Disclaimer: ok, the tune to this song isn't mine, and all the characters in it belong to George Lucas, but I set the words to music. Enjoy!

Sung to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

The first thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me is Vader with a Light Saber.

The second thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The third thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The fourth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The fifth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The sixth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The seventh thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: seven battle droids
six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The eighth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: eight tie fighters
seven battle droids
six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The ninth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: nine star destroyers
eight tie fighters
seven battle droids
six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The tenth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: ten AT walkers
nine star destroyers
eight tie fighters
seven battle droids
six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The eleventh thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: eleven troops on speed bikes
ten AT walkers
nine star destroyers
eight tie fighters
seven battle droids
six mini walkers
five droid decars
four of Jabba's men
three storm troopers
two Bounty Hunters
and Vader with a Light Saber

The twelfth thing in Star Wars that's trying to kill me: twelve bombers BOOM!
engines revving
PCHU! PCHU! (not a sneeze)
PU! PU! (gun sound. They don't stink)
Cover me!
Roger Roger.
pchu! pchu! (smaller non sneezes)
oink oink (snort snort?)
He's no good to me dead!
And Vader with a Light Saber

Well, that's it review and tell me what you think. If I get enough
positive feedback, I'll write the good guy version.