Chapter 9 Returning to the place that was once called home

Hey everyone this is linkkeybladeMaster, sorry that I have not updated the story for a long time like three months or longer I don't know I kind of got lost track on my time with other things like doing school work,, concentrating on test, trying to make up all those extra credit to build ever since I got back in college everything has been busy for me.

However I came up with other stories that am looking forward on typing.

I'm still going to do the legend of Zelda and naruto crossover and other crossovers that I promise to everybody or that I might start them off small like I might stop at chapter 9 or 10 and work on another fanfics and get back to it later. It's just that I've been very busy back at collage and stuff been happing back home and also gone on vacation but I will keep on working

Any way with that typed and done enjoy the chapter.

Gaara and his brother and sister were waiting in the star destroy waiting for Revan to come back but for them they were enjoying themselves. The clone troopers offered them demonstration on how this whole entire ship works. They showed the sand ninja the gun torrents, they allowed them to have targeting practice the clone troopers said to them one that one day when an enemy ship is attack them they must learn how they will defend themselves. They were even taught battle strategies when it comes to battling other ships like offences and defenses.

The next thing the troopers showed the escape pods if the odds were against them they would retreat and set any coordinates, they can escape and search for help.

After everything that was shown Temari was on her own mind. "I wonder if revan does like me, would he laugh at me if I told him that I like him, I don't know what will I say to him or I will be able to get the chance to talk to him."

"Temari" gaara said snapping out his sister from her thoughts. "Are you felling okay, I thought you looked quiche so I ask one of those army men if they have any beverages for us to drink gaara finish saying then he handed over a can beverage over to his sister.

"Thank you gaara" Temari replied back to her brother as she grabbed the soda that gaara offered and took a quick sip.

Gaara notice her sister look of confusion on her face and thought on how he should help her. "Is there something going on in your mind Temari" gaara said to her making her hesitate. "Y-y-yeah, of course I'm fine I was just thinking of our strategy on how we are going to win the exam" she said not want to tell her brother about her crush o revan.

"Are you in love with revan gaara said causing Temari to spit out her drink. "N-no I wasn't" she said rolling her eyes back not looking at her brother's face.

"I've heard everything from mother before I entered the portal" gaara said making her completely red followed by steam escaping from her head. "Look it's alright with me that you have a crush on revan it is your choice that who you fall in love." Before he was about to finish kankuro came in to the scene. "Ha never knew our sister is in lo- Kankuro never got to finish his sentence as he was suddenly buried in sand except for his head. "Ha ha ha okay you got me, that's funny, okay not so fun right now" kankuro said feeling uncomfortable of the sand all over his body. "Is this how you threat your brother for trying to help yo-" again he wasn't able to speak, this time gaara used the power from the sand to cover kankuro's mouth.

"Thank you gaara" Temari said thanking her brother and sigh in relief, gaara turn his head back to his sister and nodded back to her in respect.

"It's okay like I was saying it is your choice who you love and that I think it's alright with me because he was the one the one that brought us together, and that is something I will never forget for what he done for us."

"I really appreciated it gaara, but what am I going to do now revan is supposed to get married to this shizuka girl were he easily beat her and won the fight, besides its probably too late for me to tell him my feelings to him" Temari said to her brother looking sad again gaara didn't like see sister in tears he felt that she had lost hope of love and gaara wasn't going to stand for it any longer he stepped forward and gave her a warm brotherly embrace. "I will find a way Temari as long as it makes you happy" gaara said cheering her up with tears still covering her eyes until gaara began to speak in a death like tone. "But if revan does not accept your feelings or if hurts you, I will end him by crushing every part of his body with my sand until there is nothing left of him."

Temari sweat drop at her brother action. Even thought he is still looking out for its still scary that he still has that killer emotionless look on his face Temari thought in her mind while looking at her brother. Kankuro soon was free from is brothers sand, kankuro got back up and dusted off some of the sand from clothes. "Man must you always bury me in sand to solve your problems all I was trying to help and this is how I am treated."

