Hey! This is the last chapter! I'm sorry if isn't good. Reviews Reviews Reviews!

"Piper, I get that you're happy, but can you please calm down!" Nico whines.

"No! This is exciting" Piper smiles.

"You sound like an Aphrodite girl." Nico offs.

"Oh excuse me." Piper rolls her eyes. "It's not like I am one."

"Jason said that you're not girly" Nico says. Piper rolls her eyes.

"I'm not!" Piper whines.

"You're fangirling." Nico states. Piper groans.

"Isn't that an exaggeration?" Piper asks.

"No. You're creating a ship name." Nico says. "I don't even know what that is!"

"I've explained it a million times! Gods you boys never listen." Piper whines.

"It doesn't matter! On to more important things." Nico says. A blush spreads across his face. "Where did you find these undies." He whispers. Piper smiles.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak up?" She asks.

"Where did you find my underwear!" Nico says.

"Ah! Much better! I actually didn't get them myself, much to girly. I sent a sister." Piper says. "You should see what she got Jason." Nico tries not to look interested.

"Psh, no I wouldn't be interested at all." Nico lies. Piper smirks and leans into Nico's ear.

"Are you sure? I bet he looks great in just his new superman undies. Especially if you see his abs." She whispers. Nico shivers. Piper smiles. She found this strangely entertaining.

"U-Ummm... No.. I-I wouldn't w-want to see that at a-all.." Nico stutters. Piper smirks.

"Are you sure?" Piper asks. "I can arrange it."

"Why are we talking about this!" Nico whines.

"Why aren't we?" Piper rebuts.

"I hate you" Nico says. Piper smiles.

"Sure you do."

"How does this look?" Percy asks.

"The same as the last one." Jason says.

"Was the last one sexy?"

"Not at all." Jason says bluntly. Percy groans.

"Why is it so hard just to find clothes!" He whines.

"Maybe because this room is disgusting." Jason says. "I think your underwear winked at me."

"Stop lying, it's not that bad." Percy says.

"Whatever, just go shirtless." Jason says. Percy takes his shirt off.

"Better?" He asks. Jason nods.

"Remind me to get Piper to get you some of her supposedly cute underwear." Jason says. Percy raises an eyebrow.

"I don't wear panties." He says. Jason facepalms.

"No! I meant she would buy you guy underwear you fool." He says.

"Oh..." Percy says. "I feel stupid now."

"I'd wear slightly tighter shorts." Jason says. Percy groans. He quickly changes into a tighter pair.

"Is this finally good?" Percy asks.

"I'm feeling arousal so yes." Jason says. "Now let's go find Nico."

"Please stop!" Nico begs, his face beet red. "I get it, Jason's sexy!"

"Are you sure?" Piper asks, trying not to laugh.

"I'm a million percent sure." Nico insists. Piper gets up and looks out the window.

"Where is he?" She mutters.

"Where is who?" Nico says.

"You'll see." Piper says.

"Is there something I need to know?" Nico asks.

"No." She says. She smiles when she sees them near the Hades cabin.

"Why are you smiling?" Nico asks.

"No reason." Piper lies. Jason sees her in the window and winks.

"What are you looking at?" Nico asks. Right before she can answer there's a knock at the door.

"Can you get it?" Piper asks.

"You're literally three feet away!" Nico whines.

"Just do it. It is your cabin." Piper says. Nico groans and opens the door. HIs jaw drops and he forgets the English language.

"Oh mio" Nico says. "Che bellezza"

"Nico, you're speaking Italian." Jason says.

"Oh... sorry." Nico stutters. He can't take his eyes off of Percy. His well tanned skin and abs are mesmerizing.

"Well me and Piper have a date you two have fun." Jason says. Piper nods in agreement and the two run off.

"Umm... Hi.." Percy says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can come in... you know, if you'd like." Nico mutters.

"Thanks." Percy says. They both go in and shut the door.

"Darn!" Piper gasps, hiding in a nearby bush. "Now how will we see them?"

"Leo made me a spy fly." Jason says.

"A spy fly?" Piper asks.

"It's a fly with a camera. Duh." Jason says. Piper rolls her eyes.

"Is it already in there?" Piper asks.

"Yes. We can watch and hear on this screen." Jason says, pulling out a cell phone like object.

"This is so-" Piper starts to say before Jason shushes her.

"Shhh they're talking." Jason says.

"You look nice." Percy says.

"Thanks.." Nico says. "You too.. Sorry for staring."

"No problem." Percy says.

"What do you want to do?" Nico asks quietly.

"Make out." Percy mumbles.

"It's working!" Piper exclaims.

"Shhh!" Jason shushes.

"Did you just say make out?" Nico asks.

"N-no!" Percy blushes. Nico pouts for a second before stopping.

"I wouldn't mind you know." Nico says. Percy perks up.

"Really?" Percy says.

"Try me." Nico replies. Percy starts to lean in and Nico meets in the middle.

"It worked!" Piper cheers.

"We should do this for a living." Jason jokes. "We'd be rich." A cough is heard behind them. They both turn their heads.

"May I ask why you're sitting in a bush watching Nico and Percy make out?" Leo asks.

"Ummm..." Jason says. "Piper knows." Piper glares at Jason.

"No reason." She says, using charm speak. Leo shrugs.

"I have a feeling this is going to go from PG-13 to R." Leo says. "I'm betting 20 bucks Percy's top." Jason rolls his eyes.

"That's not a fair bet, we all know Percy will top." Jason says.

"Can we not talk about this? They're not even that far yet." Piper says.

"Are you sure? Those new underwear you bought Nico is covering the fly now." Jason says. Piper's eyes widen.

"I think it's time to go. How does the beach sound?" Piper says.

"How do we know they're even doing anything?" Jason asks.

"Yes right there!" Nico shrieks.

"I'm officially scarred for life. The beach it is." Jason says.

"Wow they got straight to business." Leo says.

"Please stop. I'm already going to get nightmares from the sounds." Piper shutters.

"Do you think they're doing the do?" Leo asks.

"No, just third base." Jason says. "If you listen closely.."

"Jason Grace! Shut up!" Piper hisses. Jason smirks.

"Or else what?" He asks. She raises an eyebrow.

"I could show Leo my newest gift I got you." She smirks. Jason goes quiet real fast

"Jason!" Piper hisses across the pavilion.

"What?" Jason says.

"They finally came out the the cabin, and Nico is limping big time." Piper whispers.

"That's nice dear." Jason says with a sarcastic grin. Percy kisses Nico and they sit at the Posiedon table. Jason smiles as he sees them.

"I'm happy for them." He says to himself. "Maybe I should make scheme's more often."

The End

Well... there it is! I might do a sequel to this sooo keep a look out for that. If you have any story suggestions you can contact me through my tumblr which is pjosmutislife. Please send me suggestions! and follow me while your at it!