*gasp* Another chapter? So soon? Why yes, another chapter indeed. Happy Birthday to ME!

Spoilers, they are getting out finally! It was suppose to happen four chapters ago but you know how planning sometimes goes when writing. I'm not sure if there needs to be any extra warnings in this chapter but if you think there should be then please leave a comment or visit me on tumblr and tell me.

Still beta'd by Momo

Lupe collapsed next to Stiles and gasped in shock and started to whimper. "Wha, why would they do this to her? She's-oh god she's-fuc." Lupe wailed putting his hands over his mouth and rocking away.

Stiles ignored him in favour of looking over her quickly. Her arm was dislocated. He had been around Isaac and Jackson enough times after a particularly hard lacrosse game or training session to know the signs. That wasn't even counting the large cut going down the same arm that looked as if it would need a good amount of stitches. Stiles shook his head to move past it. He needed to keep focused. Lupe was losing it a bit and he needed to take charge but first he needed to know what the hell he was working with.

Her nose was obviously broken and there were cuts along her temples and forehead. There was blood trickling out of her mouth. Stiles didn't want to think about the fact she could be missing a few teeth. There was another large gash from her neck down past her collarbone and down to her breast. There were claw marks across her stomach that gouged in deep enough that Stiles was surprised he didn't see intestines. Looking down her legs he thanked his lucky stars she was wearing shorts. It made seeing to her injuries better. Her leg was worse somehow. She had a compound fracture; her bone was sticking out of the leg in such a gruesome way. Disregarding the amount of infection she was going to have because of the bone being on the outside and the conditions of their cell, this was bad. If Stiles didn't hurry up and treat her quickly he was sure that she could suffer some long term complications. Meghan even had an obvious stab wound on her other leg that was still bleeding. Stiles gave a silent prayer of thanks to Scott for forcing him to help out last semester at the clinic and learn some of the first aid tricks he had. He even thanked Allison and Chris for forcing him to join them on that random Christmas hunting adventure last year. He had actually learned a lot about wounds and treating them.

Stiles nodded to himself letting a plan form in his head about what he needed to do. "Lupe, I need you to snap out of it!" He yelled at the beta grabbing an arm and shaking him. "I need your help to save her. Do you understand me?"

Lupe locked his eyes with Stiles, eyes flickering all around his face before he bit his lips and nodded his head. Stiles sighed, he knew the guy was hurting but he had no one else to help him.

"I need you to pick her up, can you do that?" He got a bobbing head in answer. "I need you to pick her up and place her in the open circle. Can you do that?" He questioned trying to make sure his voice wasn't too strong for the beta. Lupe just picked Meghan up and walked her to the circle and placed her down in the same position that his body had been in. Stiles patted his shoulder as he assessed which part he should start off with first before moving down to her leg.

"I need you to come down here and hold her hips, okay?"

"Why? What-what are you going to do?" Lupe stammered wrapping his arms around himself.

"I need to get her bone back into the skin or else I wont be able to heal her. I also need to relocate her shoulder but this is more serious. I don't want her to get too much infection, the healing is going to be hard as it is. If I let it get worse, there's no guarantee how much more magic I'll need to heal her. I don't have an unlimited ammount of supplies or power. I haven't eaten or even had a sip of water really in I don't even know how long. We need to hurry with this."

"You forgot, we don't know how quick they'll be back for me or you." Lupe mentioned.

Stiles titled his head in acquiescence. "So we need to hurry. Come on."

Lupe held Meghan's hips down on either side as Stiles got into the position that would give him the best grip. If he wasn't sure what he was doing, he would have tried healing her and letting the magic do the rest. But he wasn't sure what the magic would do with the amount he had. He still needed a bit more of it to do what he planned. He had plans of his own that he hadn't told Alek. Stiles blew out a breath and looked to Lupe before nodding his head. He gripped the skin on both sides around the break and slowly pushed down the right way making sure to take his time and let the bone slip down. He considered for a second that Meghan was lucky that it seemed as if it would be a bit easy to get her bone back in. He released a deep breath along with Lupe when the bone was finally back in. There was still blood coming out but that was one less thing to worry about.

"Okay, okay , okay. We can do this. We can do this." Lupe insisted turning his head to Stiles in question.

"As long as you listen to me and do what I say we stand a chance of saving her." Lupe nodded tightly. "Okay, I need you to keep holding her hips. She barely moved when we put the bone back in, but she might have gone numb down there. Which will be an issue possibly. Anyway, just hold her while I do this. Then we're going to heal her with my magic."

Stiles again got into position and breathed out deeply before moving in and sliding the bone back into place correctly. Meghan finally jerked as he was pushing it back in. She whined out in a long pain filled gasp. Lupe whistled back at her and came closer to her face, sticking his wrist in front of her nose and letting her take a few shallow breaths of his scent. She visibly calmed down and relaxed. Stiles hadn't realized how tense she was until then. He jerked his head to the side indicating Lupe should step away from the circle. The beta didn't immediately move away, but stroked his pack member's hair for a second or two before he moved.

