A/N: Hello everyone. Welcome to a new chapter of Eds of the Dead. I know that I haven't updated this story for a long time. You can blame me for letting this story to rot. But anyway, let continue shall we.

Ed, Lane, and Rolf are outside moving several objects. Normally the job will be easier, but due to the conditions of the weather, it is a challenge. Especially when it's coming from a labor-born person, Rolf. Lucky for them, they manage to find several rain coats in Ed's current room.

Ed drops a huge box on the ground while wiping his face from the rain," Is it me or why do I have the feeling that something is about to happen to one of us soon."

"What do you mean about that?" Lane asks as he drops his box on the ground.

"Lane, I know that you know that every time it rains, something bad is about to happen to the surviving group in every horror movies and comics."

"Usually rain has little to none effect. So what do you mean?"

"It means that some kind of high conflict is about to happen."

Lane looks Ed with a strange face. Before he can respond, Rolf interrupts the two conversations.

Rolf gives his signature disapproval face with his right fist shaken in front of him, "Ed-boy and new one get back to work or you will face the wrath of Rolf."

Rolf leaves the two alone as he goes back to his work. Ed also goes back to work. Lane slowly continues working as he makes a sneer comment," And yet I still get bossed around by a crazy workaholic."

When Lane finishes, a shoe is thrown at him. Lane couldn't dodge it in time. Lucky for him, it only hit him in the back of his head.

"Now who in the hell would…" Lane stated before hearing a booming voice.


Ed looks up to the sky as a thought has processes in his mind. 'I wonder how Double Dee and Eddy are doing.'


Meanwhile the other two Eds are with Takashi, Kohta, and Saya. The group of five are inside of a large tent with several other survivors. The group is trying to persuade the others about fighting them. Well, mostly Double Dee is as Saya mostly arguing her point with them while Eddy, Kohta, and Takashi act as bodyguards.

"People I know that it's hard to fight the people you used to see every day, but it's the only way to protect yourself." Double Dee said.

His words meet deaf ears as one of the other survivors speak out against him," So you want us to kill our own family? It sounds like you are being Sorichiro's population control."

Double Dee is taken aback by the last word. Sure, he has been called many names before ranging from sock head to the nerdy playboy, but never in his life that he has received a brute nickname.

Double Dee didn't have the time to think about the name anymore due to Saya. The latter speaks with a sound of frustration in her voice, "Why can't you idiots know that it's not every day where you meet the undead? Would your love ones attack you in cold blood? Or better yet, can explain how living corpses walking like us?"

"Maybe it's a virus." Another person in the crowd response.

Saya raise a brow at the answer, "Really is that is going be your answer? Sorry, but it was a virus then I'm pretty sure that we're being infected."

Eddy smirks as he watches says. 'Yep, that my girl alright. She can defend herself with that tongue of hers. I bet she can do something else with it.'

Eddy daydreams about Saya. He ignores the tension as he looks at Saya's backside. Soon the saying of Ed comes to his mind.

"When are you going to admit your feeling for her?"

He shakes his head at the thought as his mind came back to reality. He looks at Takashi when the latter begins to speak," Hey, what does that have to do anything?"

"Hey, shut it kid. Stay out of the adult business." A man in the crowd said to Takashi.

"Hey, fuck you asshole. I have the same rights as you to speak whatever on my mind." Takashi growls in response.

Before a fight could happen, Double Dee steps in. He mostly speaks to his friends as the situation is now hopeless," I think we should leave now before things happen to anyone in the room."

The rest nods as they leave the room while hearing someone in the crowd calling them murders. When they are far away from the tent, Takashi expresses his angry.

"Yet they still call us kids even through this piece of shit about what we call our world."

Before he can continue, Double Dee puts a hand on his shoulder, "I know you angry Takashi, but sometimes people don't think logically when something is not normal for them."

"Yeah, it's probably that they are acting in fear than anything else." Kohta also added.

Eddy looks at Kohta,"They are afraid of what?"

"Afraid of accepting the truth idiot." Saya said with a smirk to Eddy.

"Before you throw a fit Eddy, would you accept the world as it is right now when you were once a successful stock broker with a loving family?" Double Dee said as he looks at Eddy.

Eddy is caught off guard by the question. During the trip to surviving, he begins to question reality as a bad dream. But he has come to accept the world as he wants to be with his friends.

"I think it is about time we should elect a leader of the group." Double Dee speaks as he grains crazy look from Eddy.

"We already know who the leader to begin with, so why ask the question?" Takashi said as he looks at Double Dee.

"Or maybe it can be you dumbass." Saya said while she crosses her arms in front of her as Double Dee and Kohta nodding their heads in agreement in the background.

"WHAT!" Takashi/Eddy nearly yell.


Devin and Shizuka are inside of Devin room. The two adults are talking to each other while sitting on the bed.

"Yep, and that is how me, Terry, and Jerry official meet." Devin said with a smile.

Shizuka couldn't help but giggle, "No wonder why you act like that."

Devin couldn't help but grin as he look at her," What do you mean about that hmm busty?"

