The team continued to chat and eat, watching TV and of course, keeping an eye on Parker. For now the avoided the heavier aspects of their recent day and talked about Sam and Jules' wedding, their parents and shared a few laughs about their wedding. The team finally got a chance to chat casually with the new couple about their future addition and there was lots of help offered to work on a nursery. Although the weight of Parker held over them heavily, they were grateful for the presence of each other to help pass the time and keep each other from getting too upset with worry about Greg.

Greg, while lost deep in his medicated state, slowly started to pull forward out of the haze. He heard the voices and the laughter of those he loved. He wasn't awake, but their voices and their happiness pulled him toward them as he dreamed of times in their past when they had all been together. Picnics, parties, evenings at the pub and even on shift when they shared good times, laughter and love. Occasionally the darkness pulled at him, threatened to pull him under, but the voices of his family kept him focused on finding a way back to them. He knew that he needed to move toward them, not away from them.

Once the food was gone, the team was as content as they could be, the door to Greg's room opened and Dr. Linden came in, looking first to Greg but then around the room.

"Well, this is quite the party." He said with a smile. He took in the scene around him, before again fixing his gaze on the injured officer. "I hear he's improved since surgery. Things are getting better." He checked Parker's vitals and again took in the team. "I guess I'm going to be seeing a lot of you guys, and you must be his son." Dean stood, shook the doctors' hand and introduced himself. Sam introduced himself as well and Jules took the doctors hand saying, "Jules Callahagn, er, Braddock." She smiled. The doctor's eyes flicked to Sam and then back to Jules. "Recently married?" Dr. Linden asked, "Yesterday." Sam answered. "Yesterday," The doctor echoed, "Wow. Congratulations." Jules smiled, "Thanks." Ed explained that Leah just left and the doctor remembered Ed's name from the day before. He turned to Spike but before he could speak, he was already correcting him, "Call me Spike." The doctor raised his eyebrows, "Spike. Okay, sure. Well," Linden addressed the room, "I'm hoping your sergeant will continue to improve over the next hours. He had them worried in surgery but we are looking ahead now to better things. We're going to keep him here and keep a close watch on him. You guys are fine here but when he wakes up we might have to find somewhere else for some of you to be." The team was nodding obediently, those that had thought ahead expected this. Ed spoke for the team, "We'll do whatever you want, whatever's best for the boss." The doctor smiled around at them and left the room.

The team was left again, flipping through the TV channels and waiting. More hours passed as they went in and out running different errands and getting food, drinks and washroom breaks. The sun set and it started to get dark again, Leah returned with coffee and the team waited and watched.

Into the night, Dean led the charge to go back down to the café and get some near midnight dinner. Leah again agreed to accompany him and Sam and Jules were walking the floor trying to keep Jules' leg in motion. She had been told to stay off it for long periods, but keep it moving at intervals. They went in and out in waves, always warning those remaining to update them, even though they were never going far. The group had filtered out and Ed found himself alone with Spike. Ed took the opportunity to move over and sit in the chair next to Spike, who watched him curiously. "Ed," Spike started, "I know," trying to pre-empt what he knew was coming. Ed cut him off, "Spike you haven't left this room in days."

"That's not true." Spike said, "I went to the washroom." He smiled up at Ed, half looking at him. Ed sighed, "Spike, you're still in your uniform."

"Ed, I know. I just want to, I just wanna be here when he wakes up." He motioned toward Parker. "I will go home for a while, after he's up, but," Spike looked up at Ed, "Only if you do." Ed smiled at Spike, "Okay, Spike. I'll go check on Clark too, but not until the boss wakes up."

Greg had been wavering in and out of consciousness and picking up small parts of conversations. He kept hearing his team, the TV and also his son. He wasn't aware enough to react, but he floated below the surface of being awake and then would fall off into the recesses of darkness again. This time, he heard Eddie and pulled himself forward enough to focus on his voice. As he slowly pulled toward consciousness this time items flew by him. Feelings, thoughts and pain coursed over him, he realized he must be waking up. The feeling that was in his chest caused him to choke, he couldn't breathe, but he was still getting oxygen because he was alive. What was going on? He jerked awake and groaned in his throat, hands reaching up to find out what was there. Suddenly, there were strong hands holding him down, holding onto his arms. He had to get free, he had to breathe.

Ed had just made the agreement with Spike when he heard the monitors change. The steady beeping increased and he looked past Spike to Greg on the bed. He saw a change in the way he lay, his shoulder twitched and his face showed pain instead of the peace it had shown before. Greg's eyes blinked open for a second and then closed again. Spike followed Ed's gaze and turned in time to hear Greg groan and then start to panic. Ed took three steps around the bed and grabbed a hold of Parker's hand, holding it down before it could do any damage. "Boss?" Spike asked, softly, trying to bring him back quietly. Ed knew that Parker was weak and it was evidenced further by how little he was able to fight his friend. Spike saw his other hand moving and grabbed on to stop him from pulling out his IV's. "Greg." Ed called, "Greg, I'm here, we're here. Can you hear us?" He tried to keep his voice even to try and keep Greg calm, but he didn't think he was successful. Greg's eyes shot open, unfocused and searching, looking in all directions but not actually seeing. He grunted again and fought both Ed and Spike to get a hand on the thing in his throat, on what was stopping him from taking a breath. "Greg, buddy, Greg." Ed leaned over his head trying to get him to focus. "Greg, I'm right here buddy, just calm down, keep it cool, okay. We're here." It felt like minutes, but Ed knew it was only a matter of seconds before Ed felt Greg stop fighting. Finally he met his eyes and Ed saw fear and pain there. Spike spoke up from across the bed from Ed, "Boss, hey." He too caught the pain in Greg's eyes which caused his own heart to feel pain in response. Spike knew his eyes would show his concern and that he'd be able to read him, but he didn't care. At the sound of his voice, Greg turned his fearful gaze to Spike who had let his grip go. Greg took the opportunity to slip his hand out from under Spike's and grab onto his uniform sleeve. Spike brought his other hand up and grabbed onto the back of Greg's hand. Spike nodded with a small smile, "Welcome back, Boss."