***Konbanwa minna! I´m finally back! Sorry for taking a little longer than usual but... this is the last chapter of my story! Yeah... after more than two years it has finally come to an end. I feel both really happy to have completed it the way I wanted and at the same time a little sad to know it has finished... it has been a part of me for so much time now that I really feel this as a farewell, although I have to say I have had lots of fun writing it, and really hope I have transmitted that to you all. This last chapter has taken a bit more of an effort (and its also longer than usual) because I wanted to wrap everything up and finish the story as all the characters in it truly deserved. Hope you have enjoyed my story and enjoy as well this last chapter, and thanks forever for reading and supporting me all the way here! There is not much left to say, only I wish all the best for you, and remember to live your life with the same love that Usagi lives hers... we all have so much to learn from her pure soul...! Sayonara, minna! ^_^ ***

***Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of its original characters, but it really was a pleasure to borrow them to write my story as I would have liked it to end ;-)***


Moon Palace

A little more than a month passed by so fast that the girls didn´t even notice it, proving that it is in fact true that time flies when you are feeling happy. It looked like yesterday when they had all been awakened as sailor senshi who had to fight against fearsome enemies in order to protect their home planet and the people living in it; but at the same time it looked like an ancient legend when they thought and spoke about it now that they had finally achieved peace.

Rei was currently living with Oodachi at the shrine. Together, they had turned it back again into a lively place for praying and wellbeing. They formed the perfect couple: she was his reason for living and the source of everything good in the Universe for him, and he gave her with his endless devotion the calm and reassurance she had been needing, making her understand that love was the most powerful and important of feelings.

Makoto was very seriously dating Motoki. He now spent most of the nights at her apartment, and she had even met his parents. They were so sweet together they even resulted cloying. Even though they had met a long while ago, it was now when they were really getting to know each other, and gladly found out they shared most of their hobbies and ideas for life. They always agreed in everything they discussed and never raised their voices more than a soft lovable whisper.

Ami was living a dream. She never thought she would find someone as interesting, smart, handsome and intellectually thrilling as Taiki, and that he would think the same about her. She spent most of her time at his apartment, even if it was just to quietly sit on a sofa beside him and read. She loved his company as much as he loved hers, and they did all sorts of things together, never getting bored of sharing their time with the other one.

Minako was head over heels with Yaten. She always had been, but now that she knew her love and passion were corresponded, she had unleashed them completely, and it was incredibly overwhelming. Nevertheless, Yaten found out he actually loved it. She gave his life the pinch of spice and craziness he had been missing, making it all much more unpredictable and fun when she was around. Their loud arguments were only matched by their mutual physical attraction, which only kept growing, making them the most lustful couple of them all.

Haruka and Michiru had continued living in the house they shared with Hotaru as the happy family they already were. Setsuna came and went from Mamoru´s apartment to the house, since she was now sharing her time between both families: the one she formed with the girls, and her newly inaugurated fiancée life with Mamoru. They had all been very shocked but really happy when they learned about Seiya and Serenity´s engagement, and surprises only grew when Setsuna told them about her own engagement with the man she had secretly loved for eons. Hotaru felt so happy for her that lately her cute pale face always showed a broad smile that gave her a new, shiny look.

And of course, Serenity felt the most fortunate being in the Universe now that she completely shared her life with Seiya. In this month, he had proved to be the perfect housemate, which only added one more line to his never-ending list of virtues. Life with him was so much fun, so straightforward and comfortable, so full of love, care and romance… It was simply perfect. And most importantly, she felt she could be herself more than ever… and be loved precisely for it. Together with ChibiChibi, they spent the rest of the summer in their new apartment, just enjoying their time together. Seiya could not ask more of life, and she felt the same.

And then, September arrived.

It had finally been the time decided for the most important event in Universe´s history: the wedding of its new King and Queen, and the start of its golden Imperial Era of peace and prosperity.

The girls had been crazily busy preparing everything for the big day. Especially romance-dreamer Makoto, who had seriously taken up the role of chief wedding planner. With the help of Ami´s effectiveness, Minako´s glamour touch and Rei´s pragmatism, all the arrangements had gone smoothly, and they were all sure they had prepared the most fabulous wedding for their most important friend.

