Loki learned many things about Aralia during his intimate time with her. He learned that she loves music and dancing, that she can carry five beer steins in each hand at one time, that she is very observant and intelligent, and that gazing intensely into her eyes during foreplay turns her on better and faster than any other technique. She is in awe of his ability to do magic and she is ambitious. All in all, Loki is very pleased with his new omega.

Aralia learned many things about Loki during her intimate time with him. She learned that Loki, while skittish at first, is actually a very gentle, generous, and considerate lover. She had noted that he is much more muscular than his clothing would suggest. Everything on him is firm, hard, and lean not bulky. He is graceful, intelligent, and he has no idea how beautiful he is. He tries to hide his low self-esteem, but Aralia has noticed that it shows up in other ways. Loki is quick tempered and easy to offend. There is a ting of danger about his personality and whoa to any that cross him. To her, he looks exotic. His skills are exotic. The brute warriors running around Asgard drunk and waving their swords never impressed her. They are a dime a dozen and they come into her family's tavern every night. For all their talk of honor, Aralia finds many of the warriors to be very rude and thuggish, at least, to the wait staff.

After 3 days the heat finally ended. Loki put out a call to the servants to start attending to his omega. The seamstress came and started creating a whole new wardrobe for Aralia. It had only been a couple of hours and Aralia already had 2 new dresses and another under construction. Preparations for the public bonding ceremony are getting started. Aralia's family is being contacted. Usually the dowry is paid by the bride's family to the groom's family, but in the case of an omega, it is the alpha that makes payment to the omega's family for losing such a rare and valuable commodity.

Loki is admiring Aralia admiring herself in the mirror. The gown she is wearing is in Loki's signature green color of satin with a v neck. It hugs her curves in all the right places. Loki finds himself imagining her belly swelling with his child. If not for the servants in the room, he would ripe it off her and take her again. But anymore intimacies with his new mate will have to wait until the bonding ceremony. A knock at the door announces Frigga's arrival.

"Good morning mother. How fare thee?" Loki asks. Frigga takes in the scene, no doubt ensuring Loki has amended his behavior. There is a servant braiding Aralia's hair at the vanity table, the seamstress and her assistants are whipping out gowns for their prince's new consort. The scent of the heat has faded and Aralia looks like she is glowing. Good. "I am well. I came to check on the two of you. Your father is expecting you to make an announcement at court this morning." "Yes, I'll be bringing Aralia along in about an hour." "Before you go, I want to have Aralia pay a visit to Lady Eir, to make sure everything is healing well." –and to make sure Aralia is pregnant, thought Loki. "Yes of course mother."

The servant finishes tacking Aralia's hair style. She rises from the vanity chair and follows the queen out of the bedchamber. As they make their way down the hall servants and courtiers alike stare in their direction, whispering to one another. "How are you my dear, did my son treat you well?" Aralia looks are Frigga nervously. This is her queen, and now her mother-in-law. "I am well my queen." She says shyly, looking down at the floor as they walk. "Yes, but was he kind to you?" Frigga pushes. "I-ah, yes he is very kind, my queen." Aralia blushes and smiles thinking of all the coupling that took place over the last 3 days. It occurs to Aralia that everyone knows what they have been doing in that room, and she wonders how sound proof the doors are. The formal bonding ceremony still has to take place and even though that too will be behind closed doors, everyone will know what they will be doing then too. Aralia realizes she's going to have to get used to not having much privacy as an Omega.

They arrive at the healing rooms. The test is quick and simple. Lady Eir performs a simple incantation over Aralia's abdomen. If a woman is pregnant then a blooming flower appears in the glowing mist, if not then closed bud. To the delight of everyone a blooming flower appears-followed by another. "What does that mean?" asks Aralia. "You are going to have twins my dear, one boy and one girl each." says Lady Eir. Frigga's eyes go wide with surprise and joy. Twins are exceedingly rare. There has not been a set of twins born in Asgard in 10,000 years. "Your fertility will be the envy of the kingdom." says Frigga.

