Enjoy the new and improved version of 'The Secret That I Keep'!

He sighed once more as the crowd continued screaming their name. He stood in front of a pair of twin glass doors along with his band, being watched from very angle by said crowd.

"Don't leave me, Itachi!"

"Come back, Kisame!"

"I'll do whatever you want Sasori!"

"Stay longer, Deidara!"

"We love Akatsuki!"

They were already late enough with Deidara and Kisame's bickering. The fans seemed to be smarter here in Ame since they all seemed to be conspiring together to make sure they don't leave yet.

Itachi merely ignored them and continued walking into the white building. Screams echoed in the airport, making it worse than it already was. Guards blocked every side, making it almost impossible to see them, but that didn't stop the fan girls who would somehow pass through the supposed wall.

He was annoyed. Not by the time. Not by the lights. Not by the occasion. Not even the fans surrounding them. He was simply annoyed because of his band mates.

First if all, lets get something straight.

Akatsuki. Red dawn. A band brought together by friends who wanted to change the world, whether for their own gain or not.

Itachi Uchiha. No. 1 in the whole band for most fans and clubs. Most girls to ever meet him fall instantly. Lead singer and sometimes plays guitar alongside his 'best friend' in the whole group, Kisame.

Kisame Hoshigaki. Very skilled guitarist. Plays almost every kind of guitar. He is also known for rapping with Sasori.

Akasuna no Sasori. Bassist and Keyboardist. He also handles the synths, depending on the songs. He also makes a pretty good DJ. Also famous for being best friends with Deidara.

Deidara. No last name. No one knows why, except for the band. He is the drummer in the band. Very famous for his amazing live drum playing in all concerts.

Finally, the mystery manager. People have seen him, the news still looks for him, yet the only people who see him face to face are either his band or when he's in a meeting. He is also known as first in chefs of Akatsuki.

Back to the story...

Why was he so annoyed? Let's see.

Kisame was laughing because of who knows what. Deidara was doing the same while teasing Sasori and Kisame at the same time. Itachi didn't even know how that was possible. How do you tease two clear opposites with the same line?

Itachi sighed once more and continued to try ignoring them. Try.


Said man joined Itachi in their game of 'Ignoring the Idiots'.

"Sasori! Hey, Sasori!"


"Hey Sasori! Hey, hey, Sasori!"


"Hey, Fishy-kun, Sasori-danna is ignoring me."

Kisame ignored him, too busy trying to hide behind the bodyguards. His blue hair and height made it impossible to hide. He was at least a head taller or so compared to the rest of them.

"Fishy-kun! You aren't even listening! Fishy-kun!"


"What is it with old people being deaf!?"

"Did you just call me old?" "Old!?"

Both Kisame and Sasori turned around seething at the blonde boy's comment.

Deidara slowly backed away and said, "Hey, guys. Lets take it easy. I didn't mean I-"

Kisame pointed at him accusingly while cutting him off, "So you did call me old!"

"Wait here, Fishy-k-"


Said boy slowly turned to the source of the voice who happened to be a certain red head. Said redhead was holding no emotion on his face but you could clearly see the anger rolling off him in waves.

Deidara gulped and slowly began to back away, "Yes, Sasori-danna?"

Sasori glared at him, tenfold then his usual, and said slowly, "What did you just all me?"

Deidara shuffled on his feet uncomfortably and said, "Well, in birthdate standards and proof from everyone and your birth certificate, compared to me, you would be…"

Sasori raised his eyebrow slowly, "…I would be what exactly, Deidara?"


Lets just say that by the end of the whole fiasco, we ended up with an angry fish, a seething redhead and a beat up drummer.

Itachi sighed in frustration at the band. They didn't even reach the counter yet, and this already happened.

He didn't want to agree with his little brother, but this had to be an exception.


When they finally reached the front of the line, it was finally quiet. Pure, calming, undisturbed silence.

"Sasori-danna! Why do we have to wait in line!? We have our own plane, and this's is really boring!" Deidara whined.

