Alrighty, well I'm sorry that it has been over a week. I haven't had the time. Well without further a do here is chapter four! I don't own anything of the Hunger Games it all belongs to Suzanne Collins. This disclaimer is put out for all further chapters too. Oh! and thanks for every one who has followed and favorite. It means a ton! hope you enjoy!

Chapter Four

I never got used to the speed of the train. When my father left and the train started, I looked out the window in awe as I saw a big blur. I couldn't even make out what anything was. I went to go find my room. I was in the mentor area, so of course it was right across from my father's. 'Oh what a joy!' I thought. My room had nice, dark blue sheets on the bed, the walls were a light orange. This was always the way my room was on the train, even when I was mentoring District 6. The Capitol wanted to make it feel 'more like home'. Yeah, because everybody wants to feel at home when they know that they are leading one, but most likely two innocent kids to their deaths.

I took a quick shower, changed my clothes, and went to go find food. I found Peeta, Katniss, and Effie all around the table. Katniss had a gold mockingjay pin on. "Nice pin. Where'd you get it?" I knew that the majority of District 12 were too poor to afford food, let alone a nice pin like that.

She looked down at it then back up at me. "A friend gave it to me today." She said.

"Which friend? I know that not many people can afford something like that. Just curious because they could help you obtain sponsors if I mentioned you knew them." I didn't care if the trip has just started. I needed to know everything and anything that will help them survive the Games. If I wanted to give District 12 a chance this year, then I needed to start now.

"Madge. The mayor's daughter." She replied quietly.

"Mayor's daughter, huh? That should help you a bit. Good to know. Thanks." I said.

She didn't reply, so Effie decided to break the silence by asking, "Where's Haymitch?"

"Last time I saw him, he said he was going to take a nap." Peeta answered. 'Yeah,' I thought, 'that means he was going to get so drunk that he passes out.'

"Well, it's been an exhausting day." Effie said, trying to give a more optimistic explanation because she knew what he was doing too. She and Katniss both looked relieved that he wouldn't be joining us again.

The first course for dinner came with a nice, thick carrot soup and some salad. The soup was delicious. I hadn't had anything like this in a while. Sure, I did eat well in District 6, but nothing was better than the Capitol's food. The rest of the meal contained lamb chops, mashed potatoes, cheese and fruit, and a chocolate cake. I could tell that these kids ate well for District 12, but had never even smelled anything like this before. Effie made a comment on how they had decent manners and mentioned how the two kids last year ate everything with their hands. She even compared them to a couple of savages. That really ticked me off. Did she not understand that kids from 12 mostly live in the Seam and rarely have food, and have never even dreamed of food like this? I saw this really upset both of the tributes too. Katniss even decided to eat the rest of the meals with her hands, and afterwards, she wiped her hands on the tablecloth. This irritated Effie, but really impressed me. I loved it! She was a rebel. She dared to stand up to authority. I thought that was really impressive. She was going to go a long way in the Games. I have faith in her. In Peeta, too, I can see a bit a rebellious behavior in just some of the little things that he does. These two from District 12 actually stand a chance this year.

After dinner finished, I went back to my compartment to change into something more comfortable. I put on skinny jeans and a dress shirt before. I changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I went back out to another compartment to watch a re-run of all of the Reaping. I was really interested to see who the Careers were this year. I noticed a big male from District 2, a young red-head from District 5, a hurt boy from District 10 who wasn't going to last long, a strong looking male and a 12 year old girl from District 11. The tributes from District 12 were a dark haired boy and a blonde girl. They didn't look like too much of a threat, so I didn't say anything about them. When they showed District 12 the commentators didn't say much of her braveness, they were more concerned in the district's lack of applause. The salute was the greatest sign of respect, but of them said that everyone in this district has been a bit backwards, but they ended it saying that it was quite sweet. They laugh as my father falls of the stage. Effie, of course, was angered about her appearance. Sure, her wig was a bit off centered, but in District 12, they were all laughing at her silly outfit. "He has a lot to learn about presentation. A lot about televised behavior." She huffed.

Peeta, out of the blue, laughed at that. "He was drunk."

"He's drunk every year." I added.

"Every day." Katniss said. We all laughed a bit at that, or at least all but Effie. Effie made it sound that his bad behavior could be fixed in a blink of an eye. I mean sure I could probably fix it if I tried, but he helps us stand out a bit.

"Yes," Effie replied, obviously irritated, "How odd you three find it amusing. For you two, your mentors are you lifeline to the world in the Games. The one who advises you, lines up your sponsors, and dictates the presentation of any gifts. And as for you," she said to me, "he is you father. You should be embarrassed to know you are related to someone who act so horrendous in public!"

"Listen, I learned to stop caring what others think and say. So, no, I don't care at all." I replied. That was the truth. After I won my Games, there were too many rumors about my life going around to keep track of. I learned to not care what others think, so it would make my life easier.

Just after I replied to Effie, my dad came stumbling in. "I miss supper?" he asked in a slurred voice. He then vomits all over the compartment, and to top it all off, he falls in it. That led me to wonder just how many times before he had done this.

Effie had lost it. She didn't acknowledge my last comment, so she said, "So laugh away!" She leapt over the puddle of regurgitation with her pathetic, pointy shoes, and left the compartment. I couldn't keep in my laughter any more so I let it go. Her anger really did make me laugh. Peeta was the one to bring me out of my own world.

"He's your father?" he asked. Katniss was looking at me for answers too.

"Yeah, yeah he is. I sadly share half of my genes with this pathetic heap." I said, poking the man on the ground with my foot. He was trying and failing to get up and out of the vomit. "I'll explain everything tomorrow because right now, we need to get him cleaned up."

They both agreed and each tribute grabbed an arm and I grabbed his legs. We carried him to his room and Peeta insisted on cleaning him up. We both let him do that. Katniss and I didn't say much besides good night when we parted for bed. I was already in what I would consider pajamas, so I just climbed in bed and fell asleep immediately. Effie was right. It had been a long day.

Alright guys, I hoped you liked it. Can you please let me know what you think. I want to know what you guys think I am doing well and what needs improvement. I promise that I will do my best to change my story to the way that you feel it needs! Please just let me know. I have heard from one person, so thanks to the random person that I do not know and do not see almost everyday. (btw and fyi if you were curious I see that person everyday. she's my best friend, so I was just trying to be sarcastic there and probably failed) Alrighty, well I hoped you liked this chapter, and I will update semi-soonish. Thanks for sticking with this. Oh! and I wanted to say RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. You were an amazing person and actor. It is horrible that you looked for drugs for help. We all will miss you terribly. RIP.