Disclaimers: I do not own any of the settings, people, and creatures of that exist in the Pokémon franchise.

[A/N: Sorry for the HUGE delay everyone, but as you know life always seems to find a way to beat me to a pulp. Anyways welcome to the start of a new arc!

Be warn we will learn A LOT of new things in this chapter. Things like who Aletheia really is, information on the Successors, and much more!


P. S. In chapter 3, the "mainland" for the Council of Dragons was Mandarin Island North. However after a quick round of searching, I decided to change it to Mandarin Island South, since its the largest island in the Orange Archipelago.]


"Thoughts/ ARC Terminal Messages/ Her/ The Soulless / Documents"


"Aletheia / Omni"

"The Contractor"

Pokémon Ansorojī Omicron {O} I: Successors

Chapter V: Inner Demons, Pt. I


First Arc: Lullaby Of The Lost Ones

Anno Domini

August 16th, 2025

Higashi Continent, Johto

"The soul is the essence of a human, for it is what gives us life. Take that away and you have nothing but an empty shell. Humans have always remember their souls, however has centuries pass and technology change, humans have long forgotten it."- Redman

Everyone watch silently as a convoy of police cars along with a single ambulance race down the street. It didn't take long for the convoy of vehicles to reach their destination, a plain looking house. The policemen quickly exit their vehicles with their respective Pokémon, and begin setting up a perimeter in front of the house. The paramedics exit the ambulance with a stretcher with small machinery and a series of tubes. The paramedics rush towards the house along with the policemen. A young police officer bang on the door announcing that the police have arrived. There was no answer. The young officer glance at his partners, who nodded. The young officer took a breath and try the lock. It was open. He then quickly open it and rush in, with his comrades rushing in as well. They stop dead in their tracks. Kneeling down ahead of them in front of a staircase is a young boy with messy blue hair. His back is turn to them, but they can see that he is holding someone in his hands.

The young officer call out to the boy, who didn't answer. So he cautiously walk forward along with this partners. Then once they made a circle around the boy, their eyes are wide in shock. The young boy is cradling a girl in his lap. But what was worse is that the girl's neck was bend in an impossible angle...

It didn't take long for the word to get out. One of the Watanabe children had been rush to the local hospital. The parents, who were out doing their jobs, were quickly contacted.

The young girl didn't make it. The Watanabe family was devastated by the loss. But the one who truly felt the blow was Falkner, for he was the one who ended his sister's life. It was all his fault. And since that day, Falkner Watanabe has become a different person.

The Present

Falkner can hear Her. The haunting voice of Her, which had been filling his head with despair for the past years.

"It's all your fault."

"No its not..." Falkner whispered. His surroundings begin to change. He is once again back at the house, reliving the same scene that always haunted him. He can see a younger version of himself, happily playing with his older sister. His older sister is a cute girl with long beautiful blue hair, that seems to always shine brighter than his. They had been playing a pushing game contest near the stairs. The game started off innocent enough, until Falkner accidentally push his sister down the stairs. At first he was giggling to himself in a childish manner, until he realized his sister isn't moving. Falkner silently watches as his younger self try in vain to wake his sister up.

Suddenly the atmosphere becomes chilly and She appears. She looks just the same as that day.

"Why do you try to fight it?" She asked.

"I'm not fighting anything..." Falkner said, gritting his teeth as a sudden wave of dementia hit him. The scene of him cradling his sister's head in his lap is frozen in time as Falkner faces off against his sister... No this... thing is certainly not his sister. The thing certainly looks like her but Falkner knows deep down that she is a creation of his deepest buried regret of his sister.


Team Rocket HQ

"The Nakajima and Hanshichi families were founded around the same time by their respectful heirs. The heir of the Nakajima family was a young man with black hair and said to have unmatched skills with the blade. The heir of the Hanshichi family was a young woman with purple hair and is said to be a deadly assassin. The two had meet during a time where the kingdom belonging to the Nakajima heir is in a deadly war with an invading empire. On their journey they meet other individuals who possess unique traits like they did; the Mason Family, Berlitz Family and the Arisato Family. After the war the 5 families join together to form the Five Founding Families (FFF)."

"In modern times the Nakajima Family is one of the founding families of the Council of Dragons. They still teach their children in the ancient arts, but they somewhat embrace the current technology of the world. The ARC Gauntlet is exclusive to the Samurais, and are made to be wireless so that wires do not get in the way of combat."

"The Hanshichi Family on the other hand completely embrace the modern times and uses a special ARC known as a ARC Gun. The ARC Gun uses the Pokémon Summoning Program (PSP) to use data of various Pokémon and materialize them into the real world. This technological feat makes the Pokémon Detectives of the Hanshichi Detective Agency infamous in the world. They are also known as Pokémon Summoners, because of their ability to summon data of Pokémon."

"The Fiend Encounter Program is a mysterious app that the Pokémon Samurais use to track down Fiends. Fiends are strange, almost supernatural creatures that resemble Pokémon. It is believed that a Fiend is a stronger variant of a Shadow Pokémon, who started appearing in the 1960's during the Shadow Pokémon Crisis. No one knows why or how Fiends are created."

Hershel sighed and lean back in his chair. He removes his glasses and pinch his nose in thought. "The Nakajima and Hanshichi families are really close, and operate together whenever something big is going on. From what I gather from my surprise meeting with the 2 young Samurais and Daisuke Hanshichi, something big is going on in Johto. And that Kenta kid, he seems to be involve in some way. So far the other 3 families don't seem directly involve, but they may be assisting in the sidelines."

Hershel puts on his glasses and turn his attention to the laptop monitor in front of him. It shows a series of names with lines joining them together.

"Is this all the information you have?"

"No there is one more," a deep voice responded. It seems the person is using a program to change his/her voice. "You may find this one interesting..."

A small window pop up in front of Hershel. He read the first few lines, and his eyes widen. "Where... where did you get this kind of information?"

"You wanted the best, and so I deliver."

"And deliver you did!" Hershel said, sounding genuinely impressed. "Since you provided what I asked, here is the information you wanted on the Federations Esper Project." Hershel plug in a USB dongle into his laptop, uploaded a few files, and send them to the Contractor.

"Much appreciated. It seems my little hunch on that security breach occurring on the Federation's networks was right. I'm impressed that you managed to copy these files during the breach."

"I may be a Pokémon Scientist, but I'm also no pushover."


I'm curious. How did you know that a security breach was gonna happen to the Federation? Unless it is caused by you. But then you would've got the files by yourself. Care to explain?"

"The internet is a big place, Mr. Wilde. If you search long enough, you might get a few tidbits of information. Concerning the breach, I heard a hacker group is planning on hitting the Federation's networks to screw around and get their 10 minutes of fame. That is until they are arrested. I calculated all the steps, scenarios, consequences to come up with this plan. It was a blessing in disguise that you contacted me, Mr. Wilde."

"You are really helpful on gathering information, so I thought it was kind of me to do you a little favour as well."

"I thank you for that. Oh, and you can keep the Federation files. I'm sure you will find them interesting. If what I predicted is correct with this "Esper Project", we may be seeing the rise of a new type of human."

"A new type of human? You mean like a Newtype?" Hershel joked, and promptly face palm himself. Another side effect of working with the moronic twins.

The Contractor responded with a genuine laugh. "Believe it or not, your kind of right."

This caught Hershel's attention. "Really now?"

"Indeed. You will find more information on the files. Make sure to keep them in a secure location. I guarantee their gonna be a big read. Well, take care, Mr. Wilde."

"Take care Contractor."

The communication line was cut off. Hershel sigh and stare at his laptop screen. The three files he recovered from the Federation detailing a "Esper Project" are on screen. He remove the USB dongle, retrieve his ARC Terminal, and proceed to upload the files into the machine.

"By my estimate they should be in Violet City. Hmm... if I want to get a clearer idea on what's going on, I should pay a visit. This time without the moronic twins to screw things up."

With that Hershel shut down the laptop to get ready for his little journey to Violet City.


Violet City

"This fog... is not natural..." Ayako said. Her silver eyes scan the surrounding area. The Violet City Pokémon Centre is to her right. The building seems deserted, for she sense no presence.

"Your right, Ayako-sama... I mean Ayako..." Akemi corrected himself. "This fog is definitely not natural. I got the same unease feeling as I did when we encountered the Fiends from that Hooded Boy."

"Which means this may be the work of a Fiend."

Arya glance at Hikari questionably, but Hikari shrug at her. She then glance over to Kenta to see he was tinkering with his ARC Terminal. "What's wrong, Kenta?"

"My ARC Terminal is acting all funny," he responded. He then tap the ARC harder.

"Hey! Do you mind not hitting my home so much? Its bad enough this place is filled with various degrees of code and data," Aletheia shouted inside Kenta's mind.

"GAH!" Kenta jumped comically, causing everyone to glance at him.

"Master you shouldn't act so -" Aletheia gasped as she sense something. "Master I am sensing a powerful entity nearby. Its dangerous!"

