Title: One Last Vow
Genre: Romance
Rating: M
Couple: Tōshirō/Rangiku

One Last Vow
Chapter 1.

I am excited for an event which shall never occur. Only in times like these can I fool myself and enjoy the fantasy I'm living, but the clock ticks faster and faster. The seconds pass. I know it isn't long until I must face him, until I see him waiting for me at the aisle. And he'll be smiling, and it'll be a smile for me – his smiles are always genuine. Always, he has looked at me and smiled, and his smile is warm and loving, it is a smile any woman would want to see.

The dress is perfect – I can't wait to show him. Someone said the whiteness of the material brought out the colour of my eyes. I imagined that was a compliment, so I nodded and thanked him. Inspecting myself in the mirror, I think this is going to be a wonderful, beautiful day. A special day for both me and my husband-to-be. This is a day neither of us shall forget. The day we both voice our vows, and promise to pledge our lives to one another.

Within minutes, I'm trembling in anticipation and I must see him. I walk across the hall, and my dress flows as I step forwards. My heart is in my mouth; I know which room he is in, and I know he's thinking what I'm thinking: about today. About what shall happen today and the events that shall be caused from it. Together, we're restless, stunned, thrilled by something so small, but so huge. We have been waiting for this day to come for years.

Opening the door, I don't knock, and I stand in the doorway. He's looking out of the window, and he is smart, he is handsome, and, for a moment, he is mine. He is mine. And I am his. I wait, wait for him to turn around. He's nervous. It's funny that this man can get so worried. When he does turn to face me, my heart stops, and he smiles wide. He loves my dress, I can tell, and he loves the way I look. He loves who I am, and he loves the idea of me getting married to a caring gentleman.

Then he approaches me, and holds my arm. He squeezes affectionately, and I can feel his cold reiatsu course through my skin. 'It's bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the wedding.'

I laugh. 'I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.'

'You've never really played by the rules.'

'No, I suppose I haven't.' I take his hand. I'm so happy. 'If you like, I can leave.'

It's a suggestion he is dreading to hear. 'No. Please don't.'

But I smile wider, and I love him. 'I'm not her, Tōshirō.'

He looks at me, and he's confused, he isn't sure what I'm implying. So I must comfort him, I must reassure him that everything is okay. We watch each other, and his fierce eyes are so seductive, and brilliant. I am proud of him. 'Momo?'

'Go.' I'm not angry. I have no reason to feel angry. 'I am not your lady. I never have been – we both know that, Tōshirō.'

For a moment, he seems to consider staying; he seems to consider marrying me, and loving me like he loves her, but I have reminded him that he isn't a fool. Neither of us are. We don't need to keep playing this game – we don't have to do what everyone expects of us. I have waited for him to admit he loves another, and I have waited to sigh in relief at his confession. But my dear, dear friend is so caring and selfless, he can't break my heart.

What they say about him – a dragon of ice – is inaccurate. It does not reflect what sort of man he is.

Tōshirō kisses my forehead, and smiles at me shortly, before walking past. I wait for a second, and then I know he's running, running as fast as his legs can manage. He runs in search for her, he runs for her – who holds his heart. For a little while longer, I wait, and finally my heart slows, I stop trembling, and I exhale – relieved.

Facing the direction he ran, I am happy.

I am happy to know I am not the woman he loves.