Mikado let out a grunt as he was tossed onto a bed. He had tried to escape on the trip to Izaya's apartment, he really had, but the informant's iron grip kept him where he was- slung over Izaya's shoulder like a rag doll.

"What are you doing?!" He demanded as his boyfriend of six months began to strip.

Izaya ignored him and continued to take off his clothes, stopping only when he wore just his boxers.

"To answer your question, Mikado-kun," Izaya began, slowly striding towards the wide-eyed teen. "I'm going to do just what I said I would- Punish you."

Mikado backed himself up against the headboard and eyed the nude man wearily, trying to come up with what kind of 'punishment' the informant could inflict on him while naked.

"What... kind of punishment?" He quietly asked, his voice near inaudible.

A lecherous grin crossed the older's face and he crawled into the bed, getting closer and closer to the young Dollars leader.

"This kind."

Mikado's wrists were pinned above his head and his eyes widened as Izaya leaned in to devour his mouth. He could feel Izaya's mouth moving against his, his lover's tongue dancing with his own, and he tried oh-so-desperately not to react but couldn't help but give a needy moan.

Izaya pulled back, grinning, a string of saliva connecting their lips as Mikado whimpered at the loss of the sensation.

"Let's see just how 'sane' you are, Mikado-kun."

The blue-eyed teen's shirt was torn off and used to tie his wrists to the bedframe. That snapped him out of his daze.

"H-Hey!" Mikado protested, tugging at the restraints. "What the- mmph!" He was silenced by Izaya once again kissing him.

"Ah!" He yelped, his back arched as Izaya tweaked one of his nipples.

Mikado lay there, panting, as the older man paused his ministrations. However, not long after Izaya had retreated, he felt a slight tugging on his pants, and looked down as best he could to see Izaya pulling them off.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?" He exclaimed, and squirmed, trying to get his lover off of him. In the six months they had dated, they had never even attempted to go this far, and in the state of mind Izaya was in now, Mikado was scared.

Izaya looked up at the teen from his position and sent him a smirk.

"Why making you mine, of course."

Mikado's eyes widened and he thrashed about, screaming, "No!"

Izaya sat at the front of the bed, fully clothed, and running his hand through Mikado's smooth, black hair. He hadn't wanted to do what he did, but he couldn't risk Mikado leaving him. He loved him too much to let him fall into someone else's hands.

Mikado let out a soft groan and shifted, his eyes fluttering open, the emotions that they had once displayed, absent, and instead a blank look replaced them.

Izaya trailed his fingers down the teen's face before bringing them back up to cover one of Mikado's dead eyes. The teen turned his empty gaze to look at the informant, and the man's heart nearly broke when he no longer saw the raw emotion Mikado's eyes usually held. He had to keep reminding himself that he did it for a good reason, and to not feel bad.

Izaya leaned forward and brushed his lips over Mikado's forehead before gracefully standing up from his position.

Walking to the door, Izaya looked back and whispered, "You're mine, Mikado-kun, and no one else can ever have you," before closing the door behind him and leaving the younger male nude on the bed, absentmindedly staring up at the ceiling, his mind and spirit in pieces.