Before Kenta can fully register what she said, his ARC Terminal's screen turn red, along with a message.

"WARNING! WARNING! A Fiend as been detected! WARNING! WARNING!"

"Something's wrong with my ARC Terminal!" Kenta panicked.

"Mine too," Arya confirmed. "Strange, it's acting like it did back in the Dark Cave."

"Impossible!" Akemi shouted, causing everyone to look to him. "How come you two are in possession of the Fiend Encounter Program?! Only us Samurai should have access to it!"

"Akemi!" Ayako said to get his attention. "No time to worry about that! A Fiend is nearby, get ready!" Ayako said. She grab her sunglasses and place them over her eyes. She unsheathed her sword. "Kenta, I want you to take Arya and Hikari away from here!"

"What? But-"

Then they heard footsteps.

"Where are those footsteps coming from?" Hikari questioned. Akemi narrow his eyes as he grasp Tyranitar's Pokéball in his left hand, while is right hand rests on the hilt of his katana. Ayako unsheathed her sword with her left hand, showing that she is a left handed user. Hikari gulp and stick close to both Arya and Kenta. Arya glances at her ARC Terminal to see the strange red screen and message. The same chill she experience during her time in Dark Cave came back in her spine. Could it be that there was something in the cave, and that the ARC Terminal tried to warn her of it?

Sudden movement to Akemi's left caught his attention. "Over there!" he shouted. Everyone turn to see a terrifying sight. A tall individual in a black cloak slowly creeps towards them. The stranger had made sure to mask its identity with a dark hood. What also surprises them is the fact the stranger is holding an ocarina.

"Who are you?" Akemi demanded.

"I am nothing but a humble servant," the stranger said with a masculine echo. "I require souls to revive my master. Now give them to me."

"This one is different," Akemi whispered. "I guess its time to put our training to the test."

"Akemi we shouldn't engage them directly. Remember we are still not full fledged Pokémon Samurais. We should contact the others to tell them what's going on in Violet City," Ayako said.

Akemi grit his teeth. "I don't think we have the luxury of waiting. He seems like he wants to have a fight. I'm going to give him one!" Akemi shouted as he charge forward.

"Akemi wait!" Ayako shouted.

The stranger chuckle then bring the ocarina to his face. Suddenly a blast of water shot into the entity, sending him flying. Akemi yelp and stop his charge as the stranger went flying past him.

"I've finally got you," a new voice said. Everyone turn to see a boy appear from the fog. The boy is dress in a black suit with matching black dress shoes. A black fedora rests on his head. The boy is wearing a pair of aviators, which is connected to the ARC Gun held in the boy's hand. A Suicune step in from the fog beside the boy. The boy has short spiky purple hair with a stylish x-cross bang.

"You're reign of terror ends today. You will tell me where your master is or else," the boy said as he raise his ARC Gun towards the stranger with a smirk. His response was wild laughter from the stranger on the ground.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you honestly think you can defeat MY master? The mere thought of it makes me want to die of laughter," the stranger said as he lay on the ground.

"Who's that boy? And is that a... Suicune!? What's going on?" Arya said, her brain unable to comprehend the situation they are in.

"Now you know how I feel," Kenta thought.

"What the-? What are YOU doing here?" Akemi asked as he look at the newcomer.

"Akemi. Long time no see," the boy responded coolly. He removes his aviators to show his dark purple eyes.

"Hmph!" Akemi grunted. He sheathe his sword, cross his arms and turn his back to the boy.

"Ayako," the boy simple said as he turn to the girl. "I-It's nice to meet you." He blush bright red and tilt his fedora to hide it.

"..." Ayako didn't respond and instead decide to cast her eyes to the ground, a bright red blush on her face. Kenta notice the exchange, and a sudden boost of jealousy erupted inside him. Before anyone can say anything, a group of footsteps approach them.

"Rin!" Officer Jenny shouted as she run into the clearing. A group of officers stood guard behind her, their Pokéballs ready. "We heard a commotion this way. Are you alright?" she asked. "Hmm? Who are these kids?"

"They appear to have just arrive into the city," Rin explained, his tone serious. "It may be a stroke of luck, for the it draw the kidnapper out of hiding. He's over there," Rin said, tilting his head over to the fallen form of the kidnapper.

"I see..." Officer Jenny said. "Oi kids. I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask, but its not safe yet. Officers, arrest the kidnapper!"

"Yes ma'am!" the officers behind her salute. They rush over to the fallen kidnapper, and proceed to arrest him.

"It may be a blessing in disguise that you kids showed up. Now if you all will follow me, I can answer all your questions," Officer Jenny said as she turn to the group with a smile. Rin aim his ARC Gun at Suicune, return it into the terminal, and place it in its holster.

"Akemi, Ayako. Its good to see you guys. I wish we could chat now, but first I have to question the kidnapper. Officer Jenny, I'll leave them to you," Rin said as he walk towards the arrested kidnapper.

"Will do," Officer Jenny replied.

"Who is that boy? He seems to be around our age," Arya asked.

"And he's really mature... and sorta cute. He seems especially fond of you Ayako," Hikari said with a giggle.

"Wha-? No your mistaken!" Ayako said, her usual serious demeanour gone.

"I don't care about him!" Kenta said a little too loudly, causing everyone to look at him. "Ugh! I just want to get my gym badge and leave! I still can't believe I have to get all 16 badges to qualify!" Kenta said as he turn his back to the group and began to ruffle his hair in anger.

"BASTARD!" a shout caught their attention. Falkner ran over to the kidnapper and deliver a swift punch. This cause the kidnapper as well as the Police Officers escorting him to fall down.

"Bring back my sister!" Falkner shouted angrily as he begin kicking the kidnapper.

"Falkner stop!" Officer Jenny shouted as she ran forward and grab him. Some officers rush over to help Officer Jenny calm the raging gym leader.

"Hey! Isn't that Falkner Watanabe?" Arya asked in shock once she notice his clothing.

"Who?" Hikari responded.

"Falkner Watanabe! "The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon"! He's the Gym Leader of Violet City," Arya explained.

"Heh heh heh... Your sister? Who are you trying to fool, Falkner Watanabe?" the kidnapper said dangerously. Then suddenly a strange aura surround him. With a mighty yell the kidnapper powers up his aura to blasts the officers surrounding him, sending them flying.

"Tch!" Rin grunted as he covers his face. The kidnapper floats into the air, the aura growing stronger. A sudden chilly wind begin blowing, causing everyone to shiver.

"The little girl isn't your real sister. Your real sister is Izumi Watanabe, the eldest of the Watanabe children. The little girl you call "sister", is nothing more but a remedy for your extreme guilt over the fact you murdered your sister. And for that, your crimes... must be punished!" The kidnapper stretch out his hands towards Falkner. A dark orb form in his hands as he powers up.

"Oh no you don't! Suicune!" Rin shouted, withdrawing his Gun ARC and running the program. Digital Suicune materialize into the living world and launch a barrage of Ice Beams at the kidnapper.

"Hmph, this is nothing!" the kidnapper said as he swat the attacks away like they were nothing. The deflected Ice Beams were launch all over the city, some destroying buildings or causing holes in the ground. "Prepare yourself, Pokémon Summoner!" With sudden power the kidnapper hurls himself forward. The Digital Suicune tried to stop him, but the kidnapper simple knock it out of the way as he heads straight for Rin.

"Rin! Look out!" Akemi shouted.

"Rin!" Ayako cried out.

Seeing Ayako so worried about Rin cause a change within Kenta. Before he can stop himself, he finds himself running straight for Rin.

"Kenta what are you doing?!" Hikari cried out to him as he rush towards Rin.

"Time to die!" the kidnapper shouted cruelly as a dark orb form in his hand. Rin was too shaken up to do anything as the kidnapper gets closer.

"Oh no you don't!" Kenta shouted as he push Rin just in time... only to get hit by the dark orb. Time seem to slow down as Kenta was sent flying by the impact of the attack. He landed a few feet away, and the world turn to darkness.


Kenta can feel himself floating in emptiness. He slowly open his eyes to see total darkness. He began to panic as he continue to float in the dark void. He examine himself to see that he is still wearing his normal clothing, but his ARC Terminal as well as his goggles are gone.

"Its been a while, Kenta."

Kenta jump and turn to see ODIN floating behind him. His orange eyes stare at Kenta with a certain intensity he cannot understand.

"Who... are you?"

ODIN smiled. "What do you mean? Surely you remember our last few meetings."

"We meant before?"

"I'm afraid Kenta didn't remember the previous meetings Master ODIN," a very familiar voice said.

Kenta turn to see a beautiful woman with long flowing white hair. She is wearing a white robe that covers her entire body. She slowly walk towards them with her shoeless feet. Her hair and robe are in constant motion, as if there is wind blowing.

"You sound familiar... are you-" Kenta began.

The woman smile. "Yes it is me, Aletheia. This is the first time we've seen each other. Oh my you look completely dashing as always, Master."