"It is like I said kankuro those who make fun of or disrespect us must pay the price for their stupidity even if that includes you" gaara said making kankuro looking quite depressed in the background there is a dark gray cloud raining water all around his head.

"Sheesh if I knew you were going to be acting like this at least give me some credit for trying to help you" kankuro said to his siblings trying to get some respect from them.

Gaara looked back to her sister to see if she is willing to give kankuro a chance of forgiveness, Temari nodded at her brother and whispered "I think it would be best if we forgive him otherwise he just be crying in corner playing with is puppets again when we were kids." Gaara nodded back feeling pity for brother and he didn't want to make conversation any worse than it already has.

"I am sorry for my disrespect you brother you are a member of our family and we will look after one another even if you are a pain in the neck."

Kankuro was happy at his brother's reply that even the dark gray cloud up on his head vanished but hated the last part however he decided to let that slid.

After everything was cleared up with them they suddenly heard the doors opened behind them showing revan walking all weak and tired but was worse was his face completely all dried up like he was a walking skeleton. Temari rushed to revan who was about to collapse but Temari acted fast and caught revan in her arms, revan soon regained some of his strength.

"Thank you, Temari was it?" revan asked her, Temari nod back and helped revan get back on his feet. "Can you help me walk to the chair" revan asked her for help. Temari carefully helped revan to the commanding chair, setting him down easy on the chair.

"What happened to you" gaara said asking revan what made like this. Revan started to shack in fear, remembering all the sexual events that he and the three goddess performed in his master bedroom, revan was so lucky to be alive he feared that they were going to drain every part of his body until there was nothing left of him. The sand team saw the reaction of him, seeing nothing but fear in his eyes they wondered what was he doing for two hours.

"I don't want to talk about it" revan said not wanting to talk about it, "anyway are all of you ready because I am going to the hidden leaf village first to hear my demands on entering the exam with you in your team, and I want you to bring this to your sensei about me joining you" revan said handing a holocron cube that revan left a message in the it explaining the details of revan joining the sand team and said if there says if there sensei agrees to revan he will give their teacher a early retirement. "I am going on my own ship to leave immediately while my clone troopers will take you all back to your sand village on earth." Revan was about to leave but gaara stopped him. "Revan there is one question I need to ask you something before you leave." Revan turned around facing gaara. What is it revan asked gaara wondering what he wanted.

"Back on your fight with that girl shizuka, was it true that you said that you will marry her." Revan was surprised at gaara's question even Temari was also surprised that her brother asked him that question, gaara said that he helped her but she didn't want to be helped like this.

"I only said that to her so that she won't be a disgrace from her clan, the way I looked in her eyes I can see the sadness in them I can tell she has a hard life growing up just like everyone, besides she isn't the only one I'm marring."

This caused the whole sand group to face plant on the floor, as for gaara he did not fall on the floor like his brother and sister, he just stood there shocked with his eyes were wide open.

"I'm sorry did you just say that you already have a wife and your cheating already Temari said not liking revan realizing that it was a mistake for loving a man who thinks of woman as sexual tools for himself.

"Actually I have three wives kami, yami, and shinigami" revan said reviling the names of the goddess who are his brides. Revan said this time the group was at a standstill they were so afraid that the whole room was completely silent, they never spoken a word nor did they even move a muscle, who wouldn't be acting this way especially when three goddess gave revan incredible power by them and married the most powerful women in the entire universe.

Then gaara came out from his shock and as well for kankuro and Temari. "Wait not only are you the most powerful being in the entire galaxy but also the husband of three goddess" kankuro said not believing what he heard.

Revan nodded back to him, "yes I am and if you're wondering why am I is that you all know that I am naruto uzumaki and I am the last of my clan, but it's not just that I have a bloodline that is called the force and is a binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power it is beyond unmanageable, that is what I am going to teach you all in a way that you can defend yourselves from powerful foes."