"You act like that because it's the only way to balance you and your friends out hunk." Shizuka respond.

"I guess you're right on that for once, but I wonder you can save yourself from this." Devin said with a playful smirk.

Shizuka looks at him with a puzzled face, "And what would it be?"

"Me trickling you silly." Devin said as he lunges at Shizuka.

Shizuka didn't dodge him in time as she felt herself laying on the bed with Devin on top of her. True to his words, Devin starts to tickle her. He laughs as the memories of him being trickle by his dad and his trickle Eddy appear in his mind.

Shizuka also laughs while squirming to get free. During the trickling, she tries to plead for Devin to stop, "Devin-Kun… please stop… before… you…. Get…. Something."

"Let me think about that." Devin said as he continues to trickle her sides.

"That's my trickle spot." Shizuka blurts it out as she laughs loudly from the sensitive spots.

Devin didn't stop as he continues. Before he could do any damages, Shizuka wraps her legs around him. In some kind of a miracle, she manages to flip him over with her on top.

Devin didn't see it coming as he is surprise from this, "Wait, how did you pull that off?"

"Easy, my friend taught it to me in self-defense." Shizuka responds as she leans closer to Devin's face with their noses touching each other.

"Now I believe it's my turn, right now." Shizuka said with a devious grin.

"Wait, don't go overboard on this." Devin said as he is actually enjoying this.

Shizkua rolls her eyes as she begins to tickle him. Devin is laughing as he takes a peak at Shizuka's chest. 'The best thing of this world could have ever done for me is letting me get closer to you.' This has gone through the Devin's mind as he smiles during the peace he is having.

Despite being trickle, Devin learns in to Shizuka's face and plant a kiss on her lip. Shizuka didn't stop her trickling but a smile is present on her face.


Kyoko is just watching Alice and Zeke playing around by the fountain. A smile is form on her face as she watches them play. To her, it is a miracle to see that kind of innocent in the world right now. Ask that question another time, then the answer will be different. But it's not the time to think about it. She fails to notice that another female survivor is walking up to her.

"It's seems like your daughter is acting like nothing has ever happened ever to begin with." The unknown female said to Kyoko.

Kyoko looks up to the woman before speaking to her, "What do you mean daughter?"

"Wait, she is not your daughter?" The woman respond while pointing out at Alice.

"Oh, you mean Alice. Well, she is not my daughter, but I am her caretaker."

"Oh, I sorry about that. I thought that because you two are almost identical to each other."

Kyoko turns her eyes back to Alice. Her and Alice have nothing in common. Alice has pink hair and eyes while she has dark red hair and brown eyes.

'Maybe she is trying to start a conversation.' Kyoko ponders on as she turns her glare back at the woman.

"Well, she kinda does look like me," Kyoko smiles to the other woman.

The woman smiles back to Kyoko and also ask another question, "If she not your daughter, then who is her mother?"

Kyoko flinches at the question as she remembers when she first saw Alice and Zeke. The woman sees this and immediately know she is stepping into unwanted memories.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to…." The woman continues before Kyoko interrupts her.

"No, you didn't know."

"Actually, I don't know either," Kyoko said with a smile.

The woman looks at her confused, "Then how did you meet her?"

Kyoko looks at Alice and Zeke chasing each other before answering, "Well, two of my students had found her by herself. And I just became her caretaker with one of my coworker."

'In some kind of way, she is my daughter, I suppose.' Kyoko thinks with a pleasant smile on her.


Yuuki, Toshimi, and Misuze are relaxing in one of the spare bedrooms. Yuuki is sitting on the only bed in the room with Toshimi and Misuze. The three are just talking about what life used to be like before the outbreak.

"And that is how I managed to break his slyness,"Yuuki said with a smirk on her face. Her two companions look at her with a question in their minds.

"And yet I'm still amazed on how you and Double Dee actually hooks up."Misuze said with a sigh.

"And why that Misuze?"Yuuki asks with a different tone.

"Maybe its because of Double Dee's status of being a gentleman or it could be your reputation of only dating popular guys." Misuze answers honestly.

"What does that has to do with me and my boyfriend?"

"Simple, if you haven't paid attention, but Double Dee wasn't your typical straight forward guy that you would normal date."

"And?"Yuuki asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Misuze means that your personalities and Double Dee's are not exactly match with each other,"Toshimi joins in the conversation.

Yuuki thinks quietly to herself as her friends look at her. A smirk appears on her face as she says her opinion to them.

"Had you ever heard that opposites attracted better than the same?"

Misuze and Toshimi think about that question. Yuuki is sitting with a grin as she waits patiently for a comeback from Misuze. Toshimi gives up due to her knowing that Yuuki is too stubborn to give up.

Misuze shrugs in defeat as she looks back to Yuuki, "You got me on that one."

Yuuki just nods her head from the responses, "And beside don't you two have to fight Saeko or something?"

Both look at her weirdly.

"What do you mean?"Toshimi asks.

"I notices how close Ed and Saeko are ever since they came back. And I also know that you two likes the big oaf."Yuuki responses to her.

"Wait, was Saeko was by the fountain this morning?"Misuze asks to Toshimi.

"Yeah, but what does….." Toshimi begins before remembering what Ed was assigned to do around the mansion. Misuze notices this as she quickly ran outside of the room with Toshimi following her behind.

"Oh Man, it's easy to mess with everyone in the group. I wonder how will Double Dee response if I'm pregnant,"Yuuki said to nobody but herself.


Saeko closes the door behind her while holding her new gift under her left arm. She turns around to see Misuze and Toshimi running past her.

'Did I miss something important? No, it couldn't be because Sorichiro is still in the room. Maybe I should ask the two later on' Saeko ponders about before hearing her name.


She turns around to see a waving Ed. She waves back while smiling, "Hey Ed."

"I'm done with my chores today so maybe we could go watch Evil Tim." Ed said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Evil Tim?" Saeko questions Ed.

Ed looks at her strange before remembering something, "Oh yeah, I forgot about Evil Tim isn't being made in Japan."

"That's okay Ed maybe you can tell me about it one day." Saeko said hoping Ed will cheer up.

"Well, I can't say anything about the movie, but the comics are way better. They even have crossovers with Beijing Ghouls." Ed said with his signature smile.

"I read Beijing Ghouls before and I have to admit that the story is depressing."

"That is why is good. Not the overall sad mood, but the way Chang and the rest of the ghouls developed in the story. He wasn't your superhero like Ultraman or The Dark Knight. He is the Double Dee of the manga world, but later developed into Eddy but only turn back to his old self." Ed said fanatically.

Saeko laughs as Ed still rant on the manga. 'Ed sometimes I wonder is there anything in the world can stop you from being you.'

"Hey Saeko let go to see what Eddy and Double Dee are doing."

Saeko snaps out of her thoughts as she looks back at Ed, "Wait, what?"

Ed didn't listen to her as he grabs one of her arms and dragging her to their new destination. Saeko didn't complain as she hold on tightly to her gift while keeping up with Ed.


"And that is how it started," Takashi said to Rei. With Rei is still injury from the accident, Takashi has been keeping her company in her room.

"So you still have your bad luck hmm Takashi," Rei teases while lying down on the bed.

"I guess you can say that, but my luck is not bad as you're," Takashi teases back.

"Oh, shut up, it was your fault I'm like this."

"Yeah, I know, but they want me to be a leader of a group."

"What is wrong with that?"

"Devin can lead the group."

"You know well that Devin isn't what you call leadership material."

"Well, he was a history teacher so he may know several things about strategies and such."

"You are doubting yourself."

Takashi looks at her strangely, "Why would you say that?"

"Takashi, who idea it was to go to the observatory room, who idea it was to take the motorcycle, and who idea it was to save Alice, Zeke, and Rolf. Takashi, I think that these decisions made you qualify for the role." Rei said.

Takashi looks at her while rubbing the back of his head, "When you put it that way, it sounds so…"

"Sound like a hero." Rei finishes Takashi's sentence,

"I was going to say an achievement, but that will work." Takashi said while receiving a punch from Rei.

"Ouch, what was… mmmph" Takashi's eyes widen as Rei plants her lips on his. This action has silenced him and his thoughts.

Rei part away from the kiss as she looks at Takashi with a smile. Takashi looks at her before speaking, "You have no idea on how long I was waiting for this."

Rei giggles before responding to him, "Takashi it's time for you to leave."

"So soon?" Takashi answers back with a grin.

"Don't overdo it idiot." Rei said as Takashi begins to leave.

"Yeah, I see you later Rei." Takashi responses as he closes the door behind him. He didn't know that Eddy is standing right by the door so when he turns around, he almost yells.

"Shit Eddy don't do that again." Takashi complains.

"Whatever Takashi and beside it seem like you and Rei are getting together." Eddy teases.

"Just ss-shut up dumbass."

"I knew it you two are going out."

"I'm not going to say anything."

"You don't have to. Your face tells the story."

"Now I know why everybody prefers your brother over you."

"Yeah, I finally decide to reveal my feelings for Saya."

Takashi stops as he looks at him, "What?"

Eddy notices what he says as closes his mouth with his hand.

"At least my mouth didn't betray me." Takashi laughs as he walks with an embarrass Eddy.

"Just shut up will you."

A/N: And that is it everyone. Takashi and Rei are finally together. Takashi is the leader of the group with Devin most likely be Takashi's advisor and may take the lead when the situation is too harsh on Takashi. If nobody has figured it out, but Beijing Ghouls is based upon Tokyo Ghouls with Chiang is Ken Kaneki. Ultraman is Superman while The Dark Knight is Batman. Have anyone notices on how Kaneki and Double Dee are similar? Both are pacifist at first, cares for everyone, and have bad luck with girls. (Double Dee and Marie with Kaneki and Rize) But anyway, thanks for reviewing, viewing, likes, or favs this story. Criticisms are appreciated.