A.N. Oh my! It is a new story! How delightful! Another story to bring me emotional heart break!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fanfic! Please let me know what you think so far!

Chapter 1: A Frozen Heart

I never saw myself as good. I always saw myself as something that had to be controlled in order to avoid hurting others. Anna was always the good sister. The happy, sweet girl that hugged everyone while I hid in my room. Staying in my room was my own choice, of course, as it was best for everybody, but that didn't mean I didn't yearn for human contact. My sister's contact, especially.

But she's dead. She is no more. The whole world around me is freezing in place and cold, cold silence. I'm lying on the ice, curled up with my arms curled around myself. Agonizing pain wrecks through my body as I realise I am no longer a sister. I am simply an orphan. No parents, no sister, no one. I am alone. Anna is gone forever. And it is all my fault.

I hear faint footsteps somewhere behind me, but I pay no attention to it. Anna is gone. It's all I can think about. As the ice groans pretty close to me I finally look up. Hans is about two feet away, his arm raised with his sword in hand, about to strike me to end my misery forever. I close my eyes and await the blow longingly, ready to be freed from this agony.

Only the blow never lands, as both Hans' and my own focus are broken by a shrill shriek of pain that is all too familiar. I whip myself around and see Anna lay on the ice about 20 feet away, shivering and shaking. My heart makes a leap from happiness at seeing her alive but jumps to extreme worry as she releases another shriek of pain. Next to me, Hans gazes in confusion at Anna, his sword hanging limply in his hand as he scratches his head.

I take my chance and reach my hand out to him, letting tendrils of ice wrap themselves around his legs and then solidifying, locking him to the ice. He drops his sword and it slides a good few feet away from him. I turn around and slip and slide my way to Anna's side, my fingers yearning to reach her. When my fingers come in contact with her hands, I pull them back immediately. They are cold as ice and feel both fragile and hard.

A blonde, tall guy with broad shoulders comes sliding to Anna's side from the opposite way. He immediately whispers her name and grasps her hands in his. He seems thrown off for just a moment when he feels her icy hands, but he tries to warm them up nevertheless.

"Who are you?" I growl as I wrap my arms protectively around Anna's small frame, noting somewhere in the back of my mind that her breathing is so, so shallow.

"I'm Kristoff! I.. I met you at your palace.. Please, you have to let me kiss her!" The blonde guy says and stumbles over his words, still gripping Anna's hands tightly in his own.

"Kiss her? Are you crazy?! We have to get her warm! You can beg for my blessing later!" I retaliate, tightening my grip around Anna's shoulders.

Kristoff looks at me for a moment and utter confusion makes its way into his eyes. He then shakes his head and the confusion is replaced by determination. "Your blessing? There is no time! Please! True love's kiss will thaw a frozen heart! It's the only way to save her!"

"True love's kiss?" I repeat softly to myself, then push away the urge to freeze this Kristoff to the ice as well and leave both him and Hans behind. Instead, I nod reluctantly at Kristoff and allow him to gently cup Anna's face with his hands. I watch reluctantly as this stranger leans in to kiss the now seemingly lifeless body of my younger sister.

As his lips are about to brush against hers, something extremely peculiar happens. Anna whips open her eyes and hits Kristoff square in his face with a flat hand. The slapping noise echoes ever so slightly and Kristoff's face is tilted to his right. This comical, yet peculiar moment gives me the urge to laugh out loud, but my worry overtakes that urge immediately.

My hands find Anna's face, her hair, her shoulders, her hands. She still feels cold, but not as icily as she did before. Her eyes stand fierce and bright, but her hair is now as white as mine. Her skin seems slightly paler than it was before, but she seems okay otherwise.

"Anna!" I gasp loudly as I force my arms around her and hug her tight. I hold on to her for dear life as all of my worry and grief suddenly pours out. Sobs wreak through my body as well as slightly hysterical shudders of laughter.

Anna, however, breaks away from my arms with an annoyed grunt and rises from the ice. Both Kristoff and I gaze up at her in confusion. She focuses her blue eyes on me and stares me down with an icy glare.

"Don't touch me," she hisses at me and gently beats the snowflakes from her purple cape. I can't believe my eyes. She's not smiling. Anna always smiles. I just sit there on the ice, my hands raised slightly in longing for her, my eyes wide and mouth slightly open. Kristoff recovers first from his surprise. He rises besides Anna and gently tries to touch her shoulder.

"Anna, are you alright?" He says to her.