ODIN cough to catch their attention. "Is what you said about Kenta not remembering our meetings true, Aletheia?"

"Indeed. It seems Master has some sort of amnesia..."

"I see. Well I'm not surprise, since Kenta doesn't remember anything about his previous self."

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Kenta shouted, causing the other two guests to look at him. "What the heck is going on? All I remember was pushing that guy out of the way, then darkness! Who exactly are you two?!" Kenta rambled.

ODIN and Aletheia look at each other, then to Kenta.

"This is worst than I thought," ODIN said first. He turn his wheelchair to the right in deep thought. After a few moments ODIN turn back to Kenta to see him tapping his foot impatiently.

"Aletheia will explain everything to you. As for me, I must leave now."

"Ah~ but you just got here Master ODIN!" Aletheia whined.

ODIN laughed at her. "You know I'm always a busy man, Aletheia. Well, farewell." ODIN then quickly vanish.

"Wha-? He disappeared!" Kenta said as he rubs his eyes.

"Master," Aletheia said to catch his attention. "You might not remember what I'm about to tell you, but you need to still know. Understood?"

Kenta nodded.

Aletheia smiled kindly. "Good. This place is your own subconscious as a Successor. It is called a Successor State. The only reason you are here is because in order to protect your body from mortal danger, your body went into a coma."

"Wait! I'm in a coma?!" Kenta shouted in shock.

Aletheia nodded. "Don't worry. It usually lasts a few hours, give or take. Anyway, that is the reason why you are here. Now here is the real story. In the-" Aletheia stop mid speech and her silver eyes widen in shock. Kenta notice the change and unfold his arms.

"What is it Aletheia?"

"Its the Soulless!" she said, her silver eyes flicking all over the place.

"The Soulless?"

"I expected nothing less from a servant of ODIN," a dark voice echo. Suddenly a large quantity of humanoid looking creatures sneak forward. Kenta gulp as the creatures glowing white eyes limp closer, until they surround Kenta and Aletheia.

"You should have known better than to let your guard down, Aletheia. Once a Successor is in a Successor State, they are vulnerable to outside influences. We will take your soul, Kenta Matsuda!"

The Soulless lunge forward as one. Kenta gasp and shut his eyes. However before the Soulless can get their hands on Kenta, a sudden explosion of energy send them flying. Some of the Soulless evaporated completely as a shining bright light cover the area. Kenta was pushed back as the energy got stronger and stronger, until it finally stop. He remove his hands from his face and look to receive a shocking surprise. Replacing Aletheia is a giant creature.

The creature is a white equine resembling a qilin or centaur with a gray, vertically-striated underside. The creature striated pattern has similar recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its long mane juts away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes. The creature also has a streak of gold colouration on its head, and ears that point upward. Its neck is fairly long, with two pairs of extrusions to the sides, and a flap-like feature on the neck's underside that is coloured white like much of the body. It also has a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen. The wheel also has four jewels attached to it. The pattern of striated gray of the creature's underbelly resumes past its waist. Its limbs have gray undersides and extrusions at the tops of the legs. The creature's tail is fairly like its mane in shape and colouration.

Kenta knows what this creature is, for any real Pokémon Trainer would know of the legend of the Pokémon to have said to be the "God" of the universe. Arceus.

"I see that you've finally shown your true self! The Goddess Arceus!"

"You will leave Master alone, or else!" Aletheia/Arceus threatened.

The Soulless all collectively laugh. "Not even the Earth's Goddess herself can do much harm to us. Behold!"

The Soulless all begin to melt into small blobs. The blobs then coordinate to join together, and become a large humanoid creature that is about the same size as Arceus.

"Make sure you stay a good distance, Master!"Arceus said as it turn to look at the boy.

"S-sure..." Kenta said back, a little perplexed of his correct situation.

"Begone, Goddess!" the large Soulless growled as it launch a from of dark energy at Arceus. She easily dodge the attack and launch her own attack in the form of Hyper Beam. The giant Soulless didn't have time to react, and the Hyper Beam hit it with full force. A large explosion rock the area. Kenta had to brace himself as the force of the attack reach him. Once the smoke clear, the giant Soulless was nowhere to be seen. Kenta sighed and sit down. Everything seem to be happening way too fast for him.

"Are you alright, Master?" Arceus said to him. Kenta look up to see the giant Pokémon staring at him. Kenta was intimated at first, but he calm down enough to answer.

"Yeah I'm fine, other than the fact you are the Legendary Pokémon Arceus, the so called creator of every being on this planet, just had a duel with a giant creature; in my subconscious; who wants to steal my soul and use it for... something. Then yep, I'm just peachy."

A brilliant light shine from Arceus, causing Kenta to cover his eyes. The light quickly faded away. Kenta open his eyes to see Arceus in her human form.

"Don't be like that Master. All the Successors had to go through a Successor State at some point... minus the fact the Soulless isn't trying to get them," Aletheia said.

[A/N: A little FYI, I will call Arceus Aletheia when she is in human form. Once she is in her Pokémon form, she will be Arceus. I'll try and not make it confusing.]

"Oh geez, lucky me then!" Kenta said sarcastically. Then something cross his mind. "I wonder what is happening in the real world. I hope they caught that creepy kidnapper guy."

"I would check for you, but every time a Successor goes into a Successor State, I am pulled into the subconscious as well."

"I hope this whole Successor State is close to being done. Arceus knows I don't want to have to answer everyone what happened... if I remember that is."

"Master! Don't use my name in vain!" Aletheia scolded, a childlike pout on her face.

"Ah! Sorry about that!" Kenta panicked. The two turn to each other, and begin to laugh.

"What's so funny?"


Before they could react, a dark ball of energy came soaring and slam into Aletheia, sending her flying.

"Aletheia!" Kenta shouted as he watch the human Goddess land a few feet away. He turn to see a single Soulless standing there. Then suddenly more of them start to appear until a small army quickly gathered.

"You should know better than to lower your guard. Your power is not even half of what it is in the real world, so you cannot do any serious harm to us," all the Soulless speak in unison. They start to march forward. Kenta back away as they got closer, and run over to Aletheia.

"Aletheia! Wake up! Wake up!" Kenta shouted as he shake her.

"Move away, boy. We shall steal her soul and savour it. Then you will be next."

An invisible force pull Kenta away from Aletheia. It felt like he was being held by invisible chains. He tries to break free from the "chains", but he was too weak. He watch in horror as the creepy forms of the Soulless begin to advance towards Aletheia.

"Stay away from her!" Kenta shouted, but his outburst fell on deaf ears. A sudden deep hatred for the Soulless began to from in him. He can feel a foreign energy building inside him. A strange orange glow begin to surround him. The Soulless stop their advance and turn to Kenta as the energy build around him.

"Impossible! He has awaken as an Esper!" the Soulless said in unison. "It can't be! He's only a child!"

The energy surrounding Kenta exploded, sending bright light everywhere. The Soulless cried out in anguish as the light consumes the majority of them. Once the light settled, only a dozen Soulless are left. The remaining Soulless all stare in shock as Kenta land on the ground. Kenta's eyes are close as he breath slowly. His hair is spikier, and seem to have somehow grown in size. Not only that, but his hair changed from their natural red to gold. Three large bangs of his new golden hair rest over his left eye, while two large bangs rest over his right over. The rest of his hair stands up straight, as if he was being electrocuted. Kenta opens his eyes to reveal they are orange.

[A/N: Yup, I'm totally going with the "Super Mode" as well as the "Power Dyes Your Hair" tropes here. I mean, who doesn't like to have a cool transformation?

But then my fellow readers, you asked "But didn't that crazy guy from the special use his Esper powers to transport a group of people into the future? And his hair didn't go all Super Saiyan wannabe?

To answer your question: That little detail is missing because there is a reason why little ol' Max didn't go all "Super Saiyan". Just something to think about!]

"Despite the fact your a boy, you managed to become the youngest Esper in history. But that won't help you. You may be an Esper now, but your still a child!" the surviving Soulless shouted before they all charge forward. They all generate a small orb of dark energy and chuck it at Kenta.

"M-Master! Look out!" Aletheia managed to said as she watch the action unfold. Instead of heeding Aletheia's warning, Kenta merely smack the dark orbs back at them. The Soulless came to screeching halt and tried to get out of the way. Some were successful while the rest were obliterated by their own attack. Now there are only five of them left.

"Is that the best you got?" Kenta asked. A cocky smirk is on his face.

"It was merely a stroke of luck. This time you won't be lucky!" The Soulless said as they charge again.

"Alright. I'll entertain you guys," Kenta said as he cross his arms with a playful smirk. The Soulless all rush forward with their hands filled with dark energy. The first one in the pack tried to punch Kenta, but he merely took a step to the side. The second one tried a sweeping kick, but Kenta merely skip over it. The third and fourth tried to clothesline him together with their charge. Kenta just duck under the pitiful attack. The final one tried to trick Kenta by attacking from the air, but he anticipated the move and simply jump out of the way. Kenta turn back as the Soulless regain their senses after their failed attacks. His arms still crossed, and a smirk on his face, Kenta seems to be extremely confident.

