From The Depth Of Rapture
I dont know naruto or the bioshock series if i did I would be doing the happy dance
16 years ago the 9 tailed fox attand with it brought destruction the villiage has never seen before and the 4th hokage Minato Namikaze sealed it into his only son and unknowely led his life into a personal hell until today.
16 years later
We find Naruto uzumaki fighting Madara uchiha and a former friend in Sasuke uchiha who personaly massacered the entire leaf village in one night in revenge in his family's and itachi's are barely standing and both of the uchiha are almost out of chakra.
Naruto POV
Man these guys are something else they are still keeping up with me even when I have the ten tails sealed inside of me or should I say the new ten tails. Yes When Naruto got all of the tailed beasts its mind was destroyed and all of the tailed beasts fought with each other until kurama won ought and became the new ten tails and was gladly sealed into her mate with a few new perks like she could come out in her humn form and talk with her Naruto- kun.
When naruto found out that kurama was a girl he had a nosebleed that would make his old sensei proud. She was a sight to behold to she had a hourglass figure,long red hair that reached down to her lower waist and breasts that would make even hinata jelous with kuramas size high D breasts with 10 orange red tails behind doesent make naruto the ugly one he has his own set of charms with his athletic build that stands at 6 foot 1 and his tails that when the ten tails was sealed he has gotten along with his new shaningan eyes that she put in with the blood of obito who died trying to stop madara.
She has yet to say that he is her mate because even the mighty ten ten tails can be scared of there mates reaction because if he rejected her she would be heartbroken but she vould to herself thst she would tell naruto after the to the fight naruto just used his father justu and killed his former brother with a kunia to the heart and even kurama who liked to be called kaida by naruto who was the only one who could without being squashed by one of her tails could feel the sadness that came from naruto when he saw the life fad from sasuke's now is fighting The last full blooded uchiha there is because he is only enough uchiha where he could pass on the shaningan and he could use it well.
Well naruto you are full of surprises and I know i cant beat you but I will not go out alone. Said Madara He then went through a series of handsigns that even naruto had trouble seeing and then slamed his hand of the destroyed battle field said Reaper Death Style" Portel To oblivion Then Like The Reaper Death seal took Madaras life and started pulling Naruto and everything the surrounded the area into it but before it sucked him in Kaida who did not want her mate to die started doing handsigns that would use about as much chakra as shukaku had but that didint really put a dent in it then she was finished and when he was pulled into it exploded and sent naruto into his mind where he saw his old friend nhe former nine tailes.
Kaida aka the ten tails POV
Okay Kaida you can do this Naruto-kun is safe man I thought me and him were goners now I have to tell him he is my mate and he can never go back to the Elemental Nations and WHAT.
When Madara usedthat justu it passed on his eternal monkeyeso shaningan and his wood release kenkei genkei to naruto-kun I will tell that to him in the beginning of the conversation Thought Kaiba Snaping out of her thought she sees naruto looking at her in shocked/confused expression and she went as a tomato and she relized that he heard every she said and out of sadness thinking that he will regect her and she started to cry and screaming to naruto to not leave her but while she was crying naruto went behind her and picked her up and went in the house they have thought up when making up the new seal and he set her on the couch and held her and soothed her untill she stoped crying
She saidSo now you naruto-kun so what is your responce after she said this he just kissed her and she started to kiss back after she got over her they seperated she was so happy she jump on him and started kissing him all over his body and all he could do was laugh.
Naruto POV
Okay kaiba we need to talk first is where are we and what does the mate thing mean for you and me from now on.Naruto said
She thought about it and said
Kaiba POV
We are in a new universe called earth and we are outside of a lighthouse that something exploded outside of it and lookes like only one person survived a girl,also the mate thing is a mind thing that happens in foxes that gives the fox a one in a lifetime partner but the male nust take more than one partner or the female wont be able to walk for a while. After she said that she was beet red and she started studdering then she saw that naruto was fadding away and said goobye but not before naruto said to change her panties. She cursed herself that she inhuman senses and then she started stuttering,was red,and suprisingly for the mighly godlike ten tails fainted and in heaven a dark haired hyuga sneezed and started thinking obsessive thoughts about HER naruto-kun and will hurt anybody who will take him away.
Oustide of mind and entrance of rapture Naruto POV
Naruto has just woken up and he sees a very beautiful brown hair girl who was swimming to the small island where he was and he helped her up he said to her Hey beautiful were you on that plane that crashed are you hurt do you need help he said rather fast but even that the girl blushed a beat red because he didint have his shirt on. She had more pride than to check him out but he was the most handsome man she has ever asked him his name and he said I could ask you the same thing but my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am 16 years old. The girl was so happy he was the same age as her and he could be friends or more she was a little lonely, she had a loving family but it felt like they were faking and she didint have many friends. She said to naruto Hi my name is Jackie and I am 16 years old to she smiled to him in a pretty and kind smile.
Naruto said hi and then he saw something in her chakra network that had a slight wazer that shouldent be there and in a slight talk with kaiba he fixed it without any trouble and then he and the young girl went inside the lighthouse not knowing where there journey will take them.
And Done for today