"Of course I am alright," she replies, and I winch at the icy glint in her voice. She bats Kristoff's hand away. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Kristoff hesitantly glances at me, then back at Anna. "Your heart.. Elsa froze your heart.. and the only way to save you was.. an act of true love."

Anna grins and places her hand confidently on her hip. "And you thought that your kiss would thaw my frozen heart? Please, don't flatter yourself."

Hurt flashes across Kristoff's face, but he doesn't give up. "Please Anna. I know it didn't work yet. We have to get you back to normal."

"Back to normal?" Anna hisses. "Back to boring, happy little Anna that waits until the end of time for a door not to be slammed in her face? Little Anna that still has hope that her sister can be appeased? Poor little Anna that longs for someone to notice her?"

Anna slowly starts to stalk towards Kristoff with eyes colder than the snow on the North Mountain, and he can't help but to back up a few steps.

"No! I will not be that helpless girl anymore! I will no longer be ignored! I will no longer yearn for any sort of love, be it sisterly, or any other kind!" Her voice rises in pitch and volume, and Kristoff is desperate enough to glance to me for help. I don't know what to do. All I can think is that we failed and that it is all my fault.

"But your heart.. you're supposed to be frozen solid.." Kristoff mutters weakly as he tries to slowly advance on Anna again. He staggers back when Anna throws her head back and shrieks out a hysterical laugh. When she is done laughing, she looks down at me with a wide smirk.

"Frozen solid, indeed. My whole heart is frozen solid, indeed. And I am glad it is, for it grants certain.. benefits."

She opens her hand and her grin widens as a miniature ice storm forms above her hand. The miniature storm transforms into a large crystal, then transforms again into a large icicle. She lets it grow and grow until it is about as long as her forearm. She laughs again and crumbles the icicle in small puffs of snow.

Her gaze refocuses on me. "You never learned control, because you were afraid, sister. You have to embrace it, feel the power flowing through your veins and fingers. Only then can you achieve true greatness!"

Kristoff has come up behind Anna and is about to grab her arms and restrain her, but she turns around with a knowing smile. "I'm sorry, Kristoff, but you're just not my type," she laughs. Raising her arms, large cones of cold air seem to emanate from her fingers, freezing his legs to the already existing ice.

I've slightly recovered from my shock and have risen to my feet. With my arms outstretched to her I slowly walk towards her. I hate myself for it, but I start to beg her. "Anna, please. Don't be foolish. You belong in Arendelle with the people. This is not you!"

"Not me? Not me?! How would you know? You spend the last decade locked up in your room! And Arendelle. That place holds only misery, and I do not intend to undo that. Arendelle deserves misery. I think I will find a place far from here, and induce some misery there. I think I like that, yes." Anna straightens herself and stares me straight in the eye. "You have lost, sister. And now it's time for you to face the consequences."

She walks towards me and I cannot help but back off. This is not Anna. This is not my sister. This is a cold version of Anna, a frozen one. And I am afraid.

Anna laughs as I stumble backwards and fall onto the ice of the frozen lake. "Anna.. please.." I whisper. Anna ignores me and raises her hands at me. Icy air streams from her fingers and latches onto my own hands and arms, freezing me to the ice. The cold tendrils continue until both my arms are completely encased and immobile.

I realise she is leaving me for the anger of the citizens of Arendelle. I froze their town, their lands. There will be some of them very eager to end the winter, and thus to end me.

"Goodbye, sister." Anna turns around and starts to walk away from me and Kristoff, both of us frozen to the ice and immobile. A distance away I can see her stop near Hans, who is desperately trying to free himself from the ice that encases his feet.

"Kristoff might not be my type, but you sure are." I hear her say. "Your heart is as frozen as mine. You will make a fine companion." She thaws the ice that held Hans before and grabs his hand. I glance over to Kristoff and disbelief and hurt mixed with anger flash over his face.

Hans seems confused for a moment, but then grins widely. He throws a quick glance at me and Kristoff, but then offers his arm to Anna. They both throw one last smirk at Kristoff and me, then they turn and disappear in the mist that surrounds the lake.

"Anna!" Kristoff yells as she disappears from sight. "ANNA!"

His voice rakes through my body as his hurt mingles with my own. I try to thaw the ice that holds me, but I cannot move my hands or fingers. A certain numbness is taking hold of my fingers and slowly the feeling in them disappears.

"Anna.. no.." I whisper to myself, and I close my eyes in loss and panic.