They had finally decided that there was only one place possible to hold such an important ceremony: the Moon Palace itself. Now that it had rebuilt itself it looked as splendorous as ever, and it really was the perfect scenery for a wedding of this type. Moreover, the place really brought fantastic memories for Seiya and Serenity, who eagerly proposed to celebrate it there. The girls gladly accepted, finding the idea just ideal, and they had prepared the whole event, decorated every inch of the Palace and had had all its rooms arranged from the many guests all around the Universe they were going to welcome for the celebration.

When the day finally came, they were all as nervous as on their first school day.

"Ok…Ok… I think we´re not missing anything…." repeated Makoto "Shall we go through the list again?"

"What, for the hundredth time this week?" commented Rei sarcastically

"Sure, fine…" agreed Ami, completely ignoring Rei "Let´s check one last time"

"Flowers?" started Makoto while walking back and forth through the marbled room

"Check" answered Ami, going through a list in a notebook she was carrying

"Food and drink?"

"Check" she said "All prepared in the big dining hall"

"Great. Guests?"

"Check. All have arrived, and are waiting at the gardens where a snack is being served"

"By the way… where´s Minako-chan?" asked Rei, utterly bored of the continuous checking

"She´s helping Usagi-chan with the dress" answered Ami diligently

"Fine… I´ll go see how they´re doing" she announced

"Rings?" continued Makoto

"Taiki has them…" clarified Ami

"Ok, check that one too"

Rei continued hearing her two friends while she disappeared inside rolling her eyes. If she heard one more 'check' someone was going to get hurt…

Upon entering Serenity´s room, Rei saw her friend standing in its center, her back towards the door. Minako was kneeling behind her, making some last minute arrangements to her dress.

When Serenity heard the door, she turned around slowly.

"Oh…. My….." Rei could only say

"Yeah… that´s exactly the reaction I wanted to cause!" said Minako standing up and crossing her eyes with satisfaction "Doesn´t she look like a Queen or what?"

Serenity looked at her dark-haired friend with a shy-rosy blush in her cheeks.

"Rei-chan…" she muttered with a tiny voice "Do you like it?"

"I… I…" she stuttered "You look so beautiful I don´t even seem to find words…"

"Rei-chan…!" she said, utterly satisfied. Rei was her most heartless critic. If she said that, she was now sure she was looking pretty.

Serenity´s dress was indeed breathtaking. It was of a white so pure and shiny it almost looked ethereal. It had a tight-fitting bodice on its top part, which was full of pearls and shiny beaded gemstones making extraordinary flower patterns all around her perfectly-sculpted torso. It had sheer short sleeves adorned with white roses that fell gracefully from her shoulders, leaving her neckline and collar bones completely bare, making her fabulous marble skin outstand even more. From her thin waist, the dress bloomed into a bulky skirt, made of layers and layers of vaporous pleated silk and tulle, surrounded by chains of pearls and white roses that went all around her. She had insisted on wearing her hair with her usual odangoes, as Seiya loved most, but the two buns had been decorated with matching white roses and chains of pearls that fell from the top of her hair and curled around all the length of her pigtails. From between the two buns, a simple tulle veil cascaded down her back to reach her waist, and in the center of her head, she was wearing her new crown.

She looked like a goddess, like a fairy, like a queen. It was simply magnificent.

"Wait until Seiya sees you in this dress…" commented Minako cheerfully "We´re going to need Ami´s medical knowledge to revive him!"

"Minako-chan…!" blushed Serenity furiously

"This time she´s right…" confirmed Rei "You look absolutely stunning"

"GIRLS! It´s TIME!" interrupted suddenly someone from the door "Oh… wow….." It was Makoto, who had nervously entered the room to look for the bride and had also been shocked by her friend´s beauty.

"Usagi-chan… you look so beautiful…!" said Ami, following her friend inside

"Good work, Minako-chan" said Makoto, and the Love senshi winked an eye at her in response.

"Girls… Thank you so much…. For everything" said suddenly Serenity. Her eyes were turning watery with all the emotions she was feeling.

They all smiled and walked towards her, the five of them melting together in a big embrace that showed the most pure of friendships.

"Hey… Usagi-chan…" commented Minako, moved as well by all the emotions she was feeling "No crying or you´ll ruin the perfect work of art make-up I´ve put on you…!"

"It´s you the one crying…!" she defended herself in a pout, feeling her eyes welling up inevitably

All of them laughed, while happy tears escaped their eyes.

"Girls… we came to call you…" started Makoto "It´s time…"

"Ready, Usagi-chan?" asked Ami

Serenity wiped off a tear about to escape her eye and smiled while she nodded surely.