"We understand as for the married part" gaara said getting back to the question at hand. Revan wasn't sure how say it, revan rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his eyes back to nervous to explain, but since now he was at a tight spot he had no other options on how to get out of this. "Well how do you say when you have to restore your clan and have to have as many women" revan said causing Temari to have a small drop of blood came from her nose, however kankuro had jealousy in his eyes, it is every man's dream to be surrounded by beautiful woman.

"Do you mean the C.R.A or in its full name the Clan Restoration Act" gaara said to revan.

"Yes something like that but don't take it the wrong way I only marry the ones who would only love me back, I would not take them against their own will, I would never treat women with cruelty or disrespect but would treat them with love and care…"revan stopped speaking for a minute and remembered the one girl that he actual treated like dirt, his sister Narumi ever since he was rescued by his former master and began his training in the ways of the force and practice on his jutsus he would remember her face, when he told her to him alone, he felt so bad for doing it to her that he cared the guilt on his shoulders revan spent every minute working hard and hope to one day to tell her he was sorry. "there used to be a girl who is used to be my sister who would only get love from the village and her parents while I had nothing but pain and tortured but she cared for me and she never knew what happed to me which is when we return back to our home world I am going to find her and tell her I forgive her."

Temari stared feel bad for saying all those things in her mind he said all things he's done to improve his skills and he is willing to do anything to ask his sister to forgive revan, he is so kind and want to make things right it was does kind of feelings that got Temari to fall for revan, she turned her head at gaara seeing him walked towards her and whispered into her ear. "Looks like you will have that chance with him after all."

Temari blushed but then she shook it off getting that thought off her and revan out of her mind. "So is that all you want to discuss because I need check on my ship before I head to the hidden leaf village, until then let me know if your sensei aggresses to my terms" revan said handing over a communicator over to kankuro and told him how it works.

"Yes that is all, we wait for you at the hidden leaf village" gaara said to revan giving him a friendly handshake.

Revan got up from his seat gaining back some of his energy back and left the star destroyer, he then proceeded on to the entrance/exit where every ship in different designs were being repaired from technical difficulties or just upgrading them to be strong, fast and ready for battle and any kind of situation that may threaten them. Revan looked around trying to find his soulless one ship, he turned his head left and right still looking for his ship but still had no luck, when revan was young he used the soulless one for practice testing his skills as an expert pilot pushing himself to the limit making him one of the best star fighter pilot there ever is, but every time he comes back from training with his ship he park it anywhere that was available but he also loses track on where he places it. Without looking forward he hit his head in front of his star fighter, he fell back on his behind and rubbed his forehead trying to forget the pain for his distraction of not looking where he was walking to. Revan got back up from the floor and checked out his ship if it was ready for takeoff. After everything was well and organized, he jumped onto his star fighter. "I got to remind myself where to park this thing, or else I'm just going to end up hitting my head on my own ship otherwise I'll end up in a coma." Revan started his ships power converter on his ships command system and stared to lift him off the ground. "Attention all troopers on star destroyer please prepare take off, get into positions" revan commanded his clone army. The clone troopers got into their positions turning on buttons, flipping switches, and waited for further orders from their leader/emperor revan.

Revan began to speck again but this time he called the star destroyer that was to ready to prepare for takeoff. "All right men prepare the star destroyer for immediate take off gaara you better get yourself strapped in, including your brother and sister. As for you kankuro please try not to get sick this time and fasten your seat belt, it took sometime for my clones to clean up as well for the that body imprint you left when proxy brought you all to my death star revan said making kankuro scratching the back of his head feeling embarrassed what happed to him, after he got over his he looked gaara and Temari as they shook their heads at kankuro with disappointment.

"Hey it was my first time on this so called star destroyer ship alright let's just let it go okay?" Kankuro said trying to convince them that it was just accident but he was not going to get this.

