Flora-sama: Hello everyone~! I have risen once more and this time I'm doing something...different. This is not an official chapter. This is a secret chapter that contributes to the story, but doesn't involve any of the characters we've come to know. I wanted to give a sort of a gift for all of the wonderful people who still read my story even though I'm terrible at updating. TuT

Well, thanks to my senpai Ray-chan for proofreading, this half chapter should make up for the last one. Please enjoy!

For as long as I've lived, my home and my people have been the most important things to me. I would do anything to ensure their safety and wellbeing. Even if it means doing unspeakable things. Even if it means selling my soul. Even if it means hurting the one I've protected for so long.

It's over. Another imperfect specimen has fallen and destroyed itself.

Within a small experimentation unit, my colleagues and I watch from the other side of the glass window. We had just witnessed a familiar sight: the self-destruction of an experiment gone wrong. Everyone in the room is not surprised by the results in the slightest. In fact, this is exactly what we were expecting. I honestly don't know why we come here every time just to watch one of them loses the tiny grip of reality they had. It's happen so many times, there's only a 0.0002% chance of actual success.

"Alright, that's one down," says the senior of my department, Gumi. She points to several of the lower ranked workers. "You all, clean up the mess and continue to watch the rest." She turns to me. "Luka, come with me."

I do as I'm told and follow her out of the room. We make our way towards the end of the hall. She takes out a pen and writes on the clipboard in her hand.

"So," she starts off, "how has number 9G-527—"

"Miku," I correct.

"Yes," she says carefully, "Miku. How has it been fairing?"

I straighten my posture and answer her with enough respect to make up for my interruption earlier.

"Ma'am, Miku has been in a state of utmost health. Her diet is sufficient, she rests properly, and she has shown no signs of deterioration."

She had been writing everything I've said down without looking at me.

"Mm. What about its awareness? Is it questioning anything?"

"She is as self-aware as needed. She understands simple tasks and can comply to them normally, but there is no sign of her actually knowing about what's going on around her. As for her…contradictions, nothing is too out of the ordinary."

"I see. What of its treatments?"

Without thinking, I assume she means how Miku feels about the treatments, so I say, "She doesn't take them well." However, this was my mistake.

"What I meant was; are they taking full effect?"

"Ah," Embarrassed, I clear my throat and try again. "There's been no change in anything. Her heart rate, along with her mental and physical state, is normal. As of yesterday, at 15:35, her current condition is completely stable."

Gumi writes something down again.

"When was the last time you checked up on it?"

"At 19:45, the same time as always, ma'am. At that time she hadn't regained consciousness, as usual. I assume that she should be waking up very soon."

She writes the rest of my words down then pauses. For a moment, I think she's going to ask me something else, but she ends up clicking her pen and turning to face me.

"As always Luka, you are extremely punctual. Especially when it comes to it."

I assume she means Miku, but judging from her flat and careful tone, I ignore her mentioning.

"But of course. I take my job very seriously. There's not a second I live without thinking of our cause," I finish with a little bow.

"Yes, I can tell. Out of everyone here, you take the most pride in your work. Even the higher ups are impressed by your dedication." She pauses and looks me over. "It's a shame really. You would've made such a wonderful head supervisor."

My body freezes. Even though she compliments me, I can't help but feel some kind of coldness from that statement. Kind of like…resentment. Or something along those lines. This always happens.

I quickly regain myself before she can catch on to my sudden weakness. I give a polite smile.

"You flatter me too much, ma'am. I'm merely just head-strong about the matter."

Gumi returns the smile.

"That may be true, but in this line of work, being head-strong is everything. But not only are you that, your intelligence rivals even those in the research department." When I don't respond to her, she drops her fake smile. She tilts her head to the side, letting some of her short, green hair fall to her eyes. "Luka, I'll be frank. Why don't you accept your promotion? It's been on the table for years now and you still reject it. You could do so much more if you only took hold of this opportunity. The Head even said that he would hold the position just for you. Why won't you accept it?"

I was prepared for this type of interrogation.

"There is just no need. I can help out and carry out tasks of any kind in my current position now."

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Oh? Then what could you mean?"

"There's no point to it, being its caretaker."

"I am merely carrying out my job to the fullest. No less."

"You're wasting your talents."

"I'm performing the task to the best of its ability. If it were someone else, I'm sure they would never take into consideration of how important this is."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Oh please, we all know that's just your excuse."

"Excuse me? What do you mean?" I feign innocence.

"The only reason you've stayed in your current position for so long is because of it."

I clench my teeth. Calm down. You won't gain anything from backlashing. That's just what she expects. I take a deep breath internally and look Gumi in the eye.

"Yes, that's part of the reason. After so many years of service, I doubt anyone could compare to me. If I were to leave now, who knows what could happen. There might be a miscalculation or misinterpretation concerning Miku, and then where will we be? If you need me to perform any extra assignments, then I'd be glad to take care of them, but I am the only one who can do this and you know it. I am the only one she trusts."

I walk past her briskly without another word. If she said something to me, I didn't hear it; I was too busy trying to get my mind straight.

