Omg so sorry it's been a long time..I've been so busy bnsjghfjsdghdfjh anyways..Next chapter! What shall happen? Read and find out!~
~In Japan~
InuYasha held about 2 dozens of Sakura flowers in a basket. "I'm sure Elsa would love these.." InuYasha took one last sniff and started to head back to his carriage. He felt really bad for leaving Elsa without telling her but, he did leave a note. "Hopefully this will put her in a good mood...since she doesn't get to see these type of flowers much." He hopped into his carriage setting the flowers next to him. "Back to Arendelle please." InuYasha looked out the window and let out a small sigh. He truely missed Japan a lot but no doubt he wanted to be with Elsa more. It's not like he would be missed in his country anyways. His father and brother usually ignored him most of the time, like he didn't exist. InuYasha didn't like thinking about it much, it just brought back bad memories. He sighed once again and just closed his eyes. He just began to picture how Elsas face will look when she sees the flowers.
"Elsa! Please let me in!" Anna had been trying to unlock the door for an hour now but no luck. "Elsa...please..." Anna was really out of ideas, there was no way to get Elsa out. "I'll..I'll leave you alone for now but..I'll be back ok?..." Wiping away her tears she walked away towards her room.
Elsa remained on her bed, hugging her pillow as well as silently crying in it. I wonder why he he really..afraid of me? Am I...
The ice princess looked down at her hands, she shivered thinking what InuYasha might think of her. Does he think I'm..a monster? Elsa didn't know how to cope with what she was feeling. Her anxiety was taking over and all she could do was let herself drown in her tears. Please...please come back InuYasha..
"Thank you so much! Sorry for the trouble."
"No problem, I'm glad I could be of service."
InuYasha gave one last bow before heading back into the castle. He held the flowrs behind his back as he walked down the halls. Suddnely he stopped, noticing ice scattered on the walls and floors leading to Elsas room. "What in the world.."
"Whos out there-YOU!" Anna ran up to InuYasha and grabbed him by the collar. "How dare you leave my sister!"
"What? Slow down." InuYasha pushed Annas hands down, adjusting his collar. "Now, slow down and tell me what you're talking about?"
"You left Elsa! She freaked out and she locked herslef in her room!"
"Oh my God.."
" mean you didn't plan this?"
"Of course not! I left to get her these!" He held up the Sakura flowers.
"Oh my God! You actually got them!..why didn't you just tell her you were leaving!?"
"Well I wanted it to be a, I left a note!"
"..I'll go talk to her." InuYasha slowly made his way to Elsas door. He was about to knock but he thought it be better if he just went in. Picking the locks, he sneaked in the room still holding the flowers behind his back. "El-sa?"
Wiping her eyes, Elsa slowly turned around and saw InuYasha. "Inu.." She got up quickly planning to embrace him in her arms but she stopped herself. "Why..why did you leave.."
" was a misunderstanding..."
"You don't think I'm"
"Monster?!...Heh..of course not." He said caressing her cheek slowly. "I left to..get you these." Finally he revealed what he was hiding beind his back and showed it to Elsa. "These are Sakura flowers..from like them?"
Elsas eyes lite up, she couldn't believe her eyes. "Wow..I never..saw anything like it." Slowly, she brought up her hands to feel them. A small smiled formed as the soft petals touched her skin.
"I'm glad you like them..I got them just for you."
"Really?..oh InuYasha..thank you!" Without thinking Elsa wrapped her arms around InuYashas neck and gave him a kiss. She didn't realize what she had done untill after their lips departed. "I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to-"
"'s fine. I've been longing for your lips anyways."
Elsa turned bright red. "Don't say such tings like that! It's-I.."
"Relax Elsa." He kissed her cheek and set the flowers beside her bed. "Now..about all this ice?"
"Oh..right. Don't worry I'll fix that.." Again, Elsa embraced InuYasha in her arms. Properly this time. "Thank you.."
"Of course.."
"I'm so glad you're okay now Elsa..I was getting worried!" Anna leaned on Elsas shoulder as they sat outside on the grass.
"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to worry you." She ruffled through her sisters hair. "I'm here now so don't be scared."
"Hehe..good! I like it that way! With you here!"
"How are you and!"
"Haha! Come on sis! Don't be shy!"
"I don't know.."
"Maybe we need a plan?"
"A plan?"