Stiles moved back to Meghan and picked up her bleeding arm and moved it in a circle around her body slowly letting her blood mingle with the mountain ash and herb circle. He repeated a similar move on her other side before brushing the already fallen blood spilling out of her into the surrounding circle. "I need you to give me a slight cut on the already cut parts of my palm Lupe."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I need to mix my blood a bit more. She's going to need more." Stiles replied. Lupe huffed strongly before grabbing his palms and softly cutting him. Stiles gave him his best reassuring grin possible considering the fact he wasn't a hundred percent sure about this working perfectly. Meghan was seriously hurt. He repeated the steps he had earlier when healing the beta, stopping before the smaller circle.

He made sure that everything was in place, and that he hadn't forgotten anything. He nodded to himself once and looked at Lupe once more. "Don't worry. I'm going to heal her." Lupe nodded his head back. "I know you will."

"In blood we are born and in blood we are torn. From the inside out, take out the poison that burns and harms throughout. Heal unknowns and all broken bones. I'll pay the price, twice even thrice." He shouted, bracing himself for the pain that was sure to come.

It came twice as fast and twice as hard as it had before. Raking clawed fingers sliced down one leg all the way to the bone and then up again. Sparks and fire danced down his other leg as tundra burned on the rest of his skin. Brass knuckled punches and broken bottle stabs attacked his insides as much as the outside of his body. He cried, he shouted, he yelled until it felt as if the punishment was his yelling itself. Dimly he felt Lupe grab a hold of him as his body started to convulse. He couldn't say he saw him do it on account of the way his eyes were starting to roll back into his head. His fingers gripped down to the earth both in choice and against it, god his fingers. Each one felt broken in ways that thrusting your hand into closing hellhound jaws to protect your neck never could compare to. One by one his fingers were impacted with a hammer of torture and pain. If there was any silver lining he could find he knew it would be that there was no way Tinker-Bitch could hurt him quite the way he was hurting himself.

After who knew how long Stiles finally felt the magic in his belly calm down, felt his spark of power settle like a boiling kettle taken off the fire. With the calm came the dark clouds that settled slowly from the sides of his eyes and grew over them. He released the magic and let the release of his mind come to him.

Who knew passing out was a gift?

"What are you doing?! He freaking saved your life! Leave him alone!" Lupe shouted causing Stiles to stare and lift his head from where it was resting on his chest. He wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious for but he guessed it was long enough for yelling to have started up again.

"You're not the alpha." Meghan started in her very common tone of prickliness. She was reminding Stiles of a cactus the more time he spent around her.

"Your alpha has been protecting him and taking care of him. What else do you need?" Lupe shouted back. Stiles was glad he hadn't yet taken down the barrier for noise.

"Stop yelling and sit down little cub."

"I'm not a fucking cub you pinche puta! I'm sixteen. You're only two years older than me. Leave him alone, he saved your life. You were nearly dying and he healed you!"

"He's not a fucking witch the last time I checked, so how the hell did he do it?" Meghan questioned.

"I don't know! He's something else that's a mix of the three, why does it even matter? He saved you for crying out loud! You didn't see him towards the end, he was coughing out blood."

"Shut up will you! You're being so dense right now! A little gobshite." She fumed as her eyes flashed and stayed the bright blue in warning and promise. "If he healed me, if you're not lying then who the hell told him about my life?"

"You know about that?" Lupe asked slightly deflating.

"Yes I know about that. Now answer the damn question, which one of you told him about me?" Meghan snapped back.

"You're not the alpha Meghan!" Lupe started yelling again.

"I'm the alpha when your alpha isn't around. The last time I checked I was the second in command."

"You're not the only second, Khoi is the second also!"

"Yes he is, in times of peace. In times of war or danger I'm the damn alpha! What do you call what we're in right now? Peace? No we're not, so news flash little cub. I'm in charge until Alek gets back. Start talking or else."

Lupe lifted his head up to meet her eyes squarely without flinching. Stiles had to admit he was impressed even if the kid was so cruising for a bruising as the saying went. He thought he should save the kid, it was only nice.

"Aleksandr told me." Stiles answered leaning away from the wall he was leaning back against. Lupe must have moved him a while back. He didn't know for sure though since he had already passed out at the time. "Your alpha told me as much as he thought I needed to know. Which means any dark secret you may have is safe and sound in that black old heart of yours."

Meghan met his eyes and stared at him for a while as Lupe ran towards him and started to check him over slowly. He didn't remember coughing up blood towards the end but he had to admit that he had been very much out of it by then.