Kisame joined in, "Yeah! We could just skip through the whole crowd like it wasn't even there!"

Sasori sighed at their stupidity. Didn't Pein already explain this to them before he left?

Sasori answered, "Since I don't feel like putting up with your stupidity and annoyingness today, I will answer your question in a way which makes it understandable to the puny brains you have. "

The two leaned in, waiting for the answer.

"Leader took it."

Sasori merely walked on, ignoring the two who were now on the floor. The bodyguards didn't seem to notice the fact that the two since they were already having problems keeping the crowd at bay.

By the time the two got up, Itachi was already in the counter, paying and trying not to snap at the blushing brunette in front of him. He's been going through the same conversation for ten minutes already and his patience was thinning out.

"Sir, you need to-"

"Just let me sign the-"

"But you still have to-"

"I cannot stay here all day. My band might-"

"But, sir! You must-"

"Just let me-"

"But you must first-"

Lets just say that it's not going anywhere.

Just as he was about to snap at the babbling girl, she suddenly stopped, staring wide-eyed with her mouth wide open. The girl looked both shocked and scared of whatever she was looking at. Curious, Itachi was about to turn around when the brunette suddenly grabbed all their passports and stamped them as quickly as possible before shoving them in his hands.

As soon as he had them secure in his hands, the girl bowed and said, "Thank you for time and for flying Thunder Air! See you again!"

Said girl scurried off, leaving Itachi standing there like nothing happened. As soon as the girl disappeared from sight, Itachi turned around only to come face to face with a smug Sasori and the other two still on the floor. Itachi nodded thankfully at him before already walking to the waiting area. He didn't bother with the Deidara and Kisame since he knew they wake up by themselves. Usually.

Sasori sighed and walked up to the two still on the floor. They were now groaning in pain, but that didn't bother him. They always ended up in pain when they got annoying. Mostly Deidara though.

Sasori grunted and kicked the two with less force as usual. He couldn't have them getting too hurt. They wouldn't stop complaining or whining for a few hours.

As the two got up, still groaning in pain, they began to look up confused. Some of the bodyguards had already left with Itachi and about a quarter of the crowd disappeared with them.

Sasori grunted before motioning for some for the bodyguards to follow him. He then said, "Itachi already left for the waiting area. We have half an hour, thenwe'll meet by the gate."

As soon as he was gone, the two finally processed what was going on. Another quarter of the crowd left to follow Sasori along with his bodyguards.

Just as he passed through the next set of doors, Kisame finally shook himself out of his stupor and decided to follow Sasori.

Deidara sputtered and got up, following him, "Hey! You have to wait for me to, you stupid fish!"

Kisame glared at him and said, "Don't call me that, Blondie!"

Itachi was walking around the area, looking for a good place to hang around for the remaining fifteen minutes. He was able to escape his bodyguards and managed to change clothes so as to not attract any attention. He now had a dark red jacket with the hood up and black shades. He mentally reminded himself never to wear Akatsuki branded clothes when he traveled. If he did, it would be harder to hide.

He looked around the white large corridor of shops, still pondering on what to get. His sneakers were barely making a sound on the white tiles, yet for some strange reason, to him, it sounded like it was the only sound resonating in the whole room. The world was a colorful buzz around him as he observed it like the crowd instead of the star.

Just as he passed a trinket shop, he found Deidara inside with his bodyguards blocked the door. The girl inside had hearts in her eyes while Deidara looked around her shop.

Itachi smirked at the poor blonde's predicament. He was trapped inside a room with a fangirl by his fangirls.

Itachi merely ignored the screaming and walked on to the other side of the whole place. If any of those girls recognized him, who knows what might happen.

There in the end of the hallway stood a small coffee shop. It may have not been that noticeable, but it was quite full for a shop in the corner of a whole airport.

He could use some coffee. Ever since the start of the tour, he's barely had any sleep. Coffee. Coffee sounds good.

