The male asked.
"Yes, he refused to leave after I told him it was family only, he said he was a general and needed to look over his subordinate," the nurse said, a hint of annoyance in her tone.
Who was there with him? She said general.. Roy? How long had he been asleep? Why couldn't he move or open his eyes?
"Sir, wake up."
Ed felt another person stir beside him, "yes what? Is he okay?" It was an achingly familiar voice.
Ed's heart clenched, Roy! He had saved him after all! The beeping got faster and louder.
"Shhh, don't stress him. He's been through hell. Now, you can stay just as long as you don't disrupt him," the male said.
Ed felt his hand being grabbed, "when will he wake up?" Roy asked.
"It's different for everyone but if he doesn't wake up soon,'s not good."
Ed wanted to scream. How could he force himself to wake up! Come on dammit! He heard two sets of footsteps leave and he heard Roy sigh.
Ed felt Roy grab his hand and hold it, lightly squeezing. All Ed wanted to do was squeeze back, to let his lover know he was okay!
"Please Edo, my darling, come back to me. I'm so damn sorry for how I acted and I'm so sorry I didn't come drive to pick you up. Oh god I love you, I do. I love you so much. I'm sorry I never told you that. I'll tell you every day if you want me to. Please come back to me." Roy said, his voice cracking as he began to cry.
Ed wanted to hold him so tight, he loved him? He was here! He was awake! 'Roy! I love you! I forgive you!' No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his body to respond. Fucking hell.
Ed found that thinking so much had made him exhausted and his mind let go as he drifted back into sleep.
Ed stirred. Finally! The light was too damn bright. He opened his eyes and was stunned as everything flashed back to him.
He was in a hospital. He was kidnapped. He almost died. Roy saved him.
He needed answers though. Where was Al and Winry? Did they catch Roger? Is he alive?
Ed turned his head slightly and winced at the immediate pain that went throughout his whole body. Shit.
He looked down and saw a mass of black hair and a tacky blue military clad body resting his head on Ed's bed. His face buried.
Roy... He had never left Ed's bedside. His face turned to the side slightly as he exhaled deeply. He looked so worried, even in his sleep. Ed wanted to reach out and rub the spot between his brows just to relax him.
Ed moved his hand up slowly and winced some more but was so distracted and happy that his body was actually responding!
He moved his hand to Roy's face and pushed the hair out of it. He really was a beautiful sight.
Roy stirred and his head shot up, looking around frantically, "I told you a million times nurse, I'm not fucking leaving!" He groaned and wiped his eyes.
Ed laughed softly and Roy stilled, moving the hands away from his eyes and looking back onto the bed. His eyes widened as they settled on Ed's face.
Roy gasped and stood to his feet as he moved his hands onto Ed's cheek, "oh my god you're awake."
Ed decided to test his voice, "I-I hope this isn't a dream," he said softly. His voice was so raspy. He coughed from the dryness in his throat.
"Edward.. My darling, I was so afraid I'd lost you."
Ed smiled softly, and tried to speak but nothing came out. He reached for his throat. Roy nodded, understanding. He poured Ed a glass of water and let him drink greedily.
"I'm so sorry for everything," Roy started but Ed put his finger on Roy's lips.
"Stop apologizing Roy, that fight we had was my fault. You were right."
"That doesn't account for why I didn't pick you up. I just wanted to prepare a dinner for you and I just..I'm so sorry."
Ed grabbed Roy's hand and squeezed it, "you saved me."
Roy sat in silence for a bit but then took a breath, "we got that entrance open and then I saw you, bloody and broken. I thought you were gone for sure. My whole world broke."
"I wanted to die, I wanted to give up. But I kept holding onto the thought of you saving me, that kept me fighting," Ed said softly.
"We saw the model of your mother. Al was there too. He's still shaken up but he will be so much happier to know you're okay."
Ed swallowed, "yes that t-thing, he said he made it for me. He said he used to be in love with my mom until he saw me at the alchemy exams. Then he had an obsession with me."
"Ed...they told me what they found," Roy said softly.
"What's that?"
"Bruising and tearing on your..your," his voice broke.
Ed's eyes stung, "y-yeah."
"That fucking bastard."
"I tried to escape before he could finish, that's when I broke the window. He pulled me back in hard and a glass shard stabbed me."
Roy closed his eyes and held onto Ed's hand tighter, "I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner."
"How long was I there?"
"Three days, you were extremely dehydrated and malnourished. Not to mention the rest. The surgery took twelve hours. We were so worried. Al is out sleeping on the couches. Let me go tell him you're awake." Roy said.
Ed groaned and wouldn't let go of Roy's hand, "call the doctor and let them tell Al, don't leave me."
"Of course Edo."
Roy watched as Ed recounted his story to Al and to the other military officials. Roger Weeks would not ever be out of prison for his crimes, he may even be put to death.
He listened closely as Ed went through every horrible detail of his captivity. He wanted to vomit. How could one person handle so much? How was he okay? He looked closer at his lover and saw the tired and sad look in his eye, he wasn't okay.
After he had been questioned himself, they finally left. Al hugged Ed close, "I'm so glad you're okay." He said and left.
Roy sat down on the edge of the bed, "the doctors say you can go home in a few days, after you can keep solids down."
Ed nodded dully, "okay."
"They're going to set you up with the trauma therapist."
Roy felt a pang of sadness, "please baby, talk to me."
"I just can't let go. I feel him on top of me still. I feel the torn sheets against me with every turn. I feel the cold air. I see him every time I shut my eyes," he said achingly.
Roy held him in his arms, "you beat him Edward Elric. You are strong. You will overcome this, I'm here. I will help you. You never gave up on anything. Let me worry for a change but for now, sleep."
Ed smiled weakly, "I heard you, while I was unconscious. You were talking to me, and you said you loved me."
Ed looked him right in the eyes, "did you mean it?"
Roy felt a warmth throughout his whole body, his cheeks turned red, "of course."
Ed blushed, "tell me again."
Roy moved his face close to Ed's, "I love you Edward."
Ed smiled and bit his lip, god he was beautiful, "I love you too Roy," and kissed him softly. The feeling was so strong it wrapped them both up and held them together.
Love is a powerful thing. It means never giving up or never giving in to the desire to run from it. They both knew that this feeling would never die. All it takes is one fateful night and that makes all the difference.
hope you all enjoyed this story! it's probably my fav one i ever did. im working on a sequel ill prob upload it on archive of our own as well as an updated and better version of this story so if you wanna check it out do. my name on there is the same!