Hey guys! Final chapter to my first story and I feel really good about how it turned out in the end. I love each and every one of you a lot, so this is to you!

Pairing: Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger

Rating: MA

Warning: Sadness, Depression, etc.

Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Many moons had passed since that fateful night as did many summers and winters, all these passed Viktor as he taught. There was no passion in him for teaching, but he still did it as it was his only source of income. The Bulgarian ate without tasting and he saw things without noticing the colors; the Potter he had once called brother lived his own life as Hermione would have seen fit. Being an auror-in-training took up his time from his family but he wouldn't have it any other way; yet as Harry grew happier the same couldn't be said for Viktor Krum.

After witnessing the death of his Wildflower he found himself on the edge of their bed in Hogwarts, with a bottle of Firewhisky in hand. As years passed he stayed in Hogwarts, only leaving for the Bulgarian lands in the vacations and the one exception of assisting Harry in his seventh year find horcruxes. Every year near the day of her death he would take leave and then spend the day at her grave. Self hate had flowed through him for so long, and all he wanted to do was die and see her again, but still he lived.

Oh how it was beautiful, somewhere Viktor was sure she would have liked to visit during her lifetime with a good book in hand. He had the sense to keep her body in Scotland, though it was in a beautiful little clearing within the Forbidden Forrest. A magnificent grave had been carved for her by his very own hand, without the use of magic; and the funeral had been extremely beautiful. The faeries had left the surrounding forest as did the centaurs, house-elves had been there to lay upon her grave the clothes she had made for them in her Fourth Year.

He would never forget the eulogy that Sirius and himself had prepared for her, it spoke of her bravery and her loyalty. Not to forget her undying love and devotion to Viktor as well as her never ending search for knowledge. Then the love for her family and the hope that one day she would have had children with the man she fell in love with, the same man who saw past her thought to be blood impurity out of love. Viktor saw her for her, and that was all that mattered.

When he thought of it there were so many people at her funeral, including: the Malfoys, the Longbottoms, all of the Weasleys, Luna, Harry, Sirius and Remus, the Minister, all of the Hogwarts staff, Severus, and Viktor's entire family. All had paid homage to the person who sacrificed her life to save Harry's, though the teen had not taken well to her death at the time. The last Potter had used his grief and anger to train himself to the breaking point so that he would be ready to fight Voldemort, and he did.

The Battle of Hogwarts was known throughout the entire wizarding world, in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islanders, and to sum it up was in the curriculum for every magical school available. It was known that the last standoff between Harry and the Dark Lord was a vicious one, the teen who had carried grief for three years had let it all out explosively. All who were present remembered the spray of blood that came down after Harry blew up the self imposed lord, the grime and death that permeated the castle for so many days after.

Viktor had taken out many and killed more, though he was brought down by a well aimed Diffindo that was intended for Fred Weasley until he was pushed out of the way by the Bulgarian. It left more scars on his body, one on his face puckered out in pain over the left side of his face. Then another had encircled around his neck where the spell had made its mark, and when he thought to be determined horrendous by the female population he was once again wrong. Instead it had woman and the occasional men begging to date him, they were the ones who had forgotten about the flower that had entrapped his heart. And in those bonds that love would stay.

Today was the day of her death, and the day of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries; as wizards and witches remembered a day for when Harry started his ascent to the status of savior. Though Viktor and his family knew this as the day to remember Hermione, so there he stood. In front of her grave where he had longed to join her in her sleep, to be able to wake next to her once more.

"Hello luff," his deep voice was roughened by the Diffindo that nearly ruined his voice, but it was held with love.

"Its been ten years now, and I've grown so tired. I am now tventy-eight, and still luff you as I did vhen I vas eighteen."

He paused to lay wild roses onto the green grass above the spot where her coffin hid her, and his sad eyes looked to the bright blue sky. His one good eye was filed with tears as he broke down at the grave, "I am trying to life as you vould vant me to. Its to hard luff!" The only thing that witnessed such a strong man cry was a small forest fae, her straight blonde hair lay on the granite that made Hermione's gravestone. She couldn't stand to see such sorrow, and had left him by himself before coming back with a beautiful gemstone that shone blue in the sun.

The shine had blinded Viktor for a second before he saw the little creature with a sapphire in hand. It was nudged in his direction before she disappeared, the stone dropping to the ground above her grave. It was the same color as her brilliant tattoos had once been, and without any hesitation he grabbed it.

"Mione, don't leave me alone."

"I won't."

Viktor looked up in disbelief as he saw her ghost materialize in front of him, her bright smile was infectious as she saw him for the first time in ten years. And in that moment he could taste salt on his tongue, see the colors that escaped his monochrome world all those years ago, and heard something that sounded like a symphony in his head. Tears escaped him as he cried at the foot of her grave, "Its only another dream!"

"I'll be waiting Viktor."

Then the world lost its color, he couldn't taste anything, and his ears heard the harsh sound of silence ringing in his head. And he felt himself giving out, his heart couldn't take the pain of being separated from her and he slept. His face held a true smile on his face as he collapsed to the ground and let out one last breath, from the shadows of the trees a fae smiled.


"The bastard!" Harry smiled ruefully at the sight of the strong Bulgarian laying on the ground. Sleeping at Hermione's grave once again, when he moved forward to rouse the man from his sleep he felt a hand stop him. Ginny held Lily as James stood next to her, though neither of them touched him. They were looking to the space right next to Harry and let out a wail when they saw the happy faces of Hermione and Viktor, before the two melted into non-existence.


Viktor's cold body held the warmest smile Harry had ever seen, and somewhere up above them a couple where reunited once more.

I hope you all liked the story! I love everyone of you sooooo much!

Thank you for everything.

Ragehappy Mavin Fan