Hey, this is my first FanFic, and I am happy to say that I think I did a good job. This story is the product of an idea I had when I did a collaboration with HeartlessRockstarXIII, there are a few things that are the same, but I did change it up and made it my own. I would appreciate constructive criticism or just your thoughts and opinions on this story. Thanks and have a good time reading! - Caitlin

Death The Kid – 18, 5'7

Liz – 18, 5'7

Patty – 18, 5'5

Tsubaki – 18, 5'7

BlackStar – 17, 5'7

Crona – 17, 5'10

Soul – 17, 5'7

Maka – 17, 5'4

I do not own Soul Eater or anything relating to the franchise.

[Calm Days]

Death City, Nevada – Death Room of the DWMA

Lord Death stood in the Death Room with Spirit Albarn and Franken Stein, currently thinking over the new mission and carefully deciding who of the trio of top meister and weapon pairs should get the mission.

"Weeell~ what do we think hmm? Of which of the three pairs should we pick?" Lord Death asks in his usually quirky and childish voice.

Stein sat backwards in his rolling chair with a nonchalant expression on his face, "Well Lord Death it really does not matter which pair goes, so long as they are properly informed, but personally I would have to nominate Maka and Soul for this mission." Stein says putting a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"NOOOO! You cannot send my precious Maka out on a mission that far away with that octopus head; he would do something to my precious baby." Spirit shouted at no one in particular going off on his own crazy rant.

"REAPER-CHOP!" Lord Death says while delivering a debilitating blow with his overly large gloved hand to Spirit's head, Spirit falls to the floor clutching his head crying about his precious Maka being molested by an octopus headed freak.

"If it bothers you that much Spirit we can send Crona with them for added measure." Stein suggests with a small smirk on his face.

"Wonderful idea Stein~" Lord Death replies back, "So Stein can you deliver the good news to the lucky students?" Lord death asks turning to said man in question.

"Of course Lord Death" Stein replies back dropping his finished cigarette onto the ground and snuffing it out with his right foot.

"Good well then that concludes this meeting~" Lord Death said clapping his overly large hands together.

Stein rolled out of the Death Room and headed back to his classroom to wait for a good time to tell the two pairs of students the good news.

Unbeknownst to Lord Death, Stein, Spirit or the lucky students just what this mission held for them.

Death City, Nevada – Out in Death City (same day)

It was a sunny day with barely any clouds in the sky as Maka, Soul and Crona were rushing through town to get to their destination.

"Soul! Hurry up or we'll be late!" Maka yelled behind her as a grinning Soul and nervous Crona tagged along behind her.

"Chill Maka rushing is so not cool" Soul replied stuffing his hands into his pant pockets.

"M-Maka I don't k-know how to d-deal with b-being la-late." Crona stuttered trying to keep up with the other weapon and meister pair.

Ragnarok popped out of Crona's back and started to pull on his choppy pink hair, "You sissy! Stop whining and just hurry up, I'm starving!" He shouted at the poor pinkette.

"Ahhh! Ragnarok s-stop pulling my ha-hair" Crona replied trying to get the abusive dark weapon to let go of his hair.

After the drama with Asura and Medusa, Crona moved out of the DWMA basement and in with Maka and Soul in their little apartment in town. Just about everyone has gotten over the fact that Crona was on the enemies side not overly long ago, and the fact that he has been going on missions with Maka and the gang to stop any other Kishin eggs from becoming full fledge Kishin has helped him build up a good reputation around town. Since the battle the gang has grown, not just in friendship but them as well; BlackStar and Soul have grown taller matching their height with Kid, but not as tall as Crona. All the girls stayed pretty much the same except Maka, she grew a few inches and finally filled out her A-cup chest to a good C-cup, of course Soul still uses the term tiny-tits much to Maka's displeasure.

As the trio arrived at their destination BlackStar and Tsubaki had already arrived and had been waiting.

"WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU ALL DECIDED TO SHOW UP! YOU SHOULD NOT KEEP YOUR GOD WAITING!" BlackStar in a short sleeve turquoise fitted t-shirt, showing off his muscles, blue jeans and blue and white sneakers shouted from where he and Tsubaki were standing in the town square under a great big standing clock.