"How long have you been up for?" Lupe questioned moving to help Stiles get up.

"Somewhere around the time the yelling started and you tried to defend me, which by the way thanks for that." Stiles answered trying to lean away from the younger teen and stand on his own feet but each time he thought he had a handle on it be fell back against the wall. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

"I've been draining some of your pain," Lupe started getting a better grip on Stiles and moving him slowly away from the wall to a place right by where the second smaller circle was. "I'm not an alpha so I can't exactly control how much I can take, sorry. I was just trying to help. Meghan could maybe-"

Meghan started a deep growl that came from the bottom up before snapping at her pack mate in what looked like pure annoyance. "What has Alek told you about volunteering people for things they never agreed to?"

"Why wouldn't you want to help him? He needs energy to help us get out of here and you're the only one outside of Ralf or Killa who knows how to do something like that."

"Oh I don't know, maybe cause I just don't want to help someone who isn't pack? For all you know, he could turn out to be the next Liam." Meghan shot back with a crooked snarl of a smile.

Stiles didn't need Lupe's eyes to turn brilliant amber to know that something was being said that hurt him. He heard the way the guy's breath came in deep and harsh. He saw the little way his eyes started to shut in anger. Stiles even saw the way that his hands started to curl into a fist.

"I don't know who the hell Liam is but I'm pretty sure I've never met anyone as awesome as I am. So, I'm pretty sure I'm not him. So don't worry?" Stiles offered up leaning around Lupe to look more at Meghan than the younger beta. She bared her perfectly sharp teeth at him in answer.

"I don't have time for this," Meghan started crossing her arms across her chest and looking at Lupe with electric blue eyes that glowed like threats more than comfort. "What plan did Aleksandr have before he left? Or was he too busy flirting and sharing people's life story to make a plan?"

"Qué chingados!" Lupe yelled throwing his hands into the air. "Why are you acting like this? You virtually never act this much of a bitch! I understand tu madre es una puta but why the hell are you acting like one? He's not bad at all. And you know Alek wouldn't do that. He would kill Stiles if he tried to hurt any of us, he swore to me."

Meghan ran her hands through her hair before grabbing some and pulling it away in frustration. "I-I'm...we shouldn't have been caught."

"Seriously?! That's what's making you act like this? Aleksandr didn't know we were getting attacked either. He's here with us!" Lupe ranted on.

"I should have known!"

"No one knew! Not a single person knew that going out to get food would mean we were going to get kidnapped."

"Plus it's fucking fairies, no one can really say they knew how to be prepared against them..unless you're already expecting an attack." Stiles interjected as he paused what he was doing while the two betas were arguing.

Both betas turned their eyes to him and blinked for a second before looking down on the floor to where he was pouring the last bits of mountain ash down.

Lupe cocked his head to side and squinted at the markings as if he could somehow understand what was going on if he looked at them sideways. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Making wards." Stiles and Meghan answered in tandem with each other. Stiles looked at her as Lupe twisted his head to look at her also. She was frowning at the markings and moving her head back and forth as if she was reading words on a large page of a book and not swirls, circles, and more on the ground.

"How do you even know what they are?" Stiles asked moving back when she came closer to where he was standing.

"It doesn't matter. You've be given all you really need to know about me don't you think?"

Stiles felt his nose crinkle without control. "You're really rude for no real reason...and it's getting old. I know three girls who scare me more than you and only one is a werewolf." He informed her, crossing his arms.

"Why are you making a ward...a ward of healing?" she countered.

Stiles looked at Lupe instead of Meghan and answered to him, "I know that Aleksandr thinks that he's going to be thrown in here and that I'm going to heal him and what not but I never really agreed to that plan. I-" Stiles paused to breathe in. "I'm going to get taken next. We don't have time for this, time is acting up. Hell we could have been here for months or-"

"We haven't been here for months." Meghan mumbled moving from an area close to the back corner that seemed to fascinate her.

"Excuse me?" Stiles swung his head to look at her. "What- how do you even know?"

Lupe smacked his forehead with the palm of his head and rolled his eyes. "Meghan's from Ireland dude." When Stiles just rolled his head in a 'so what?' gesture he frowned a bit. "She actually used to live in place that dealt with the fae?"

"So that's why you think you should have felt them coming, huh?" Stiles pondered out loud.

"I assure you it's not in your best interest to piss me off." Meghan warned standing up to look at him.

"I assure you I don't think I care about your feelings right now. Anyway, I'm going to get taken next, we need to get out of here as quick as we can."

"What are the wards for then?" Lupe asked looking at Stiles and Meghan.