Mr. Dedro Svenson looked apprehensively at the royal guards on either side of him. His daughter had disappeared 3 days ago. He'd been informed by everyone in the neighborhood of Aralia's Omega status, and of her great escape to the sparring arena. Rumors were rampant about who had claimed her. Everyone from Prince Thor to Yamich the beggar had been reported as being her alpha, though the rumor he was hearing the most frequently was that Prince Loki had claimed her. In any case, he was about to find out. King Odin himself has summoned Mr. Svenson to court for an audience. If Prince Thor has claimed her, then that would mean that his own daughter would be the future queen of Asgard. Mr. Svenson kept his fingers crossed. He expected to be ushered to the main throne room for court, and so was surprised when the guards led him to a smaller audience room. In the room sat the king on his throne, his queen beside him, and Prince Thor standing behind his father to the left. At the foot of the throne, standing to the right was Price Loki and his daughter in matching ensembles.

Aralia embraces her father. He in turn inspects her for any obvious signs of abuse. Prince Loki's reputation for being a trickster did not put her father at ease. But the broad smile on his daughter's face does. His daughter's alpha may be a skilled liar but Aralia's face has always been an open book. The meeting is short. King Odin and Frigga discuss the bonding ceremony at length as well as dowry payment. There will be a great feast held in his daughter's honor. Where brides normally receive wedding gifts, omegas receive baby gifts straight away. King Odin speaks about how blessed his new grandchild will be. Aralia looks at Queen Frigga, eyes questioning. For moment Aralia thinks to speak up about the blessings in her fertile womb, but Frigga gives her a look that says 'not yet', so Aralia says nothing.

The private meeting is over and the royal family moves out to the main throne room where all the members of the court are waiting. Loki, taking Aralia in hand, takes position front and center before the King. "Father, Mother, Members of the Court, People of Asgard, I Prince Loki, have an announcement to make." "Speak my son, so that all may hear." "I have made a claim, and am now bonded with an Omega, this beautiful woman you see before you. She is Aralia Dedrodottir. I am hers and she is mine, for she carries my child in her womb." "Aralia, daughter of Dedro step forward." Booms the King. "Is this so? Are you bonded to my son and carrying his child?" Aralia looks to Frigga who gives her a slight nod. "Yes my King, I am bonded to your son." She stammers a bit, a little intimidated. "But it is not one child I carry sire, but two."

The court erupts in astonishment. Odin's and Thor's eyes both go wide. Loki grabs Aralia by the arm and turns her to look at him. "What!?" is all Loki can manage, a hesitant smile crawling across his face. "Yes my prince, it is twins. One boy and one girl. Lady Eir has said so."

"Truly your union is one blessed by the Gods. The formal bonding ceremony will take place in 3 days. Tonight we will hold a feast in your honor Aralia. I welcome you to my family and bless your union with my son." King Odin pounds the floor with his staff and the court cheers.

The next 3 days are a whirlwind and a circus for Aralia and Loki. The nights are particularly troublesome for Loki as it is customary for the new bonded pair to abstain from sex during the 3 day waiting period before the ceremony. This is to allow the omega the chance to heal. For 3 nights Aralia continues to sleep in the guest room, while Loki returns to his own quarters. Loki's anticipation grows and each night he finds it necessary to take himself in hand, his burgeoning erection keeping him awake.

The day of the ceremony comes and Aralia is taken away by maid servants for a day of beauty. She's led into a large pool bath perfumed with oils. Many hands are raked over her body as sea salts and soaps are lathered into her skin. She is taken to a table and massaged with more oils. The past few days have been such a rush, chaotic. For the first time since entering the palace she feels truly relaxed as each muscle cries then releases under the pushing and pressure. After the massage Aralia stands from the table. The towel she had about her body is taken from her and she is naked. Though the room is closed off and filled only with other women, she still feels a little embarrassed and exposed. Two of the maids bring forth paint brushes and different color paints. Meticulously, they start the task of painting fertility symbols all over her body, most notably her arms and her abdomen. As they work, another servant begins braiding her hair into an intricate design with large red flowers interlaced throughout. Finally, her gown is brought to her…and she is shocked. It is provocative. In fact she is not sure it could be considered a gown as it is in two pieces. The top bodice portion barely covers her breasts and the long sleeves are a sparkly see through material. The skirt sits low on her hips and has the same sparkly see through material, with a more opaque under skirt to hide her legs. But there long slits up each side making her legs visible as she walks. She is also aware that they have not given her any underwear to wear underneath. So much for modesty. Her stomach is completely bare save for the painted markings. The color of the gown is the deep burgundy she was expecting, but that is about all that seems familiar to her. The nightgown she has been wearing in private with Loki in their bedchamber is more conservative than this.

