Chapter 19:

I reached the office to find Tasha leaning over her desk playing with her hair. What is she doing, that's when I noticed him. Dimitri. My mentor Dimitri! I felt burning jealousy course through my veins. I knew I thought he was cute but to be jealous of them talking, that's not the Rose Hathaway I know. With a flip of my hair I sauntered in the office. Tasha gave a high pitched laugh and pushed on his shoulder. If Lissa were here she'd laugh make a face and I'd laugh. I guess I miss the little things.

"Oh hey, speak of the devil and here she is" Tasha greeted me with a tight smile. I laughed inwardly she really thinks I'm like devil, sweet.

"Hi, I have a hmm" I cleared my throat when Dimitri turned to look at me "A letter to post" I said keeping my eyes focused on Tasha.

"Hey I was looking for you at lunch thought you ditched or got into trouble" He laughed a little. I gave Tasha the envelope and she examined the address.

"So is this going to your mom? A plea for help maybe?" Tasha asked along with a fake laugh.

"No not my mom" I said with a slight tone of annoyance. I noticed Dimitri step closer to me. "Could you just send it as soon as possible, please."

"Yeah sure" With that Tasha went into the back. I made a step to move when Dimitri grabbed my arm

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling sick?" He asked looking me up and down I was still in my black jeans and blue top. "You don't look sick. Rose what are you up to?"

"Nothing I feel sick I need to rest its fine." I ripped my arm away as I said that. With that I walked out heading to the school building.

"Rose, what's going on? You're writing to someone, you're skipping school and you barely see Lissa. I don't want to report you Rose but I will because I'm worried" He said desperation leaking from his voice. I didn't get it he barely knows me.

"Don't act like you care, Dimitri. Go ahead report me Kirova thinks I'm a lost cost anyway." Just as he was about to reply my phone began ringing. I took it out ready to ignore it but the number was unknown so I held my finger up to Dimitri.

"Hello?" I answered

"Little Mazur, I missed the sound of your voice. How are you?" This was a male voice but I couldn't say if it was the same as last time.

"Why do you keep calling me that? It's not my name" I tried to act stupid

"Please Rosemaire, don't insult my intelligence. I don't appreciate it. Anyway I was calling to see if your dad happened to be there with you?"

I was shocked that he knew my name at all. I tried to cover it but I felt myself pale while my palms were shaking and sweating. Dimitri also gave me curious look.

"No, I've never even met him. He means nothing to me. So you can go ahead and stop calling me or else I won't be so polite" I said trying to sound brave. At that Dimitri's eyes popped open.

"If I didn't know that you were a Mazur I'd definitely know by that threat along with that bad attitude. Bye Rose, see you soon"

"Don't count on it "I hung up before he could reply. I ran a hand through my hair, a frustrated habit of mine.

"Rose who was that and why did you look so scared? Are you being threatened?" Dimitri asked a face full of concern

"We all have our stuff Dimitri. It was nothing, I can deal with it"

"I'm not saying that but I want to help I'm your mentor. That's what I-"

"No Dimitri it's not! You make sure I'm not getting in trouble in the school and this isn't school related. Even if it was, you're in Kirova's back pocket. So why don't you do your job"

I didn't give him a chance to reply because I knew I was over-reacting he was being nice but everything was just going to shit. I kind of do this, so my mom says anyway. I headed towards the school building again. I was looking for a little fun and I knew just the right person. I made my way to his locker and waited until the bell rang.

I fished my phone back from my pocket to put it on silent and saw a message from Lissa that said "I'll see you at lunch, we should talk. Hope you feel better". Yeah Liss we should, I think you've been keeping things from me. I felt a tap on my shoulder then. I turned around to see the bright blue eyes of Jessie Zeklos.

"Hey Rose, thought you were sick?" He said with a knowing smirk.

"I got board being sick" I smirked back "How about you ditch the rest of the day with me?" I said knowing he would.

"What makes you think I want to" He was challenging me.

"I thought we could have some fun, I'm feeling bad. But don't worry I'll go ask Sean instead" I challenged right back with a sweet innocent smile.

"Wait! I never said I didn't want to. I was simply asking why did you think I want to" I crossed my arms across my chest and laughed. "Give me five minutes. I'm going to tell my cousin I'm feeling light headed." Cousin?

