Disclaimer: I do not own the fabulous Ouran High School Host Club nor any of its characters.
Who's the Idiot?
Kaoru thinks his brother is onto something. Has Hikaru finally realized?
Hikaru was sitting on the floor, legs sprawled out, his hair a mess. He was being atypically quiet and thoughtful, or so it appeared to Kaoru, his younger twin who had just come into the bedroom to grab one of his textbooks. It was a school day and Kaoru had a bit of work to catch up on. He could tell his brother had been doing nothing but playing video games by the candy and other junk food wrappers littered across the floor. Usually, his brother would use his vocal chords for anything and everything - it was just in his nature to. So to see Hikaru sitting there, unmoving, staring at the television screen almost absentmindedly had Kaoru stalling by the large desk where his textbooks were piled.
Kaoru stood there, pretending to look for his Arts textbook. He knew that if Hikaru was paying any attention, he'd ask Kaoru why he was stalling. But since Hikaru wasn't paying any attention to Kaoru, he would snap out of his daydream and produce an outburst. Kaoru knew this too.
"I realized something today," Hikaru suddenly said.
Kaoru felt relieved: his brother wasn't keeping secrets. Not that he didn't respect the privacy of his older sibling (if Hikaru had any anyway), but there were some things that Kaoru understood that Hikaru hadn't yet. And Kaoru didn't quite know what he'd do when Hikaru had also realized these things...wait, had Hika just said he'd realized something?
The worry began all over again. "What's that?"
"You sound worried," Hikaru said with a smile in his voice. He enjoyed opening up to his younger brother because he was the only one Hikaru had in the end.
"I am a little worried, to be honest." Honesty was what the twins just did when it came to each other. That and not keeping secrets, but the younger twin was finding it harder day by day to not keep secrets.
"For what?" Hikaru was all puzzlement. Although he liked to believe he knew his brother very well, Hikaru was sometimes oblivious to other's emotions, including those of the closest and dearest person to him. But still, he could see no reason to why Kao would be worried about anything. If Hikaru was to get this kind of reaction every time something dawned upon him...well, it was no wonder then to why he didn't realize much.
"Nothing," Kaoru said casually, "I'm just a worrywart. What were you going to say, nii-chan?" The last terms slipped from the younger boy's mouth and Hikaru was momentarily distracted.
"Are you playing cute?"
Kaoru found that somehow funny. Smirking, he said, "I do that enough during the course of the week and I like taking a break from the script every once and a while. If you don't like the title, just say the word; I won't use it."
"No, no, I don't really mind it...but it makes me feel like I'm way more older than you than I really am...just like how you'd feel if I called you otoutu, ne?"
Kaoru's head snapped towards his brother and he looked him straight in the eyes. "It's just a small amount of minutes, doesn't even matter really."
Hikaru finished, "We're practically one and the same."
That was an example of their not keeping secrets - they were merely speaking aloud their thoughts to one another, which they were so sure were as synchronized as their acting, as their speech and as their everything else. Well, Kaoru had his doubts now but...
They were staring at one another but their thoughts were elsewhere, both of theirs. Kaoru was wondering about Hikaru and Hikaru was wondering about Kaoru. They were wondering two different things, however.
When will Hikaru understand?
Why is Kaoru so aloof today?
Hikaru waited.
And he waited.
A half-minute passed and then a full minute.
Hika was still waiting.
It was nearing two minutes when Hikaru couldn't contain himself any longer. "Kaoru!" He called, grabbing his brother's attention immediately.
"Yeah?" Kao was totally surprised, which had Hikaru surprised. So he and his brother weren't thinking the same things? Could that be possible? Hikaru couldn't tell. Maybe his younger brother was thinking the same thing but in a different way? Maybe he was waiting for Hika to say it first?
"You forgot about what I realized?" Hikaru playfully asked, but there was still some doubt laced upon his tease. He expected Kaoru to negate his statement but he was still worried that Kaoru might just say yes instead.
I did. "No, baka, of course not," Kaoru said, rolling his eyes in response to the tease.
"Ah, you called me an idiot. You shouldn't behave so disrespectfully to your onii-sama."
"Whatever, you big baka." Kaoru grinned.
"I am not an idiot. I'll have you know that I'm doing rather well in all my classes, except Arts."
"That's because you use me half the time for your homework and never study anything. I thought you liked the class?"
"I do, but work is so tedious! Besides, what's the point of tests and such for subjects that I won't be really needing in the end?" Hikaru didn't let his brother cut him to tell him that tests were important and whatnot, and he continued, "Oh, and I definitely don't use you, my precious brother. We merely trade services."
Kaoru scoffed. "Right. What have you done for me recently?"
Hikaru thought for a while...a little more than a while later, he responded, "Well, I always stick up for you, don't I?"
"I always stick up for you too Hika!" Kaoru said.
"Ah, but you know I do you favors as well! Don't deny it, Kaoru!"
"I won't because you have done me favors but very little compared to the amount of times I've helped you out on all your homework."
"You know you're smarter than me in that department," said Hikaru.
"And a whole lot of other departments," Kaoru couldn't help adding.
Hikaru's disposition shifted. "We're doing it again."
"Doing what?"
Hikaru stared at his twin, giving him some time. There were some things that were meant to be understood and not spoken. For this pair, this was true for virtually everything they did.
After some time, Kaoru answered, "Right, you're impatient as well. Well, go on, what have you realized?"
A sly smile formed on Hikaru's lips and he looked a little shy. "I've realized that I still need to finish that Arts assignment. Wanna group study?"
Kaoru could not believe his idiot older brother. He called Hikaru some very imaginative names which needed a whole lot of censoring and Hikaru's laugh, although loud, wasn't doing an adequate enough job in censoring them at all. Kaoru stormed out of the room, leaving a crying Hika holding his sides. He knew his brother would be back. After all, the Arts textbook was still placed on the desk.
A/N: I know, it's a little rough and a whole lot of not-enjoyable and the title of this piece is something I'm not satisfied with. It wasn't BETA'd and that just adds to the horribleness lol. If you read the whole thing and have any thoughts, go ahead and review for me? I'm so grateful to anyone who reads through this whole first one shot, really means a lot to me and I'd love to hear any thoughts! I'm open to suggestions for themes/specific requests because I frankly am idea-less.