I actually had this chapter ready about three weeks ago. I have been more determined to write more and really give it a go, so this chapter was ready earlier than normal. But life can sometimes distract you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairytail, nor do I receive anything from this.

For three days they had walked towards their destination, and throughout her time with Natsu. She came to understand just how volatile he was. Any time a conversation became too personal, or they had disagreed. It turned into an all out brawl. Hence the reason for a supposedly two day trip taking over three.

Tugging her fingers through magnificently knotted hair. She turned her gaze towards her friend? Who's expression seemed unusually thoughtful.

"Natsu, is something wrong?" She asked him.

" Nothing's wrong, that's what's missing." He replied as he kept glancing at the mountain they had been closing in on. "There's no explosions or smoke."

" Are mountains normally supposed to explode?" She questioned. This was not an area she had much experience in.

Scratching his chin, Natsu pondered before answering." Eh, not really. It's just , Igneel isn't the quiet type. You normally know he's around if you wait a day or so." He grinned with vicious glee at the thought," It's awesome!"

Gazing at him flatly she replied, "That is definitely bad. What if someone nearby gets hurt? Many people can't use magic."

' Some things could benefit from more magic. Many tragedies could be avoided.' She thought, as the image of a burning village flashed through her head.

Disgruntled Natsu looked away, "Then they were just in the wrong place."

Ignoring the fury welling up inside her. She said, " That is very cold Natsu."

' Calm yourself, Erza. Not everyone had a Rob like I had. This Igneel is obviously a bad influence on Natsu.' She mentally assured herself, 'If he cannot, than I may have too.'

Natsu turned towards Erza, fire already smouldering in his fists, " You want a fight?" He growled.

"No." She returned as she walked past his stationary form. Forcing her tense and angry body to move as smoothly as possible. 'Don't fight. Don't fight. Don't feed the fire. Even if you want to break his face. Don't fight. Don't fight!'

She tilted her head towards him as she continued forwards, asking dispassionately " Aren't you coming?"

Liquid fire seared through Natsu's veins, as Erza continued walking ahead of him. The desire to see how well her crimson hair mixed with his fire briefly flared through him. Only just managing to control his own impulse for destruction.

'I can't barbecue my first proper friend.' Igneel for all his harshness had taught him, in his softer moments, to value those strong enough to stand beside him.

He took multiple steaming breaths, trying to calm himself down. Then shoving is hands in his pockets, he reluctantly followed the armoured bitch.

Considering Erza's personality, it should come as no surprise that it was her who instigated some of those brawls. Trying to beat her reasoning into Natsu. Aren't people just wonderfully biased? Both Erza and Natsu are very blunt and bold. Also the mountain is not a volcano encase you were wondering. On another side note, I am thinking of changing the title and summary of this story. It doesn't really fit anymore. I have changed the first chapter, in light of the manga.