"Who's your cousin?" I asked wondering why his cousin would have to know.

"Dimitri's friend, Ivan?" Lissa's mentor. " Right then meet me at the back entrance"

I made my way to the back entrance checking to make sure I wasn't seen by Lissa or Mason. I did not need that right now. I slipped out once the coast was clear.

I waited less than five minutes when Jessie strolled up to me wearing a cocky smile. He's hot but it's things like this that just make me want to punch him right in the mouth.

"So, what did you have in mind?" He said and I began walking. He caught up to me and I pointed towards the girls dorms.

"Go in there everybody else is in class." I hadn't thought about this. I just thought we could drink a little and make out. Something that gets rid of my problems, at least for awhile.

"Yeah we could go to your room, have some fun?" He suggested. That's what I'm talking about. He's not as dim as I thought.

"Do you have any alcohol, Jessie?"

"No sorry. Will we need it, I just mean we got this far without it." Right Jessie lets do this.

It came to a floor away from my room when I remembered Lissa would stop by.

"Damn it!" I gasped

"What?!" A look of sheer panic crossed his face, making his blue eyes brighter.

"Lissa. She said she's going to come over at lunch."

"I'll hide, she'll eat first then come up and talk. Let's face it, she won't stay long she won't want to be late for any class"

He was right of course, I couldn't argue with that logic. I would use that if the guy I wanted was being forward then distant. Maybe he's not as dumb as I originally thought.

"Yeah wow Jessie" I stroked his upper arm lightly as I said this. "That's a good plan" It was, I couldn't fault it. It was then that his eyes darkened with lust. I was feeling really big headed because of the response to a slight touch.

The minute I opened my dorm room door, Jessie pulled me against him. He had us in and me against the door before I knew where I was. I was barely able to respond to the kiss it happened so fast. His lips felt warm against mine. He was a good kisser but I have more of a spark with the back of my hand. Jessie moved down to kiss my neck and gently started nipping. I moaned a soft moan because that was my weakness, kissing my neck. He growled deep in his throat and bit harder.

"Wow, not too hard. Don't want any marks" My voice had gone breathy from being so turned on. He liked around where he bit then began kissing my lips again. His hands moved down the side of my shirt. He tugged it and then he was throwing it on the floor.

"Rose, I want you." He said but it was muffled by my lips crashing into his. Jessie gripped the back of my thighs so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved us over to the bed. I undid his belt but was interrupted by the door opening. I assume it's Lissa and turn around to be completely shocked.

I'm straddling Jessie on my bed, in a bra and he's trying to re-do his belt. And there stands Dimitri the Russian badass that will have me suspended or expelled for this.

"Well shit" I muttered as I hoped of Jessie and sat on the bed.

"Jessie, you should know better. I think Ivan will have some things to say."

Jessie left mumbling an apology then running out on me. Thanks Jessie you ass!

"Put your shirt on" I did as I was told feeling even more turned on by his gaze then anything Jessie's lips were doing. "I thought you were going to talk to someone I should have know you weren't when I seen Zeklos"

"You were watching me?" I asked feeling annoyed and weirdly flattered.

"Yes but I just thought you'd be upset and I wanted to help" I opened my mouth to speak but he help a hand up to stop me. "Listen Rose, this whole thing with Jessie was wrong I let you take him up here because I thought you'd talk to him but you didn't obviously."

I rolled my eyes and muttered "Obviously cause I'm just a slut." If he heard it, he didn't show it. I stood up because I needed my body to move. If I got out of this place I could find my dad.

"I want to help you Rose but you have to let me." His eyes held a pleading look and I felt my whole body relax. "That phone call wasn't friendly, I could tell by your reaction. What are you caught up in." I thought for a moment, What could I say, I didn't know much anyway. Dimitri didn't seem annoyed by the Jessie thing just disappointed.

"I don't know what to tell you. Whatever you find out goes to Kirova, right?"

"Not everything. I don't mind if you don't want to talk to me but talk to someone"
I thought again for longer this time. Who else could I talk to? Lissa was a no go and Mason wouldn't understand he's been here so long. I'm not close enough to anyone else to tell this stuff to. Dimtri may be someone I can trust after all.