"As ready as in my entire life" she confirmed

"Great" said Makoto "Let´s start!"

Outside, the atmosphere the senshi had set for the wedding was stunningly incredible. It felt as if the guests were inside a fairy dream. The faint sunlight on the Moon´s surface gave the place a subtle clarity bright enough to make all the lush plant life around them shine, but not so much as to be bothering or blinding. The ceremony was going to be held at the Moon Gardens, in a cozy small marble white Greek-style pavilion with elegantly engraved slim columns and a center altar, which had been overly decorated with white flowers of all kinds. Beautiful chairs covered with tulle had been arranged in rows in front of the altar, leaving a center aisle for the bride. Glowing ethereal lights were seen floating all around the area, making the scenery even more magical with their halos.

The guests then started taking their places on their corresponding chairs, guided by Taiki, Yaten, Haruka and Michiru. Many royals from all the corners of the Universe had come to witness the most important wedding of the legendary couple that were to become their rulers. The place was full of ladies and gentlemen wearing their most elegant garments, each of them styled on the type of clothing of their corresponding solar systems, and sometimes accompanied by their own senshi wearing their most formal uniforms.

Taiki and Yaten also greeted warmly a very important visit. Kakuyuu had just arrived from Kinmoku, and as soon as they spotted her, they both rushed to welcome her.

"Princess…" said Yaten in a sigh

"Kakuyuu-sama... it is a great pleasure to have you here" greeted Taiki, reaching for her hand, which he formally kissed.

"Taiki… Yaten… I am so glad to see you again" she was beaming, her eyes sparkling with emotion. She looked really beautiful in her red and orange bulky long dress with wide sleeves that fell all the way to the floor. She was wearing her hair in her usual style, but instead of the usual pointy headdress, she displayed a marvelous red and golden crown over her head "You both look very good… I see life on Earth smiles at you" she added

Yaten smiled a sad smile. He couldn´t help feeling a sting of guilt for his happiness, remembering how they had left her alone from one day to the next in what had been their home planet for many years.

"You also look fantastic, Kakuyuu-sama… Hope things are going well back on Kinmoku" said Taiki while Yaten tried to swallow the knot that had formed in his throat.

"They are, actually, thank you" she answered, and as soon as she did, four elegantly dressed women came towards them from behind the princess, placing themselves protectively two at each of her sides.

Taiki and Yaten looked at them with curiosity.

"Let me introduce you to Kinmoku´s solar system senshi…" she announced, with a smile tinged of satisfaction and pride "Sailor Karinei, Sailor Sinkara, Sailor Monokii and Sailor Aekania"

The senshi bowed their heads with courtesy as respectful greeting.

"Princess, this is…" started Yaten

"You… you finally awakened your own senshi…" said Taiki, pleased

"Yes, I finally became powerful enough to do so…" she confirmed "And they have been helping me ever since with the protection and wellbeing of the planet, so everything is going perfectly back home"

"I… I am really glad to hear that" said Yaten from the bottom of his heart, relief showing in his green expressive eyes. Kakuyuu had been on his mind since they left her… he couldn´t help thinking that she could be in danger or she could need help, unprotected as she was. Now he knew there were four fine senshi taking care of her, he could finally turn that page of his life.

"Congratulations" added Taiki

"Thank you very much…" she answered gladly "You three taught me to be true to myself and to have the courage and willpower to fight for what you desired most, so all this I have accomplished is thanks to you. I could never be grateful enough for all you did for me and for our solar system all this years, and for helping me become the person I now am"

Taiki and Yaten smiled contented, their cheeks slightly blushing at the unmatched compliment. No words were needed.

"Be sure to deliver Seiya my words and feelings of gratitude… He´s too busy now to approach him…" she added with a sad smile, directing her eyes towards her former favorite senshi, who was standing elegantly at the altar, waiting for the incredible woman who was to become his wife today.

"Don´t worry, we will" said Taiki

"He´s gonna love it… We all know how much Seiya loves compliments" teased Yaten, making the princess giggle in response and therefore finally breaking the solemn atmosphere.

"Follow us, Princes Kakuyuu, we will show you to your seats" announced then Taiki, while he signaled the way.

