"This party dying already?" Jay asked while looking at another crowd of people leave. The party host, Mia, and her boyfriend Lucas came walking over to them.

"There's another party on the south side." Mia explained with a shrug. She wasn't upset, she had too many people in this house than her mom would like knowing about.

Manny came back down the stairs with what looked like rage in her eyes, "I think some guy ruffied Emma's drink."

"What?" Mia asked, stunned that happened HERE. Her boyfriend also stood up straight and asked, "Whose the prick that did it?" Even Jay and Sean took a step closer to Manny, waiting for an answer. Sean looked around and his blood boiled that someone would do that to Emma.

"Are you sure?" Sean asked Manny, hoping it wasn't true.

Manny nodded and Jay squinted his eyes as he remembered something and lifted a finger, "Didn't Poin Dex give her a drink?"

"I'll get him." Lucas offered and went to go but Sean was already charging toward Peter who still stood in a corner with some football players and some girls.

"Woah," Jay chased after Sean and held him back, "You're 18 now remember? Let someone else do the work."

Sean wanted to punch Peter's lights out though. Even the football players turned to see three intimidating guys storming their way and decided to quickly leave the scene. The girls Peter was with yelped when Sean let Lucas go for it and he grabbed Peter hard like a rag doll.

"What's going on?!" Peter asked, lifted up in the air a bit since Lucas grabbed the front of his shirt.

Sean shoved Jay off of him and walked over to Lucas, standing behind him, and glaring up at Peter, "Did you drug Emma's drink?"

Peter paused and then his mouth dropped while looking around. Mia and Manny glared daggers at him too. "N-no, I didn't! Let me down now or else-"

Lucas raised an eyebrow and chuckled in mockery, "Or else what Nancy boy?" he let Peter down to throw him against the wall.

Sean stopped Lucas from hitting him and growled, "I got this" he stepped in front of Peter to raise his fist until a voice stopped him.

"Stop!" Emma yelled and unrealistically, Sean did. Sean stared strangely at his fist that lowered, even though he knew he didn't want it to.

Sean turned to Emma who looked a little better but just tired. She looked away from him and at Manny with a slight embarrassed look, "Lets go."

Emma felt horrible for using her power on Sean, but she didn't want him to get in trouble or get into a fight over her. Even though it was a little flattering but he was probably just doing what seemed right. Peter wasn't worth it if he was the one who drugged her.

"I'll get the car." Jay told the girls and walked out the front door to get it. They had to park down the street since every other person parked in the driveway or near.

"I'll get you some water, Emma." Mia offered and put a hand on Lucas' arm who nodded before she left.

Lucas eyed Emma and asked, "Are you sure?" he looked back at Peter and back to Emma, "Cause we can deal with him."

Emma sensed that Lucas too was some kind of 'bad boy' from school. Maybe that's why people couldn't fathom him being with a cheerleader, but Mia did seem nice.

"It's fine." She sighed tiredly and he frowned deeply but nodded, walking off to find Mia.

Manny muttered, "I'll find our coats. I'll meet you at the front door."

Emma nodded and walked towards the front door, ignoring at she went by Peter but Sean followed her. "If he gave you the drink, Em.. then he did it."

Emma stopped at the door and softened when she turned to Sean. He looked rattled up. Could he possibly care?

"I didn't do it." Sneered Peter, walking over and Sean turned with hell in his eyes. If Peter took one step closer to Emma, Sean would rip his head off.

"Go away, Peter." Emma said behind a protective Sean.

"No. You're going to listen-"

Sean stepped forward to give Peter a beating in a life time, "She said-"

"Go. Away." After Emma spoke those words, some unknown source to Sean and Peter somehow picked Peter up literally in the air and threw him away from Emma. Sean still stood infront of her and his eyes widened, wondering what had just happened. He hadn't even touched Peter yet and the guy went flying.

Peter sat there in shock for a moment, his mouth hanging and Sean too had the same expression, knowing he hadn't touched him.

So how did that happen?

Panic ran across Emma's face. Damn. Uncontrollable magic. Guess she should of guessed that would happen with drugs in her system. She tried to close her mouth and look innocent when Sean turned to look back at her but she couldn't keep a good front. Sean opened his mouth with confusion over his face and went to say something until Peter got up and hissed, "What the hell was that!?"

Sean couldn't sink this in either, but his eyes were cornering at Emma when he turned towards her again.

Peter was still freaking out. "No, no, no. That wasn't- that wasn't normal. That was like… paranormal."

Emma had to laugh at him, "What are you talking about?"

Even now Emma saw the way Sean was looking at her. It was unreadable and almost worried her. She thought she had Peter to worry about but now Sean was looking as if right through her.

