Me: So, many people wanted me to continue this I am! :3 Supere: We get to torture Pitch! MUAHAHAHAHA! Me: Uh, that's another story... Wisdom: COOL! I call killing him at the end! Me and Kindness: NO KILLING! Supere: C'mon! It'll be fun! At least let the viewers decide! Me: Whatevs. I don't own the movie the Rise of the Guardians! Enjoy, my fellow birds!

I can't believe that I'm not in control anymore! All my life, I had ruled everyone's nightmares and fears and now I'm reduced to THIS?! It's maddening! It's infuriating! It's degrading! It's just plain stupid! I ruled the freakin' Dark Ages for pizza's sake! I can't believe they had the nerve to do this; reduce me to only blinking and talking! And if they wanted to, they could even stop me from doing that. This was humiliating. Have I mentioned degrading? There isn't much I think about alone...and in my own head. Jeez, what did these guys expect me to do? Go insane waiting for them? "Hey guys! Pitch's awake!" Cue the annoying brat. After beating me, I bet he'll be taunting me all day. Or week. Or all month. Or EVERY SINGLE YEAR OF THE REST OF MY EXISTENCE! Oh, CRAP! If I can't handle a day with them, how can I live the rest of my life as a slave?

Soon, I was surrounded by them, some smirking and others just looking at me blankly. I glared intensely at each and every one of them; if they forced me to be their slave for all of them, I could at least let them know. They couldn't control his thoughts, after all. It was the only thing they couldn't control. "So obviously know what happend," said North," And I bet you're wondering why you're like this." My glare intensified. Of course I wanted to know, wouldn't they want to know if they suddenly were slaves? "You see, after we defeated you, we were worrying that you might rise again and try to defeat us. So Sandy told us a way in keeping you contained and safe; mind control. You know the rest of the story." Oh, like how I was in so much pain that I couldn't even scream? I think I remember that part. "Now you'll be doing chores for us! Don't you think it'll be fun?" exclaimed Jack. I rolled my eyes. No, child, it won't be fun. "Alright," Jack pulled out a long list," Tooth needs to arrange all the teeth, Sandy needs help making dreams, the toilet needs cleaning..."

Oh, what a 'fun' day this is going to be...