The Dursley's were being as normal as they could be when a large tawny owl began to peck at their window. Petunia Dursley got up from the couch and attempted to shoo the bird away. The owl sat there until Pentunia noticed a letter it was holding. Petunia opened the letter out of curiousity while the owl flew around the living room. Petunia read the letter in disbelief, after all those rejected letters and Albus Dumblebore wanted Petunia Dursley, her husband Vernon, and their son Dudley to visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?!

"V-Vernon! Come here!" Petunia screeched, her voice shaking.

Vernon Dursley came in kitchen looking rather curious at what his wife needed. He had never heard his wife's voice go that high before,except when the dratted letter came for that bloody boy.

"Yes dear?"Vernon asked hestitantly.

"We-we have been invited to go Harry's school for a visit or something. Do you think we should go?" Petunia replied in almost a whisper.

"Do we really need to? How do you know this anyway," Vernon demanded.

"I-I got a letter. Here, read it," Petunia said handing the letter to Vernon.

Dear Petunia Dursley,

I invite you and your family to visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Some other wizards, witches, and myself have obtained 7 books of which you are apart. I, with many others, will explain more once you arrive.

You and your family will be picked up by an auror tonight at 6:30 p.m. His name is Kingsley Shacklebolt and he will apparate with all of you to Hogwarts. You willbe coming whether you want to or not. Many lives are in danger because of Voldemort, including you and your family.

When Kingsley arrives, ask him a question so that you know it is him. Ask him, what society has Alubus Dumbledore formed. His answer should be the Order of the Phoenix. Stay inside until Kingsley arrives and be safe.

Remember my last,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

P.S. You are probably wondering what an auror is, well an auror works at the Ministry of Magic. Aurors protect important people in the muggle/magical world. They also catch dark wizards and witches. Your family is an exception due to my orders. Plus Kingsley is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Vernon stared at the piece of parchment as if he had just gotten a very scary surprise. His face went from pale to red to purple back to pale as he thought all of the new information over.

"Well it looks like we have no choice, doesn't it Petunia?" Vernon whispered still staring at the letter.

"I guess we'll go. How are we supposed to tell Dudley?! He'll never go!" Petunia shrieked.

At the sound of his name, Dudley came strutting into the kitchen.

"Tell me what," Dudley demanded.

"Well Diddykins, we are going to visit a school tonight ok?" Petunia asked, careful not to say what school.

"Ok," was all Dudley said as he walked out of the doorway to go play video games in his room upstairs.

At exactly 6:30 pm the doorbell rang. Petunia jumped a foot in the air and practically ran to the door. She opened the door to see a tall black man with black hair, around his mid-thirties with dark brown eyes looking down in her.

"Hello," the stranger said, "Are you Petunia Dursley?"

"Who wants to know?" Petunia replied sarcastically.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt," the stranger replied calmly, "I assume you have a question for me?"

"What is the secret society the Albus Dumbledore has formed?" Petunia asked looking at him with beady eyes.

"Albus Dumbledore has formed the secret society called the Order of the Phoenix. I am Kingsley Shacklebolt. I am here to take you to Hogwarts where Dumbledore has requested you to come and read 7 books that include you and myself in them," Kingsley replied calmly.

"Err...okay then. Come inside to the living room," petunia ordered sharply.

Kingsley followed Petunia in to her living room and saw that there were three suitcases in the middle of the floor. He looked around and saw a beefy looking man staring at him. Kingsley looked away from the man and saw what must have been his son watching a muggle television.

"Are you three ready to go then?" Kingsley asked, startling Dudley.

Dudley jumped up and ran behind his mother to hide, or try to at least.

"M-Mum, where are we exactly going again?" Dudley asked his voice on the verge of trembling.

It was not Petunia who answered but Vernon.

"We are going to Harry's school boy. Whether you like it or not," Vernon stated his eyes still on Kingsley.

"W-Why?" Dudley asked clutching his oversized butt.

"To read 7 books that you -all of us- are a part of," Kingsley answered as matter-of-factly.

"Now that is over, shall we go then?" Kingsley asked.

The Dursleys didn't reply so Kingsley took that as a yes, He flicked his wand and all of their suitcases disappeared to Hogwarts, stunning the Dursleys.

"Now I need you all to grab my hands. I won't hurt you, I promise. However, whatever you do, do NOT let go. Do you understand?" Kingsley asked in his husky voice.

The Dursleys nodded and reluctantly grabbed the man's hands. Kingsley nodded and turned on his heel, disapparating all four of them to Hogsmeade.

~Earlier that day at the Ministry of Magic~

Cornelius Fudge had just finished his meeting with Dolores Umbridge when a handsome tawny brown owl soared through his window. The owl dropped a letter on his head and flew out of the window. Cornelius saw who the letter was from and went to throw it away. He didn't want to hear anymore lies from that man. Although Cornelius he wasn't lying but telling the truth, he couldn't have the whole wizarding world voting him out of office.

Cornelius threw the letter into the fire but all the fire did was go out as soon as the letter touched it. He cried, "REDUCTO," toward the fireplace but the curse rebounded and nearly hit him. Instead the curse hit his portrait behind his desk. The portrait immediately caught fire. Cornelius cried, "AGUAMENTI," putting out the fire. He murmured, "Reparo," and his office fixed itself.

