"Gumi! Are you okay?" Gumi looked at the blurry vision. They looked worried. Are those tears? Wait…

"Rin..? Is that.."

"Yes its me. The rest of the gang is in the waiting room. Gumstar I was so worried. Your brother is here too. He is behind the curtain, Sleeping."

"It was so awful Rin. Ugh… That smell still lingers in my nose. He was on drugs and all high and started to act v-v-violent. I screamed that I love him… B-but I guess h-he doesn't.." Gumi gulped. Her heart was heavy. "I fell for an idiot.. B-but I still love h-him. H-he was so sweet, kind b-b-but now…" Gumi bawled. Tears streaming down her face like a river. She felt aches pains all over her body but it never was the same with her heart. It felt like it was still ripped in pieces and would never heal.

"It might not be okay. But I'm her and I will never leave you. Okay?"

"O-okay…" Rin stayed calming her friend down for a little while.

"I'm okay know. Can I see Oliver?"

"Of course, you can!" Gumi could hear a high chirp. She smiled. It was her brother.

"Thank you for saving me. You were quite brave"

"You are welcome. But to be honest I was hit in the head with a lamp. It hurts so bad. But not as much pain you had Grace. I was panicking a lot. I mean you are usually the leader and I'm.."

"My fellow co-leader. I can't make decisions without you. Now if you excuse me, I want to see my friends." Gumi gave a nod to Rin. She quickly ran out and pulled everyone in.

"Gumi. Here ." Miku first came in and gave a weak smile. Her eyes looked like she cried a lot. She gave a bouquet to Gumi."Everyone knows you love carrots. So we bought you a carrot bouquet"

"Oh thank you. So how long was I out?" Gumi immediately took out a carrot and munched on them.

"A day and a half." Lily said.

"WHAT! NO WAY!" Gumi shouted. She ran her hand frantically through her hair. "I MISSED VOCALOID ON ICE! NUUUU"

"Don't worry. We went and recorded everything!" Kaito says shoving a video camera to Gumi. They all were supposed to be going to go and watch Vocaloid on ice yesterday.

"OH THANK YOU!" Gumi death hugged Kaito and played the tape.


The camera was shaky. There was the ice rink and different colored lights were swirling around.

A girl with black hair and red eyes appeared smiling.

Her partner in blonde hair reached for her hand –


"WHERE IS THE REST OF THE FOOTAGE? BAKA KAITO!" Gumi shouted throwing the video camera at Kaito. She was going to strangle him to death but thought of doing that some other day. When he is more vulnerable.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Gumi. I think we should break up." Ted was also there looking rather nervous. "I don't think our relationship is healthy and there are more people who suit you."

"Okay." Gumi agreed. "If you didn't do it, I was going to do it. Who else is going to shower with me with something disappointing? Like I'm ready to face head on."

"Well…" Len stood up from the chair he was sitting. "My resources are telling me your ex-boyfriend, Alex broke out of jail two hours ago. So…"

"He is going to kill me? Seriously… That sucks.." Gumi shrugged. She ate her last piece of the carrot bouquet.

"Till he gets caught again, you will be living with me. The doctors say its for the best." Rin gave a thumbs up to Gumi.

"Rin." Gumi smiled. "I asked for something disappointing. That's not at all disappointing" Rin and Gumi hugged.

"So now what?" Kaito asked. "Who's house are we chillaxing today?"

"Bakaito, chillaxing is not cool. Not cool-" Before Miku could finish her sentence they heard a high pitch scream coming from the end of the hall way.

Gumis assigned nurse came running towards her room and screamed. "RUN TO THE EXIT! AVOID THE MURDERER AT ALL COSTS! FIRE AT THE WEST WING" her head was bleeding but she kept running to every room to inform as many people as she can.

Rin and Miku held Gumi's hand waiting a few seconds till she can adjust and started to run. Gumi couldn't run after a few seconds so Kaito had to carry her. Lily, Rinto and silent Meiko followed them towards the exit. Rin didn't see Len at all.

When they were out of the building, police men lead them to a safe place to rest and take a breath.

"Good thing you survived." Said the nurse when she came out with a really old man in a wheel chair. "Gumi. I'm telling you this as a normal person but not a nurse. Your boyfriend is like really scary…"

"I know" Gumi replied.

After a few seconds the nurse realized something. "Oh where is the other blonde? I'm making sure everyone is out of the building. I'm pretty sure this girl had an identical looking brother." She says pointing at Rin. "Its hard not to notice."

"I don't know. Maybe he is still in building.." Rin thought out loud.

"No way.. Room 345 is already on fire… Shit.. Take care of the old man." The nurse ran towards the building. But the fireman stopped her. Rin could hear the woman's pleads to save Len.

But before she could cry any minute longer Len appeared. His hands drenched in blood. Shaking he walked towards the police officers. Rin walked towards them but stopped in her tracks.

"I saw a man bleeding in a room. I tried to save him, but with no proper equipment and the fire.. I couldn't. I'm sorry. His heart stopped beating and he was a relative of mine."

"I'm… sorry." The nurse choked out. Trembling she held Lens hand. "I could've saved him."

"Its okay. If he survived the world wouldn't." Len gave a weak smiled and turned to walk away.