"Hey, Levi. Remember when we met?"

Year 830

The sun was at its highest peak as a small girl by the name of Reina skipped through the market of her town. She was sent by her parents to buy some apples for her mother's special cobbler. She walked up to the man behind the apple stall, and made the purchase with a large smile on her face.

"Good afternoon to you, little one. Thank you for the purchase." The man said with a smile that curved his thick mustache.

"Thank you!" She replied with a grin.

Her walk back home was mild as she made her way through a small alleyway, humming a song her mother would sing to her before bed. She stopped halfway through the alley, spotting a boy about her age sitting behind a box wrapped in a rough-looking blanket. His hair was pitch black, and his eyes a dull grey. His skin looked like it hadn't seen the sun in quite some time, and his blanket looked itchy. Reina kneeled down and gave a light poke on his knee, causing him to snap out of a daydream and look at her with a slight pain in his eyes.

"Hi, there." She smiled, strawberry-blonde hair gleaming in what little light there was. The boy said nothing, giving a tired glare. His eyes glanced from her face to the bag full of apples in her hand. She followed his gaze and grabbed an apple from the bag, reaching her arm out to him for him to take. The boy gave her a suspicious look. "What?" She asked, offended at his hesitance, "It's not like I've done anything to them. They're totally fresh!" The boy silently took the apple from her hand, sniffed it, then took a bite. Reina smiled and sat against the wall beside the boy, taking out an apple for herself. "What's your name?" She asked between bites. He glanced over at her, but remained silent. "…Oookay. What do you want me to call you?"


The words left his lips as she glanced over with a suspicious look. "That's not your real name, is it?"

No answer.

Reina peered over with wonder at the mysterious boy. "Well, my name's Reina Oldman! And that's my real name! You're homeless, aren't you?" As if the blanket and ripped clothing weren't clear enough signs, the boy was practically a skeleton, looking awfully malnourished. Levi simply nodded with a distant look in his eyes. "You could come live with us!" The small girl suggested. "Mom's making cobbler tonight, that's why I…" The boy reached into her bag for another apple, "Got these." She giggled. He gazed over at her, eyes dull.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said.

"Why not?" The girl's face dropped.

"I'm a thief." He stated boredly, as if it wasn't a big deal. He took a bite out of the second apple. The blue-eyed girl frowned and stood up, folding her arms.

"Well, Mr. Thief, you can't be a thief if people give stuff to you!" He glanced up at her with a stoic look. "If you want more food, be back here tomorrow afternoon." She said, walking away.

Year 832

It was nearing midnight as the moon shone through Reina's bedroom window. She had woken from her slumber with the need to relieve herself, and perhaps get a glass of water. She groggily walked to the bathroom and did her business. While she was leaving the room, her neck was met with a cold metal.

"Don't move or I'll slit your throat."

The breath hitched in her throat. Why was there a person in her house? Was he planning to kill her and her parents? Or was he there to steal something? Her thoughts were interrupted when the male's voice rang out again. "Where do you keep your jewellery?"

That voice. She had heard it before. Although, it sounded slightly deeper this time. She pointed toward the second bathroom in their house, downstairs and to the left. Her mother always went in there when Reina's parents went out on dates.

The male led her to the room, one arm around her waist and the other holding a knife to her neck. On the way, she couldn't help but glance into one of the house's many mirrors to see the robber's face. It was Levi, the boy whom she donated food to on her many walks!

"…Levi?" She whispered, in order to not wake her parents. The thief froze in his place, taking a moment to acknowledge where he was. In that moment, she smacked the knife out of his hand, sending it into the darkness of the house. She turned around and was met face to face with the homeless boy. He looked at her with shock in his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"I've told you before, I'm a thief." He peered around for his knife, but couldn't seem to find it.

Just then, a light coming from Reina's parents' room turned on.

"My parents are awake. Go!" She gave him a light push toward the front door. The pre-teen gave her an apologetic look before leaving the house in silence. A minute later, Reina's mother, Maria, made her way downstairs toward her daughter.

"Sweetie, what are you doing up?"

"I was just getting a glass of water." The little girl smiled.

"Well, okay. Hurry back to bed." Maria gave her daughter a pat on the head before turning around to find a shiny object on the ground. "What's my kitchen knife doing here?"

Year 835

Reina was on her way back to her house from the market, a bag of bread and tomatoes in her hands. The leaves around town were quickly turning red at the turn of the season, and she admired them as she walked. The strawberry-blonde pre-teen headed down a familiar alley, spotting Levi almost immediately under his scratchy blanket. She waved at him as he glanced up, and sat down beside him while pulling out two bread rolls. Reina handed one to him and smiled. He took it with thanks, now being used to her constant visits.

The almost-robbery that had taken place years ago was forgotten now. Levi had explained to her the day after that he wasn't aware that it was her house, and that he was sorry. Their friendship grew as the years went by, just like the kids themselves. They weren't particularly kids anymore, however. Levi had grown quite a few inches and now stood at around 140 cm, his shoulders broadened and jawline more defined. Reina had grown to about 135 cm and had begun to develop some womanly curves.

