To Fallen heavens. Her/His headcanon: Ancient Native America died and she had a daughter who became the more modern Native America.

I really hope I totally didn't just ruin your headcanon! And that it's so short... and really bad and really rushed.


Ever since those Europeans washed upon the shores of the Americas, Native America knew she had joined the Ancients.

The Ancients were made of Scandinavia, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, Germania; grand Empires such as these fierce warriors. When talk of Atlantis dying reached Native America, she grew weary. When news of both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece finding little babes, boys with names of Egypt and Greece, Native America was frightened.

When the Europeans gave their first step onto her land, Native America grew horrific. Two children she had found, one a boy, the other girl. Native America knew then that she would be replaced; it was written in the stars. That there was no way of changing Fate, so why be bitter to innocents? So, she grew to love the two children.

The boy, who's name was America, just America, looked like the Europeans Native America saw whenever the family of three journeyed out to the South, the North, or the East. That gave Native America some hope that he would not fall like she would in time.

Scandinavia had claimed the North, Native America hoping it would stay that way; not ready to let go of the blonde boy and black haired girl.

The Spaniards claimed the South. When Native America saw them for the first time, she thought the young girl; who's name gave away that she would replace Native America, as they shared the name. Ancient Native America thought her daughter looked quite like a mix of herself and the tanned foreigners.

When the Ancients fell and newer Empires started showing up, Ancient Native America knew it was time to let America go. She knew that he belonged with the Europeans, with all their technology, faster advancements, and brighter culture. So went America, her blonde son, to be taken by the British Empire.

But Ancient Native America also knew, that because of the shared name between herself and daughter, there would be no way anyone would be taking her last child. And so they made their way West, stopping when Ancient Native America grew tired, the two making friends and families on the way. They brought with them different cultures to each new set of 'Indians', the name sticking with her people as more and more foreigners came to claim land.

It was when they had finally made it to the other ocean in the West that Native America became something more than just a young woman traveling with her mother. Ancient Native America had finally vanished, leaving just America and Native America, not a trace of the Ancient to be seen.

After years of bloodshed and wars, the siblings had trouble being in the same room of the other. Native America wondered often to herself when she was to vanish just like their mother. She quickly became friends with her half-brother Canada, the Latin American countries, and other soon-to-vanish nations, Southern Italy and Prussia.

Still, though, she wondered of her passing until the day she spoke these worries aloud. And the voice of her mother answered.

You are the beating hearts of those who still remember the culture of which you were raised in. Do not forget the Native families whom are all your families. Until culture is replaced, no nation is ever truly gone. Do so to remember that, my beautiful Native America.