"I know! Let's throw a ball! Come on! Just for fun! Or you can say it's just to get to know people from the kingdoms hm?"
"I don't know Anna.."
"Come on can dance with your prince-y"
"You always win."
"Yes! Haha, now let's start planning! You have to wear something to catch his eye!"
"I'm going to regret this.."
It's official. The invitations were sent and after a week of planning, a ball was taken place tonight. Many princes and princesses were coming from all over and no one was more nervous then Elsa. She stood in front of the mirror as Anna helped her get ready. "Anna..I don't know about this.."
"You'll be fine!" Anna had helped Elsa put her hair in her usual style, her long braid. Anna liked her hair better that way. As for the dress, it was almost similar to her ice dress just not, made of ice. It was long but not to long, it just went down to her ankles. It had glitter and jewels that covered her chest area and then scattered down to her waist. It was sleeveless, which made Elsa a little shy. Though she liked the color. It was more of a pale blue and she felt it complimented her skin. As for makeup, Anna decided to give her sky blue eye shadow but kept her lipstick the same color she usual had. "Well, what do you think?"
Elsa did a quick spin around and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Wow..You're amazing Anna."
"Noooo! You are to kind hehe! Now enough fooling around! Let's go and show prince-y how you look!"
"Oh boy.."
"Arendelle..what a fine place to rule.." In the crowd, a prince thought to himself as he eyed the castle. It was obvious he had unpleasant plans, and one of those plans was to marry Elsa. He was planning to get rid of anyone who got in his way.
As Anna was pushing her sister towards the ball room, Elsa kept trying to escape her grasp. "I changed my mind-please-please let me go!"
"No! You-are-going-to-the-ball! No-matter what!" With one final push, Anna threw Elsa. As she leaped forward, she tripped over her dress but luckily landed in someones arms. "Ouch..oh I'm.." Looking up, Elsa saw InuYashas face. "Oh..uh..hi.."
" Elsa you beautiful."
"Really? It's not to much?"
"No, your're perfect."
"Oh.." Blushed filled her cheeks as she looked down at the floor. "So-" Before Elsa could finish she was interrupted by a deep voice.
"Excuse me, Elsa is it?" A man about 6 feet tall, jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and basically just absolutely stunning. Even InuYasha felt intimidated. "My name is Tsubasa Murakami. I am another prince from Japan." He bows and kisses Elsas hand gently. "Please to meet you your majesty."
"Yeah, yeah. Now why don't you just beat it." InuYasha said as he took Elsas hand away from Tsubasa.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. Maybe it's best if come back later?"
"Or how about not at all!" InuYasha growled.
"Don't be so rude, half breed." Tsubasa smirked slightly as he walked back into the crowd.
"Why that little-"
"InuYasha please! He's gone now, theres no need to make a fuss!"
"Come on Elsa, he was obviously flirting with you! Let me teach him a lesson!"
"Yeah, he was a little iffy." Anna said approaching the two them, while stuffing her face with chocolate.
"Anna..don't you have something better to do?"
"Nevermind..oh look, Kristoff is over there! Why don't you-"
"Well that was easy.."
"Hm? Yes?"
"May I..have this dance?"
" may." Shyly, Elsa took InuYashas hand as he guided her to the dance floor. Embracing her, she blushed once again.
"And you said you don't dance."
"Oh, well..I'm not that good heh heh.."
"Neither am I, but I'm with you so..I don't care if I look silly.
"Oh InuYasha.." As they glided across the floor, Elsa became more comfortable with InuYasha and leaned on his shoulder. Looking up a bit, she saw Tsubasa looking at her. Smirking, he gave Elsa a small wink. "What in the world.."
"You say something?"
"Oh nothing.."
"Is that Tsubasa guy trying to-"
"Please InuYasha, don't worry about it!"
"But-"InuYasha was silenced by Elsas lips pressing against his lightly.
"How about we just make him a little jealous, instead of violent?" As InuYasha nodded, Elsa deepened this kiss. I can't believe I am kissing him so causally..I never do stuff like this..but with InuYasha I warm touch just soothes my soul..I never want to let him go..
"How sweet. But it wont last for long." Tsubasa took a sip of his wine as he eyed InuYasha and Elsa. "Soon, she'll be in my arms.."
Well there u go! Sorry it took so long! I hope this chapter was ok! ;A; please fav and review!