"Lower your hand a bit." I instruct Justin as he plants his feet and throws one of his polished dress shoes at the target. It hits the outer ring.

"Can you show me how to stand again?" I take the shoe from his hands while tucking the gun into the sash of my dress.

"Is that really smart?" He frowns, uncertainly eyeing my waist. I shrug nonchalantly and readjust it.

"Don't know. Don't care." I've always tucked my gun in my belt loops or — if I have nowhere else to put it — my ponytail. I grip the heel of the shoe and fling it, snapping my wrist as it soars through the air to meet the centre of the target.

"You make it seem so easy."

"Practice makes perfect." I reply.

"I guess I'll just have to practice some more. Maybe I can find time between passing a new law and going on a date." He sighs.

I don't say anything. I pull out my gun and neatly fire at the target.

"How did you learn to shoot a gun?"

I give him a wry smile. "My mom was into self-defense." Maybe it was a mistake to show Justin that I'm good with a gun, but I couldn't resist. The month that I haven't been able to hold a gun has been far too long.

"Ooh target practice, little cousin?" A voice behind me coos. Justin grits his teeth and turns to face the speaker.

"Hello Porter." He says coolly. I turn around to stand beside Justin.

I can't help the gasp of surprise.

Brown eyes. Blonde hair. I've seen him before. Once on a park bench in Clermont. And the other time, well, I shot him. In the foot. What if he recognizes me?

Porter frowns uncertainly. "Have we met before?"

I shake my head vigorously and luckily Porter seems convinced.

"Well, little cousin I think we have some catching up to do." He catches sight of Justin's shoe lying near the target and raises an eyebrow. "Were you throwing shoes?"

Justin blushes. "No." He gives me an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry Abby, but I have to go."

I smile kindly and nod. Trying to keep my shaking hands hidden in my skirt.

Porter gives me another look, "be careful with that gun. Most guards don't appreciate a lady who has better aim than they do."

As soon as they are out of earshot, I turn on my locket and mumble: "Umm . . . we may have a slight complication."

Mia and Jill curl my hair and braid it into an elaborate ponytail braid with a few loose curls that frame my face. Just as they begin to apply my makeup, I hear a timid knock at my door. When Mia goes to open it, Princess Katerina's head pops into the room.

"I was wondering if you could help me." She walks inside carrying two garment bags. Katerina unzips the first one and pulls out a midnight blue dress with a thin white lace overlay and spaghetti straps. The other dress is a more provocative crimson dress with a narrow skirt and high slit. "Which one?" She asks.

I'm not really someone who knows a lot about fashion." I murmur apologetically.

She shrugs, "I just want to know which one you like."

"The blue one?" I say uncertainly.

She beams. "I was thinking that too! Is it okay if I change in your bathroom?"

"Sure." I wonder why she's being so friendly. Katerina has never really interacted with the Selected — or has she?

Mia and Jill help me into my dress. It's coral-coloured with a beaded bodice and full skirt and I wear sparkly silver heels that hurt my feet.

Where are my combat boots when I need them?

Katerina steps out of the bathroom and twirls. "How do I look?"

"Very nice." I say as she flops beside me on the bed.

"Miss! Your dress!" One of her maids cries anxiously.

"It's okay Maisie." Katerina runs her hand along the skirt. "This dress is wrinkle-proof." She announces.

I laugh. I can't help it — she sounds like she doesn't care about what happens to her dress and it makes me like her even more.

"Were you teaching my brother to throw shoes properly this morning?"

"Yes I was." I answer cautiously, worried that she's still upset about her near-death experience. Instead she laughs.

"Can you teach me too?"

I shrug, "sure."

I look up to see that our maids have quietly disappeared from the room. "I wanted to thank you." She says quietly. "For saving my life. Did you really mean what you said after? In the safe room?"

I force a laugh though it comes out shaky and breathless. "I did."

She nods and clasps her hands. "Please can you call me Kat? I-I don't have very many friends . . . it's one of the side effects of having a tiara I guess." She cracks a small smile.

"As long as you share your tiara I'll share my shoes." I joke.

She squeals, but it sounds like a dying cat — I guess she doesn't get enough 'girl time' to practice her squealing and hugs me. "It's a deal."

"How many dates have you been on with Justin?" Vladimir asks Scarlett. She fidgets with her curls, "two." She answers and seems unhappy about it.

I let my attention wander as Vladimir interviews Elena, Lizbeth and Phoebe until he calls my name.

"What's this I hear about you throwing shoes at a rebel?" He asks as soon as I sit down. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Porter smirking.

"I did throw a shoe at a rebel."

"I imagine it was scary to face someone as dangerous as that."

I shrug, "I suppose it should have been, but I was just focused on trying to actually hit her."

"Don't listen to her." Justin calls from where he's sitting with his parents, "she has fabulous aim."

Vladimir laughs and glances back at me. "It sounds like our prince likes you. How many dates have you had with his highness?"

"I've had four." I can feel sweat trickling down my back. I've never been one for public speaking.

Vladimir smiles slyly, but luckily he lets it go and I manage to get through the rest of the interview without embarrassing myself terribly.

After The Report I stand by the table laden with snacks and carefully eat a brownie.

"I think we've met before." Porter's voice says behind me.

"We met this morning." I don't turn around.

"I know that." He sounds exasperated. "We've met another time too."

"Nope. Unless you were the weirdo stalking me when I entered my application for the Selection in Clermont."

"I was curious."

I pivot on my heel, slowly and deliberately. "Then that's the only time we've ever seen each other." I lie.

Yikes! I'm so sorry for going MIA for so long. Something silly and stupid got in the way (hint: it has six letters and starts with s).

Thank you to xo-Katerina-ox, winterprincess, ThisIsWheretheNameGoes, Melody, ilona18 and SizzleLily98 for reviewing and thank you to everyone who followed and favourited!