Little by little, all the guests took their assigned seats. There were Serenity´s parents, of course, which were accompanied to their reserved seats on the front row, as well as some of the good friends the girls had back in high school, like Motoki´s sister, Naru and Umino, who were shockingly trying to digest the fact that they were at the Moon, that their friends were the senshi they had blindly admired all those years, and that the clumsy Usagi was going to get married at the age of 18 with a famous sexy idol singer and become Queen of the Universe afterwards.

Meanwhile, Seiya waited nervously at the altar. He looked absolutely stunning in his Star Kingdom royal formal clothing of a deep black trimmed in silver with star ornaments. Over it, he was wearing a short indigo side-cape which covered his left shoulder and made his equally deep blue eyes stand out even more, making him look like a dream prince.

Once everyone was seated, the four senshi went inside the palace to look for the girls.

"We´re ready outside" announced Taiki, when he saw Ami "You look absolutely beautiful" he added in a soft voice when he got close enough to her.

"Thank you…" she said, blushing deeply "You look really handsome yourself"

Taiki smiled at her comment.

"Ok, let´s get ready for the show!" said Minako, lacing her arm with Yaten´s, who smiled in response.

"Where´s Koneko-chan?" asked Haruka

"In her room, waiting for our signal" answered Makoto

"We´ll go get her" said the manly senshi, and without waiting for a reply, she headed inside the white Palace followed closely by Michiru.

Upon opening the Queen´s door to her room, Serenity turned around nervously.

Expecting to see her painstaking wedding planner Makoto, she was surprised to find the Outers couple, already dressed up so elegant and beautiful that the most pretty flower would have paled in their presence.

"Ha…Haruka… Michiru…" she said with a shaky smile and watery eyes

"Koneko…..chan…" stuttered Haruka, paralyzed at the room´s entrance by the beauty she gave off.

"Usagi, you look exquisite" said Michiru, walking towards her and hugging her softly.

"Thank you, Michiru" she answered gladly. Coming from such a fascinating lady, it was truly a compliment.


"A lot…"

Michiru smiled at her sincerity "It´s normal…" she comforted her "But everything is going to come out perfectly… And you are marrying the best man that has ever existed…" she added in a very low voice, only for the two of them, while she winked an eye at her.

Serenity couldn´t help blushing. She was positive that Michiru had always liked Seiya a lot, but her being so sincere with her about it made her flush deeply with embarrassment.

"Go get him!" she added finally, pushing her softly from her back while a teasing grin played in her lips.

Serenity obediently walked with tiny steps towards the door, where Haruka still remained absolutely still.

"Haruka…" she said when she reached her

"Koneko… you look so beautiful" she finally managed to say

"Thanks" answered the queen with dreamy eyes and rosy cheeks, while she grabbed the bottom of her dress to lift it a little so she could properly walk out of the room.

"Koneko-chan" called suddenly Haruka

"Yes?" she said, turning around

And without saying anything, Haruka leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek. A kiss so warm and intense it instantly reminded her of Seiya´s. Just a little too close to her parted lips and just a little too long to be considered a friendship kiss. A kiss that shook her inside and made her burn with embarrassment from head to toes.

Then, Haruka moved her mischievous lips towards her ear.

"It is a shame you couldn´t be mine…" she whispered really softly, slowly, sexily, making Serenity blush even deeper, her whole body trembling in shock as a response "…But I wanted you to know that I approve… of him" added Haruka, emphasizing the word 'him' "I am sure he´ll make you really happy and always love and protect you as you deserve"

"Ha… Haru…ka…" stuttered Serenity, utterly speechless. Those words coming from her were the biggest of treasures, but the most important thing was… How could a woman cause those sensations on her?

Haruka half-smiled while slowly moving her face away from hers, their cheeks almost rubbing towards each other in the process. She loved to tease her little kitten like that.

"Now… go" she indicated plainly, seeing that Serenity was not moving

She snapped out of the shocked state her friend had dragged her into and nodded, turning around and leaving the room, her cheeks on fire. For some reason, her encounters with that couple were always loaded with flying sparkles.

"Haruka you naughty girl…" said Michiru teasingly, while coming close to her lover.

Haruka instantly surrounded her with her arm, pulling her closer to her own body, her turquoise silky dress sliding suggestively towards the navy well-made tuxedo the short-haired woman was wearing "You are going to make her doubt even her sexual preferences if you treat her like that…" added Michiru

"I just wanted to remind her she will always be my Koneko, regardless of who she marries"

"I see…" she answered, amused "Little Haruka-chan felt Seiya was stealing her pretty toy from her, right?"

"What, jealous?" teased back Haruka, while sexily caressing her lover´s bare arm "What about you telling her how much you like Seiya?" she whispered to her lover, placing her lips on her forehead.

"Aaahh, you heard?" she said with a mischievous smile

"Of course I did…" answered Haruka, moving her head downwards, running over Michiru´s face with her lips.

"And it was true… I really think he´s the best man out there… handsome, sexy, good musician…" she continued, making her lover groan in protest while she buried her face in the nape of Michiru´s neck "although… I am not interested in men…" she added finally

"Oh and who are you interested in?" asked Haruka, only to hear the sound of it.

"In you. Only in you" she said so soft it resulted strikingly sexy

"Michiru…" answered Haruka with husky voice "Same goes for me… I love you, only you…"

"I know…" she said with a lustful grin that absolutely captivated the short-haired senshi, making her lean forward and trap Michiru´s strawberry lips with her own, in a deep, elegant, wet kiss.

Outside, in the Moon Palace gardens, a soft music played by a quartet started. Everyone stood up from their chairs and turned around to look at the end of the aisle. One by one, the solar system senshi started walking through it in couples. The girls were carrying a little cute flower bouquet with the colors of their planets, and the boys had a single matching flower on their lapels: first, Ami and Taiki courtly lead the procession with their perfectly adequate manners, followed by Rei and Oodachi, who caused a wave of murmurs among the assistants with his enormous muscled complexion which he couldn´t manage to hide underneath his tuxedo, and especially his red glowing eyes. Then, Makoto walked the aisle beside a panicking Motoki, who looked unbelievingly all around him as if he was under some kind of illusion spell. Behind them, an overly excited delightful-looking Minako proudly holding Yaten´s arm closed the part of the Inner senshi.

When they were all at their places at the right side of the altar and after a few beats of the music, it was the turn of the Outer senshi. Hotaru came in first, flushing thoroughly while her arm was being held by Shingo, who Serenity herself had asked to be the teen senshi´s couple for the day. He was blushing as well, avoiding eye contact with the mysteriously pretty girl in the long deep purple sheer dress that had been assigned as his partner. They inexpertly walked the indicated path, followed closely by the grinning Haruka and Michiru, who looked like they had just come out from the latest Hollywood premiere and were gracefully walking across the red carpet. Last, closing all the retinue, came Setsuna and Mamoru, dressed so elegantly they already looked like the future Queen and King they will soon become.

Once they also reached their positions on the altar´s left side, the music suddenly changed. Everyone´s heads turned again towards the end of the aisle, waiting for the great moment.

What they saw then was too cute to describe.

Little Chibi-Chibi appeared suddenly, wearing a pretty little white dress full of lace with puffy balloon sleeves. Her bright pink heart-shaped odangoes were adorned with lots of tiny daisies, also present in her matching white baby salon shoes and silky belt. She was carrying a pale wicker basket full of white rose petals on her chubby left arm. The word adorable was short to describe how unbearably cute she looked. With her cheeks blushing rosy, she gulped and started walking tiny steps forward, while she buried her right little hand in the basket from time to time, taking a handful of its content and spreading it on the aisle before her to prepare the path for the bride.

That vision produced a global tenderness sigh among the audience, who were overwhelmed by her cuteness.

And then, the moment came. Everyone´s breath stopped at the vision of the Neo Moon Queen appearing before them. She looked like a fantasy in her dream white dress full of pearls and roses. She truly shone like a goddess.

Seiya, in his position at the altar, sighed in awe when he saw his future wife, looking marvelous in her wedding dress and shining as brightly as always. That dress suited her perfectly, being as pure and romantic as she was inside. His heart started racing in his chest when she took the first step towards him, with a beautiful smile and blushing rosy cheeks in her sweet face. His dream was finally becoming true.

Serenity slowly walked the distance that separated her from the man that was her lover, her friend, her soulmate, her true destiny, while bowing her head softly and sending fluttering smiles at the guests she found along her path, who stared in awe at her pureness and beauty. Until finally, she reached him.

"...Y…Yo… Odango…" was all he could say once she stopped right before him, while unconsciously holding his breath "You look fantastic…"

"Hi, Seiya…" she answered timidly, flushing in pink "You look great, too…"

The casualness of their exchange of words despite their rank and situation made them even cuter and much more authentic.