"Let's just hope you don't get sick again, because if it is, I'm staying far away from you" Temari said making her brother hung his head in shame. Kankuro said nothing but just walked to his assigned seat.

After the sand team got their seats and planted their seat belts and waited until they were ready. "Are you three strapped in?" said a trooper commander who came from the door behind them. The sand ninja turned their heads seeing a clone trooper but in a different outfit and color with an alternate pattern.

Gaara and his brother/sister nodded back to the commander trooper showing that they were ready to head back home. "Very well Johnny, clay, Dom activate all engine thrusters, check all weapon systems, and make sure everybody in this ship is ready to drop of the sand ninja to their home land and give there instructor lord revan's message as well preparing to arrive to the leaf village."

"Roger that commander rex", the clone troopers were seated they opened up the hologram panels viewing the ships capabilities they saw nothing wrong with the ship and began to lift up lifting the ship from the ground and floated behind revan's star fighter.

"We are ready when you are lord revan just give us the word" rex said waiting for their lords orders. Revan heard that his trooper say that they were ready.

"Very well, open the gates revan commanded his clone army as they pulled down the switch on the control panel in the landing bay area. The doors began to slowly slide open reviling the dark cold emptiness of space with tons of stars and planets all around.

After the door were fully open with a visible force field protecting them from ever being sucked into the space. Revan flew his ship out of the death star first not far from the entrance then behind him came the star destroyer close behind revan but was above his ship.

"Commander Rex prepare for jump to light speed" revan said on his communicator get him to nod back. "You heard lord revan prepare to the jump to light speed." "Right away" commander Johnny replied back to rex as the clone trooper and the rest of the solders turned on the main lon engines causing blue streams of fire emerged from the main engines. After revan saw there engines were active he also turn on his very own getting ahead of the star destroyer above him.

"I'm about to active the jump to light speed everyone I suggest you all hang on to dear life otherwise you will just end up getting your skin peeled off so I would advise you to hang on especially you kankuro" revan said giving the sand team some advise even for their brother.

"Hey I learned my lesson I won't make the same mistake again, but just to be safe." Kankuro took off his seat belt then he stood up from his seat and took out his puppet from the bandages that covering it.

"What do you plan on using your crow for" gaara said to his brother why would he bring out his creepy human sized puppet.

Kankuro didn't reply back but continued on doing his own thing with his puppet he sat back down on his chair and fasten his seat. After got settled in he used his chakra forming them into strings that attached to his puppet, his puppet then acted by going behind kankuro and wrapped around him in a embarrass attached to the chair.

"Just in case if I fly off my chair I know that crow will keep me safe, isn't that crow" kankuro said to his puppet acting all friendly and creepy at the same time. However for his siblings they stared at like he was crazy and sweet dropped while still looking at him.

"I still can't believe that he still talks to his own puppet like it's a person even thought when we were growing up as kids he still talks to his puppets like they are actual living beings, if he keeps acting like this he'll never be able to get girlfriend" Temari thought rolling her eyes back and turned her seat back, facing away from him and concentrate on going home.

"Really if he keeps acting this way bury every puppet that he made with the power of my sand, but if only he embarrass me" gaara thought narrowing his eyes at kankuro still in his daze.

"It's time to go back home" revan said placing his left hand the switch on his control panels, he pulled back his arm thus pulling all the way down thus activating his ships thrusters and without a seconded later he suddenly got blasted off like he suddenly vanish without a trace of him in sight.

Commander Rex saw revan leave and knew that it was time to follow him, the clone troopers also pulled down the switch and blast off perusing revan.

The sand team held on to their seats traveling so fast they can early lift themselves from their seats, kankuro had no problems thanks to his puppet he was able to remain calm however nothing can say about his puppet, his puppet legs were daggling in the air from the speed of the star destroyer then they sudden its legs were torn off, as for its head was also ripped off. As for crows upper body and arms remain attached to kankuro. Both body parts flew back on the wall fast making them shatter by the strength of the steeled wall combined with the speed of the ship. Kankuro didn't notice that his puppet was dismantled but he will find out soon when they will arrive back on earth.