"You cannot beat them alone. You must synchronize with Aletheia, Successor Omicron," a foreign voice said in his mind. He didn't need to ask who it, for the connection between the Successors are eternal.

"Amazing Master!" Aletheia said. "You already have complete control of being an Esper! Your truly are one of a kind!"

Kenta turn to her and said, "Aletheia, let's Synchronize!"

"Wu-what? How do you know-"

"Xi told me."

"I-I see... but I will not Synchronize with you! I'm a woman after all, and the mere thought of S-Synchronizing with M-Master is..." Aletheia's face literally turn red as steam blow through her ears. Kenta's smirk drop and he comically drop to the ground.

"This isn't the time to feel self-conscious!" Kenta shouted as he ruffle his golden bangs, which magically settle back into its place.

"Q-Quiet you! I can't believe my own Master would suggest such a thing! Pervert!" Aletheia said as she stuck her tongue out.

"Wh-what are you going on about?! I need your help because I'm getting attack by a bunch of freaks who want to steal my soul for their plans! Ugh, I'll do it myself then!" Kenta said with a blush. He turn back to the Soulless, who were kind enough not to attack, and let his confident aura return. "Alright, let's rock."

The Soulless all charge as one. Kenta cross his arms as they all reach him. Then the Soulless begin striking with incredible speed at him. Kenta dodge the attacks easily while countering some with his knee.

"Is this really your true power? Its so pathetic," Kenta jeered. He then kick one of the Soulless in the face(?) and jump a good distance from them. The others stop their assault and join up with their fallen comrade.

"This is not working! We need to try something else... like this!" the Soulless shouted as they jump into the air as one.

Kenta stop smirking and drop his arms to his sides. He then cock his head with a pout. "Aw~ are they giving up already? Oh well it was fun while it lasted." He look up to see the five Soulless in a small circle forming a giant dark orb above their heads. A sudden burst of energy shook the area as the dark orb grow larger and larger.

"We thought we could use you to our advantage, but you are clearly too dangerous. You must be eliminated!"

"Yeah whatever. Just throw the damn thing already."

"As you wish!" with a mighty cry the Soulless launch their attack. A rush of wind picks up around the dark void as the massive ball of energy slowly descends. Kenta watches the impending attack with a smirk on his face. Soon the attack came crashing down on top of Kenta, causing a burst of energy and wind to spread across the dark void. Aletheia had to turn away as the shockwave reaches her.

"Master!" Aletheia cried out.

"Excellent. With the boy gone, there is nothing-" the Soulless stop talking when they notice that the ball of energy is moving. "I-Impossible! How is he able to stop our attack?!"

Kenta slowly lift the giant ball of energy with one hand. He look up to the visible shaken Soulless with a smirk.

"Hey guys, I think you forgot something. Here catch!" Kenta said as he launch the giant ball of energy at the Soulless. Before they could gather their wits, the Soulless were consumed by their own attack. An explosion soon follows, sending shockwave of energy across the dark void. Then there was finally peace. Kenta sighs and rolls his shoulders. He then makes his way over to Aletheia, who was staring at him in awe.

"M-Master... that was amazing! You defeated those Soulless without a sweat!" Aletheia shouted once Kenta reaches her. "I believe you have the strongest Esper Potential out of all the Successors I've worked with. No wonder the Soulless wants you so badly."

"Well its gonna take a lot more than that to defeat me!" Kenta said confidently.

Aletheia giggled at his confident tone. "Your so cool, Master. I'm digging the new look. So Master, you said Xi told you about Synchronization."

Kenta nodded. "I don't know how, but once I turned into an Esper, I can recall a huge amount of stuff I didn't know. Not only that, but I also remember my previous meetings with ODIN."

Aletheia hop to her feet in shock. "You remember?! That's great! I thought you were gonna have that amnesia condition for long. Now you have taken another step in becoming the next Successor!" Aletheia suddenly perk up when she heard something. "Speaking of steps, here is your next one. Say hello to Master Xi for me!"

"What?" Kenta asked. Suddenly a loud roar caught his attention. He turn behind him to see a giant dragon soaring towards him. Kenta turn back to see Aletheia had disappeared. His attention went back to the dragon as it came speeding towards him. Kenta shield his face the dragon opens its mouth, and consume him.


The Contractor

August 16th, 2025

From: TheContractor

To: KantoHanshichiAgencyHQ

Subject: Secret Federation Experiments / Illegal Activities / Fiends / Masquerade Cult

Attachments: Alfred_de_ , Daniel_Miller_Journal_ , Golden_ , Esper_

You all don't know me. Have to make this quick. The Federation's been monitoring me for some time now, but screw them!

I'm known as The Contractor. Perhaps the Hanshichi have heard about me?

I was able to obtain some files regarding a top secret project that is being performed by the Johto Federal Government. I believe you all will find them of use, and importance.

Illegal activities are starting to grow in Johto. Sightings of Shadow Pokémon are rumoured around the region. As the Hanshichi know, the last serious incident involving Shadow Pokémon was back in the 1960s, with the appearance of Fiends. Now Fiend variants of Shadow Pokémon are being used by a strange cult known as the Masquerade Cult. They are a strange bunch, and what is stranger is the fact that they are being controlled by not humans OR Fiends... but something worse.

I've also sent a special package via the Delibird Parcel Service (DPS) to your HQ. No its not a bomb, but something interesting.

Good luck, and be advise this is not a joke email. I fear the Johto region is about to experience something bad. REALLY bad.

Inside Xi's Memories

"Ow..." Kenta groaned as he opens his eyes, and immediately shut them tight when the bright rays of the sun came into focus. Bright? Sun? Then Kenta abruptly sit up to examine his surroundings. Blue sky? Check! Infinite formation of clouds? Also check! Sitting on a large dragon? Check and check!

"Where am I?" Kenta said.

"Welcome Successor Omicron," a feminine voice said behind him. Kenta turn around to see a beautiful young girl with long flowing silver hair and silver eyes. She is sitting comfortably on the giant dragon they are currently on. Her attire is similar to Ayako and Akemi's Samurai uniforms. A katana is sheathed on her right side.

"You look REALLY familiar..." Kenta said as he examine her. The girl smile kindly at him.

"I am Xi. I was the one who told you about Synchronization during your early confrontation against the Soulless. My real name is Kagome Nakajima, descendant of the First Successor Masamune Nakajima, mother of Chiyo Nakajima, and grandmother of Ayako Nakajima."

Kenta's eyes widen. "Your Ayako's grandmother?! No wonder I thought you look familiar. You two look exactly the same!"

Kagome nodded. "I suppose it runs in the family. Now Kenta, I am contacting you spiritually from my home back in the Orange Archipelago. Of course my appearance now is of an old woman, but I am also able to show you how I looked like when I was younger."

"That... makes sense. I think," Kenta said, ruffling his spiked bangs in confusion. Can this Successor stuff get any weirder?

"Just go with the flow," Kagome said, understanding Kenta's current predicament. "I see that you were able to become an Esper. In fact you may be the youngest one in history. Not only that, but you managed to save Aletheia and defeat a group of Soulless. I was right in choosing you to become the next Successor."

"I have a feeling a long story is about to happen."

Kagome smile. "Indeed you are right. Let's journey into my past to see how I became the Fourteenth Successor, Xi."

Kagome tap the dragon, causing it to roar and soar into a portal that appeared in the sky.


The Contractor

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Journal Entry #25

February 20th, 2025

Of all my years studying the genetics of humans, nothing had prepare me for what is dubbed by the Johto Federation Science Division, the "next step in human evolution". Espers. All my years as a Anthropologist have never prepare me for the upcoming discovery of Espers. It seems old Alfred de Beauharnais was right. Alfred de Beauharnais was an extraordinary man who had done many scientific achievements in his lifetime. He is the first man to have ever written the first Pokédex Encyclopedia which had accurate details of over 100 species of Pokémon found in the world. He is also the first one to had written an account of encountering an Esper. Though many experts claimed the story was nothing more than a prank to confuse the world.

In his journal, he stated during his time on a ship out the seas, a sudden violent storm appear. He along with the crew members panic as the ship was rocked with giant tidal waves. The worse was to come, for the mother of all tidal waves appear to claim their lives. When all hopes seems to be lost, a lone man came forward with a Primeape. What happens after that is as follows in his journal entry:

"The rough looking man walk to the front of the ship with his Primeape companion beside him. The man appears to be a pirate, for they all wear the same raggedy clothes. The man had masked himself behind a hood, so I wasn't able to get a good look at his face. But I can see a bit of black hair peaking out from the hood. I had shouted to him that the tidal wave is coming, but he ignored me. The other crew members had given up hope and had jump off the ship, for they know the ship is no match against a wave of that size. Then something incredible happen. A sudden burst of energy erupted from the man, almost sending me on my back. A strange aura surround him as the energy build. Then his hood was blown back as his hairs stand up straight. The amazing thing about this is that the man's hair had changed to a golden-like colour, which is most certainly different than his normal black hair. His hair stands up as if he was being electrocuted.

