Rebecca didn't have anything to pack. She literally had nothing when Kevin took her home. However, she couldn't just leave. Though she had no memory of the night before because of her drinking she had woken up to find Kevin on a mattress in the floor in her room, and her borrowed pyjamas gave her the impression that someone had looked after her. She had already talked to Mia but couldn't leave without personally thanking Kevin.

"It's Saturday," he muttered. "I sleep in on Saturday, remember?"

"It's me," Rebecca whispered. Kevin opened his eyes and looked up. He saw Rebecca and remembered how he had run into her the night before. He sat up.

"How are you feeling?"

"Mr. Burrows came to get me. I'm… I'm going home with him."

Kevin checked his watch and nodded his head. "First thing in the morning. I should have known."

"Thank you," Rebecca looked down as she said it. Though Mia and Kevin didn't seem to be judging her for the night, she still felt pretty humiliated about it all. "You didn't have to go to all the trouble…"

"We help people in need," Kevin assured her. "Just take care of yourself. Don't let whatever's bothering you get to you. You're one of us, Rebecca. You can handle anything."

"I hope you're right," Rebecca nodded. She gave the former blue Ranger a quick hug. "Seriously, thank you."

"Take care," Kevin smiled as he watched her go. Rebecca saw Mr. Burrows waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. She picked up her bag and thanked Mia on the way out.

When they were in the car, Mr. Burrows took her hand.

"I was in touch with the lawyer on the way over," he told her. "Your father never wrote up where he wanted you to go if something happened. There's a pretty good chance we can officially take you in."

"Are you sure?" Rebecca asked. "What about a foster home or…"

"Do you really think we'd send you off to a home?" Mr. Burrows said. "They already have it on file that you live with us. They're willing to let you stay until all the papers are signed."

"And when the papers are signed?"

"If we get our way, you're not going anywhere," he promised her with a smile. "We really want you to stay with us."

Rebecca bit her lip, "Even after all the things I said to Troy?"

"He never mentioned any of it," Mr. Burrows said. "I doubt he's even thinking about that. When I went to check up on him last night, he was on the phone with his friends and asking around for you."

"I guess I've got a lot of apologizing to do to him," Rebecca sighed. "He's the only family I really have left and…"

"What are we, chopped liver?" Mr. Burrows frowned. "Rebecca, family isn't just who you're related to. Family is what you make it."


"Jen was up early this morning and hugging your pillow when I got the call from Kevin and Mia," Mr. Burrows said. "She was worried something had happened to you. She was so scared you were hurt or dead. I've never seen her so upset, even when Troy's out during those monster attacks."


"Ryan didn't sleep much either. Her bedtime routine always consists of you reading to her. When you never showed up, it threw her off. She's just a baby. She doesn't know what blood is. You're just as much a sister to her as Troy is her brother."

"I am?"

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to you. I took Troy in like a son, and he's not mine. I don't care where my kids come from. If they're in my life and if I can help them, I'll do anything."

"I guess dad's death hit me pretty hard."

"We understand," Mr. Burrows smiled. "We're just glad you're okay now. And glad you'll be at home where we can help you."


Troy was in the living room when he heard a door slam. He looked up and saw through the window that his father was home. Then he noticed Rebecca getting out of the car. He jumped up from where he was trying to play with Ryan on the mat and ran for the door. Mrs. Burrows watched him go with a frown.

"Troy, don't leave your sister like that!"

"She's home!" Troy shouted and ran outside. He caught Rebecca in his arms and held her tight. "Where the hell did you go? I was worried sick!"

"Sorry, Troy…"

"Are you okay?" Troy didn't care for apologies. He didn't need one. His only concern had been his sister. Understandably she had been upset. Understandably she had taken it out on him. But he had been scared all night that in her state she wouldn't make it. He had been worried something would happen and he would lose her. It had only been a few months since he had met her but he already couldn't imagine life without her.

Rebecca nodded her head. Troy took his sister in his arms once more and held her lovingly. It was at that point that his mother came out of the house with Ryan on her hip. Seeing Rebecca, both Burrows girls perked up.

"Thank goodness!" Mrs. Burrows raced out to the driveway and hugged Rebecca tightly. Ryan, as soon as she was close to her sister, threw her arms around her. Rebecca took the little girl in her arms and looked up apologetically at Mrs. Burrows.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

"Don't even worry about that, sweetheart," Mrs. Burrows smiled. "Come on. Come inside. We can talk about what happened to your father. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I was really hoping for the best."

"I… Me too," Rebecca smiled. "And really, I am sorry I ran off. I… I should have just come home."

"You're here now," Mrs. Burrows said. "You're home and you're safe. That's all that matters."

Rebecca nodded her head and then asked Mr. and Mrs. Burrows if she could have a minute. Both parents went inside, leaving the three kids in the driveway. Rebecca looked to Troy.

"I'm sorry," she said. "For what I said about you back at the house. I…"

"You didn't mean it?"

"I did at the time," Rebecca said. "I do take it back, though. I guess I just needed some time to clear my head. On the way back, your dad wouldn't stop reassuring me that I had a home and a family here and… it got me thinking."

"My parents are really great, Becca. You don't have to worry about what dad did to my mom. They don't think like that."

"I know. And… I may not have grown up here, but… this is where I was meant to be," Rebecca smiled a genuinely happy smile and gently bounced Ryan on her hip. "It just… took me a little longer to get here."

"A harder and longer journey," Troy nodded. "But you made it. You're home now. You've got a real family again, and this time they aren't going to let you down."

"Dad was the disappointment. Mom…"

"She'd be happy you made it here," Troy assured her. "She'd have been great with you, no doubt, but I'm sure this is the alternate she'd prefer. You know, Gia sometimes says she feels her father is watching over her. Maybe your mother does the same thing. Maybe she led you here."

"She couldn't have chosen a shorter or easier road?" Rebecca grumbled.

"They aren't worth taking," Troy chuckled.

"I guess not," Rebecca said. She looked up at her brother, "Thanks, Troy. Bumping into you was seriously the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"We're going to take care of you," Troy promised her. "We'll help you say a proper goodbye to your father, you can stay here as long as you need. Dad was literally up all night doing what he could to become your legal guardian."

"To be my new dad?"

"You don't have to call him that. He would never expect you to."

"I won't call him dad," Rebecca said. "But… let's face it, Troy, your parents have been better parents to me than my own dad. Hell, you've done a better job looking out for me than my dad."

"You'll be okay, Rebecca," Troy smiled and he put his arms around both his little sisters. "You're not alone anymore."