Hi! I just wanted to say thank you if you are reading this right now! This my first story so I would REALLY love help and tips on how to improve my writing! Well, anyways, here is the first chapter. It's really short, so I'm sorry, but the second one is a bit longer. I say I'd promise that they will get longer but I do not know. Well I'm kind of rambling on now so, sorry. ENJOY! (I really hope you will) By the way I don't own anything from the Hunger Games. I just came up with the name Terra, everything else belongs to the wonderful Suzan Collins!

Chapter One

"The female tribute for District Six is … Terra Abernathy!" I walked up to the stage. I was shell-shocked. I didn't know what to do. I saw my mother weeping silent tears into my granddad's shoulder. I was numb all over, so when they called the male tribute I didn't pay attention. When I saw my best friend walk up on stage, I was very confused, but then it dawned on me. He was the male tribute for District Six. Ronan Elestron, my best friend, was the male tribute for District Six, and I was the female tribute for District Six.

After that horrid moment of realization, everything went black, but was soon replaced with Baron's head on my lap. We were the last two left in the Games. Were. Baron said that he couldn't live with knowing that I died in the Games while he survived. He said he had a plan to fix that too. Before I could do anything to stop him, he stab himself right in the chest. He and I both fell to the ground together in one big heap. I was sobbing uncontrollably, but was able to place his head on my lap. "Terra, beautiful Terra. I-I can't live without you, and anyways, you deserve to live, to make the world a better place." He shuddered while I just sobbed helplessly. "Sh-show them your smile. Do something g-great. I-I know y-you will. Steal some-someone's heart. I-I kn-know you c-can d-d-do that beca-because you did th-that to m-me." I couldn't do anything, so I just placed my forehead on his, and I let the tears fall. "I-I love you, s-sweet Terra." I was able to do one last thing before he took his last breath to show him I felt the same exact way. I kissed him. I kissed the man that made me whole.

"I love you too." I said to him, and those were the last words he heard in his life. Shortly after the cannon went off.

I awoke hearing my alarm clock, which was the cannon I heard in my nightmare. This happened a lot sense I survived the Hunger Games. I had gotten used to the soaked pillow and the blood-shot eyes every morning. I used make-up to cover up the dark bags that showed my sleepless nights. I normally got up at ten because I had nothing better to do, but today my alarm clock was set to five am. It was a week before the Reaping, and I was being escorted back to my home district, District 12. My mother got into a divorce after my father won the Hunger Games because he turned into a drunken bastard. We moved back to her district where she grew up, District 6. The last time I saw my dad was when I was a tribute in the 65th Annual Hunger Games. He and the other female mentor was there for their tributes. I only knew him because of his last name. I was born when he got home from the Games, and my mom and I left three years later. I was being escorted back to District 12 because the female mentor passed away three years ago, I had the closest ties to that district, and we finally have a female mentor here because an 18 year old female won last year.

The Peacekeepers finally showed up at my door in the Victor's housing at ten. I got on the train without a word. We had it all worked out. I was going to stay in my own house a Victor's Village in District 12 until the start of the Games, then I would be a mentor to these kids just like they were from my own district. The whole ride to District 12 only took an hour, and I was left alone for the whole ride. Honestly, I hated to be left alone. It gave me time to think, and when I thought, it wasn't happy thoughts. My mind went back to my time in the Games, back to Ronan and before the Games with him, back to Ronan and after the Games without him. By the time we arrived at my new home I had already cried and cleaned up again. I needed to look good for my new home.

When we arrived I saw a beat up old house in Victor's Village, which I assumed was my father's. I said I never wanted to see him if what my mother said was true, but seeing just how close I was, how close I was to a man that had never been in my life, really took all my courage to look away. The house of Effie Trinket was pointed out to me, and then my own humble abode. After that, the Peacekeepers' jobs were done, so they got out as fast as they could. I walked my over to my new place and entered. I looked old. Everything was covered in what looked like they were once white sheets, and the sheets were covered in grey dust. "Yum," I thought to myself, "just freaking fantastic." I pulled off a couple sheets on my bed and a couple of things in the living room just so it was livable. I was only staying here a week, then I was off again on that annual trip to Hell.

So... What do you think?! Feedback would be AMAZING in any form possible on this site. Advice and opinions would appreciated TONS. Thank you for putting up with the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed.