Catwoman was sitting on the roof of Gotham museum holding a priceless cat statue and waiting for Batman to come. Harley and Ivy where hidden on the roof Harley had only been able to persuade Ivy to come with her by taking the hyenas out of the garden and putting them in the basement

"Selina" Batman said landing

"Hi" she snapped standing up

"How did you get out of Arkham" He asked

"What you think that if you shove me in the loon bin and I would just sit there placidly" Catwoman said

"Look I know your not insane and I am sor.." Batman started

"Bite me" Catwoman said

"I can't let you take that" Batman said nodding to the statue "If you give it me I'm sure you won't have to back to Arkham"

"You're the one who put me there first" Catwoman said throwing a punch

"Look I know your not insane like your accomplices" Batman said blocking her

"Are you talking about me and Red we ain't insane" Harley said standing up and looking down at Ivy, they both turned to look at her and Ivy groaned still hiding

"I told you not to follow me" Catwoman said still fighting Batman

"You do realize that I'm gonna have to take you to Arkham" Batman said still blocking Catwoman

"But of course you will only take us because you hate falling out with your girlfriend" Ivy said standing up and putting her hands on her hips

"You followed too" Catwoman groaned

"It was the only way to stop Harley's hyenas eating my entire garden" Ivy said as they both walked over to them

"You do realize that now I have to take you both back to Arkham" he said

"Simple maths Batty three of us on one of you" Harley said taking a firmer hold on her hammer

"You just had to tell him that didn't you" Ivy said as three shadows coming closer " You just had to tell him he was out numbered now we are"

"You forget Red we manged to take down five of them at the museum" Harley said

"Good point" Ivy said turning to Catwoman" You take your boyfriend we will deal with the others"

"Hang on where is he" Catwoman said turning around "and where's my statue oh well I'm still up for this fight"

"Hey" Harley said waving as Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl landed on the top of the building both Catwoman and Ivy turned to look at her

"Ok you guys ready for round two" Ivy said putting an arrow in her crossbow

"You sent me to Arkham with all the loony's" Catwoman yelled fighting Batman

"It was justice" Batman said blocking her

"Are you saying I'm as mad as the other loony's" Catwoman yelled "No offense guys" she called to Harley and Ivy

"Its Ok" Harley said "Look Superman" she called and as Robin who she was fighting turned to look she shoved him off the roof

"Nice to see your ankles better so fast" Batgirl called as she fought Ivy

"I know plant power I heal faster than humans" she said grinning

"No I'm not saying your mad just you hang out with these two and they are insane" Batman said

"Hey" both Harley and Ivy yelled

"But you just left me in there" Catwoman yelled

"well you weren't actually there for very long like three nights" Nightwing called over from where he had taken up the fight with Harley after checking robin wasn't dead
"Actually Blue boy it was two" Ivy yelled

"And for me it was only one until puddin busted us both out see I told the world he cared" Harley said dreamily

"Harley for crying out loud fight" Ivy yelled fumbling in pockets until she bought a a syringe she dodged Batgirl and ran over to Catwoman who was still fighting Batman

"What the hell" Catwoman said as Ivy injected her

"Its called an antitoxin" she said "and here's the toxin" she said smashing a vile on the floor a load of green gas started pouring out the Batteam all started coughing

" I will get you two back to Arkham" Batman said in between coughing

"The only way we're going to back to Arkham is if you take all three of us" Harley said as the green smoke grew she took both Catwoman and Ivy's free hands hands and lifted them into the air "We are the Gotham Sirens and we are back"

The End

Heya guys thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it :)