*~*~*~Amu's POV~*~*~*

(In Amu's dense little brain)

Oh, so that means the annoying fangirls will leave me alone! Smart, Ikuto!

"That's right." I said with a loud voice. "Amu and I are dating!"

"And don't you think of doing anything to Ikuto!" Ikuto added. I almost blushed, but for the sake of Ikuto's pride, I didn't.

Suddenly, Yamabuki popped out of nowhere. "Ikuto-kun!" she shrilled and ran towards me with her arms wide. I simply dodged her. "I-Ikuto-kun, it isn't true…is it? T-that you're dating thus HORRID UGLY PINK-HEADED GIRL?!" My eye twitched. Ugly pink-headed girl?! Well excuse me for not being a redhead with too much ugly attitude!

"You talk about m-Amu that way?" I say in a low voice. "And you think you could get away with it? We're dating, and that's final."

Ikuto acted surprised, but you could see the smirk in his eyes.

"Ikuto-kun!" Ikuto said and hugged me. I was about to scream at him to cut it out but I didn't want to harm my own body, so I simply hugged him back.

Thank the lord that was when the fangirls finally left us alone, dragging Yamabuki along with them.

Finally, when they were out of earshot, I whisper-screamed at him. "What the heck was that for?!" I hissed.

Ikuto smirked, although it looked super weird on my face. "What else could I do since they weren't leaving you alone? I know, I know, my handsome looks is a blessing and a curse, and I know you are glad to be in my bo-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. "W-what if we're stuck like this forever?! What it-"

"Y-yo Ikuto?" suddenly, Utau popped out of nowhere.


"Um, hi Utau..." I said, waving. Utau looked surprised and grinned. "Ikuto, my man!"

"HUH?!" Ikuto and I yelled together. Utau gulped.

"Y-you see..." Utau began.

"Oh, there you are." Kukai came. "It was funny how I wasn't getting chased by fanboys for once, but those fangirls are cray-cray!"


Kukai looked at me. "Okay, guys, it's actually Utau. Something happened this morning, and I have no idea what's going on, but Kukai and I switched bodies.

"YES! IT'S TRUE!" Utau-I mean Kukai cried and kneeled down. "I CAN'T STAND THIS! I'M STUCK IN A WEAK GIRL'S BODY-"

"WEAK?!" Utau yelled. "Look at me! I'm stuck in a gay dude's body-"

"I am not gay!"

"Then why is your hair so strangely spiked?!"

"My hair was always like that! Ikuto's as well!"

"But Ikuto is sexy! You're not!"

"Umm...guys?" I said, and they turned to me.

"Ikuto said 'umm'?" they said at the same time.

"Y-you see, we're in the same situation as well..."


"Oh, so that's what happened!" Kukai said (in Utau's body).

"Oh yeah, and Ikuto? Embarrassing question time...how do I go to the bathroom?"

Ikuto turned red, but that wasn't really surprising since I usually blush around Iku-I MEAN YEAH!


*~*~*~No I am not explaining how this works~*~*~*

"Ahahhaahaa..." I rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. "I...really can't do this."

"Come on Amu. You haven't went all morning!"

I was standing in front of the guys' bathroom.

"Here goes nothing." I mutter, stepping inside what all the guys at Seiyo Academy call...

...the house of shit.

Heart: Well that's it for now!


Heart: What?

Ikuto: She's...Amu...

Heart: Mmm?

Ikuto: Touching my dick?


Heart: Okay, gotta go, bye! Review please! Thanks!