Back on revans ship he was currently focused on his journey back home thinking in his mind on how his plan. "You better watch your back Minato because once you let your guard down you'll end having no head attached to your body right after I touchier you until you beg me to end your life" revan said vowing to make happen.

But he quickly knew that his sister and mother came first so he'll wait for the right moment to strike.

BACK ON EARTH somewhere in the dessert

Revan ship came to a complete stop arriving to his destination; soon the star destroyer arrived right behind him. Revan looked over his map trying to find a location for the star destroyer to land and waited for them to land on the deserted sand.

The star destroyer slowly lowered itself and on the ground causing a large cloud of sand dust, the bottom hatch of the ship opened up lowering a stair cases on the sand covered ground. The sand ninja team exits the star destroyer and stared walking back to their village. Revan looked at them from above making sure that nobody sees him or his star destroy by using the force to sense on any life energy's making sure that nobody sees him or his clone army. Revan was going to make an appearance of himself to his home world but he planned on doing that on the when he wins on the chunin exams and it will make the konoha scum spread the word to the whole shinobi world.

Revan saw gaara's family wave at him saying there farewells to revan as for Temari she was a bit sad that she didn't get chance to ask revan on how he feels for her but she remembered that he was going to participate in the chunin exams which Temari cheered up and this will give her the opportunity to show him her skills which will make him impressed.

Revan waved back at them saying his goodbyes and can't wait to see them at the chunin exams, revan turned his ship around facing the location on his map where the hidden leaf is.

Revan looked behind as his star destroyer, it began to lift up making the sand into large dust clouds. The ship was up to 50 ft in the air just as the same for revans soulless one. He pulled out his communicator and calling commander rex.

"Commander rex prepare the movement of the star destroyer to land on the top of hokage summit, the star destroyer won't be able to land especially with the trees and buildings that surround the entire village."

"As you wish my lord" commander rex responded outing away his communicator and turned to his men. "You heard your emperor we are moving out. Yes sir the clone army yelled out as the clone troopers controlled the ship by turning it towards revans soulless one ship. Revan's ship stared to accelerate thus moving forward at a slow but fast pace. The clone armies followed revan at the same time slow but managed to catch up and went on to go to the village.

Meanwhile in konoha hokages office

Minato was doing some paper work which was every hokages worst nightmare on doing, but that is not what is causing him to stress out. Ever since the birthday incident of his daughter and the abduction of his scapegoat of a son, also that Kushina had found out about his plan on using his use to be wife and daughter as breeding mothers to produce powerful children. But there one that got him confused on how everything fell apart how did kushina broken the memory jutsu?

"How can this happen" minato asked himself unable to focus on his paper work that he has been slaving or quite a while, it was one of the curses of being a hokage.

"How was she able to break the damn seal, I made every detail of that jutsu to be permanent." Minato did everything to keep himself in power but he did loss his wife who claimed half of everything from the namikaze mansion including jutsu scrolls, money, even all of minato's belongings that might become useful to them. "Wait a minute It has to be some time at Narumi birthday, it must have something to do with that hooded mans attack that looked more like a lighting jutsu technique, but he never used any hand signs so that must be a different type of power." Minato tried hard to focuses his mind to recall on how the mysterious lighting did to kushina, then it suddenly hit him.

"Somehow that lighting attack coerced through kushina's body system and manages to reach to her brain from that hooded mans attack and might have broken the seal on her neck which it was connected to her mind."

Minato then stared to struggle with frustration scratching his head because now that kushina is no longer under his control and lost the trust and respect of his own daughter he felt so anger that his plan is now following apart and it is not going his way. He then looked at the left side of his desk and saw his old family picture; it was when his whole family went to ichiraku ramen shop for the first time. He looked at the photo, he can see his family showing smiles on their faces. The picture took place when the whole family (minus naruto thinking that life would be better without him) finished eating when minato saw a male civilian holding a camera, minato quickly asked the camera man and asked him if he can take a picture of his family. After the the photo was taken kushina wanted to remember this for her whole life.

