Robin wasn't the kind of girl to put herself in compromising positions, especially those of a sexual nature. But finding herself beneath her fiance's nephew a few hours before their wedding, she realized that that was exactly the kind of position she was in.

A few things should have happened now that they found themselves like this. Owain should push himself off of her and go off apologizing incoherently while Robin did the same. Another scenario could be that Robin helps push Owain off and she begins the apology for what had just transpired, or almost transpired. But none of those things happened. Robin feels no urge to push Owain off and Owain does not push himself off her, instead they continue to stare at each other, scoping out the others reactions, discovering features they hadn't been able to discover before.

Robin is aware of his weight, aware of his warm sweet breath tickling her face, aware of the hardness on her thigh that can only mean one thing. She blushes at the thought.

Owain notices Robin's blush and interprets it as embarrassment of the situation and he wonders if he should push himself off but then she pulls in her lower lip and the thought occurs to him that she's enjoying this, that maybe she wants something to happen now, that maybe she's encouraging him to do to the unthinkable, but it's too late, he's already thought about it.

Robin sees that Owain's eyes are focused on her lip, the one she's slowly biting on now because she doesn't know if she wants anything to happen yet and is afraid to make any kind of move. Either way, their friendship will always have this little stain on it. It could either be a what-if moment or a regrettable, that shouldn't have happened time. She's afraid to let herself speak because for once, she's not quite sure what her words would be.

Owain's eyes flick back to Robin's and her eyes are wide and curious almost. Certainly there's a hint of uncertainty there as well, but with a blink it seems to vanish. Owain decides it's now or never to make a move or to not make a move and he vaguely wonders how much time has passed since he tripped over Robin's shoes and fell on top of her while she was stretched out on the couch. Slowly he raises his right hand from where it rested next to her shoulder. He visibly sees Robin's intake of breath and can feel her tense as if she's ready for him to pull away but instead he rests it on her cheek. He feels himself shaking and wonders what'll happen next.

Robin feels Owian's weight shift and thinks, this is it, he's going to pull away now and the awkwardness shall begin. She tenses getting ready for his warmth and weight to disappear but instead his right hand rests on her cheek, his thumb near her lips. She feels herself shudder at his touch and her eyes close briefly at the contact and she relishes the intimacy of it all. Subconsciously, her left hand comes up and rests on his wrist. He eyes the contact for a moment and then his gaze travels back to hers.

At first Owain thinks she's about to remove his hand from where it rests, but is surprised when she doesn't, he finds her eyes locked on his again and he remembers to breathe. He doesn't know if her not moving his hand makes his decision final, or maybe it was the fact that her eyelids fluttered when he touched her cheek, or maybe it was the first time he realized he had feelings for her. It could have been all these things and more because the next thing he knew was that he was centimeters from her lips, his eyes barely open in case she decided she didn't want this. Instead he feels her grip his wrist a little tighter, and he knows for certain that she's made her decision too.