"It's a healing ward. It's used so that someone who wields magic can still have their powers use far away from them, even when they're incapacitated." Meghan explained leaning against the wall as is she didn't have a care in the world. Stiles would have believed something like that if he didn't have the pack that he did. Boyd, Erica, and even Jackson did moves like that from time to time when they were waiting to pounce but didn't want anyone to realize it yet. "The question is, how many can be healed with this?"

"I've set it for two people; two full body inside and outside healing sessions."

"You think you can do that? You think that you can take on that creature and still have some energy left to heal anything?"

"Look I don't have a lot of ideas, do you have a better plan? No? Shut up then. If I get hurt at least you've gotten some time to escape. Personally I wouldn't complain as much as you.

At least you're getting a chance to escape out of here." Stiles said sliding his hands into his pockets.

"You need to know about Selene and Khoi, it'll help the magic even if it's wards." Meghan offered up.

Stiles took it for the offering it was, "Yeah that would help."

"Just don't interrupt if you can help it okay? I'll tell you about Khoi and Lupe will tell you about Selene.

"Khoi, who is actually named Muunokhoi, was born in Mongolia. He lived with his grandparents. One day he was walking at night trying to look out for his cattle, there was a sudden and horrible mass death of cattle going on in his town. People thought it was evil spirits or possibly it was another town trying to destroy their food. He got attacked one night by what he thought was a wolf or bear, he never knew at first. He just knew it had red eyes. So he goes home and forgets about the attack until one day he wakes up bloodied and half naked inside the carcass of a horse. The horse of the leader's daughter, the same girl that he was courting. Imagine his surprise.

"Someone saw him and the next thing he knows he's being taken to a cage to be kept as the town met to see what to do about him. They thought he was the beast attacking the cattle. He was kept for a month and the whole village watched as he transformed into a monster under the full moon. They planned to kill him in a week's time. But he had a very good grandpa and an even better grandmother. She baked him food and when they let her in to see him she unlocked the cage and told him to run. So he did, he ran until he was at the edge of town and his grandpa was there to take him away, leaving behind the only home they've known. They traveled for years until they reached Germany and he asked his grandpa go back home. Long story short, he was walking down the street one day when he sees a guy getting attacked and helps him out. Surprise, it's Alek. The End." Meghan informs him. Stiles just blinks at her before turning to Lupe.

Lupe shuffled his feet before glancing quickly at Meghan. "Um, I guess we don't have time for too much. Um... Selene got kidnapped and turned into a wolf as payback against her dad, who is a diplomat from France for not giving into some demands. She turned on the full moon and her family reasonably gets freaked out. But she anchors herself really well and doesn't hurt them. Khoi and Alek are like traveling when they see this group of werewolves attacking her and trying to kidnap her other siblings. Like the badasses they are they stop them. The guys get hired as bodyguards and everything is cool cause they can so take anything that gets thrown at them until one day shit happens. It turns into a pack war and some Argent cousins are there and shit happens and pretty much Aleksandr kills the alpha and they have to stage Selene's death. So she's like officially dead and is pretending to be some long lost cousin of her family. Oh! Jace helped them." Lupe nodded to himself looking at Stiles.

"No questions." Stiles assured.

Lupe raised his hand into the air and waved it around. Stiles just raised an eyebrow at him in question but Lupe kept his hand up and started waving it around. "Yes Lupe?"

"There's mountain ash, how are we suppose to place anyone in this? We're all werewolves dude."

Stiles turned slowly to Meghan who just looked at the both of them slowly. She huffed, glancing at Stiles quickly. "Did you use oak in this?"

"Why yes I did. Lupe gathered them himself." Stiles replied

Meghan nodded. "Oak by a druid, which only druids or sparks can make wards, can act as barrier to the ash. The fact that he had you handle it before he did means it's going to be having more of an affinity for wolves. We can use it. A better question though, what's the word to activate it?"

Stiles smirked at her, "Why it's Volkov."

Meghan kept her eyes glued to him and slowly her frown started to lighten up a bit before she seemed to relax suddenly. She gave him a quick one jerk nod of acknowledgement. Stiles released a breath he hadn't been aware he was keeping and thought that maybe he could take a few minutes to relax. That seemed to be the wrong thing to think when Meghan and Lupe suddenly became rigid as they raised their noses into the air and sniffed long and hard. Lupe moved around the cell quickly finding a way to place his body as to cover the most area possible while Meghan cocked her head to listen for a few seconds before moving over to another side. The guards were back.

Stiles moved his body to a corner by the door that allowed him to be hidden enough that he could surprise them with an attack. He had to get taken by them, he didn't have any other option.

"Sorry, I know this is a bad time but what about the mountain ash around the room? We can't have you break the line you said, so how are we getting out of here?" Lupe whispered loudly to the room at large.

Stiles glanced back at him quickly before glancing through the bars to see how much time he had, not much. "Look, there is one loophole to mountain ash. If you use a body over the line, a body that's not affected by the particular ash, then that body can be stepped on to pass over the ash and the maker won't know you're out of it." He hissed back.