Cornelius looked back at the letter in anger. He picked up the letter and grudgingly opened it.

Dear Cornelius Fudge,

I invite you to Hogwarts for a reading of 7 books that have come into my possession. You are a part of them, yes you. I will explain more when you get here. Also bring Miss Dolores Umbridge as she is a part of this.


Albus Dumbledore

P.S. Come to my office once you arrive. Also I highly favor sweets, although my favorite is Lemon Drops.

Cornelius had to read the letter over twice before he came back to his senses. Dumbledore wanted him to go to a reading? What was this man playing at?

Cornelius's thoughts were broken be a knock on his door and a high pitched 'hem-hem'. Cornelius turned around to see who was standing in the doorway. He was startled to find Dolores Umbridge standing in front of him.

"Hello Cornelius," Dolores greeted.

"Hello Dolores. I was just about to come and get you. You see, you and I have been invited to Hogwarts to read some books that include us. Do you want to go? I know you are working there this year of course but maybe you could settle in a little early? After the reading, maybe?" Cornelius questioned.

"Of course, Cornelius. I would love to," Dolores finished trying to put on a flirtatious smile but failing miserably.

"Alright then. Take my arm," Cornelius said feeling utterly uncomfortable.

Dolores gladly took his arm and dissapparated to Hogsmeade and walked on to Hogwarts grounds toward Dumbledore's office.

Grimmauld's Place

~Earlier about the time the Dursleys got their letter, 30 minutes before Cornelius got his~

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley were playing exploding snap when suddenly a light blinded them. When the light faded, five people stood before them. Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Percy Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, and Draco Malfoy all looked dazed.

"Bloody hell! What are you all doing here?" Ron yelled.

"Don't ask me Weasley! I have no flipping idea!" Draco yelled.

"No idea mate," Neville said.

"Me neither," Luna said in a dreamy voice.

"Well everybody, calm down and we'll figure out what's going on. Ok?" Narcissa said calmly.

Right after Narcissa said that, Sirius Black came bursting through the door. He looked around and saw Narcissa. He ran over to her, pulling her into a hug. Sirius' face broke into a grin as he twirled her around. Narcissa allowed herself to laugh as he put her down and smiled.

"Hello Sirius," Narcissa greeted warmly.

"Cissy! What in the bloody hell are you doing here?" Sirius asked, "You four too," indicating Neville, Luna, Draco, and Percy.

"I-We don't know. We all just suddenly appeared," Neville explained.

"I see, well come downstairs, ALL of you," Sirius said seriously, looking at Percy.

There was a chorus ok okays as everyone followed Sirius down to the sitting room where the people who were at the Order meeting sat. Alastor Moody, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Minerva McGonagall, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley all looked at the stairs at the same time. All eyes narrowed, except Snape's, when they saw Draco, Percy, and Narcissa.

"What are you five doing here?" Moody growled toward Narcissa.

"Well Mad-Eye, it seems someone sent them here. We don't know who but I'm guessing Dumbledore," Sirius responded before Narcissa could.

"Right you are, my boy," an old voice sounded in the doorway.

All the teens jumped- including Tonks- when Dumbledore spoke.

"What is the meaning of this Albus?" Severus and Narcissa said at the same time looking at each other and quickly looking away.

"It seems that we have a little reading to do. I have 7 books in my possession and we are all a part of them. Four of the books has already passed but we will need to read them to understand somebody better," Albus finished looking at everyone but Harry. Harry had a bad feeling he was that somebody.

"Where exactly are we reading these books?" Draco sneered.

"Well Mr. Malfoy, the Room of Requirement of course," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes. He turned to Kingsley.

"Kingsley, I need you to go get the Dursleys at 6:30 p.m. tonight," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Wait! Why are the Dursleys going to be there?" Harry, Ron, the twins yelled.

"They are also a part of the boys," Dumbledore said, "Now, Harry would you come here please?"

Harry silently walked over to his professor.

"Yes sir?"

"I would like you to grab your special cloak and map," Dumbledore whispered so only Harry could hear him.

Harry only nodded and headed upstairs to grab his invisibility cloak and map of Hogwarts. Harry went back downstairs to find everyone quiet.

"Err, should, mmm, we go then?" Harry said clearing his voice.

"Yes let's go. Everybody, if you would grab hands and form a circle. Yes even you Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said noticing Draco's expression, "Does everybody have their wands? Yes? Ok good. Remember not to let go. We will be apparating straight into Hogwarts, into the Room of Requirement."

"But, sir. I thought you couldn't apparate into or out of Hogwarts grounds?" Hermione questioned.

"Well Miss Granger, being Headmaster has its advantages," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Hermione was about to argue but stopped when she saw Harry's expression. His expression said don't-even-bother-with-it-Hermione. Hermione just scowled at Harry and looked down.

"Alright then, let's go," Dumbledore said as he turned on the spot.

Everybody braced themselves as they apparated into Hogwarts. There was a pull at everyone's navel as they apparated.