It doesn't end there. In an awe inspiring sight, the man's energy travelled to his Primeape companion. The Primeape receive the energy, and its eyes change to a deadly orange glow. As the tidal wave got closer, the man simple hold out his hand, and in front of my eyes he launched an attack! I had to close my eyes as the man fired a powerful beam at the tidal wave, completely breaking the tidal wave. Once I recover my sight, the man and the Primeape had already return to their quarters in peace. I was so shaken, that I rush back to my quarters as well to write down what I experience.

It was incredible! Truly incredible! A human being was able to transfer some of the energy from a Pokémon and use it at will. What does this mean? Are humans evolving to be closer to Pokémon? Is this a next step in human evolution? I MUST find the answers!

Alfred de Beauharnais,


I was one of the sceptical ones when I learned of Alfred's strange encounter with the pirate, but after witnessing the transformation myself, I was a believer. We've been studying what we dubbed as the "Esper Gene" for months now, and made little to no progress AT ALL! It is truly frustrating for an expert Anthropologist myself to be encountering roadblocks when studying the human body!

The golden hair is certainly caused by a mutation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. But I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY it happens. A theory is that the "Esper Gene" mutates specific parts of a human's genetics, but even that is far-fetched. The same can be applied to the eyes; a mutation of the pigmentation; but WHY it happens is the question.

I can't believe it! I'm on the threshold of making history, yet I cannot figure anything out! Even with the entire damn government of the freaking region funding us, we've made zero progress. Perhaps we will find more info from the story of Wataru Arisato with the Golden Monster in the Orange Archipelago. Since that place is the source of the Esper Signal, the two may be connected. I shall bring up this topic with the others in our meeting tomorrow.

Gosh, I miss my home in Unova. I wonder how the wife and kids are doing?

Daniel Miller

The Past

March 5th, 1947

Mandarin Island South

Council of Dragons

The dragon growl as it fly towards the largest island in the Orange Archipelago. The Mandarin Island South, home to the Council of Dragons and the Pokémon Samurai. Kenta look down to see that the island is mostly covered in forests, but he can spot a few town and villages.

"There it is. The Great Dragon Palace. This is where I was born. Since I was the only child born, I was automatically the rightful heir to the Nakajima Family," Kagome stated. Kenta look ahead, and nearly fell over the dragon in awe. The Great Dragon Palace isn't a fancy name, for the palace was literally modeled after a giant dragon. The dragon landed on the path leading to the palace. Kagome leap off the creature with ease and motion for Kenta to do the same. Once Kenta was on the ground, the dragon that carried them there roar into the sky and soar off.

"Follow me," Kagome said as she leap into the air to start flying. She turn back to see Kenta gaping at her. "What's the matter? Hurry!"

"We can fly?" Kenta asked as he jump into the air to confirm.


"But then why did we use that dragon to get here?"

"Because its easier than flying over here ourselves silly. Now lets go!"

Kagome fly off to the palace with Kenta behind her. They enter the palace through the walls, soaring past groups of Pokémon Samurai's alike, and into a small room. There they see a group of people huddle around a young woman with silver hair and silver eyes. In her arms is a baby who also has the same silver hair and eyes. The young woman happily cuddle and play with her child, while the other people in the group, all women, watch with smiles on their faces.

"That's my mother Hatsumi Nakajima," Kagome said to Kenta.

"Is it me, or is all the members in your family have the same hair and eye colour?" Kenta noted when he noticed the frighteningly similarities between them.

Kagome chuckled. "That's a whole different topic for another time. Let's move on, shall we?" Then like the flip of a switch, the surrounding changes to a small training field. There they see a group of children train against dummies with wooden swords.

"Ah, I remember this. My first Samurai training with all the children born from elite Samurai families back in 1956," Kagome said with a smile. There the two see a young Kagome train against the other trainees. Even though Kenta doesn't know much about swordplay, he can easily tell that Kagome was easily dominating the training field. She easily dodge and counter every attack send her way. It wasn't long until Kagome was the only one standing. The other trainees are all on the ground

"Is this really what the children of the elite Samurai are made of?" Kagome shouted as she cross her arms.

"Scary..." Kenta thought.

"Kagome! Enough," a stern voice shouted. Kagome turn to see a stern elderly man. "This is just practice!"

"I don't care! All of you are weak. Unless you want to prove me wrong?" Kagome challenged.


"Then catch!" Kagome said, tossing him a wooden sword. "Prove me wrong."

"Grr!" the elderly man growled. "I'll show you!" He charge forward. Kagome went into her stance. Then like a lightning, Kagome dodge his attack and strike him in side. The elderly man cried out from the blow and ended up falling face flat.

"Wha-how did you do that?!" Kenta asked in awe, his orange eyes blinking. "I... didn't see when you attack!"

"Ever since I was 3 years old, I always study the ways of the Samurai. There was nothing more important than being the greatest Samurai in history," Kagome said.

"But why do you want to be the greatest?"

"I'll show you."

Their surrounding change again. This time they are in a small room. There they see Hatsumi and young Kagome arguing.

"This was when I became the next Successor. The year was 1963, and I was 16 years old," Kagome said. She then motion for Kenta to listen to the argument.

"...Why do you keep acting like this, Kagome?" Hatsumi demanded.

"What do you mean, Mother?"

"Don't act like you don't know! The way you carry yourself! So arrogant in everything you do. Why do you feel the need to be better than everyone at everything?"

"Its because all the other elite Samurai families are cowards!" Kagome shouted. "When the Orange Archipelago was attacked during the war, none of the other elite families went to fight. Only Father had the courage. All the other families do is sit around like a bunch of fat pigs. Now they have the nerve to disrespect Father."

"What do you mean, Kagome?"

"They keep saying how Father was a fool for joining, and how because of him we are in the state we are in now. They say he was arrogant because he is a Nakajima..."

"Kagome, you shouldn't listen to them. I know how it-"

"NO YOU DON'T!" Kagome lashed out. "Don't think I see you getting friendly with that guy! You don't care about anyone but yourself, don't you?! How could you betray Father like this!" Kagome said as she run off.

"KAGOME!" Hatsumi shouted as she watch her daughter run away. The scene before them fades away to reveal Kagome sleeping in a tree house.

"I've always been close to my father. He was a very special person to me, and the news of his death had affected me deeply. Ever since then I've always wanted to be the greatest Samurai in history. After our little fight, I decided to sleep in the tree house my father build when I was 4. That was when I was visited by the Thirteenth Successor, Nu. His real name is Pryce Yanagi. I'm sure your familiar?"

"Pryce Yanagi..." Kenta repeated as he ruffle his golden bangs. "Pryce... Yanagi... I do know there is a Gym Leader of that name in Johto, but-" Kenta's eyes widen. "No way... old man Pryce was a Successor?!"

Kagome smiled and nodded. "That's right."

"Wha-? But if he was the Successor during your time, then he must be like... 100 years old in the present! And he still looks and acts so young!" Kenta said, his mind completely blown by this new info.

"Perhaps you will know the reason when you meet him on your journey. Now let's delve into my mind."

The scene of Kagome sleeping change to a dark void. There they see a confuse Kagome wondering around.

"Welcome Kagome Nakajima," a masculine voice said. Kagome turn to see a young man dressed in a military uniform, upward facing eyebrows, very pronounced cheeks, short brown hair which was neatly combed back.

"Wow... old man Pryce looks pretty cool," Kenta noted. A mental image of the grumpy old Gym Leader appear in his head.

"Who are you?" the vision Kagome asked.

"I am Pryce Yanagi, Lt. Commander of the Federation flagship Command Base," Pryce said in a formal tone.

"Pryce Yanagi... I heard that name before..." Kagome gasped. "I remember you! Your one of the names I heard on the radio. You along with a crew of at least 200 went missing at the north pole!"

Pryce nodded. "That's right. You must listen to me, Kagome. I am the Thirteenth Successor, Nu. I was chosen by the Twelfth Successor to guard this world. However I've failed. I'm trapped in the Galaxy of Abyss, and my time is running out. The world is in danger. I thought I would be able to permanently close the Galaxy of Abyss, but it reopened again and is now spreading its influences across the world. You've heard the news right? Pokémon suddenly turning vile and attacking anyone. If the Galaxy of Abyss isn't closed again, then the entire world will be doomed."

"I... don't understand..."

"In time you will. During my battles in the Galaxy of Abyss, I was able to send Aletheia out of there. She will be your guide." Pryce then phase out for a few seconds. "It seems time is almost up. Good luck."

"Wait! Why was I chosen?"

"Your ancestor, Masamune Nakajima, recommended you. I'm merely following his orders. Good bye, for I fear I may not be returning to the land of the living."

