Contrary to what Dan thought, Phil knew.
He knew when Dan was sad, when Dan had done something wrong, when Dan wanted to say something but didn't have the courage to—in essence, Phil knew Dan. And Phil knew that Dan loved him.
Which was totally okay. Because Phil loved Dan as well.
Ever since 2009. Ever since Phil had seen Dan get off of that train, his fringe hiding his nervous expression expertly, ever since Phil had seen Dan's laugh and Dan's smile, Phil had known that he wanted Dan. And recently, Phil had seen the way Dan acted around him, and Phil knew that Dan had finally noticed the truth—that they were made for each other, and not just as friends.
And now was the hard part. They were in the 'skinny love' stage right now—the time when they both knew that they loved and wanted the other person, but were too shy and nervous to initiate the first step. And Phil knew how stubborn Dan could be, how long he would procrastinate. They'd both be well into their forties before Dan would blurt out the truth. Phil would have to take the matter into their own hands, if either of them would ever want to be happy.
So, Phil came up with a plan.
It was simple and unbelievably sappy, like most Valentine's Day plans were. Yes, Phil planned to come out to Dan on Valentine's Day. If he was going to go first, might as well start it off with a bang, right? So he was going to pull out all stops. Candle-lit dinners and love letters and chocolate éclairs and movie nights were all incorporated in Phil's master plan. Because goddammit, if he was going to do it, he was going to do it right. He didn't metaphorically top for nothing.
It was going to be stupendous. It was going to be the best date Dan had ever been on. And, if things went right, it would be the night the Phandom never would forget.
A/N: I apologize for the shortness, but this is really just an experiment for me. I've never really written anything like this before, so if I horribly mess up don't blame me, blame the inexperience, Anyway, hope you enjoyed!