He heard a sharp bark of laughter from Meghan before he heard giggles. "Oh god," she wheezed between breaths. "You know Stiles, if you live through this I owe you a good time."

Stiles nearly replied to her before the door was being slammed open and he was swinging a fist into cartilage and elbowing into a stomach. He didn't think about the fact that in the corner of his eye he could see Aleksandr on the floor bleeding and sliced up. He really tried not to think about the fact that some parts of his skin looked as if it might have been flayed or burned. Stiles just kept up his attempts to attack, trying to break as much as he could. He was actually surprised with how much hits he got in before he felt the first knee to his stomach and slam to his face. He was somewhat glad he wasn't that vain because he was pretty sure that as soon as he got out of this he was going to have bruises and possibly scars.

"Take him!" A male guard who sounded like the one who had brought back Meghan shouted in pain. Stiles hoped he hit him really good.

He felt arms wrap around his body in a vice grip and one arm wrap him into a headlock that was guaranteed to knock him out.

"He's got energy to fight, I bet he won't once Maleficent is done with him."

"Fuck you blue fairy I always thought you were a bitch anyway." Stiles yelled at the female guard who held him, trying to fight as much as he could so that the male guard would hurry up and just throw Aleksandr in finally. "Hey did Santa tell you he needed actual helpers or did you just get thrown out of tooth fairy school, dip shit?" He added, baring his teeth. It got the desired effect because Alek got thrown into the cell without a second glance before the guard was advancing upon him.

"Hey talking primate, say hello to my buddy." The male guard started pulling back his fist and grinning.

Stiles frown and spit the blood from his mouth to his face "Who, dumb and dumber?"

"The fucking sandman."

Stiles woke up tied to the same chair he had woken up to the first time in this place. His left eye felt swollen and if he had to bet, he was pretty sure that it was turning into a black eye right about now. His ribs hurt more than before, he felt blood trickling down his mouth, his legs and neck. His stomach felt queasy and if he could actually look himself over, he was sure he had the beginnings of a concussion. On pain of death he could admit that times like this actually made him consider if it wasn't slightly worth being a wolf. He felt drained, as if someone had just sucked out all his energy. That must mean the wolves had used the ward already.

Stiles had other things to think about though, such as unraveling the ropes that locked his hands behind him. He sent a silent thanks to Chris and Allison for allowing him to have some hunter training such as 'how to get out of a chair when you're tied to one 101'.

"Stiles, Stiles, darling. I didn't know you missed me so much." Maleficent crooned coming closer to him, tapping a fan in her hands.

Stiles looked at her and resisted to urge to snarl. She was covered head to toe in blood, which based on what he had seen, wasn't hers but belonged to Aleksandr's pack. He hated her. He hated her so much and if he could just move his body a little bit more then he could so return the favor she had given him. "You're right, I missed you so much, as much as I miss rotten food. Just love that rotten, disgusting, and don't forget, ugly food."

The slap across the face was expected, but the cuts across his skin that stung as they opened up to release blood, was not. That fan wasn't just for fashion, good to know.

She tsked softly shaking her head. "Such a shame, I would have thought you learned, but well what can I expect? You are only human at the end of the day. Yours is such a pathetic bunch."

"Yeah so pathetic we hide in the shadows like losers but pretend that we're somehow better than everyone else. Oh wait, that's your race." Stiles snarked back.

Maleficent stared back at him with wide eyes that quickly shuttered as a vein began to throb at the base of her neck. She threw the fan into the air before slashing her hands across in front of her somehow controlling it and slamming it in the opposite direction. She stomped across the room to the side and came back with a bucket of water and a rag, the latter of which she shoved into Stiles' mouth, forcing it open with jagged nails that gouged and tore as he fought against it.

"I should let you bite your tongue off but then I wont be able to sell it at the market to the witches. Pity you're not a virgin, you would have fetched for more." She seethed before slapping him again. Once the rag was in his mouth, stopping him from doing more than moaning, she started to pour the water all over him. Stiles kept trying to shake the water away from his eyes and mouth so that he didn't choke. If she thought water torture was enough to get to him to cry then she had another thing coming. He actually had been there and done that and had the damn t-shirt (Erica was a gift and Kira was a star).

Stiles only stared back into her eyes in defiance meeting them squarely without flinching. He could take what she brought. He started to rethink that though when she smiled and gestured in a come hither way from the side pulling a wooden cart closer to her. He refused to let his eyes enlarge when he saw the car battery on top of it. He started trying to move the chair left and right to back away from her as she started smiling bigger and bigger, but the damn thing was bolted to the ground.

. .