The scene fades away to show Kagome jumping out of her vision. She sit there, pondering what her vision meant, until she eventually fall back to sleep.

"That is how I became the Fourteenth Successor. Usually for someone to become a fully qualified Successor, they need to first meet physically to pass on the "baton". And for me to that, I had to meet Pryce. With the help of Aletheia, and my many companions, I was able to do just that. It was a hard journey filled with many battles and emotions. There were times where-"

Suddenly the scene disappeared and they return to the dark void. The place start to rumble.

"What's going on?!" Kenta panicked.

"It seems you are finally waking up from the Successor State."

"But I still have so many questions to ask!"

"Don't worry for you will get the answers. Listen to me Kenta. The situation occurring in Violet City is being caused by not a Fiend, but a Demon."

"A... DEMON?!"

Kagome nodded. "You need to be careful. A Demon is not something from this world. It is an ancient evil that existed long before this world came into being. You MUST defeat the Demon, Kenta. Good luck and be safe."

Then just like that, Kenta was thrown into the air as he comes out of his coma.

Orange Archipelago

Mandarin Island North, Kobayashi Family Mansion

August 17th, 2025

7: 15 AM









"It's all a misunderstanding!" Lance shouted back. A nearby window beside him explode as he continue running.


A chorus of agreements sound behind him. He turn around to see at least a dozen armed men with spears heading towards him. The chase continues through the mansion as Lance continue running for his life. His kimono flap in the wind as he race past various servants who were getting ready for their daily duties. Lance repeats apologies after apologies as the chaos spread throughout the mansion. He turn a corner to see Itsuki Suzuki and Siba Yoshida. Itsuki is wearing his formal clothes along with his iconic mask to cover his eyes. Beside him Siba is wearing his traditional black belt uniform.

"Lance," they simple said. Itsuki toss a bundle of clothes while Siba toss a Pokéball belt.

"Thanks Will! Bruno!" Lance shouted, using their preferred nicknames. The two Elite Fours line themselves against the wall as the dozen armed men storm pass them.

"He always have a knack in getting himself into trouble," Will said.

"Lance needs to prioritize his vacation time by training. He needs to stay in shape for the First Annual Kanto-Johto joint Pokémon League in September," Bruno said as he walks away to train.

"Oh for Arceus sake! Is that all you think of? Training? This is a vacation! Besides the Indigo Johto Championship won't be starting till next year of September. We have a whole year of vacation time!" Will said. The two friends continue arguing as they head the opposite direction.

Lance saw the male washroom and quickly kick the door, and close it in record time. He lean against it as the footsteps of the soldiers approach. He held his breath as they got closer and closer until they ran pass. Lance let out a deep sigh. Finally some peace and quiet.

"Honestly! Karin had gone too far," Lance growl has he change out of his kimono and into his regular clothes. He put on his black boots with orange stripes, blue khaki pants, a blue sweater with orange stripes, and a pair of black gloves with an insignia of a phoenix spreading its wings. He then put on his famous black crimson cape on his back. He clip the Pokéball belt around his waist. Lance look in the mirror, flick the large carmine bang that hangs between his eyes, and smile.

"Even though I find this situation annoying, there is nothing more "vacation" than a battle!" Lance declared.

"An interesting choice of words, Wataru Arisato."

"What?!" Lance turn to the door. Suddenly the door was blown of its hinges by a strong force. Lance dodge the door as it came sailing past him and into the opposite wall. Lance glance at the door, then back to the attacker. A big menacing man step into the bathroom dress in all black with a hood to hide his face. The same soldiers chasing Lance were standing guard outside, their spears glinting.

"I take it old man Kobayashi want you to take care of me?" Lance said, his yellow eyes narrowing.

"With the kind of reward Master Kobayashi is offering for you, only a fool wouldn't jump to the chance," the man said.

"Hmph! Kobayashi seems to be underestimating me. After all, I am the champion of Kanto AND Johto," Lance said, a cocky smirk appearing on his face. The hooded man wore a similar smirk as well.

"Then lets not waste any time! AAAAAHHHHHH!" the hooded man shouted as a sudden burst of energy shot forward. Lance hardly had anytime to react as he was blown throw the wall of the bathroom and to outside. Lance spun in the air and land on his feet. He lost his balance and drop flat on his bottom. The menacing attacker hop through the hole he made and landed a few feet away from Lance. Lance hop to his feet as the soldiers chasing him run out into the open courtyard. A few servants cautiously watch as the soldiers form a circle around Lance and the menacing attacker.

"Ready... ATTACK!" the menacing attacker commanded.

Two soldiers with spears gave a shout and charge Lance. However before they got closer, a few projectiles strike into their spears, alarming the soldiers of a new presence. As if by magic, a figure appear in a mini tornado of flower petals.

"Koga!" Lance said, surprise by his friend's arrival.

"It seems being on vacation doesn't stop you from getting in trouble. So what is it this time?" Koga said with a smile.

"Heh you know, the usual. I pissed someone off and now they want to kill me... again," Lance said with a sigh.

"Well we can't be having the heir to the Arisato Famiglia dying now can we?" Koga said as he draw a small sharp kunai.

"That we can agree on. Let's go!"

"Get them!" the menacing attacker commanded. Then all the soldiers charge forward. Koga wasted no time disposing a few of them by breaking their spears and knocking them out with lightning speed. A few soldiers charge towards Lance with their spears ready. Lance dodge the stab from the first one, following the dodge by tripping the soldier. Lance quickly catch the fallen soldier's spear. He dodge a stab from the second and follow it up by striking the soldier on the head with the back of his spear. The final soldier surprise him by rushing forward with great speed and aiming to finish him off. Lance hold up his spear to block the blow, but the strike was so strong that it split his spear in two. Lance jump back as the soldier swung horizontally at him. He glance at his broken spear, then to the soldier. The soldier was smirking, knowing that he got him. Lance return the smirk, drop his broken spear and motion for the soldier to attack. The soldier took the bait and charge forward. Lance merely dodge the combo of slices from the soldier. Then he kick the spear out of the soldiers hand and follow it up by striking the soldier with a few precise punches. The soldier drop to the ground like a rag doll. The fighting continue for a few moments before only Koga and Lance are the only ones standing. The two gave a thumbs up. The sound of clapping caught their attention. By now a large group of servants came to watch the event. Will and Bruno were amongst the spectators, both enjoying the fight as they eat popcorn.

"That was an excellent display of your skills gentlemen. However I'm afraid times up," the menacing man said. Lance narrow his eyes as he felt a strange pressure from the adversary.

"Yeah for you!" Koga shouted as he charge.

"Koga no!" Lance called out.

"Take this!" Koga said as he raise his arm. He delivered a lightning fast punch. However the menacing attacker merely move his head to the side and punch upwards into Koga's stomach, sending him flying a few feet behind him. Koga landed on the ground, his breath completely taken away from the mighty punch.

"Koga! Are you alright?!" Lance shouted.

"I'm... I'm fine!" Koga responded breathlessly. "What a guy... I didn't even anticipate an attack like that!"

"Now... let us begin," the menacing attacker said as he remove his hood. A middle age man with dark hair and eyes stare at Lance. He raise the sleeves of his outfit to reveal an ARC Terminal attach on his left arm. He grab a Pokéball to release a Honchkrow. The Honchkrow send out a cry before it sticks its sharp talons into his shoulders. However the menacing attacker was wearing shoulder pads under his outfit. The Honchkrow flap its wings and took flight into the air. Wordlessly Lance grab one of his Pokéballs to release Aerodactyl. He commanded it to pick him up by the shoulders, and soon he too is in the air. Lance level himself with his opponent.

"So... what now?" Lance called out.

"Then we fight!" he shouted as he charge towards Lance with a punch. Lance dodge the attack, however something slam into his face, sending him and Aerodactyl tumbling down. They were able to regain their balance in the air.

"What was that?!" Lance muttered as he rub his cheek. He look to see that his opponent had a long metal rod in his hand. Lance command his Aerodactyl to fly closer until he is in hearing distance to his opponent.

"That was a dirty trick," Lance said.

"How about you stop fooling around and show your true power, Esper."

Lance did a double take when he heard the request from his opponent. He narrowed his eyes. "Who ARE you?"

The opponent smirk at him. "If you beat me, I'll tell you."

Lance smirked. "Alright. But I warn you, this won't end well for you." Lance furrow his brows in concentration to build up his hidden energy. He then establish a synchronized link between himself and Aerodactyl. Then with a shout he let loose his energy. His eyes turn orange and his carmine hair is now golden. The transformation created more spikes in his hair, and his usual long bang is now sharper.

"Hmm?" the opponent hum in wonder. Lance look at him and smirk. Then he zoom in faster than ever.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Lance shouted as he charge forward with his fist. The menacing attacker move his metal rod to protect himself from the blow. However Lance's fist glow and with incredible strength he broke threw the metal rod easily, landing a devastating punch into the gut of his opponent. The menacing attacker doubled over, but he release two hidden knives in his sleeves. He tried to swoop in for the kill, but Lance merely knock his hands away and place two strong kicks as he back flips.