Emma frowned and tried to avoid his eyes. Sean on the other hand, he hated Peter, but he had to agree with him, and Emma was acting strange. Nervous. But… paranormal? That wasn't real. Was it? But how could anything else explain what just happened?

Manny ran in just then and looked around the room, wondering why it was so tense suddenly. Emma quickly walked to her and muttered, "Lets go. Now."

Manny nodded and threw her coat on, opening the door and running out.

"Emma." Sean said stepping forward but Emma just merely glanced at him and hurried out the door, shutting it behind her. Sean went to open it but it was locked. But how ? The door handle was unlocked. It just got weirder and Sean was now seeing what he had sensed from Emma. She was more than just different from other girls.

She was different from everyone.

"You saw that right? Something lifted me into thin air!" Behind Sean, Peter was still going crazy.

Sean turned back to him and sized him up before glancing back at the door Emma ran out of. Peter looked at Sean hoping he'd admit he saw the same thing. Oddly, Sean shrugged and looked calmer than a hot summer day.

"You're drunk, Peter." Was all he said and walked off. Peter panted and looked around worriedly. He wasn't drunk. And he wasn't crazy. What WAS that?

"Did Emma go?" Mia asked, holding a glass of water when Sean entered the kitchen and Lucas stood with her.

Sean nodded and took a deep breath, trying to understand what he now knew and keeping it a secret. "She was tired."

Lucas nodded and Mia too, understanding.


"Do you think he knows, Em?"

Emma sat on her bed with a far off look in her, "I'm not sure," she sadly looked down, "I think he might know he saw .. something."

Manny frowned for Emma and tilted her head watching the blonde in a state. She wondered if Emma was seriously this worried about what Sean Cameron might of saw to look as upset as she did or was it just over what happened tonight with Peter?

Unknowingly to Manny, Emma was just scared Sean would see her as some monster..and it turned her stomach to think that.

"Go to sleep, Em. We both know you need it."

Emma nodded and laid down, getting comfy in her bed. She sighed and closed her eyes after Manny shut off the light and Emma laid there in silence. She gazed at her book shelf, with her mothers spell books and family albums. Emma hoped Sean didn't know anything and if he did, he wouldn't tell..

But what would stop him from telling everyone?..


That next Monday, Emma walked into school with slight worry Peter had told people what he saw too. After worrying about Sean's reaction, she reminded herself she still had Peter to worry about.. But when she walked in, everyone walking through the halls acted like normal. Emma wasn't the hot gossip.

Thank god.

She adjusted her little bag on her shoulder and went toward her locker. She slowed down in her tracks when she noticed Sean leaning on it, waiting for her, and they locked eyes.

Emma tensed, and she felt the goosebumps on her arms. When she went to turn, Sean followed her anyways and caught up to grab the back of her arm, "We need to talk."

Emma turned to him, shrugging innocently, "About what?"

Sean gave her a look like she was crazy, but then had to ask, "Are you okay?"

Emma's heart fluttered. Oh boy. She really needed to stay away from this one.

"Perfectly fine." She replied.

"I want to talk about Saturday. About what happened with ..Peter."

Emma hated lying to Sean, but he couldn't know. He probably couldn't comprehend if she did tell him. Or would he? He acted pretty brave seeing what he saw on Saturday. Emma still couldn't shake off that look in his eyes when he looked at her after it happened. It wasn't fear. She couldn't guess what it was but the normal reaction would be how mental Peter acted. Sean was different though..

Sean licked his lips a bit nervously and looked around before pulling Emma around the corner to be more alone. What he didn't notice was Ellie at her locker, squinting her eyes jealousy as she saw the two run away together to be 'alone'.

Once around the corner, Sean whispered to Emma, "Something weird happened, and I know you saw it. I know you had something to do with it too. I just have this…feeling."

Emma's heart pounded. "Sean-"

Sean stepped closer to Emma. She lost her breath and he said lower, "I didn't push Peter. Hell I don't think I could of mustered up that much strength for how far he went flying if I did. So who did it, Emma?"

"I'm as confused as you are." Emma's robotic voice made Sean see through her. She must have to lie about this a lot. But he was up all night thinking about what it could have been.

"I don't know." Sean laughed almost hysterically at himself. "I'm even thinking telekinesis" he looked up slowly into hers eyes, "Or…a witch."

Emma couldn't breath. Suddenly she snickered and gave him a look of disbelief, "A witch?"

Sean stared back into her eyes and it was the sadness in Emma's that made Sean see through her act. She wanted to tell him, she just couldn't. Finally Emma broke and grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the an open area in general and entered an empty classroom. Once the door was shut behind her, the real Emma came to light and she looked desperately into Sean's eyes..