"Now BlackStar there is no need to shout" Tsubaki in a deep blue halter top with blue jean capris and white converse said trying to calm the loud obnoxious boy next to her.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Soul asked walking up to BlackStar and bumping fists, Soul is wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt, blue jeans with a black belt and black tennis shoes.

"Good man, ready to get your ass whooped?" BlackStar asked grinning at Soul.

"Nah man, but I am ready to watch you face plant into the court when I'm done beating your ass." Soul replied smirking right back at him.

Maka walks up to Tsubaki in a purple tank, white shorts and black and white converse, "So how has your day been so far Tsubaki?" Maka asks looking back to peek at Crona who was still standing back a bit from the group; he is wearing a long sleeve black cotton shirt, black skinny jeans and black convers, "Hold on a sec." Maka said turning around and walking up to Crona and taking his arm, dragging him up to the group, "Come on Crona you know there is no need to be shy, especially around us." Maka said smiling up at Crona.

Crona just smiled back and stood close to Maka as she and Tsubaki conversed.

'Maka is so nice, I really don't deserve her friendship' Crona thought.

Soul looked over from talking to BlackStar to see Crona and Maka standing really close to each other while Crona looked over at her with a smile and soft look in his grey eyes.

'Tsk, how annoying'

"HEY! Soul man are you listening to your great god?" BlackStar says getting Soul's attention back.

"Sorry man got distracted." Soul said looking back to BlackStar and putting on a nonchalant expression.

BlackStar looks over to where Soul was looking and then looks back to Soul, "Hmm oh well, HEY LETS GET GOING TO THE COURTS!" he yells to everyone.

As the group makes their way to the basketball courts Tsubaki follows behind BlackStar, who takes the lead, while Maka, Soul and Crona walk behind them making idle chit-chat.

Death City, Nevada – Basketball Courts (same day)

Once the group gets to the courts they find Death The Kid, Liz and Patty already there.

"Well, what took you guys so long?" Liz asks looking up at them; both Liz and Patty are wearing matching red halter tops, while Liz wears skinny jeans Patty wears jean shorts, both wearing red converse.

"Yes you are all quite late." Kid says; he is wearing a black jersey with a big white eight on the front and back, black jeans and black sneakers.

"Sorry Kid, Soul had to find the right shirt, and I thought girls were picky about what they wore." Maka replies smiling at Kid as they walked up.

"Hey don't go putting this on me; Crona couldn't stop complaining about not knowing how to deal with learning basketball." Soul retorted looking over at Maka.

"It's quite alright Maka, no harm done." Kid said returning the smile.

'Maka looks perfectly symmetrical today' Kid thought as he looked at Maka.

After everyone got caught up with each other they started to get the teams together.

"Alright so how about girls vs boys" Liz suggested grinning from ear to ear.

"YAY!" Patty exclaimed.

"That sounds fine." Maka says.

Everyone seemed to agree with Liz's decision.

"So what do we get when we win?" Soul asks grinning at Liz.

"Well on the off chance that you do win what would you want?" Liz asks back.

Soul looks at Kid and BlackStar and they all seem to have the same idea as they all grin at each other and look back at the girls, while Crona was standing there somewhat confused about what was going on.

"Well how about you girls treat us to whatever we want." Soul suggests.

"Fine" Liz replies quickly.

Maka gapes and grabs Liz and turns them around to talk quietly.

"Liz are you crazy!? I don't have the kind of money that we would need if they won." Maka whispers strenuously at Liz with a panicked look on her face.

"Sorry to butt in, but it is the same with me as well, BlackStar racks up quite a bill when he goes around breaking everything." Tsubaki whispers joining the small circle.

Patty just giggles completing their little whisper circle.

Liz grins devilishly, "No worries, if they win I had planned on using this." Liz whispers back whipping out a Black Death Card.

"No way where did you get that?!" Maka raises her voice a little, but brings herself back when she notices the boys looking over interestingly.

"Hehe, Maka my dear this is the perk of being partners with Kid, whose father owns the town, the best part is there is no limit on it. Patty and I go on shopping sprees all the time with this thing." Liz replies back with a proud smile on her face.