Both parents kept a copy of the picture to remember that they will never forget that they will have the love of he family to keep them strong and safe knowing that they will always be by there side. However minato only agreed to take the photo so that he can still fool his wife so he can gain her trust.

Minato got out of his thoughts when suddenly his office door was open.

"Hello minato" jiraiya the legendary sannin said coming in to the hokages office.

"Hi sensei has everyone filled in for the chunin exams like I asked you to do" minato said to jiraiya making sure that everything is prepared for the chunin exams and that whoever wins it gets to marry his daughter, but the only one who will obviously win the competition will be no other than the last male of his clan his sasuke uchiha.

"Yes everything is going according to plan, all participants have all signed in for the chunin exams and the instructors ready to give them the written test"

"Thank you sensei, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have made plan to make konoha much more stronger than ever minato said as he got from his seat an walked to the windows behind him getting a clear view of the village seeing all the civilians going about their business and just doing anything what can to get by.

"Thank you minato I am pleased to work with you once narumi is marred to the uchiha things will go our way. We will rule every other nation piece by piece everyone will feel fear when you have become the most powerful ninja of the entire world."

Minato turned around to face his mentor then sat back down on his chair, folding his hands together looking down on his desk. "Yes that may be true but however ever since kakashi's team got back from their mission in wave country kakashi told some valuable information on this revan that saved wave country from Gatos drug dealing and slave trade." Minato said pulling out kakashi's mission report from his draw

"I heard the same details from kakashi, he said that this man has unmanageable power that he stopped an entire army of Gatos men by lifting them up in mid air only using only one of his hands like he was levitating them. Then he summoned water from under the bridge, trapping all of Gatos men in a large sphere of water. I thought he was going to drown them all but he wasn't going to kill them so quickly. He added more suffering to them shooting out lighting that came from his fingertips, his lighting was that similar kakashi's lighting blade but this revan can extended it, he killed all of Gatos mercenaries."

"I see and has any of our anbu located him to see if he is available to recruit for the leaf village."

"We are having a bit of difficulties trying to find him, from the report that was given to us he is hard to find, he only showed up in wave country to help the civilians, but the other thing that got me confused was those white armored men holding strange unknown weapons that took down zabuza momochi."

Well if by any chance he comes back I want to form alliance with him, his men have the weapons that may be able useful to use, once we have them we will kill them behind their backs when we have the chance."

"Excellent now that we got that down let's get bac-" minato was interrupted when his office door burst open.

"Lord Hokage we have a problem" said the anbu wearing the slandered uniform wearing a tiger mask.

"What is it tiger" minato said wondering why did one of danzo's anbu squad came into his office uninvited.

"It's that enormous triangle like air craft coming right towards us" the male screamed while pointing at the star destroyer that was floating above the hokages tower.

"What in kami's name is that thing" jiraiya said out wondering what was that flying giant metal machine.

"We have no idea but judging from how high it is I think that it will land right on top of the hokage monument.

Minato stood up from his chair and looked at tiger masked who looked back at the hokage and suddenly bowed before him

"What do you wish for me to do lord hokage" the tiger masked anbu asking on what to do in this situation that they were in.

"I want you to gather some chunin and go find kakashi, asuma, kurenai, and might guy for back up, whatever that floating metal object is we can only assume that it is a treat to our village and we can't take any chances, I will be on my way to inspect this flying machine."

"Yes sir," the anbu said, the anbu ninja disappeared in a cloud leaving minato's office looking for any nearby chunin that are available on helping out.

"Listen jiraiya I want you to go out and help that anbu and look for any jounin or chunin available in the village if they are doing a mission that's fine with me but look for anyone to help us."

