Requested by Dawnie Grrl. Their headcanon: "Canada is invisible because America wants him to be so that he can have him all to himself!"

Ever since Canada declared himself independent the other countries had taken a strange liking to him. America totally understood, with his docile nature and beautiful, almost feminine, look; what wasn't to like about the Northern country? But that didn't mean America had to like it. Canada was America's brother, no one else had any right to talk to him or treat him like a lover! So he had to change that.

No one else knew this but America had taken a liking to England's magic as a child and had even tried to use it himself. He didn't wish to sound vain, but after years of practice America was now quite the professional. (Not that anyone else knew of course. England had left some of his magic books at America's house when America had declared his independence; be it on purpose or accidental America didn't know, nor did he really care.)

America's plan was falling into place, now all he needed was Canada.

Said wanted nation was just lounging at home, watching some hockey and eating maple ice cream when he got the call. Picking up the remote, Canada paused his sport. Raising an eyebrow, Canada licked his lips clean of ice cream and picked up his phone. Eying the caller ID, his other eyebrow shot up in a look of surprise as he answered. "Hey America, are you okay? Is there something you need?" Canada asked, bewildered at such a random call.

America chuckled on the other end, "Aw, Canada bro, do you really care about me that much? I had no idea." He teased jokingly, causing Canada to roll his eyes.

"Well, what is it you need, eh?" Canada inquired, putting down his tub of ice cream and scratching Kumajirou behind the ears.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come around for coffee later. It's been a while, ya know."

Canada smiled softly. He had got the impression that America didn't want to be around him for the past few weeks. Maybe Canada had been wrong. "Sure, what time should I come 'round?" Canada asked, standing up and placing the tub of ice cream back in the fridge before turning off the television.

"How about now? I'm not doing anything, but any time would be fine." America answered, causing Canada's eyes to light up with happiness. "Now's fine." He replied, a wide smile spreading across his face.

"'Kay, see you soon bro!" America hung up. Canada set the phone down and turned to Kumajirou. "I'm going out, be home soon." He said, grabbing his coat and keys. "Who?" The bear inquired just as Canada closed the door. In no time at all Canada reached America's house and was knocking on the door. America answered quickly, a soft smile pulling at his lips. The first thing Canada noticed was that America looked ill. His hair was sticking up strangely, more so than usually, and he had bags under his eyes.

"America, are you okay?" Canada asked softly, looking America over once again. America's grin widened at his brother's obvious concern. "Don't worry about me, I'm just fine. It's just work, you know how the economy is nowadays." America said, stepping aside and letting Canada enter the house.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Canada asked worriedly. He wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement. Maybe both. Canada looked back at his American counterpart as he walked towards the living room. If he were honest, America looked a little... manic.

"Yeah, it has." America agreed softly. "I hope you forgive me for doing this Canada." At his words Canada creased his brow and faced his brother completely.

"What do you mean-?" were Canada's last words before something hard was bashed into his head and everything went black.

Waking up wasn't the best feeling for the Canadian. The first thing he realized was that the room he was in was dark and smelled terribly musky, maybe a basement or an attic. The second thing he noticed was the bed he was... chained to?! Canada coughed as he gasped in a lungful of dusty air, struggling against the bonds.

"Ah, so you're awake!" Came a cheerful voice from a body he couldn't see. A cheerful... familiar voice... America!?

"America, what are you doing?" Canada gasped out, eyes wide with fright and lips parted in shock.

"I'm saving you of course," America said, as if it was obvious. "Don't want all them crazy countries getting too close to you!"

"I don't understand." Canada said, tears gathering on his eyelashes. 'Honestly', Canada thought, 'he's gone insane!'

"You will, brother, you will." America said before patting Canada's foot. Walking across the squeaky floorboards, his footsteps echoing around in thumps, America appeared in Canada's vision. America nearly glowed with how sickly pale his pallor was, his eyes twinkling with... well, not malicious intent, but something close enough to it. In one hand, America wiggled a thickly bound book that was fraying at the edges. Ducking back to the end of the bed, and out of Canada's restricted area of sight, America opened the tomb and started chanting in another language. It seemed familiar enough to the bound country, but Canada lost all sense of comfort when a strange light began to fill the air. The light disappeared as soon as America stopped the weird chant.

"What did you just do?" Canada asked, his head feeling light and the scene before him swimming. Blinking harshly, Canada tried to focus on the particles of dust that floated down from the wooden ceiling.

"Nothing too drastic, I promise." America reassured, closing the book and putting it in a bookcase Canada had failed to notice before.

Everything was quiet until a ringing broke the suffocating silence. The doorbell had went off, and Canada snapped his eyes upwards inquisitively. Now he knew they were definitely in the basement. "That will be England." America told him, cutting the ties that held Canada down. As Canada blearily soothed his wrists, America walked to the basement stairs and right out, not bothering to close the boor behind him. Maybe he wanted Canada to follow, so follow he did.

England was standing in the hall talking to America when Canada arrived. "Hello England." Canada said, but England didn't acknowledge him at all. Canada supposed England hadn't heard him, his voice was quiet after all.

So Canada walked around to stand in front of England, but once again England didn't acknowledge his presence. "England, what-?" Canada tried to ask, but was cut off by America saying, "Please, come on in England." as he motioned to the living room.

England started to walk forward and, in doing so, walked straight through Canada. The Northern country was in shock for a moment before turning to America. "What did you do?" he croaked, a lump in his throat.

"I saved you brother." was America's only reply.

Canada shook his head rapidly and ran out of the house, started his car, and drove home. On the way back, Canada was just in a kind of trance, not wanting to believe but at the same time trying to accept it. Once he arrived home, he didn't even bother with his shoes or keys, just walking down the hall and letting his weight go when he landed on the couch. Canada ended up throwing his keys on the coffee table and chucking his coat over the side of the couch. He placed his head in his hands and tried to calm himself down from the horrible craziness he was forced to partake in.

Canada heard a growl and saw Kumajirou looking up at him, his fur prickling and his teeth bared. "Who are you?" The bear growled, nearly ripping from his throat.

"I'm Canada." The Northern country whispered before completely breaking down and started to cry. His phone went off, signaling a text had arrived, but he didn't bother reading it. If he had he would have seen it was from America. Even without looking, however, he had a feeling on what it said.

"You're mine now, brother."