Finally, she is finished and ready. The servants leave her for a moment and Queen Frigga enters. Aralia looks at herself in the mirror and thinks back to her white wedding dress she wore just a few short days ago to the arena. She didn't understand the purpose of a formal bonding ceremony then, and she doesn't understand it now. She is already pregnant, there have already been feasts in her honor, and gifts have been received. Why do they have to make a "somewhat public" sex spectacle of themselves? Granted no one will actually be able to see what they are doing, but everyone will know. Why is it even necessary?

Frigga speaks, "Are you ready dear?" "Yes my queen." She says timidly. "How do I look?" "You look lovely." says Frigga. "Do you have any questions of me child?" "Yes, I must confess, I do not understand what the point of all this is. We are already bonded. Why must we do this?" Frigga looks at Aralia with understanding.

"Aralia, when you and Loki bonded the both of you were in caught up in the fervor of the heat. Both of you, your minds were in a bit of fog, induced by pheromones. But heats are few and far between, even for omegas. The rest of the time your relationship with my son in the bedroom will be much like it is today. Just the two of you, alone, no pheromones to stoke your desire for one another. How Loki treats you in the ceremony today, will more than likely be how he will treat you the rest of your life. Today will set the tone for your marriage. Your marriage bed can be warm and passionate or cold and lonely. It can be abusive, loving, or even indifferent. It is important today for you to do what you can to sway the manner in which my son will treat you. He will have dominion over your life; you will need to curry his favor. I wish you luck Aralia."

It is in this moment that Aralia is reminded that she is now Loki's property. A child bearing sex slave for all intents and purposes, and this is the condoned view of her people, her culture. They call it a marriage, but omegas don't get divorced. Ever. Aralia fights to suppress a well of anger inside her. Anger would serve her poorly now, not when she will need to be sweet and loving to her mate in not just a few minutes. She will need to recite the sacred vows of the Omega. Vows of obedience and fidelity. She swallows her anger, and follows Frigga into the throne room.

Aralia is barefoot and walking on flower petals as her mate's mother escorts her in a procession towards the throne where Loki is waiting for her. Loki is dressed in his full ceremonial armor complete with a giant horned helmet and flowing green cape. Members of her family, friends are in attendance and watch the ceremony. After the words are said the King seals their bond, Loki and Aralia are escorted together to a side room. Flower petals litter the path to this room as well. The doors are closed behind them and they are alone. In the middle of the room is a large four poster bed with sheer curtains around. The flower petals cover the bed are well and there are lit scented candles filling and perfuming the room. There is a magnificent spread of food on the table on the other side and basket filled with mysterious jars of what looks like more healing salves. Great. More pain.

"Aralia." Loki whispers in her ear. She turns to him. Loki removes his helmet and places it on the ground. Gently he cups her face with his hands and places a delicate kiss on her lips. He pulls away and looks into her eyes as he tucks a tendril of her hair behind her ear. Aralia's anger and nerves evaporate as she is filled with a warm glow that spreads to her face and makes her smile. Loki steps back slightly and starts to undo his cape and armor, looking Aralia up and down admiringly as he does so.

Aralia reaches out to him and slowly starts to help him undress. They take their time gazing into each other's eyes as they do so. When Loki is down to all but his under trousers, Loki grabs Aralia and scopes her up into his arms and carries her to the bed. He then steps away for a moment, going to the basket on the table with all the little jars. He picks out a red one and brings it back to the bed. "What is that?" asks Aralia. "You'll see." Is Loki's reply. Loki is back on the bed leaning over Aralia. He moves his body so that he is lying parallel to her on his side looking at her as she lay on her back. Loki takes notice of all the intricately painted designs on her abdomen and starts to trace them with his fingers. Aralia's breath hitches as Loki's fingers wander lower under her skirt.

His fingers brush the petals between her legs and Aralia instinctively draws her legs up and bends them at the knee, widening them. The slits in the skirt leave the center panel covering her secret garden. Loki traces her outer folds in pattern, finding that little nub of nerves and pinching it gently between his thumb and forefinger. Aralia's hips buck at this and rush of heat and wetness comes from her core. Loki is staring intensely into her eyes during all of this. He drops his hand from that spot and inserts two fingers into her. Pumping slowly. Aralia's hands find Loki's shoulder and jawline. She wants to pull him in, to pull him on top of her, but Loki will not budge. He continues his teasing, intensifying the pace, making Aralia moan. But he can tell it is not enough. She wants more.

Loki pulls his hand away and Aralia protests, but Loki reaches for her clothes. First he unfastens her bodice top, releasing her breasts and sliding the cover off her arms. Next he goes for her skirt, tossing it off into a corner of the room. She is completely naked before him now and she reaches for his pants, but Loki stops her. He has her sit up and moves himself between her knees laying on his stomach, splaying her legs wide, his head near her most intimate place. He wants her to watch him when he takes her into his mouth. Aralia is overcoming with emotions as she realizes what Loki means to do. Excitement, embarrassment, arousal, pleasure, and more fills her as Loki parts her petals and tastes her very core. She gasps both at the sensation and the gesture. Loki devours her like a starving man devouring a meal. Aralia's body shudders at his ministrations and her moans become louder and more insistent. For a moment Loki lifts his head long enough to look at her. "Come for me my angel. I want to taste your release." He dips his head back down and starts pumping his fingers out of her in tandem with his tongue. Aralia feels her insides grown and seize as her need builds to its apex. Loki pinches her clit with his thumb and forefinger sending her over the edge. She cries out, gushing forth her release directly into Loki's mouth. He licks her until he has had his fill.

Aralia's head drops back. She pants heavily for a moment the bliss slowly ebbs. It is now that Loki reaches over and grabs the red jar. Still perched between her legs the dips two fingers into the red salve and plunges them into Aralia's core, coating her outer petals as he pulls them away. Aralia starts to feel a warm tingling sensation from the salve. Little jolts of pleasure are making her insides quiver and she realizes that if he were to mount her now she would come on the first stroke. But Loki does not do this. Instead, he takes a moment to sit up and remove his pants. His throbbing erection, hard and red looks almost painful. Aralia sees it and is overcome with the desire to reciprocate the intimate pleasuring Loki had given her. Loki makes like he is going to mount her, but she stops him. His brows furrow for a moment trying to figure out what she means to do. "Lie back my prince." Wordlessly Loki obeys. Their positions switched, Aralia now finds herself grasping Loki's erection. Loki's hips buck at her touch. His member is so long and thick, she worries if she will be able to fit it into her mouth. She starts out by licking the head, then covering it with her lips and tongue. Loki moans her name, encouraging her movements. She takes him in deeper now, bobbing her head as she goes. She watches Loki for his reaction, figuring out what he likes and repeating those movements. She places one of her hands on his balls and plays with them. Loki likes this. She strokes his shaft with her other hand and before long Loki is panting…. "Darling-I'm going to co-ahhhhme!" His seed bursts into her mouth and she swallows every drop, making Loki shudder with pleasure. Loki's head drops back to the pillow panting and Aralia comes up for air also. She falls into his arms cuddling him. But the red salve between her legs is still working its magic. She feels her need building and finds she cannot lay still for long. Loki notices her distress and rolls on top of her. He reaches for the jar of red salve and rubs some on himself. Instantly his erection returns and he places it at her entrance.

Slowly he penetrates her, feeling the heat of their coupling. Her warm tight entrance wrapping around him like a blanket, inviting and slick. He starts rocking back and forth and Aralia wraps her legs around his waist arching herself to allow him deeper into her body. Loki is gazing intensely into her eyes and it is in this moment that Aralia remembers why she chose him. You smelled loving. And he is loving. She feels loved, and he is making love to her. Tears form in her eyes as she is overcome with joy. She could not have chosen a better alpha.