He slowly made his way to the doors, driven by the aroma of coffee coming from inside. As soon as he got in, he made his way to the counter which was finally empty. Luckily, a guy stood in front of the counter, counting whatever was inside the cashier.

Itachi coughed, catching the attention of the guy in front of him. Said person looked up in surprise before scratching his head nervously. He then said, "I'm sorry, sir! I didn't notice you there."

Itachi replied, "Hn. Its fine. Can I order now?"

The boy nodded and quickly closed the cash register. He then said, "So, what will you be getting, sir?"

Itachi checked the menu in front of him, hanging above the counter. Itachi had to admit that it was hard to pick at first. If anything, Itachi had a sweet tooth ever since he was a little boy. He would always eat sweets to the point that he should have gotten cavities, but with him being Itachi, he never did.

He finally answered, "A tall black coffee and dango."

The boy in front of him nodded before taking everything to account. He then said, "That would be 200 yen, sir."

Itachi handed him the exact amount, making sure he didn't miss anything.

The boy then said, "Here is your receipt, sir. Please wait for a moment while I get your orders."

He scurried off, leaving Itachi standing there, looking around for any free table inside. None.

Outside? None.



Itachi saw the table occupied by a pink haired girl who was drinking a cup of who-knows-what. She looked a bit younger than him, but old enough to be at the very least college. She didn't really look like a fangirl or a fan at all, but then again, looks can be deceiving.

'You'll never know until you try.'

Itachi sighed once more at his predicament when the boy came forward holding his orders. Just as he passed it to him, the boy smiled and said, "Thank you, and please, come again!"

Itachi nodded and grabbed his orders. He slowly made his way to the small table, thankful that it was at the corner of the shop, not the window.

'Just ask if you can sit with her then just enjoy the food. That's it.'

As soon as he made it to the table, he coughed, catching the girl's attention.

She was reading this new book her mentor suggested for her. It was all about optical nerves and the eyes itself.

Sakura was minding herself in the coffee shop, taking in everything from the book. The introduction was quite interesting fro she never actually studied the eyes. Her main focus was saving lives, not helping someone see.


The eyes collect light from the surroundings, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, converts this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmits these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain.

Complex eyes can distinguish shapes and colors and provide different visual fields to many organisms in total.

The eyes give the ability of vision to the brain. The human eye's non-image-forming photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina receive light signals, which affect adjustment of the size of the pupil, regulation and suppression of the hormone melatonin and entrainment of the body clock.

The eyes-

Sakura stopped reading as she heard a cough from the man in front of her. She remembered hearing the chimes of the door opening, which must have come from the person in front of her.

Sakura raised her eyebrow and said, "Can I help you?"

The guy in front of her merely shrugged and said, "May I sit here? There are no available seats in the shop…"

Sakura nodded and said, "Sure. I'm not expecting anyone anyway."

He nodded gratefully and sat down on the chair given to him. Sakura sighed at the awkwardness and put the book in her hand down.

She then said, "My name is Sakura. What's yours?"

He said I reply, "My name is Raiku. It's a pleasure meeting you Sakura-san."

Sakura smiled, "Please drop the honorifics, Raiku-san."

Raiku smirked, "As long as you do the same, Sakura."

Raiku held the cup to his lips when Sakura said, "You like coffee?"

He nodded and said, "Yes. It helps me stay awake when I miss days of sleep. Why are you asking? Do you not like coffee?"

Sakura shook her head and said, "Coffee is a bit too bitter for me. I enjoy sweet things."

Raiku nodded in approval and said, "So do I, so I always take my coffee with something sweet."

Sakura tapped her chin, pondering over the suggestion and said, "Maybe I should try that one day. It sounds interesting…"

Raiku nodded and said, "It helps when you have to stay up for days, along with the sugar."

Sakura, enjoying the idea, said, "Maybe if I try your suggestion, Shishou would stop pestering me about growing up and actually trying coffee. It's getting quite annoying."

Raiku looked at her, confused, and said, "You are in college?"