"How has your day been, Levi?"


"No one wants to buy that watch you nicked last Tuesday?" Levi shook his head no, and began to eat the bread. Thanks to Reina's charity, Levi had gotten some colour back into his cheeks and looked much healthier than he did when they first met. The two continued their small talk before their ears were hit by an unexpected sound.

The sound of an explosion.

Flames could be seen from over the roofs of nearby houses, coming from the direction of Reina's house. Her heart stopped for a second as she realized the situation. Her parents were still home.

She grabbed Levi's hand and began to run to the direction of her house, her eyes meeting the shape of her house being engulfed into flames. Tears streamed down her face as the building crackled.

"Mom! Dad!" She shrieked attempting to run into the building.

"No!" Levi shouted, grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

"Let me go! I have to help them!" She struggled to break free from his grip.

"It's too late, Reina." He almost whispered as he wrapped a free arm around her frame, keeping her from running inside. She let out a whimper as she watched her home burn down.

All that she loved and all that she knew - It was gone.

Year 838

"Alright! Everyone, gather around!" A dark lit room full of tough looking faces huddled around the male speaker. His name was Kane Burkowicz, and he was the leader of the underground crime syndicate located under Mitras. His head was shaved and his eyes were dark and angry. "We're gonna list off some of the missions this week." Kane began calling out names and the matching duties, all having to do with stealing from the upperclassmen and the military. "And finally! Levi, Isabel Magnolia, Farlan Church, and Reina Oldman. You guys are gonna rob some of the Survey Corps officers that are visiting for the week. Make sure you pickpocket the higher-ups. They're the ones with the cash."

"Obviously," Levi mumbled. Reina snickered.

The crew set off on their mission the next day, bringing small knives and other weapons with them that they were able to hide under their clothing. As they walked, Levi filled them in on the whereabouts of their targets.

"They're staying in an inn called The Bear's Brow. We'll wait for the cover of darkness before intruding. Isabel and Farlan can take the first floor. Reina and I will take the second." The rest of the group nodded and headed to a dark alley to wait.

Reina and Levi crept up the inn's stairs with great stealth and agility. Levi had told Reina beforehand to contact him if she found the commander, as he would be the most dangerous. Reina found a door and began picking the lock. When she got the door open, she carefully rummaged through a sleeping soldier's room before exiting quietly.

At her second room, she walked in to find a sleeping blond soldier. His body was large – both muscularly and vertically. She wandered around the room while keeping an eye on the man, rummaging through drawers to find small bits of change here and there. Reina peered back at the sleeping man to make sure he was in fact still asleep, when she noticed a bright emerald necklace hanging from his neck.

"Jackpot," She whispered.

Reina reached for the necklace, attempting to find the clasp. Just then, a hand gripped her wrist hard, and Reina looked up to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at her.


"What exactly are you doing, miss?" The man's voice was deep and groggy from sleep, however his strength was very much intact.

Levi finished robbing his second room and closed the door quietly behind him, pleased with his stolen goods. However, his pleasure was ruined when he glanced up to see a large blonde soldier holding a military sword against the neck of Reina.

God dammit, Reina. I told you to come get me when you found him.

"Are you the leader of this group?" The man asked, his voice echoing throughout the almost-empty hall. Levi nodded in response. "I caught this one trying to steal my necklace," The soldier began, his face stern as if to look like a father giving a lecture, "Do you know what the royal punishment is for stealing from a military commander?"

Levi's eyes narrowed. The punishment was death. Not if he could help it.

"How about I give you a nice apology made of gold, and we'll call it even?" Levi said. All these rich pigs care about is gold. It would certainly be easy to keep Reina's life.


The commander began to chuckle as Isabel and Farlan swiftly ran up the stairs. They stopped in their tracks as they realized the situation.

"Wouldn't that be my gold?" Said the man with an amused look on his face. "I'll tell you what. I won't kill this girl," A silent sigh of relief escaped Levi's lips. Reina was his best friend. He wasn't sure what he would do without her. He was supposed to die the day they met, for he hadn't eaten in a week. She saved his life, and he owed it to her to save hers. "If," the commander continued, "You make a deal with me. Join the military."

"What?" The words escaped Isabel and Farlan's mouths as they looked up at the man in confusion. Levi's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would you want four thieves in the military?" Levi questioned.

"We could use some stealth on our team, and the Survey Corps is always looking for new soldiers."

"How much do you guys pay?" Isabel asked, immediately being shushed by Levi.

"We aren't in the position to be bargaining, Magnolia." He spat at her, annoyed.

"So, what will it be?" The soldier asked, arm and sword tightening around a slightly pissed off Reina.

A/N Eeeeeee! First chapter! How'd y'all like it? Sorry about all of the time jumps but I'm trying to get to the present as fast as possible, which is around the time Eren sees titans for the first time.

Let me know what you think! And I'm fully accepting new ideas because I'm really not as creative as I would like to be haha! Thanks for reading!