Hi there... So it's been a while and my only excuse is that I lost all hope for this story. I felt it was too fast-paced and it wasn't really going anywhere. I kinda went into a funk of planning out loads of stories that I could write and I just suddenly realised why it all went to shit... Because I didn't plan ANYTHING. I was just writing the chapters as I went and seeing what came to mind instead of actually having a beginning, a middle and an end and because of this I faced the consequences. But I'm back and I feel like I'm at least obligated to give you this. So here it is: (p.s wait until the end for a little announcement)


Amu's P.O.V:

I just stood there while he made out with Saaya - paralysed - he seemed to be enjoying it, that bastard! I felt hate, regret, anger, sadness and remorse all at the same time. The room was spinning as tears flooded to my eyes. 'Why?' I thought 'Why would he do this?!' I tried convincing myself that there must be some sort of explanation, but no. Everything was rough and unplanned, like they did it in the heat of the moment. It must have been his first instinct to kiss her; and for that, I hate him. I hate Saaya. But most of all, I hate myself for being stupid enough to believe he could have changed.

I thought he'd gotten better. I mean, I didn't see him picking up girls or being flirtatious... At least, not around me...

Even more tears.

The slurpy kiss was coming to an end and I couldn't cope. It was too much. So, I ran. Ran as far away from the school as I could.


I didn't know where I was.

I just kept walking until I found a place where I could hide from the world, which just so happened to be in the middle of two bins. Thoughts such as 'what's the time?' and 'how long have I been gone?' were intruding in my head and it was almost impossible to knock them out. They were so loud and aggressive I had to shake my head vigorously to get them out and then I conked out. However, when I woke up, I didn't know how long I had been. All I know is that it was now morning and the last thing I could hear was vague sirens in the back ground. Then it all went black again.


Ikuto's P.O.V:

It's been a whole day since Amu went missing. We don't know where she is or if she's ok, however very few of us are dry-eyed.

She's run away.

No one knows why.

We've asked everyone and the last person who had seen her was Utau who only told us that she was looking her me. And I can't help thinking I must've done something, but I can't remember anything because I was SO DRUNK! I feel like shit, but that's karma and karma's a bitch.

All I want is one sign that she's ok!

And then, the phone rings.

Kukai is the first to go, with me, Utau, mum and dad close behind.

"Hello?" Kukai answers with a croaky voice, he's been in hysterics the whole day "Yes, this is the house of Hinamori, Amu. Yes, you can talk to her carer..." He says with a saddened look on his face. He hands the phone over to mum.

"Hello. Yes, this is a carer of Hinamori, Amu. SHE'S WHERE?! Ok, ok... Thank you. We'll be there in 10 minutes." She puts down the phone and strolls over to us, breaking into a horrible sweat.

"Mum? What happened?" Utau asks cautiously

"Amu's in hospital, in a temporary coma. Apparently, she hit her head on the sharp side of a bin and cut her head open, from which she lost a lot of blood." She pauses and a tear rolls down her cheek "They say she could be in it for up to a week, so it's not as bad as it could have been."

Everyone is silent for a minute and then we all rush to the hospital.


When we got there, me and Kukai were the first to the desk to ask where she was and run as fast as our legs would carry us to her room.

The sight of her pale face and deshuffled clothes was eye-opening. They haven't even changed her clothes yet because what happened is so resent! Oh god, why couldn't I have not been drinking? Why can't I just turn back the clock to where everything was fine and we were all happy together?!

But no.

This is what is happening right now and here's nothing I can do to change it. And I must have been standing there looking at her for a while because everyone was already in there apart for me and Utau. We just stood there shocked into silence and not moving. Kukai was crying over her body over and over again "you can't die too! You're the only family I have left! You can't die too!"

Finally, Utau get the courage to go in there and I follow. She looks so calm... What happened that could make her want to run away?


"I-It's all my fault." I stutter to everyone in the room

"Don't say that, Ikuto darling, it's none of our faults." My dad tries to calm me down, it's not working.

"Dad, while I was drunk I kissed Sayaa. She saw me. I'm a FUCKING IDIOT."

Then, before anyone can say or do anything, Utau turns around and slaps me.

"You ARE an idiot! How fucking DARE YOU."

Amu's P.O.V:

I hear shouting. Lots of load noises.. I try and open my eyes to see who it is, but to no avail. I try and speak but my throat is dry and it comes out as a chocked sob. There's so much commotion and voices after this and I find it hard to concentrate. Why is everyone speaking at once, what's happening? Slow beeps of a monster sound as I blink my eyes open at last and the light is blinding... Everyone's here! And- Ikuto. I see him and try to scream, but it comes out as nothing but a manic cough again.

Why is he here?

Why is Ikuto here?

Is he trying to rub in the fact that he broke my heart?

Is he trying to make me die even more inside then I already am?

A nurse comes in to give me water and I gladly receive it as she tells them politely to leave the room whilst she does some check-ups. Kukai doesn't want to leave but I weakly grab his arm and look at him, telling him that it's ok and he nods at me then leaves with everyone.

"Hi there, sweetie" says the nurse "you've been in a small comma for the last day and lost a lot of blood. You may find it hard to talk for an hour or so but after you drink lots of water you should be fine. Now I'm just going to do a few tests to see how everything is and if everything's fine you could be out of here this evening at the earliest!" She smiles at me and I smile back.


About an hour or so later we've finished with all of the tests and she gives me the all clear saying that I'll get to go home tonight. Home. With Ikuto... The boy who cheated on me.

Suddenly he walks in and sits next to me and I try to protest but I'm too weak.

"I'm so sorry, I'm the worst person in the world!" Is he sorry that he did it, or sorry that he got caught? "I'm an asshole and I was drunk off of my tits and made the worst decision of my life! As soon as I realised that she wasn't you I freaked out, and worse yet it was someone that you despised! And now I despise myself for doing that to you." He takes a shaky breath and gulps with tears in his eyes. "I know I don't deserve a second chance but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me one day then that would be enough for me because I never want you to hate me because I truly do love you Amu. And if I could take back what I did that night then I would because then I'd still have you in my arms and you wouldn't be in this hospital bed." A silent tear roles down my cheek and I decide to speak up.

"Ikuto I love you so much but at the same time I hate you. What you did broke my heart into a thousand pieces and it's going to be so hard to pick them all up again and forgive you. Our trust has been broken and we might not be able to fix it." We both choke back our tears and I continue "but I want you to always remember that you were my first love and will always have a place in my heart even if we aren't together.."

We both pause and just look at each other in silence, we don't dare to speak in fear of breaking down and we just look at each other. I couldn't tell you how long we were there because it felt like days and we were frozen in time.



So there it was; the last chapter... Now before you cause a riot I want to let you know that I'm giving you this story. I have a lot of things at the moment that I need to think about and I have stories I want to write and I feel that I haven't done my very best with his novel and so I'm handing it over to you guys! Meaning I give you full permission to write prequels, sequels, epilogues or just re-write the story completely! My only wish is that you let me know if you're going to do so so that I can read it and I hope someone will because I think that'd be awesome! Thanks again guys for coping with me and commenting and giving me encouragement when I felt down, it really helped! Until next time, bye guys!