"You can't tell."

Sean's mouth dropped. He fucking knew it! "I won't" he said seriously, gazing into her eyes with a promise in his.

Emma believed him but she looked sadly away, "Just..stay away from me, okay?"

Sean looked hurt, and he went after Emma before she got to the door. He blocked it with his body and asked, "Why?"

Emma swallowed a lump in her throat. The one guy she's ever felt real feelings for had to ofcourse figure her out. She wasn't sure if the feelings she was developing for him were scarier for her, or for him. All she could think about was the curse and Sean getting hurt.

"What do you want with me, Sean?" Emma helplessly asked.

Sean looked to be struggling with what he wanted to say, worried she was going to walk out that door and never talk to him again. He looked down and slowly raised his hand that was near hers, onto hers. When she looked down, he swore she felt what he was feeling. Electricity just flying through them. Her fingers soon interlocked with his, and they both looked down at them holding hands. Emma gasped a little when Sean's other hand grabbed her waist and slowly pulled her in. He stared longingly at her as she stared down at the space no longer between them.

He leaned down. "Sean." Emma said, staring down at his lips a little fearfully. It wasn't the first she's ever kissed a guy, but it was the first to kiss someone who mattered to her so much it scared her.

Emma moved to pull back but he was quicker than she was. He put a hand to her cheek and turned her head back toward him. As soon as he had his chance, he pressed his lips to hers and she whimpered a little before she slowly started to kiss him back. Again, that magic electricity shot through them. He was tender as he kissed her, slow, but once she kissed back just as wanting, he kissed her passionately and she followed with.

Emma was out of breath and leaned more against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and he tightened his grip around her waist. They pulled away breathless and Emma closed her eyes. This couldn't be happening.. .it was too good to be true. Even her heart was pounding.

Sean had no problem with kissing down her neck now as she caught her breath. Emma moaned a little and he held back his eagerness to take it to another level. She smelled of vanilla and her body pressed to his while she moaned was teasing him a little. He wanted more of her. All of her.

The bell rang and Emma jumped out of Sean's embrace. She put her hand on her neck and then when Sean was just as stunned and had to move out of the way for the students barging into this classroom, Emma took the chance to leave quickly. She didn't notice Mia had entered and was one of those students, eying Emma and Sean in a moment before Emma ran out.

Mrs Kwan entered as Sean tried to go after Emma but she blocked his path. "Mr Cameron. As it is nice to see you in class, I have to inform you this isn't the right one."

Some students giggled and Sean rolled his eyes charging out. When he got into the hallway, he looked back and forth, noticing Emma was gone.

"Damn it!" he kicked the lockers infront of him which gave a loud echo of a bang.


"They just looked.." Mia looked for a word, "very occupied with another."

"occupied?" Manny asked between their cheerleading practice. Mia was telling Manny what she might of saw between Emma and Sean this morning.

"Captivated." Mia gave Manny a look to take the hint.


Mia smirked a bit romantically, "I saw the way he was looking at her. Something happened and than she ran out of the classroom."

Manny shook her head quite shocked but also a little happy. Sean Cameron and Emma? Now that'd make a very cute couple. Not to mention Sean was a smoke show.


Emma had walked to her locker quickly before the end of the day, going to grab her stuff out of her locker. The bell would ring soon and she wanted to get out of there before Sean came looking for her again.

"Hey Emma." Greeted a classmate, Spinner. He was a nice guy, a bit of an immature guy but cute.

Emma turned her head and got fed up with her lock, huffing and running her hands through her hair. It wouldn't open for the life of her!

"Hey don't worry," Spinner insisted, stepping up and took her lock. "I got it. What's your combo?"

"41, 31, 10, 31."

He opened it and joked, "Odd combination."

Emma forced a quick smile. He knew nothing about 'odd' things. "Thanks." She mummered when he opened it and stepped aside for her. She was in a rush, grabbing her stuff to leave.

"You want a ride home?"

Emma paused but then turned to look at Spinner. He was cute. But she felt nothing for him. But he was cute.

"Sure." She nodded and then closed her locker. She turned back towards him and he grinned a bit before leading her out towards his car. She was the hot new girl, maybe he knew nothing about her, but she was the hot new girl.

Emma's mind was racing with thoughts of Sean as she hopped into Spinners car and she tried to shut her eyes tight.

"You like O-town?" Spin asked, putting on his radio after he put on his seatbelt.

"Love them." Emma lied, plastering a smile on her face that he smiled back at. She needed to distract herself from Sean, and stay away from him. She knew deep down it would be nothing but trouble.