"Agent Dark! Nooooooo!" Master Kobayashi cried out as he watch his hired man being dominated in the air. Lance delivered quick combos and with finality he back flip and kick both his opponent and Honchkrow straight into the mansion, creating a large hole in it.

"... Ah crap! I totally went overboard. I hope he's alright," Lance panicked. He quickly make his way to the hole to see that his opponent was freeing himself from debris.

"What incredible power... no wonder you are the crowned champion!" he complimented. He dust himself off and return his fainted Honchkrow.

Lance return to his normal state and said, "You weren't so bad yourself...?"

"I go by Agent Dark within the Federation Special Forces. As my field name suggest, I master Dark type Pokémon," Agent Dark said.

"YOUR a member of the F.S.F?!" Lance questioned in genuine shock.

Agent Dark nodded. "I'm afraid I cannot explain everything to you right now, but the Johto Federation is requesting an audience with you."

Lance narrowed his eyes. "If the Federation wants my help, then something big is going on."

"That is correct."

"...Well I have no complaints then!"

Agent Dark blink in surprise. "...Are you sure?"

"Of course! I was dead bored taking a "vacation" on this island. Resting doesn't suit me, I'm more of an "travel around the world" kind of guy," Lance said.

"I see..." Agent Dark said with a small chuckle.

"WATARU ARISATO! You damaged my mansion! You'll pay dearly for that!" a loud voice boom from a microphone.

"Hold on a second Agent Dark, I got something to take care of."

Agent Dark shrugged. "Be my guest."

"Sweetness!" Lance said. He run over to the hole he made and look down. "Yo Koga, Bruno, Will. Let's have some fun!" Lance shouted as he pump his fist into the air. Soon another great battle began as the four of them fought against the soldiers.

Violet City

9: 10 AM

Kenta's vision slowly return to him as he finally awoke from his coma. He prop his elbows and use them to sit up. With a loud groan he stretch his arms out. He open his eyes to see that he is in a small white room. Rays of light flow into the room through the nearby windows. He remove the white sheets to reveal he was in a hospital gown. He look around his bed and spot his clothes, along with his goggles, ARC Terminal, and backpack on a nearby chair. Kenta hop out of the bed, and head into the bathroom. Once he is in, he looks in a nearby mirror. To his surprise, instead of his regular red eyes and hair, his eyes are now orange along with golden eyebrows and hair. Kenta played around the bangs on his forehead, wondering what happened. Then he remembered.

"I remember!" Kenta muttered. "I remember what happened during my Successor State. My meeting with ODIN, finding out Aletheia is actually the Legendary Pokémon Arceus, fighting against the Soulless, and seeing how Ayako's grandmother was chosen as the Fourteenth Successor. A lot sure happened. I wonder how everyone else is doing."

He decided to take a quick shower to freshen himself up, use both the toothbrush and toothpaste his mother had packed for him, and finally step out of the bathroom with his regular clothes. He attach the ARC Terminal to his left arm and activate it. After seeing the regular boot up sequence, Kenta place his goggles over his eyes. Information start to feed into his goggles. Kenta check the time to see that its 8:50 AM. But what alarmed him the most was that its August 17th!

"Oh man! I was in the Successor State far longer than I thought!" Kenta said. With a sigh he remove his goggles and place his ARC Terminal in standby mode.

Just then the nearby door leading into the room opened. Kenta turn to see Nurse Joy walking in. Once she spotted him, she screamed and drop the various items she had in her hands.

"Your awake?!" she exclaimed. She then rush out of the room quickly. Kenta stood there, dumbfounded by her outburst. He contemplated leaving the room, but he decide against it as he hear hurried footsteps getting closer.

"Kenta!" Rin shouted as he came running into the room. He is still in his black suit with his ARC Gun in its holster. However his hat is gone, revealing more of his purple spiked hair. "I can't believe your awa-" Rin stop when he notice Kenta's eyes and hair. "Wh-what happened to you?!"

Kenta laughed and ruffle his spike bangs. "Its a long story. Anyways it doesn't matter! What I want to know is what's currently going on in Violet City. What happened while I was out?"

Rin stiffened when Kenta asked him the question. He nervously stroke his cross bangs, something Kenta found odd. "Well... mostly everyone is okay. Though a guy named Hershel arrived into the city without incident."

"Hershel's here? Hmm..." Kenta thought as he scratch his chin.

"Akemi and Arya are in the main lobby. We're currently in the Violet City hospital. Its where all the population of the city are staying for safety."

"What about Hikari and Ayako?"

"They..." Rin turn his head to the side. "Their souls... have been taken. They are now on life support."

Kenta blink at Rin. "...What did you say? What do you mean their souls have been taken?!"

"Its exactly has I said! Their souls have been taken, and we have only 2 more days to get them back!" Rin shouted. He compose himself and said, "Sorry about that. I'm just under a lot of stress..."

"...What happens in 2 more days?"

Rin narrowed his eyes and he turn to Kenta with a deadly glare. "The end of everything in this city."


"To think that a harmless fairytale is coming to life in our little city..." Nurse Joy said.

"Indeed. Of all my years has a doctor I've never encounter anything like this. I want to say its a coincidence, but..." a young man wearing a white coat and clear glasses said. His blue eyes stare at a few notes in his hands as he read them. His name tag shows that he is the head Director of the Violet City Hospital, and his name being Hideyo Noguchi.

"What is it Dr. Noguchi?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Well its just that I think everything going on cannot be a coincidence. Ever since the start of 2025, strange paranormal events have been happening not only Johto, but the rest of the world. Each day we hear more reports of mysterious sightings of things that may be a new species of Pokémon... or maybe something else. Something not from this world, or dimension to be in fact. It appears as if something from another dimension is trying to force its way into our world, changing all the fundamental properties that exhibits this dimensional plane in which our world exists in."

"...Eh?" Nurse Joy responded with a cute tilt of her head.

Hideyo laughs at her reaction and said, "Sorry about that. I used to work with a Pokémon Scientist back in my university years. He always have these theories of different dimensions, parallel universes, balance between science and nature, things like that. Even after these years I still remember some of the things he taught me. Heh."

"Oh I see now," Nurse Joy replied with a smile. "I'm really glad your so calm and collected in this situation Dr. Noguchi. Arceus knows how bad things would be without your help."

"Just doing my job Nurse Joy. Now about the report on Kenta Matsuda, the boy who just recently woke up from his coma. You said his hair and eyes changed, right?"

"I know it sounds crazy Dr. Noguchi, but its true. As you can see in the profile picture he has red hair and eyes, however when I went to check on him, he had golden hair and eyes!"

"Don't worry Nurse Joy, I believe you. Is Rin with him right now?"

Nurse Joy nodded.

Hideyo smile. "Alright then. Once I'm done checking up at the patients in the emergency room, I will speak with them about the situation. I'm sure Rin has some plan to stop all this, and to capture that kidnapper."

"Alright Dr. Noguchi. Take care!"

"You too. Oh, and don't overwork yourself! I don't want to be helping you next," Hideyo joked as he walk away.

"Very funny Doctor!" Nurse Joy said as she stick out her tongue at his retreating form. Once Dr. Noguchi disappears behind a door, Nurse Joy couldn't help but smile.

"Dr. Noguchi is such a wonderful and hard-working person. If he wasn't here, I have no idea how me and the other nurses would handle things. Yes, we are so lucky to have Dr. Noguchi here."

Hideyo walk calmly around the room. Numerous machines are place around the large room. He walk up to a table and stare. The unconscious form of Arya lay bound to the table. Her belongings are nowhere to be seen. Her hair is a mess and her clothes are weathered. A gloved hand slowly sweeps into her hair to fix it.

"It will be alright my dear," Hideyo whispered in her ear. "Soon you won't be an evil human who only disobey commands."

He made his hand linger on her cheek before he turn away. He look around the room to the other unconscious occupants of the room, who were also bound to tables. He step up to a computer terminal and boot up a program. He then begin to type in codes line by line. His glasses glow as he continue his work inside the dark room.














"I shall build myself an army of human slaves to awaken Manitou. I shall master Manitou to gather all the souls I want. Then with this new found power I will overthrow this corrupt government and issue in a new age of order. Not even Death itself will stop me!"

Hideyo continue his mad ramblings as he types in more lines of code.






Once he finishes, Hideyo smiles evilly as he compile the code and run it.


In a lone area, a sudden distortion effect occurs. A small black hole form in the sky. Then a small figure came falling out of it. With a acrobatic spin, the figure safely lands on the ground on both feet.

"Man, I'll never get use to that," the figure, a 10 year old boy with black hair along with a large red bang, said as he stretch. He is dress in blue jeans, black shoes, and a blue sweater with a black undershirt. On his wrist is a large futuristic looking device

"We've travelled quite a long way, haven't we?" a deep male voice said in his mind.