Then, he got a hold of himself and smiled a big, warm smile. The kind of smile that lit up the stars in the night sky, that smile Serenity loved more than anything else in the World. Seiya´s unique kind of smile. She instantly felt his love invading her inside and sending her nervousness away. He offered his hand, which she took gladly, and together, they walked the pair of steps that still separated them from the altar.

ChibiChibi skipped happily behind them, when suddenly…

"Chi…Chibi…?" she said out loudly

Her little squeak made the bride and groom turn around to look at the baby girl.

"ChibiChibi…? What´s wrong?" asked Seiya with a soft voice.

And then, right before their eyes, the little one started shining, like her entire body was transforming into a ball of shimmering glitter.

"ChibiIIIIIIIIIII!" she cried

"ChibiChibi-chan…!" exclaimed Serenity with worry

Her small shining body became brighter and brighter until suddenly… it popped into a million sparkles like a golden firework.

Everyone around sighed in awe and preoccupation, not understanding what had just happened.

Serenity covered her mouth with her hands in shock, while a wide-eyed Seiya instinctively moved forward to try to grab in mid-air the bits of sparkle that still floated around.

But just a few seconds later, before they could worry any further, they heard the distant echo of running heels against the marble floors of the palace ahead of them… and they suddenly understood.

Not daring to move, they waited where they were until they saw the most expected figure getting out of the palace´s main gate and rushing down the long staircase like a flash towards the garden where they were all gathering. Once there, she ran through the aisle oblivious to all protocol and the huge amount of inquiring eyes set on her. She stopped right before the marrying couple, huffing and with her hand to her stomach as trying to ease some pain that had appeared there due to the sudden race.

"So… Sorry for the delay…" she finally managed to say under her breath, rising her eyes to look at the couple and showing them a beaming smile.

"Ga…Galaxia…" whispered Serenity with watery eyes, still not believing that the former Star Queen was really there after all she had been through.

"Mother…" said Seiya, while fighting to hold the tears forming in his eyes "You made it… You´re here…"

Galaxia tilted her head towards one side while her eyes narrowed with a happy gesture, her impressive golden-coppery mane of hair gracefully following all her movements.

"Of course I am…" she said "There was no way I was going to miss my son´s wedding…"

That was more than Seiya could bear. He was overflowing with happiness, and so were the tears in his eyes, which now ran silently across his flushed cheeks.

"…Mother!" he suddenly sighed loudly, throwing himself into her arms and burying his face in her neck, where he started sobbing.

Galaxia received his son´s embrace with shock at first but with the greatest of pleasures right afterwards. She placed her cheek on his head, her shining eyes also about to cry, while she motherly caressed his long ponytail with her hand. While she did so, she looked at Serenity, who smiled at the scene with eyes full of emotions. The opportunity to live those moments she would treasure forever, the simple fact of being alive again and share them with the people dear to her, was the most important thing for her in the entire Universe. And it was all thanks to the pure dream-white maiden before her and her future child. Galaxia murmured with her lips the words 'thank you' at the Neo Moon Queen, which shook her head softly in response. There was no need. She would do anything for those she loved, and Galaxia was definitely one of them.

Seiya soon calmed down, and taking a hold of himself he backed off his mother who showed him the greatest of smiles.

"You look so handsome, my son…" she said, feeling as proud and blissful as ever, while she wiped the tears off her son´s face.

He blushed.

"I am so happy to have you here…" he only answered

Touched, Galaxia cupped Seiya´s cheek with her hand, directing him a glance full of motherly love. And then, she moved towards Serenity, giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead and a complicity look to which she responded with a joyful smile. Then, she silently turned around and took a seat on a chair that had deliberately been left free on the first row as a tribute to her, right beside Serenity´s parents.

As soon as she sat down, they both looked incredibly puzzled at the magnificent woman.

"I guess you would be Seiya´s mother… Lady… ChibiChibi…" sarted Ikuko to break the ice. She had lately been around the little girl quite some time, and her daughter had tried to explain her dozens of times how she was going to return to her real body in a while, so she supposed that was what had just happened, and therefore she was determined to open-mindedly act accordingly.

Galaxia turned to look at them with a warm smile. Even though she had just woken up from death itself, she looked like she could attend the most formal of occasions: her hair, voluptuously wavy and long to the floor, shone like a precious metal, and her simple golden silk dress flowed subtly over her svelte body like a second skin, making her look strikingly beautiful. But the most outstanding were her eyes and smile, which sparkled with utter happiness, dismissing the need of any other piece of jewelry.