Maka looks over at Tsubaki and they both giggle.

"No wonder your closet is the same size as Soul and I's whole apartment" Maka says between giggles.

Liz and Patty start to giggle with them as they all walk back over to the boys still somewhat giggling.

(With the boys while the girls were having their little conversation)

"What is up with them?" BlackStar asks looking over at the girls as they make a circle to whisper to each other.

"Don't know but it probably has something to do with accepting our terms." Soul said while he looked over at Maka who seemed to be a bit distressed about something.

The boys became a little bored until they heard Maka raise her voice about Liz having something, they looked over at the girls interested in what was being said, they noticed Maka look back at them and then quickly turn back to their conversation.

"Well now I am more than curious." Kid said trying to figure out what they were talking about.

The boys perked up after hearing Maka and Tsubaki start giggling, soon to be followed by Patty and Liz as they start walking back over still giggling.

(Back to everyone)

"Well what was all that about?" Soul asks looking at Maka.

Maka just grins and starts to giggle as the other girls giggle as well.

"Oh nothing just had to discuss what we were going to do when we win." Maka replies calming her giggling fit.

Liz smirks and Patty continues to giggle, "Ya, if we win Soul has to go tell Spirit he wants to marry Maka, BlackStar has to keep quiet for the rest of the day, Kid has to move all the portraits in the mansion one centimeter to the right and Crona has to hold hands with Maka for the rest of the day." Liz says getting a huge grin on her face.

"WHAT!" Soul, BlackStar, Kid and Maka say at the same time, they all looked at Liz like she was crazy.

"Spirit will kill me!" Soul said imagining said Death Scythe impaling him with multiple blades through the gut while yelling about him never marrying his precious Maka.


"NO NO NO! If their moved the symmetry of the while mansion will be off!" Kid shouts while holding his head trying not to go into a panic attack while thinking about it.

"I-I don't think I can de-deal with holding h-hands with Maka the rest of t-the day." Crona stutters grabbing his left arm with his right hand.

"Liz what kind of terms are those?" Maka asks looking over at Liz who still had a huge grin on her face.

"What? They want to be treated to whatever they want if they win, so we should get something just as good right." Liz says looking at the boys with a 'try and back down' look on her face.

"HA! YOU THINK WE CANT WIN? WELL SHOW YOU!" BlackStar shouts at the girls.

"Ya, cool guys don't back out of a challenge." Soul said giving off a smirk.

"So long as we win my precious symmetry won't be in danger." Kid says straightening back up and composing himself.

All the boys except Crona seemed to get a determined look in their eyes as they came to terms with having to win.

The girls at the same time seemed to all agree as well, they had to win this game.

As the game proceeded the girls seem to get a good lead with Liz and Patty taking the offensive while Maka and Tsubaki took the defensive.

As Maka blocked Soul, Tsubaki blocked BlackStar; Tsubaki was well matched with BlackStar knowing all his moves she kept him at bay while Soul was having a hard time not getting a nose bleed from dealing with Maka, she would keep light on her feet by blocking Soul every time he tried to get around her, but while she did that she didn't know that her breasts bounced every time she would go from side to side, she may have not noticed but Soul certainly did.

'Damn Maka's trying to kill me' Soul thought as he tried to get around Maka while simultaneously trying not to look at her chest as her breasts bounced.

Kid had successfully intercepted the ball from Liz and was now running down the court past Maka and Soul.

Maka got distracted looking over at Kid while he passed giving Soul the opportunity to get around her and head down the court right behind Kid.

After that the two teams seemed to keep up with each other as the score came to 27:27.

"The next point wins." Liz said wiping her forehead from the sweat that was trying to get into her eyes.

Everyone nodded in agreement, everyone was tired and sweaty from playing the game so hard, both sides really wanted to win.

Kid had the ball and was currently dribbling it looking for a way to the other side of the court; on his left was BlackStar being held off by Tsubaki, while on his right side Maka had been able to block Soul again keeping him at bay, right in front of him in readied stances waiting to make their move for Kid is Liz and Patty, while Kid was making his assessment he had noticed something, 'I am here, BlackStar is there, Soul is over there. So where is. . . Crona!' Kid thought looking around to find Crona on the other end of the court right in front of the basket.

