Sighing Arthur reached over to turn off the alarm, he'd already been awake for a while thinking about Saturday evening at the club that Gwaine had insisted dragging him to, claiming that he didn't get out enough anymore. He knew that was somewhat true, since becoming more heavily involved with the family business, Pendragon Industries, he didn't have as much time to do as he pleased. He admitted to his self it had been fun, that he'd enjoyed being out with his friends.

A smile played on his lips as he remembered dancing with one particular man for quite some time. If he closed his eyes he could almost still fell the way his body had felt against his, grinding against him to the beat of the music. He'd been bloody gorgeous with his wild black hair; impossibly high cheekbones and a smile that made it feel as if his heart was skipping beats every time it made an appearance on his delectable lips, to top it off the body he'd been touching as often as permissible while dancing had been lanky, yet leanly muscled.

Picking up his phone off the bedside table he sees that he really needs to get up and get his day rolling. Groaning he suddenly remembers that today will be the day he's introduced to the three PA's his father has picked out, expecting him to pick the one that best suits his needs at the end of the month. Pulling the duvet back he gets up making his way into the loo to start what he is sure to be a rather long day.

On Monday morning, Merlin finds his self sitting in the small employee conference room of Pendragon Industries. All his hard work, dedication and sacrifices have helped to get him to this moment of opportunity, his head jerks to the left as a stunning woman enters the room.

"Gentlemen, let's get started shall we? Pendragon Industries is a prominent multibillion dollar worldwide corporation, which not only sets high business standards but expects them as well; out of hundreds of applicants you three alone met the requirements set forth by Pendragon Industries, you should be proud." She passes out new iPad mini's and thick folders to each man.

"I can assure you that the things we provide will come in handy for the variety of tasks that will be required, for the n ext thirty days you will be competing for the position of Arthur Pendragon's personal assistant. I'm sure you will soon see that Mr. Pendragon will not only expect you very best but demand it as well. It is not uncommon to receive instruction via email after hours; the Pendragon's are renowned for their work ethics. No matter what, Please keep in mind that only one of you will be staying, you will be given a sign on bonus as well as a top salary."

That was when it happened; Merlin felt "the presence". Scanning the room he realizes that the mirror must be a two way, rolling his eyes he's sure that the great and imperious Arthur Pendragon must be watching.

"Mr. Pendragon we are ready for the introductions now."

Schooling his face and thoughts back into what he considers his mask, he confidently strides into the room. Looking over each candidate his eyes come to rest on the very face he'd been thinking about this morning. Intelligence and humor shine out of the most brilliant dark blue eyes he's ever seen, and the only thought that can form is that he hopes like hell the man isn't competent enough for the position, as his father has a strict company policy about dating employees.

"From left to right sir we have Giles Bishop, George Adkins, and Merlin Emrys. Gentlemen meet Athur Pendragon."

He shakes each man's hand in turn. Glancing at his watch he knows that he will need to meet with his father shortly.

"Let's get them set up their temporary spaces please Mrs. King, give them a quick tour. I have a meeting with my father shortly. Bishop I'd like a coffee one cream two sugars. My last PA kept all the files on his computer, all relevant files have been transferred to the laptops that will be provided in your work spaces. Find the mailing list for out Russian contacts pertaining to the three companies there that Pendragon Industries owns. There is also a document that I created with yesterdays date, polish it up in word and email back to me. Adkins, find the file with explanations for Monday errands, I'm sure it's clearly marked. Emrys my last PA was in the process of scheduling a dinner with an important visiting dignitary. I am not sure where that stands but I expect to be updated, I know the ambassador will arrive in five days. I don't have time now to go into what I expect but that will be coming soon. Gentlemen it is now 8:54 I will see you at 11:00, good luck."

Arthur quickly made his way to his father's suite of offices on the top most floor, as the elevator opens he is greeted with the smiling face of his father's secretary.

"Good morning Mrs. Cranston. I hope you had a lovely weekend."

"Arthur! Good morning, yes I had a great weekend. I hope your was good as well."

Leaning an elbow on the counter he gives a small smile and a wink, "I can't really complain, I did have an interesting weekend. Is my father in?"

"Yes he is; I believe he's just finishing up with a call."

"Thanks Mrs. Cranston", making his way back to what he's always referred to as "The Door".

Knocking loudly before pushing the door open, his father looks up and flags him in, so he takes a seat in one of the two chairs in front his father's monstrosity of a desk. His mind wanders back to Merlin Emrys. He is just as gorgeous today as he was on Saturday night at the club, and apparently the guy has brains going for him as well, shit! How the hell is he even going to get through the next thirty days with his sanity intact, the answer was simple, it wasn't going to happen, not with Emrys being in his space constantly. Looking up he just catches what his father is saying.

"Arthur, I know that you're not excited about the prospect of a personal assistant, I want to know that you have someone you can count on to help keep up with all the minute details, leaving you free to concentrate on the important ones. I don't need to remind you that I'm leaving for Japan in thirty three days, and that I will be gone for at least three months."