"I will meet you up there with some back up minato" jiraiya said as left minato's office. As for minato he grabbed his white long jacket with red flames on the bottom reaching close to his heels. On the back of his jacket had words that say fourth hokage which of course shows the respect he gains from his public. He was about to leave until he looked at his family picture sitting on his desk, he took a closer to see his wife and daughter looking at them with a blank face but it was then replace with a evil smile, one that is to be feared and threaten.

"Soon you will come back to me my love" minato thought in his mind touching kushina's pictured face. "You will be begging to ask me to take you back, once the finals of the chunin begin and when that happens you'll let guard down and I will place the mind controlled jutsu on you.

After he looked at his ex wife he then turned to his daughter. "And as for you narumi you will be the tool that will bring this village to ultimate power, everyone shall fear us of our might."

"It is a shame the that whole entire uchiha clan have been killed by the uchiha prodigy Itachi but his brother Sasuke and his mother Mikoto will help rebuild the uchiha clan were every child will be raised to follow orders and help us rise to the top, sasuke will impregnate my daughter producing a strong child who will have large chakra reserves from uzumaki genes combined with the sharingan it will become the most power shinobi and I will be the one to control that child. As for sasuke's mother I might as well put her under my control".

After that said he left his office hurrying catch up join the others disappearing in a flash using his flying thunder god kunai.

Early in Konoha village ichiraku ramen shop

Meanwhile a little early before the star destroyer was arriving the hidden leaf village. Narumi was sitting in the middle sit of ichiraku ramen shop enjoying her miso ramen with her three best friends stinting beside her

The first girl sitting left side was Hinata Hyūga, her hair was in a short, levelled hime-cut style just above her forehead, with chin-length strands framing her face. She wore a cream-coloured hooded-jacket with a fire symbol on the upper right and left sleeves and fur around the cuffs and hem, with navy blue pants. And she wears her Konoha forehead protector around her neck.

Narumi's seconded friends name is Ino Yamanaka sitting on the right side, she is a fair-skinned girl of average height with green eyes. she wore a short purple vest like blouse with a raised collar, a purple apron skirt that is cut off on the sides and bandages on her stomach and legs. She also wore purple and white elbow warmers with this, and her forehead protector around her waist as a belt and she works at her families konoha flower shop.

And last one of narumi's friends sitting next to Ino is tenten who her family owns a weapons shop selling ninja tools, weapon materials or searching new sort of weapons to ad to her collection. Tenten wears a pink sleeveless qipao-style blouse with red sleeve trimmings and yellow fastening buttons as well as dark green pants, a pouch adjusted to her thigh, and standard blue ninja sandals. Her appearance is a reference to the Chinese culture.

Narumi's friends hang out at the ramen shop to talk how there lives have been going or talk about how strong they become of being a ninja doing missions, training and learning new techniques.

But today they weren't talking to one another about their day but were worried about narumi's position on being the prize to the winner of the chunin exams.

"Don't worry narumi we will do our best to keep them away from you." Hinata said trying to cheer up her friend.

"Yeah will do what it takes to stop them from controlling you" tenten said acting confident that

"Look I appreciate what you all are doing for me but I know that revan will come back, he never gives up on his promises" narumi said with hope in her eyes.

"Oh looks like some ones got a crush on someone already Ino said on narumi's shoulders giving her a hug making narumi blush of embarrassment.

"i-i-it's nothing like that he just promised to help me" narumi however had seconded thoughts on her brother. Does he have the same feelings for me narumi wondered if her brother loved her.

"So what does he look like is he handsome, is he very skilled Ino said to narumi asking all these question on how this revan person is attractive.

"w-we shouldn't be asking her those questions, remember that we still need to be ready for the exams" Hinata said getting everyone back to the topic at hand.

"Yeah yeah okay sorry I'm just so happy for her that she finally found someone to love.

Narumi smiled a little her friend was happy for her and just hope that everything will go peacefully and that nothing will ever happen to her friends or her family.

