She screamed, yelled, cried and Loki waited. Over a thousand years and he could withstand some dramatics. It was only when she looked away from him and whispered that there could possibly be a way to undo this that Loki snapped. He grabbed her arms and yanked her to him. Rarely did he get angry with her, but this time he was furious. "No," he growled. "You will not. Do you know the lengths I went?! For you?! It was for you! Do you think I could bare the thought of losing you?!"

"But-." She gasped, eyes red and pained.

He'd heard what she had to say already. It was his turn. "No, not buts Jane. This was the only way. What is more important? You and I or Odin and his stupid apples?" He spat. "I told you, I asked him. I tried your way, but I'm not going to sit back and wait to lose you because of him. I can promise you, if he had prevented me, if he had forced me to lose you, I would have done everything within my ability to ruin him."

Jane sighed and sagged. "Lokiā€¦."

Her forehead rested against his chest in defeat. Loki let go of his anger and pulled her against his chest. "In a few hundred years, this will be a distant memory. We can laugh about it." She did laugh softly then. Slowly, she looked up at him with glassy eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered, "for loving me this much."

If possible, Loki loved her to much. He'd break all the rules for her, no matter the consequence.