"Oh Stiles pity I've stopped myself from hearing you scream." She purred leaning closer to his face. Stiles stared at her a beat before jerking forward and head-butting her. She reeled back snarling with her fist clench. Maleficent turned to the battery and started to connect the clamps, all four of them, to Stiles' body. One went to each of his knees and one to his belly button while another went to his right pectoral. "Don't worry, this wont be the only lesson for you today. I've got all the time in the world."

Stiles could only breath in and bite down on the rag in his mouth as she turned back and turned the power on. Stiles felt the shock go through his body and kept the clamp he had going on the rag, he actually was thanking the fairy-bitch for that. The pain, the sting of hundreds of bees and the burn like lightning stopped for a second. Stiles tried to breath in and calm his slamming heart that felt as if it was going to stop on him. He had tears streaming down his face and he couldn't be sure but he thought he might have urinated on himself from the power of it. It felt like it was more than what she had first used but not enough to kill him on the first couple of uses and that was what he needed. He could get through this. He would get through this.

Stiles had a few lessons to teach her himself.

He was as ready as he could be when the power was switched on again. His body clenched up and shook but he kept a part of his mind on the task of moving the hands behind his back. He just needed to….right….

Maleficent stopped the power again and peered at him with her eyebrow raised and a smirk on her lips. Stiles only glared at her more before she frowned and clicked the power on again walking away.

Stiles went back to the ropes barely able to hear anything over the rushing in his ears, of his blood, or the pain that racked through him.

He was...he was nearly there...just a little...more. Just...a…little...more. Just-there!

When she came back around and turned the power off, Stiles slumped down deep into the chair as much as he could and hung his head and just tried to breath. He didn't raise his eyes when she came closer and grabbed his chin to make him stare at her. He let the tears in his eyes fall as he tried to avoid looking at her directly. Stiles couldn't let her know he wasn't as defenseless as she thought. He was more than that.

Stiles was a more than a couple of pounds of sarcasm and wit. It took a certain type of person to run with wolves and unlucky for her, Stiles was the perfect person.

"You know, I would be so glad to let you end your education right now, but promises must be kept darling. Let's get these clamps off you, I mean they'll get in the way of our fun." Maleficent giggled taking off the clamps and moving the cart away.

She walked away to the far side of the room, her back turned as she kept talking to Stiles. He tuned her out and slowly released his hands from the rope and leaned down quickly to untie his legs, slowly stepping away from the chair. Stiles took the rag out of his mouth last. He glanced at her to see she was still talking and looking through what looked like torture implements. He shook his head and looked quickly around the room for some type of weapon that he could use at the moment, but all he could see was the chair. Shrugging, he lifted the mountain ash chair up slowly and walked towards her.

He waited until he was within swinging distance before he cleared his throat and swung the chair. "You want to dance? Let's dance!" he yelled knocking her completely by surprise. Her head twisted to the right releasing a snap.

Stiles backed away when she turned her head slowly to him, fury in her eyes. Maybe he should have taken longer looking for a weapon he considered while ducking as she threw a scalpel his way. There was no way he was going to fight her without magic and win he noted as she swung her arms out and suddenly threw wood at him. He kept a hard grip on the chair and retreated a bit to the other side of the room, jumping behind a table and tipped it over to protect him as he planned. He looked at all he had, a mountain ash chair, and thought all that he could do, which wasn't much.

"Maybe I can make them into stakes? Shit she's not a vampire. But wait!" Stiles muttered to himself as he went about snapping two legs of the chair off. He held them in his hands and breathed deeply. Closing his eyes he thought about what he wanted, what he needed, what he believed he would have in his hands when he opened them. 'Iron and steel dusted wood that burns any fairy.' When he felt the spark grow in his belly and the warmth spread to his hands he opened his eyes and grinned at what he saw. The wood glittered.

"I'm going to kill you Stiles. But I'm going to do it slowly. And when I'm done, oh when I'm done, I'm going to find your pack back in your crappy town and I'm going to show them your head. I'm going to show them your head as I fucking cut them to pieces!" Maleficent roared on the other side of the table.

Stiles released a breath before he popped up, "You're an assbutt." He calmly informed her as he thrust the wooden legs of the chair into her eyes. She moved back enough that he knew he didn't get to jab it in deep enough to kill her quickly.

Maleficent screamed in pain backing away from him clawing at her eyes but screaming only more each time her hands met the wooden stakes. Her yells were actually sweet melodies to his ears. "What did you do to me you maggot!" She cried still trying to touch the wood but jerking away each time she touched it.

Stiles walked closer to her and towards the door smiling. "Surprise, I got my Hogwarts letter bitch!" He laughed sure that he was fully in control. "Let me show you my second magic lesson, it's called getting away."