"…You can call me Galaxia…" she kindly corrected them "I really looked forward to finally be able to properly meet and talk to Serenity´s parents…"

"Se…renity…?" stuttered Kenji with a small voice

"Yes, Kenji, remember that´s Usagi-chan´s Queen name…" interrupted Ikuko, remembering all that their daughter had told them while elbowing her husband who was embarrassing her in front of such an impressive woman "So nice to meet you… Again" she said, turning to look back at the golden queen.

Galaxia chuckled softly at the complex situation, her laugh sounding like a playful mountain stream.

"Really nice to meet you again, too" she answered, making Ikuko smile satisfied.

Meanwhile, the bride and groom had entered the small Greek-like pavilion and were standing before the marble altar, looking how a very ceremonious Minako really into her role, walked towards the altar carrying a flower-shaped crystal the size of a sunflower. Seiya and Serenity directed a puzzled look at her friend, while admiring the amazing crystal which reflected the soft sunlight sending uncountable rainbow flashes.

"What…?" started asking Serenity, when she saw how the crystal started glowing with what looked like a mysterious energy coming from inside it.

Minako, showing a cryptic smile, backed off a few steps away from the other side of the altar where she had been standing.

"You didn´t really think we were going to bring just anyone random to officiate your wedding ceremony, did you?" she told her friend, winking a mysterious eye at her.

Serenity looked intensely at Minako and then at the rest of her friends who were showing equally enigmatic playful smiles, not understanding a thing. She then directed her glance at Seiya who looked as lost as she was, and then at the crystal… just in time to see how the glow grew in size, forming a silhouette purely made of a pale bright silvery light behind the altar.

When the light softly diminished its glow, Serenity could not believe the image before her.

"Mo… Mother…!" she sighed unbelievingly

"Queen… Serenity…!" exclaimed Seiya, who also knew her from their soul-trip to the Silver Millennium era.

"Serenity… My dear pretty Serenity…!" said the former Moon Queen with a noticeably moved voice.

"Mother!..." repeated Serenity, covering her mouth in awe while she felt her eyes filling up with tears… she could not believe that after many years she was able to see her Moon mother´s spirit again. She had tried many times to invoke her but she hadn´t succeeded.

The senshi smiled gladly. They had secretly prepared this surprise for their best friend and new Queen… Together, they had managed to canalize Queen Serenity´s energy that still lingered in the Moon Palace and condense it into that flower crystal, so that upon calling for her in the castle´s Praying Room, by using its energy, her hologram-looking soul could be summoned. And they could not think of anyone more suitable to officiate Neo Queen Serenity´s marriage than her own goddess mother.

"You´ve grown so beautifully, my dear…" said Queen Serenity, with a sweet light voice that seemed to come from far, far away "I am really proud of who you have become and everything you have achieved"

Serenity could simply nod while tears dropped from her eyes, ran over her blushing cheeks and died in her shyly smiling lips.

Ikuko looked alternatively at one and the other, not believing what her eyes were showing her. The resemblance was undeniable. Her Usagi was a cuter-blonder-younger version of the majestic spirit woman standing behind the altar dressed in a pure white silky gown looking like an angel. It was true that her daughter had told her about how she really was the reincarnation of the Moon Princess, and that she had lived a previous life at her Kingdom in the Moon together with her mother, the goddess of the Moon… but she had never thought possible that she would ever see or meet her daughter´s previous-life mother… Everything was really too much for her to assimilate at once…

Queen Serenity then looked at Seiya, who stood at attention under her royal glance, making her smirk gracefully.

"I am so glad to meet you… again… young King Starlight…" she said

"It… it is actually… Seiya, in this lifetime…" he corrected as politely as he could.

She smiled again.

"Seiya… Suits you perfectly" she said, and then turning at her daughter, she said "I am really sorry about the mistake I made during Silver Millennium, my dear daughter…" she said, and looking at Serenity´s puzzled look, she continued explaining "The Sailor Senshi told me everything about it… about what really happened in the past… and about how I mistook the man you loved… I am afraid I might have caused some misunderstandings…"

"It´s not your fault, mother…" hurried to say Serenity with a sincere smile "I never had the chance to tell you about it myself back then, so no one knew at the time… Everything you did was always to try to help me…"

"Fortunately, Destiny has taken care of uniting you two again… I am really glad" she finished.