Sighing and running his hand through his hair he knows that this is a reasonable request from his father. "I will try, I'm sure that one of the three that you've selected will work out perfectly."

"Good, good now, I have the latest projections that we need to go over."

By ten o'clock Merlin had easily accomplished everything that Arthur had asked of him, he was currently in Giles's cubicle trying to help sort him out. "Okay, take a deep breath Giles, the filing system the last person used is pretty basic, really. You know that you need the Russian contacts for the companies in Russia. Yes, here it is under ."

Looking up at Giles pale face, Merlin smiled reassuringly at the man, "I'm sure you're just a little nervous is all."

"Thanks Merlin!"

Returning to his own space he sees that he has an email:

To: Merlin Emrys

From: Gwaine Castles

Subject: Welcome!

Just wanted to say welcome to the crazy life of Pendragon Industries, oh and you sure look different now than you did on Saturday evening at the club : ) not saying it's a bad thing, more like a hot thing ; )

Gwaine Castles

Pendragon Industries

Creative Director (and friendly pain in the arse ; P )

Smiling at the email, Merlin was just about to hit reply when he sees another email hit the inbox.

To: Merlin Emrys

CC: Gwaine Castles

From: Arthur Pendragon

Subject: Friendly pain in the arses

Gwaine while I find it commendable that you've taken time out of your hectic schedule to welcome a new employee, I do want to say stop being the above mentioned subject line, and stop flirting with my PA! Do feel free to be productive and do what you are being paid for.

Arthur Pendragon

Vice President of Pendragon Industries

Sent from my iPhone

Spinning around, Merlin feels the swarm of butterflies taking flight in his stomach as he seen a smirking Arthur casually leaning against his cubicle wall. He feels the blush heating his face as realizes that he's seen this very same smirk before, on Saturday evening when this very man had been pressed against him dancing, hands on his body.

Clearing his throat he gives what he hopes is a confident smile. "Sir when you are ready I will update you with the requested information."

Arthur slips his hands into his trouser pokets and raises a blond brow mockingly. "We will get to that Emrys, in the mean time come with me. Bishop, Adkins, with me now!" Following Arthur down a well lit hallway they enter the only door there is at the end of it, stepping inside the empty office, he stops in front of another door.

"This space will eventually belong to one of you, this leads directly into my office." He says waving his hand around before continuing through the door, he crosses the spacious office to sit behind his desk waving Giles forward to accept the cup of Coffee. Merlin watches him sip the coffee, then setting it down quickly, he can tell from Arthur's expression alone that it's not right. Arthur's piercing blue eyes looks up at them.

"One of the many things that will be expected is keeping track of my daily schedule, appointments and the like. I expect constant communication, immediate responses. Each of you has been given everything you need to succeed it will be up to you to do so. I will say this only once, and then deny I ever said it. There are times I can be very trying to work with, my temper may be short, and so if that happens I'm telling you now that I'm sorry in advance. Bishop I like the work you've done completing the document. I want it emailed to all the contacts that I asked you to locate. Keep track of response for discussion later this week. Adkins I expect the errands that you found to be completed by the end of the day. Anything needs specific approval please email that request. Emrys replace this crap coffee, and email me all the details for the requested information."

Pushing away from the desk, stretching and yawning, he now has a better idea of the amount of actual work and what is expected for the position. Snorting he sees that it is well after seven, Arthur has been relatively quiet for the last two hours.

Grabbing the iPad mini he opens the calendar icon to insure that he has everything noted for the next month, he then sets a daily reminder to compare the calendar with Arthur's secretary Mrs. Kind. He's already copied the daily errand list as well. The ping of an arrived email catches his attention.

To: Merlin Emrys, Giles Bishop, George Adkins

From: Arthur Pendragon

Subject: Go Home

You can leave now. See you in the morning bright and early.

Arthur Pendragon

Vice President of Pendragon Industries

Gathering up his things Merlin waits for both Giles and George to leave before making his way back to Arthur's office. He quietly pushes the door open studying Arthur who has his back to him, phone to his ear. He's taken off his suite jacket and the sight of those broad shoulders makes his mouth go dry. He watches Arthur end the call, still facing away.

"What is it, Merlin?"

"Are you sure you don't need anything else before I go, Arthur?"

Arthur turns towards him and crosses his arms, his eyes sliding down his body and back up to his face. "There is nothing that I require work wise, Merlin." Arthur lets out a sigh that sounds resigned, one hand sliding into his pants pocket the other through his hair. "No Merlin, there is nothing that I require, good night."

Arthur watches Merlin cock his head to the side, an eyebrow raised. It's as if he knows that he's being fed a crock of shit. Arthur can't help but smile at him, he feels the breath catch in his throat as he watches the brilliant smile spread across Merlin's face, making his eyes light up from within. "Go on then you idiot, get out of here."

That smile never falters as he says "See you in the morning vice president prat." Turning back to the view, regret washing heavily through him.