"You think I'm going to let you out? Oh you fool," Maleficent laughed deep even though she kept jumping and twitching in pain. "I don't need my eyes to kill you. I've had magic long before you were even a little atom in the world." She snapped her fingers before a flash blinded Stiles temporally. When he looked again she was in front of the door, the only way out. She had blades in her hands and vines around her that kept whipping around her.

Stiles cursed his luck and ducked an oncoming blade and made his way as silently as he could towards a far table where he had seen a baseball bat and some mountain ash. He grabbed the bat and covered it in quick ash as he again repeated what he had believed in earlier, only this time he thought the bat would become iron and steel. When he felt the warmth he nodded to himself and looked at his last boss battle. He could do this. He was a champion gamer, this was just a game, where he could die for real. He slowly walked to her ducking quietly and surely under blades and vines until he was as close as he could get to her without alerting her to his presence. He tried thinking of some way to get past her but he was actually drawing a blank when suddenly the door ripped open and he heard a voice he was so glad to hear.

"Hey she-bitch, come get some!" Aleksander yelled followed by a punch and grunt.

Maleficent screamed in anger and pain turning her whole body around to face Aleksandr as Stiles rose up behind her. Alek locked eyes with him and gave a slight nod as he ducked down and thrust his clawed hands up through her chest and Stiles started swinging as hard as he could repeatedly at her head. He didn't stop until he saw blood and even then he still didn't stop until he felt muscled arms wrap around him and hug him to a body.

"It's over. She's dead, okay?" Aleksandr whispered holding Stiles. Stiles took a few moments trying to breath and calm down. He just really wanted this to be done with. This was officially the worst vacation ever and he was pretty sure he was standing in brain and blood shoeless now that he thought about it and-

-and what?

"Did you just kiss me?" Stiles questioned looking at the alpha who was smiling with bloody lips. He slowly licked his lips clean of the blood not taking his eyes away from Stiles. "You kissed me."

Aleksandr shrugged, "What can I say, fighting turns me on. Which reminds me, we need to get out of here. Now." He finished, grabbing Stiles and throwing him over his shoulder and running out the door.

Stiles took a second to process what he had just heard before he realized what was going on. He slammed his fist on the alpha's back in protest. "What the hell are you doing? I can walk you know?"

"I doubt it. Remember how I said sometimes I'm going to make an executive decision without you?"

"What's going on?" Stiles asked alert to the undercurrent of fear in his voice.

"Well, once we got my other packmates healed-"

"I only left enough for two people to be healed?"

"They shared the ward so they're half healed but they said that was okay. Forget that thought, we need to get out of here. Khoi got Meghan to talk about things, this place is going to collapse as soon as Tinkerbell-reject dies."

"This place is going to blow."

"Yep, so hang on. We're finally getting out of here!" Aleksandr replied turning a corner and jumping. Stiles looked at the ground and saw the bodies that they were leaving behind of some other guards. Another two turns with some more running and he was suddenly placed on the ground with Aleksandr's arm around him.

He looked around and saw that Meghan and Lupe were both there along with two others. One was a girl who looked his age with long black braids. Her eyes were glowing amber which contrasted nicely against her dark brown skin much like the eye colors did for Boyd. The other one that was new had a light cream complexion and amber eyes that burned out of his almond eyes. Stiles guessed they were the other two, Selene and Khoi.

"So," he started rubbing his hands together and looking around at the area they were at. It was a half circle that lead out to a corridor that most likely lead out to the cells they were at before. "Does anyone have any idea how-" Stiles cut himself off to look along with the others as the corridor they had barely come through collapsed in an explosion of dust and rocks.

"Well," Selene drawled turning back to the room they were trapped in now, "if you all needed any motivation to figure a way out of here, that was it."

"Meghan, what have you been doing?" Aleksandr demanded looking at his second in command.

"I have been trying everything! This is the only way out, no other way leads to anything!" She countered.

"But there are no doors or magic stones to press to find a way out." Khoi added.

"We haven't tried running through walls?" Lupe tried grinning slightly only to have Meghan turn around on him and snarl. Aleksandr roared back at her and flashed his eyes on her, making her stop her snarl and back away a bit.

"Lupe, normally you would have us all laughing but right now we need to be serious." Aleksandr commanded him placing his hand on one shoulder.

"Honestly we're dealing with magic though." Stiles argued.

"So you think that's a possibility?" Selene asked in disbelief.

"I don't know, but we don't know if this place is next or not but we need to think of something!" Stiles shot back throwing his hands into the air.

"If only we had something to hint at us…" Khoi pondered moving away from the group and looking around the room.

Stiles sighed and looked up at the ceiling thinking that if there ever was a time for a miracle, now would be it. That or a sudden spark of knowledge. "I believe I'm going to have a sign, I believe it!" He muttered to himself. The first water drop he ignored as sweat. The second and third had him opening his eyes and looking around the room before he looked up at the ceiling which dropped another drop. "Oh shit, thank you. Guys!" He called.

