Title: Brainwashed

Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan or Magic Kaito.

Pairing: KaitoxShinichi

Rating: T (May or may not change in the future)

Summary: Was brainwashing possible? Shinichi can't help but wonder, not that it really mattered. If he was brainwashed by this Magician then who was he to complain?

Was brainwashing possible? Shinichi couldn't help but wonder. And the more he thought about it the more it seemed plausible. It was also the only explanation he could think of that made the scene in front of his eyes remotely believable.

The Magician in the Moonlight's heist had started only five minutes ago but it had already degraded into pure chaos. Pink glitter, glue, an assortment of ribbons and several bucket loads of confetti covered both the room and it's occupants from top to bottom.

Even Hakuba was wrapped tightly from head to toe in a lovely pink ribbon with a matching bow atop his head.

The only ones that had managed to avoid the chaos were himself and Ginzo Nakamori who stood next to him. While Shinichi had slipped out of the room only seconds before to avoid the explosion, Nakamori was purely coincidental. By a stroke of luck the inspector had stepped into the hall seconds before the explosion happened.

Now the two were staring into the room, with it's now empty glass case, watching as the police tried to free themselves from the mess as well as each other. It was so unbelievable and yet so common of a scene that Shinichi found himself barking out a laugh in exasperation. While the detective usually tried not to insult the poor Nakamori and his task force, at least while he was in their presence, he really couldn't help himself.

Beside him, red faced and twitching, Nakamori suddenly bellowed, "KIIIIID!"

The inspector then stormed into the room yelling and shouting at his men, even helping a few of them free themselves. Shinichi merely shook his head, mirth behind his azure eyes, and walked away. Someone had to get the stolen jewel back after all.

The KID task force clearly had to have been brainwashed by the thief, he mused to himself. No one could be this incompetent. Yet KID had them dancing to his tune like puppets for a performance. Which is exactly what they were. KID was nothing but a showman when it came down to his heists. They made his fans happy and, admittedly, Shinichi happy as well. Even during his time as Conan.

The no-one-gets-hurt rule KID had gave Shinichi a chance to battle his intellect against the thief's as well as take a break from his job as a detective. Shinichi had actually come to like and maybe even respect him. While stealing was against the law, one of the reasons why he felt obligated to show up to the heist, the Magician always returned what he stole. The detective didn't know what the thief was searching for and, pure curiosity aside, he didn't really need to know nor did he really care.

The heists were, for the most part, actually fun and Shinichi needed a bit of that in his life. Not that he'd openly admit it. Does that mean I am brainwashed as well? Blinking at the thought the detective came to a stop in front of the door to the roof, his breathing slightly heavy from his dash up the stairs.

The detective's lips suddenly curled into a thoughtful smile before fading into a slight smirk. He reached out, pushed open the door and stepped onto the roof where a white figure turned his head slightly. The shadowed face of Kaitou KID slowly split into a wild grin upon seeing his favorite detective.

If Shinichi was indeed brainwashed by this Magician then who was he to complain?

Author's Notes: I've never done any writing for the DC/MK fandom, let alone any serious writing for Fanfiction, but I decided to give it a shot. The inspiration for this is the song Brainwash by Simon Curtis. It will eventually lead into KaiShin/ShinKai if I end up continuing. Feedback would be wonderful since I am rather nervous about all of this. Thank you for reading! And I hope you enjoy!

I also apologize for the shortness! XD;