Both Seiya and Serenity nodded, looked at each other and smiled broadly while they held hands.

"If you are ready then, I will proceed with the marriage ceremony" she announced

"More than in all our lifes…" said Seiya, making everyone smile.

A very romantic, simple and intimate ceremony followed, in which Queen Serenity herself pronounced the words that finally joined together Seiya and Serenity in body, heart and soul. The young couple exchanged knowing glances and casual smiles during the whole process, reassuring their normal nervousness by holding hands and not letting go of their most loved person. The ceremony ended with the heart-warming ring exchange moment, and their marriage was finally sealed in front of everyone with the sweetest kiss ever.

Their gesture was followed by an ovation of cheers and applauses, especially coming from their very enthusiastic friends, which later bathed them overly with a shower of white petals.

After the ceremony, a reception was held at one of the open-air patios of the Moon Palace Gardens, which had been elegantly decorated for the occasion. Very exotic and plentiful food and drinks were served, and there was live music and entertainments. Everyone had the chance to greet and chat with the other guests and had lots of fun for hours: Seiya and Serenity opened the dance with a cute waltz they had been practicing a little on their own at home and that resulted quite fine despite Serenity´s natural clumsiness.

And then, everyone else joined them: Minako dragged unwilling Yaten into the dancefloor to teach him some steps, and despite his first protests about unnecessary transpiration, he found out he was actually enjoying himself, proving once more that everything resulted new and attractive if Minako had to do something with it. Makoto sweetly conducted jumpy Motoki in a soft soothing dance, while Taiki and Ami showed the audience how a waltz was really supposed to be danced, being perfection the word that came to everyone´s minds when seeing them dance. Rei got lost in Oodachi´s humongous chest while dancing closely with him, while Haruka and Michiru managed to turn a chaste waltz into a dance full of sensuality, as they did with all aspects of their life when they were together. Setsuna danced elegantly with Mamoru, her head romantically resting on his shoulder, showing how she was finally feeling happy and relaxed by the side of the man she had been waiting for more than a lifetime. Even Hotaru was asked to dance by an utterly embarrassed Shingo, whose curiosity for the mystic teen beauty had surpassed his genuine shyness.

Serenity and Seiya had left their guests and beloved people to have fun after a while, and holding hands had wandered alone away from all the racket to spend a little time together by themselves. Starting the next day, they will have lots to do as the newly crowned Imperial Royal Couple, but that night that was starting was just for the two of them. They had ended up walking up a white staircase that surrounded a gentle hill in the Gardens, and had appeared on a beautiful spacious marble balcony which was perched on its top, from where they could observe from above the party being held in their honor. Makoto spotted them up there alone and thought it was the perfect timing to launch the firework show she had prepared.

That event surprised the couple very much, making them both beam with happiness and awe. Seiya passed his arm around Serenity, while they silently observed the firework display in the already night-dark sky.

"I love you so much…, Odango" he suddenly said, placing his cheek over her hair, already cool with the night air.

Serenity smiled sincerely at his unrequested words. She was feeling elated.

"I love you too, Seiya. With all my heart. Forever." she responded, making him move to kiss her head.

"You know…?" he added then "The day has been just perfect… I only miss our little daughter… she would have enjoyed this so much…"

She couldn´t help her heart throbbing with pleasure every time he called ChibiUsa their daughter. It felt so good… so right…

"She has enjoyed it very much… I can assure you that she positively has…" she answered, while caressing her belly.

"That´s so great…" he said, and placed his hand over hers on her belly.

The fireworks then stopped, letting them admire a spectacular vision of the glowing Moon, its majestic Palace, and a small distant Earth up in the sky behind it all. And above them the stars, twinkling as bright as ever as if congratulating the new couple.

"I am so happy that Destiny finally managed to make us meet again in this lifetime, so we can enjoy eternity together…" he said, sending a dream glance at the stars

"Yes… it looks like my true Destiny was always in the Stars…" she said, looking intensely at him to give meaning to her words.

He replied to her glance with his own, full of honesty, passion and eternal love.

And then, without saying anything else, he held her tightly around her slim waist, pulling her towards him, and kissed her vehemently under the Stars, sealing with their lips the promise of the future of love, peace and prosperity they were going to build both for themselves and for the whole Universe, sharing with everyone their epic love forever.