"Now that question is out of the way we ca-" tenten didn't get to speck when she looked at the houses behind her suddenly covered in darkness narumi, Hinata, and Ino looked to where tenten was seeing and they all were shocked except for narumi who witnessed at first when she found her brother and what he was doing with his life.

Soon the entire village started to panic seeing a large triangle sized ship floating above them fear that it will fall and crush them.

"What is that thing" Ino shouted out loud looking terrified.

"I believe that revan has arrived" narumi looked at all around and saw the konoha civilians all scared fearing that whatever that huge metal type ship is, they fear that it was not good.

"Hold on a second, you mean to tell me that inside that air craft is revan, there is just no way that he can be inside that thing, it's enormous tenten said not believing what she was looking at.

"Trust me that's him" narumi replied back. "The first time I looked at it I thought it was just merely an illusion, it's that how can a large floating ship go so high?

It looks like that ship is heading to the hokage monument, should we follow it Hinata asked narumi if they must pursue the ship.

"No that's all right, revan promised me that he will come looking for I trust him."

On top of the Hokage Monument

"Listen everyone I don't want any of you to do anything stupid, once that air craft lands I don't want any of you to attack any of he's men, I want to make an agreement on becoming allies, we do not know how many man he has or has waiting for us understand" minato said commanding every chunin and jounin he's sensei could find that was available including kakashi, asuma, kurenai, even might guy.

"Understood lord hokage, we all read you loud and clear" kakashi said as everyone got in formation preparing for revan's arrival never knowing that he has a plan that will soon come to play, however they didn't realize that the ship began its decent.

"It appears that ship is going to land said one anbu who wore a bird like mask pointing at the star destroyer lowering down, opening its landing pads as it continues to lower itself.

Everyone began to back away shielding their eyes from the dust building up from the star destroyer, as the star destroyer landed on the ground minato's ninja squad where in position, preparing for what may come out, as the door hatch slowly opens every chunin and jounin try to get a better view on who is on board until the door was fully open.

After the door was finally opened up about 100 clone troopers marched down the stairway holding their weapons upward (or how solders normallyheld their weapons) thus afterward forming two lines ending near minato and his ninja solders. The clone troopers soon came to a halt as they turn to face one another then positioned their weapons placing them on their shoulders and placed their right hands on top of their foreheads saluting showing respect to lord raven.

Minato would expect lord revan to show up walk out from the star destroyer to meet him face to face, but what caught him by surprise was that the clones took a huge step back far away from each other as for the mid section from the lines formed a large circle.

Minato was about to ask what they were doing but he was interrupted when he heard another air craft that is preparing to land only difference is that the ship is small.

As soon as the soulless one landed in the middle of the circle of clone troopers, revan opened the hatched from his ship and jumped out walking towards minato covering his combat outfit with a black cloak with his face covered by his hood. Revan stopped in front of minato placing his arms together like his old master (lord sidious) does.

So you must be Minato Namikaze, hokage leader of the hidden leaf village said all smug making minato lower his head, showing respect to lord revan giving him respect trying to get on his good side. At least until minato gains his trust to gain assist to his army's weapons and armory.

You must be lord revan that I've been hearing about when you saved wave country, I am quite impressed that you signal handed stopped Gatos men and two A-rank missing nin at such a young age.

I'm surprised that you've heard of my organization, especially when you have witnesses by your side. Revan said looking behind minato, seeing kakashi standing his ground.

"But enough about that I heard that you are constructing a little competition" revan said putting his plan into action. "What do you say we make a wager on this chunin exam."

End of Chapter 9

Again I am sorry that I took too long to update this chapter like I said school, tests, studying, family and also other things that been going on.

Plus a lot of shit can be going down on the news and going on vacation. Any who I am going to take a break on this fanfic and work on other ones for a while, I will get back to this fanfiction later.

This is linkkeyblademaster64 signing off.