How dare she just bring up that topic all of a sudden! Especially considering how personal it is! But I suppose I should be used to this kind of occurrence by now; it only happens every time I speak to a superior. They always try to persuade me into leaving my current position and to take my promotion. To tell the truth, it's not like I haven't thought about it. The promotion offers many incentives, including working directly alongside the Head. He even said he'd hold the position for me the first time I rejected. He must expect me to change my mind. Even though he was generous enough to do such a thing for me, I've already made up my mind on the matter. And there's nothing anyone can do or say to change my mind.

I make my way down the hall to the nutrition center. I need to serve Miku breakfast in five minutes in order to stay on schedule. When I enter, the team of nutritionists already has Miku's breakfast ready for me.

"You're late, Luka," says the one holding the tray.

"Yes, I am well aware. I was preoccupied with other business."

"Well you'd better hurry," says another holding a clipboard, "you're three minutes behind schedule. Who knows what could happen if it's fed off schedule."

"Yes I'll hurry so that she can be fed on time." I take the tray and make my way out. "I'll be back with any information regarding abnormalities."

On my way to Miku's room I take a look at her breakfast and nearly retch. Colorless, tasteless mush with the exact amount of vitamins needed for prompt health and nutrition. The poor thing can never experience the luxury of the simplest of foods. Or at least that's how it's supposed to be. I pat my coat pocket and feel the leek I snuck in. This should definitely brighten Miku's day. Food has always seemed to brighten her mood. I look down into my pocket.

"Regardless of how…peculiar the taste is," I mumble. Oh well, what she finds delicious is irrelevant. I should think of a topic to talk to her about. Maybe…Earth? No, no, I should avoid that topic by all means. If she gets too curious, that could lead to trouble. For the both of us. A safer topic like weather should be acceptable, no? All she does is look out her window all day, perhaps she found something interesting today. Perhaps a misshapen cloud or a precipitation? I could even comb her hair while we talk. Such long hair needs to be maintained.

I stop myself before nearly bumping in to door leading into corridor 0-M. I can't believe I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice that I had made it this far. Thankfully, no one is here to see this. I reach into my other pocket and pull out my personal key card. After having it scanned, I confirm its use with my voice. The door unlocks and opens for me. I'm met with a gust a chilled air in my face and the scent of strong disinfectant.

Regaining my pace, I hurry down the corridor in order to give Miku her breakfast on time. One minute late, and who knows what would happen.

I zoom past the examination room and some of the shipment areas until I find myself in front of a big, heavy steel door labeled 9G-527. Before opening it, I look around. A whole section of our entire building, closed off just for one child. As if she was in danger or something. Keeping her closed off from everything is one thing, but total isolation…

No Luka, get a hold of yourself. Feeling sentimental will get you nowhere. Besides, this is for the best. For Miku, for us, for our planet-everyone. Just do your job and get it over with. It's for the best.

After giving myself the same prep talk I do every day, I feel a little better. A little. I take a deep breath and prepare my usual bright smile for Miku. This is the least I could do for now.

As I reach for the door, I notice something strange.

"H-huh…It's unlocked?" I gasp. No. No way. This is not happening. I can't bring myself to open the door so I knock and call out to her.

"Miku~! It's me. I have your breakfast!" I waited. "I even brought you your favorite," I say, hoping she comes running towards the door. But all I get is silence.

Oh please tell me this isn't happening.

"Miku!" I burst through the door, dropping the tray of gray slush. I'm met with an empty, gray room.

I can't breathe. I want to close my eyes and see Miku when I open them, but I know that's not likely. My vision is blurry and my throat is dry. I feel like the walls are closing in on me.

She's not here. She's not here!

I immediately turn around. I don't understand! How did she manage to escape! That's impossible. It has to be! No, calm down Luka. Think rationally. She only had one way to go if she left this room. I look to my right. She couldn't have left the facility if she did manage to leave her room, so she's somewhere in this corridor. And this corridor is a one way path to…She couldn't have, right?

I don't take any chances and race down the corridor. This must be some mistake. Rarely anyone comes here so if she's in this hall then it would make sense that she hasn't been found yet. Yes, that must be it! She must be somewhere here, lost and confused. As soon as I find her, I bring her back and we'll forget this whole incident.

I make it to the massive dual lock door out of breathe. I take out my key card and unlock it. Then I use the retina scan to verify that it's me. I pry the doors open before they could automatically. I race over the gigantic machine in front of me and punch in commands to see the last time it was used. There was a scheduled visit yesterday at exactly 23:50. A minute later would confirm my worries, but I pray I'm wrong. Oh please let me be wrong.

The loading time seemed to take an eternity. My palms sweat, my heart racing, my knees weak; I don't know if I can handle what I'm about to see.

Finally, the results pop up, one line at a time. Everything froze and I could feel my heart beat in my ears. Then my heart sank. I fell to my knees and hold my stomach to keep from vomiting.

The machine was activated yesterday on time as expected. And once again 3 minutes and 43 seconds later.

Flora-sama: Ah~, I see you're still reading~. What did you think? Was it surprising? I bet so. Well this is probably the last half chapter I'll have for this story (maybe), so I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you guys thought about it, I'm dying to know.

P.S. As of this chapter, things get real.