Crona noticed Kid looking at him with a determined expression, when Kid started to move towards him with Liz and Patty trailing behind Crona's eyes widened in fear of what was going to happen.

"Crona, Catch!" Kid yelled while throwing the ball to him.

"Ahh" Crona yelped catching the ball on reflex, he looked back at Kid who was trying to hold off the twin pistols. Maka and Tsubaki broke away from trying to hold off the boys and were now running to get the ball from Crona.

Soul noticed this and ran for Maka while BlackStar blocked off Tsubaki.

"Throw the ball Crona!" Soul called out to him as he got in front of Maka while she was running, this caused Maka to run into him and they both fell back, Maka on top of Soul. Soul caught Maka trying to keep her safe but as he did this her breasts pressed up against his chest causing Soul to have a nose bleed.

'Damn it, she finally killed me' he thought twitching as Maka was pushing up trying to get off of him.

"Damn it Soul." Maka said as she finally managed to get off of Soul, taking in his appearance she shook her head and headed towards Crona.

By now Crona was facing the basket readying to shoot the ball when he got nervous and started shaking.

"I don't know how to deal with this." Crona said looking up at the basket unsure of what he should do.

Ragnarok materialized from his back trying to snatching the ball from his meister, "Gimme that you sissy girl." he said.

"No Ragnarok stop that!" Crona said back trying to keep the ball from his annoying weapon. While he was struggling with Ragnarok he threw the ball up half-heartedly in an attempt to get him to leave him alone.

Maka had just reached Crona when he threw the ball; everyone paused to watch the ball as it hit the back board and fell into the basket hitting the ground. Everyone was in shock looking at the ball when all of a sudden BlackStar and Kid started to cheer and run up to Crona patting his back and ruffling his hair as Ragnarok grumbled about how it was because of him that they won.

"GOOD GOING CRONA YOU HAVE MADE YOUR GOD PROUD!" BlackStar shouted at Crona smacking his back grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, very well done now my symmetry is safe" Kid said smiling at Crona.

Maka walked the rest of the way over to Crona as the other girls smiled at him giving their own congrats.

"Good job Crona, you won." Maka said smiling brightly at the pinkette as he blushed and smiled back as well.

Maka turned around and walked over to Soul who was starting to sit up off the ground while wiping his nose of blood.

"Hey, you ok?" she asks holding out a hand.

Soul looks up grabbing her hand letting her help him up, "Ya fine, but that was so not cool." he remarked.

Maka just grinned wide up at him as he stood punching him on the arm showing him that it didn't matter, Soul gave a grin back at her as they started to walk over to their small group who was giving out compliments to Crona.

"Hey." Soul said to Crona, getting his attention.

Crona looked over a little apprehensive about what Soul was going to say or do.

"H-hey." he replied back.

"That was real cool of you." Soul said to him giving him a thumbs up.

Crona's eyes widened for a moment before he smiled back while the rest the gang started to laugh about the game, which ended in 27:28 with the boys taking the win.

Death City, Nevada – Just outside Maka, Soul and Crona's apartment (same day)

"Jeez Soul" Maka exclaims as she fished through her pockets for her keys.

"What, we did say whatever, and it's not like you or Tsubaki had to pay for anything, Liz used Kids own money to treat us." Soul said as he lazed back waiting for her to open the door.

"Ya, but you could have chosen something Crona would have found fun." she snipped back bringing her now found keys up to the locked door.

"He was fine, besides he did have fun didn't you Crona?" Soul asks putting his left arm around Crona trying to get him to back him up.

"I-I had f-fun." Crona stuttered out weakly looking at Maka.

Ragnarok popped out of Crona's back, "Ya it was awesome, we need to go back soon!" he added into the conversation leaning on top of Crona's head.

Maka opened the door and walked in followed by her weapon and the demon meister, "Well as long as you had fun Crona." she said going into the kitchen to look for something to snack on.

"Y-ya" Crona replied back with a nervous laugh going to sit down on the couch.