She shook her head smiling and said, "No. I graduated two years ago, but I am currently an apprentice to the head doctor in our hospital."

He looked at her, surprised and said, "You skipped?"

She grinned proudly and said, "Twice. First and second year high school. Also I got a scholarship and chance to travel around, learning different methods in the medical arts."

His raised his eyebrow and said, "You must be quite smart and skilled as a doctor."

She shook her head and said, "Nope. Just lucky."

She began to sip her hot chocolate when the coffee shop began to play a certain song. She grinned, causing for Raiku to look at her weirdly. She merely brushed it off and began to hum to the music resonating around the room.

Don't you wish that instead of looking back

Standing there, powerless to move

You could go back and change the past

Do anything to start anew

In the memories of before

You are slowly swept away

But all you can do is wait for tomorrow

Even when you wish for another yesterday

The sky is already dark

The movie already…done

There's nothing left to do

The worlds already spinning

There's nothing you can do to rewrite the rules

Cause your world is already breaking

The sky, the sand,

Your laugh, your hand

On mine…

You're walking through the past

Finding the answer to the question

Our time was never meant to last

We're only there for someone's attention

There's nothing left of my heart

The show is already done

There's nothing left to do

The worlds already spinning

There's nothing you can do to rewrite the rules

Cause your world is already breaking

The sky, the sand,

Your laugh, your hand

On mine…

Our lives are done

You're moving on

Leaving me here to stay

The lights are gone

The skies are dark

And our memories full of hate

There's nothing left to do

The worlds already spinning

There's nothing you can do to rewrite the rules

Cause your world is already breaking

The sky, the sand,

Your laugh, your hand

On mine…

The smiled are already gone

The song is already done

So is…us…

"Where could he have gone, yeah?"

"I don't know, but we're going to be late if this keeps up."

"But how in the world can we miss him? There should be a swarm of fans around him or something!"

"I don't know but-"


Said person looked at the man calling him and said, "Yes?"

Said man was supposedly Itachi's bodyguard…

"We…lost Itachi-sama…"

Itachi was looking at Sakura who was now humming to the instrumental part of the song she previously sung. He was still shocked at Sakura's talent of singing. He has never seen someone sing so naturally yet beautifully at the same time. For once, he actually enjoyed talking and spending time with a girl.

As soon as she stopped, he said, "That was great. You're really good at singing, you know…"

Sakura laughed, "As if. People out there have more talent then I do. But thanks anyway."

Just as she was about to take another sip of her drink, she almost spit it out as she checked the time.

She began to freak out, "Oh god! I'm late!"

She then looked to me and said, "I'm super sorry, Raiku, but my gate will be closing in ten minutes! Sorry again! And it was nice meeting you!"

She quickly got up, grabbing her bag and book and scurrying for the door.

As she reached the door, Itachi couldn't help but feel dead like as her hand touched the door.

"Sakura! Wait!"

Said girl looked back, surprised that Raiku was now running to her.


Itachi nervously said, "I thought that maybe we should exchange emails, for communication. Phone bills are quite high and…"

He didn't know what to say after that. His mind went blank, trying to find another excuse.

Sakura suddenly smiled and whipped out a pen before pulling his arm. She pushed back his sleeve and quickly wrote on his arm.

"It's not a bad idea, Raiku. It would be nice to see you again and maybe, I don't know, maybe become really good friends. Ja ne, Raiku!"

Raiku smiled softly and said watched her leave for one for the other gate. As her pink hair disappeared into the crowd, he looked down at his sleeve, a content feeling washing over him. The neat and cursive handwriting on his arm gave him a small spark of hope of ever seeing her again. A small smile appeared on my face at the thought.

Just as he was about to turn around, a large and familiar arm appeared on his shoulders.

"Who's your friend, Itachi?"

I decided to combine the chapters…

I don't know why though. I just felt like it…

Review appreciated! I want to know if this was a major improvement or not…

Hugs to the Readers!