The pack moved towards him quickly as he pointed up. They all looked up and then looked back at him. Meghan was the only one who didn't pause to try slamming him down, "There's nothing!"

"I'm sure he's going to explain it Meghan." Khoi offered up and Stiles was thinking he liked the guy.

"Khoi's right, I'm sure he isn't a horrible idiot, I mean he knows this is life or death." Selene suggested and Stiles had a sudden thought that Lydia would like her.

"This is going to sound crazy but what if we climb up on one another and go up?" Stiles informed them.

Lupe titled his head to the side and looked up quickly before looking back at Stiles and gasping in happiness. "We're going to do the thing they do at the end of the Antz movie! We're going to do the ladder thingy!" He shouted pumping his fist into the air.

Aleksandr looked at his beta in question and shock. "Are you serious?"

"Look," Stiles started. "There is water dripping from the damn ceiling. Either that means there are pipes which we can use to lead us out or there's a body of water above us. It's a way out either way." Stiles pleaded for him to take a chance on his idea.

"He's right Alek." Khoi assured his alpha nodding.

"Okay you heard Stiles and you heard Lupe. We are doing the Antz movie thing. Meghan and Khoi you're with me at the base of it. Selene you're going to be the next level with Stiles. And Lupe, you get to be the king of the hill." Aleksandr ordered.

Everyone moved quickly, Meghan, Alek, and Khoi making a tight circle where Stiles and Selene stood on top of their shoulders and held onto one another while Lupe climbed on until he was sitting on Selene's shoulders. He slowly stood up on her shoulder until he could nearly reach the ceiling.

"Hey Stiles, what would you use as a magic word if you were an evil fairy reject?" Lupe asked nearly touching the top.

Stiles looked up at him and frowned, Lupe wasn't thinking what he thought he was. "Um...die?" He suggested holding on tight to Selene's arms.

"Okay, this is on you. Die!" He shouted thrusting both hands to the ceiling... and actually going through it.

Stiles blinked for a second because first, what? And secondly, holy shit Harry Potter was real.

They had bigger problems though because somehow Lupe was very right and the void was sucking him up and through to somewhere. Selene grabbed hold of Lupe's waist and started to rise up with him. Stiles released her a bit only to grab a hold of her waist. He looked down and kicked Aleksandr to make sure he was getting the picture. The alpha only looked at him and picked Meghan up to have her grab hold of his waist with Khoi following behind. He didn't get to see Alek grab on before he was through the freaking ceiling, which ohmygod wait until he told Erica and Scott.

He was in water, treading water and trying to look around Lupe and Selene were already swimming upwards to what looked like light. Stiles figured they were using their werewolf ability to go so fast. He turned around and started to follow them as Meghan came shooting by with Khoi right behind.

He wondered where Aleksandr was when he suddenly felt an arm wrap around his waist. Stiles looked to the left and smiled as Aleksandr grinned back at him dragged him along as he swam. Stiles wasn't sure how long they swarm but he knew it had to have been longer than a minute when he started to feel his lungs burn. He tapped Aleksandr's arm and pointed at his chest. The alpha frowned before looking up to where Meghan was swimming right above them. She had turned back to him once Selene had caught up to Lupe along with Khoi. Alek looked at him and moved closer staring into his eyes. He waggled his eyebrows before slamming his lips over Stiles and pinching his sides causing Stiles to exhale through his nose as he inhaled the air that Alek breathed into his mouth for a few seconds before his cheek was tapped and he closed his mouth.

Stiles abruptly felt someone join him on his other side and turned to see Meghan join them as Alek started to push quicker and with more power fighting against the time limits his lungs had.

The burn was coming back and they were still swimming.

The whole pack had come back down to join them and he had already gotten a life saving breath of air from Selene and Meghan while Lupe and Khoi were swimming with him as the others took turns.

He didn't want to think about what it would mean if he didn't get out soon.

He didn't want to think about anything other than the fact that the light looked so close and he would sell his soul to the devil if it meant he would be able to break that surface.

He didn't welcome the darkness that started to creep into his eyes.

He didn't want to meet this darkness, he honestly wanted to fight it.

But it was hurting and he wasn't sure he could…

... could keep his eyes open…

He closed his eyes and the eyes he saw staring back at him were green, multi-colored hazel.

I am like not so much dying but really excited to know what you think about the chapter, how did you like my fight scenes (i swear it's not my best ability but I try), or the torture, or the characters interactions? Feedback is always wanted and loved. :D

This is a heads up that I know I need to work on at least two chapters for Tinkerbell Sucks so that the timeline is caught up to this main story's timeline. I'm hoping that as soon as finals are over I'll have at least a solid week to work on this. Here's hoping.

Anyway I hope y'all are ready for what's coming next. :D