Soul closed the door as he walked in walking over to the couch while watching Maka in the kitchen.

After the game the boys decided they wanted to go and play laser tag, they ended up playing eight rounds, thanks to Kids insistence. Afterword's they all went out to a pizza place and had a good dinner while talking about the day's events. It was now about half past seven and the boys were finally tired out.

Maka finished getting a bowl of grapes and walked over to Soul and Crona who were watching MMA on the T.V., Soul seemed real into it, but poor Crona cringed every time someone got hurt. Maka plopped down between Soul and Crona propping her legs onto Souls lap and leaning against Crona eating a few grapes.

Soul looked over at Maka who was now watching the fight on T.V.; he nonchalantly put his left arm down to rest on her legs while his right arm remained on the back of the couch.

'Death her legs are so soft' Soul thought to himself.

Crona was on the other side of the couch blushing as Maka wiggled a bit getting comfortable up against him, 'Maka smells so nice, like rain and lavender' Crona thought looking down at the girl who was now eating grapes and watching T.V.

Not long after they all settled in did ringing come from the bathroom, "I'll get it" Maka said getting up from the couch, much to the boy's displeasure, and heading for the bathroom.

'Who would call us now all of a sudden?' Maka questioned herself.

When she finally reached the bathroom and answered the call coming from the mirror Stein's image showed up in front of her.

"Ah Maka, just who I wanted to talk to" Stein said standing in his laboratory looking back at the girl.

"Hello Professor Stein, what is it you need?" Maka asked smiling at the teacher she most looks up to.

"Well Maka Lord Death has brought to my attention a mission, and he wanted a capable team, I suggested you and Soul along with Crona and he seemed to agree." Stein said standing straight as the light caught on his glasses giving them a glare.

"That's fine, we would be more than happy to go on a mission Professor Stein." Maka replied back.

"Good, you will need to go to a small town about thirty-five miles outside of Death City, there is a witch we know only as M staying in that town, we need you, Soul and Crona to kill her." Stein said.

"Alright we can handle that, when do we leave for the mission?" Maka replied back.

"Tomorrow morning would be the best option." he replied.

Stein looked back at his top student, "Maka." he said now serious.

This successfully got her attention; she straightened up and looked back just as serious, "Yes"

Stein looked at her for a moment before replying, "Please be careful, this witch has a bad reputation, we don't need any of you getting hurt; just go there, kill the witch and come back safely, don't get distracted." he told her.

Maka relaxed a bit smiling again at her favorite teacher, "Don't worry Professor, Soul and I have killed witches before, besides since we have Crona with us on this we will be able to come back twice as fast, there is no need to worry." she replied back.

Stein just looked at her with a hard expression.

"I understand Professor, we will be extra careful on this mission." Maka said to try to make him feel better.

"Alright, but remember, don't slack off and keep alert. Have a good mission and I will see you when you get back Maka." Stein finally relaxed a bit and gave a rare small smile to the girl he thought of as a daughter.

Maka smiled real big, "Ok see you soon." she replied.

Maka thought of Stein as a second father, she really cared for him and in her opinion he acts more like a real father than her own does.

They ended the call and Stein went to make himself some coffee, he still could not get this feeling of dread out of his mind, no matter what Maka told him he had a feeling that this mission was more dangerous than any of them knew.

When the call was over Maka made her way back out into the living room to resume her position on the couch with the boys.

"Who was that?" Soul asks as Maka sits back down putting her legs back on his lap.

"Just Stein, we have a mission." she replied back getting herself comfortable again.

"Hm, when do we leave?" he asks.

"Tomorrow, we will leave early so we should go to bed soon, Oh right, Crona you'll be coming with us on this one too." she replied looking up at the demon meister she was leaning against.

"O-ok Maka." he replied back.

As the teens got comfy again and settled in for the night they had no idea that just outside of town in the little town, the witch M was preparing for their arrival with a sickening smile on her face, "Hurry little one, I'm waiting for you" M said looking into a basin of water that gave her a perfect view of the three teens safe in their comfy little apartment, "Soon, very soon and I will finally have you" she said looking out of a window at the laughing crescent moon as blood dripped from its mouth.