"That we have Omni, that we have," the boy replied. He glance at the device to see it illuminate a hologram in front of him. "Let's see the year... 2025?! Ugh! I traveled way to far into the past! I knew we should have took that right at the Mushroom Kingdom!"

"Unfortunately, I need time to recharge, for I cannot generate enough power to bring us to the correct year," Omni said.

"Ah man! Well it doesn't really matter. Since we're in 2025, grandpa should be 10 years old. Let's go look around!"

"Are you sure? Remember we are from the future, and you tampering with the past can change the future."

The boy remain silent as he activate the device again to bring up a picture. In it were a group of adults along with children. The boy stare fondly at a specific individual. "I only knew my grandfather for a few months. If I can stop the explosion from killing him, then-"

"But if you do that, there could be a chance we will never meet. Remember it was through your grandfather's death that we encountered each other, and I fuse with your body."

"That may be true but... we have to take that chance- hold on a sec! This isn't good... not good at all!"

"What is it?"

"We didn't just travel back in time, we crossed universes! I'm not in 2025 in my timeline, but 2025 of the Old World! This is really bad!"

"I'm afraid I do not follow."

The boy sighed as he stare off into the distance with a serious face. "You see in order for my universe to come into existence... this one has to be destroyed."

"I see. When does this universe get destroyed?"

"This year. 2025. In a few months too."

"That is plenty of time for us to recharge and go back to our proper time."

"I agree but... what if I can stop what becomes of this universe? You know what that means! Adventure!"

"...But wouldn't that cause your universe to not exist?"

"Nah that's just old scientific nonsense. Even though my universe was born from this one, it already happened! So changing the future of this timeline doesn't affect the one where we came from. This is exciting~" the boy sang as he hop around.

"...Well your the boss, so lets do it then!"

"Knew I can count on you buddy! Let's get going!"

Suddenly a layer of armour start covering the boy like a second skin. A metallic blue armour cover his entire body, except for his head. Then two sharp looking pincers appear on a square backpack on his back that extends into the air. The now armoured boy crouch and leap into the air. The backpack transforms into a 3 jet mufflers and blast him forward with incredible speed.

"My knowledge of the Old World is limited, but if I'm correct... grandpa should be in Violet City right now dealing with the Lullaby Of The Lost Ones folklore. But first we need to take of something in New Bark Town."

"Then we best head there. Oh and make sure not to mention that your his grandson. Who knows what will happen, granted we didn't cause the end of the universe as we know it."

"Didn't I already explain all of that to you? Besides the Enigmatic Network is a vast, and like its name, mysterious network of universes. Our two universes are nothing but 2 of the millions possible billions of universes out there. Like the one with those mushroom looking people. Hey we should go back there again, the cake was delicious! Good times!"

"I agree, as long as we don't go to the universe with those Space Pirates."

The boy laughed. "I agree. That stuff was cray!"

With that he speed along towards New Bark Town.

New Bark Town

Entrance to Professor Elm's Lab

9: 20 AM

"KYA! I can't believe your dream is finally coming true, Senri!" a young woman cried out happily as she hug the arm of her husband. She wears a plain white shirt with black stripes, a blue jeans, and blue heels. Her dark maroon hair is tied into a ponytail along with a large bang that curls upwards from the back of her head.

"Thanks honey," Senri replied as he hug her lovingly. He wears a sleeveless shirt which shows off his define muscles, a black track pants, and black running shoes. His black hair is smooth with several bangs framing his forehead.

"I don't know Mitsuko... anything could happen..." a older man snickered. He is wearing a simple white lab coat with a blue undershirt, a brown khaki shorts, and brown sandals. His brown hair is short and well combed, along with his brown beard which is well clean. His comment was received by a deadly elbow punch by his wife.

"You talk too much Stephen," the woman simple said. She wears a black sweater, a black jeans, and black heels. Her brown hair is short but curled with a few bangs framing her forehead.

"It was simple joke Hana dear," Stephen said quickly. Hana cross her arms and glare at him.

"There is no need to get upset Hana," Shinji said with a laugh.

"You shouldn't joke about important things like this. Remember what happened before, Brother?" Hana questioned.

Shinji visible stiffened. "You still won't let that go, won't you?"

"You still owe me money."

"A-And I'll pay you! Just... don't speak about it..." Shinji pouted. Everyone laugh at his expression.

"B-By the way where are Yuu and my Niece?" Shinji asked as he didn't notice the two children.

"You know how Yuu is. He's showing off to the other kids along with Haruka," Senri said.

"Those two sure are getting along quiet well," Mitsuko said with a smile. "Oh I bet they will produce some cute grandchildren!"

"Mitsuko!" Senri reprimanded.

"I was just kidding silly!" Mitsuko said as she sticks her tongue out playfully.

"Hmm..." Hana hum as she places a hand on her chin in thought.

"L-Let's head inside, shall we?" Shinji said hastily, knowing his sister is plotting something. The adults enter the lab to discuss.


Route 29, Entrance to New Bark Town

The Hooded Boy watch in silence as a group of kids play together at the entrance to the town. In his palm is a single Pokéball.

"Go Nana! Zuzu!" a boy shouted as his Pokémon continue their pretend battle. He wears a black jacket with red markings on it along with a white undershirt, a black khaki pants, and black-red sports shoes. His hair is covered with a strange white hat which is connected to a black headband with a red Pokéball symbol on it. However one can see the black sideburns of his hair sticking out.

"C-Careful, Yuu..." a young girl behind him said. She is wearing a long frilly dress with a pair of black dress shoes and white stockings. A frilly headband fits around her hair which has two large curled bangs on each side.

"Don't worry Haruka. Nana and Zuzu are used to this!" Yuu responded. The kids all cheer as Nana the Poochyena and Zuzu the Mudkip continue their mock battle.

The Hooded Boy's handle on the Pokéball tighten as a wave of nausea suddenly hit him. He wants to follow through his orders, but something is holding him back. The human side of him is pleading with him, saying that what he is about to do is pure evil. As this internal battle continue, a conversation appears in his head.

"In order for Kenta Matsuda to truly understand the concept of Death, he must suffer great losses like how we suffered. You will go to New Bark Town... and release Fiend Salamence there."

"But won't the authorities know the cause behind it?"

"It won't matter. They will write it off as a simple Pokémon incident. This will only be a simple... purge."

The Hooded Boy shake his head to rid of his hesitation. "I can't falter in my mission. The Masters are depending me. I shall do what they ordered of me." He pull out a masquerade mask and place it over his face.

"O Masters Azazel, Shemyaza, Satanael. I shall follow you till the bitter end. May Death embraces us all."

With great will he force himself to click the release button on the Pokéball.

Current Time - 9:30 AM

Time Remaining Till August 19th(7:00 AM) – 39 Hours, 30 Minutes

To Be Continued!

[FINALLY! This chapter is finally finished! Oh man, it was fun writing this one. I plan on making the next chapters for this arc either the same length or a bit longer.

So the plot has suddenly speed up quite a bit. We learned a lot of new things in this chapter. For the next chapter we all will learn just what is going on in the city, and who the kidnapper is as well as his motives.

Oh and for the record, the Esper transformation is totally Super Saiyan inspired. Of course minus having the power to destroy planets and stuff, but the general idea is still there :)

I'm REALLY gonna try and get the next chapter up before my life gets any busier. Of course knowing my luck, I'll probably get around to the next chapter in September :/

Oh Arceus please make my life easier so that I can write this faster!]

Characters & Ages

Kenta Matsuda – Age 10

Hikari Miyuki – Age 10

Silver – Age 12

Arya Solaris – Age 10

Hershel Wile – Age 16

Makoto & Minato – Ages 16

Ayako Nakajima – Age 10

Akemi Minegishi – Age 13

The Hooded Boy – Age ?

Daisuke Hanshichi – Based off the Protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner – Age 31

Rin – Age ?

Falkner Watanabe – Age 18

Izumi Watanabe – Age ?

The Kidnapper – Age ?

Past Kagome Nakajima – Ages 9 – 16

Hatsumi Nakajima – Ages 22 – 38

Past Pryce Yanagi – Based off the Protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey – Age ?

"Lance" Wataru Arisato – Age 24

"Will" Itsuki Suzuki – Age 22

"Bruno" Siba Yoshida – Age 28

Karin Kobayashi – Age 23

Old Man Kobayashi – Age 60


Senri Matsumoto – Based off Gym Leader Norman – Age 22

Mitsuko Matsumoto – Based off Ruby's Mother in the Pokémon Adventures Manga – Age 22

Stephen Birch – Based off Professor Birch – Age 30

Hana Matsuda Birch – Age 28

Yuu Matsumoto – Based off his younger self in the Pokémon Adventures Manga – Age 5

Haruka Birch – Based off her younger self in the Pokémon Adventures Manga – Age 4

Future Boy – Age ?