Authors note: here's a little bonus chapter I wrote for the heck of it. Just a lot of fluff haha hope you enjoy! I'm planning on starting up a new story either with the same OC or a different one, but first I gotta get settled into my first year of college! Please enjoy and I promise to write again soon! :)

"Gotcha!" I shouted, pouncing behind a tree to find the spot completely vacant. "Darn it! I could have sworn she was there." I voiced allowed turning to continue my search for the little girl. For the time being it was just Rin and I so to pass the time we began a game of hide and seek with Ah-Un close by keeping watch of us.

In all honesty my life couldn't get much better. Besides Naraku everything was perfect or at least as close to perfect as anything could get. I traveled with Sesshomaru as he pursued the wretched half demon Naraku and I couldn't be any happier about it. If felt as though an eternity had passed since I fought off a curse and aided in the defeat of a reincarnation named Akumu, but really it had only been three months. Not much had changed since then. Kagome continued to travel with Inuyasha and everyone else and from time to time we would run into them. Naraku was still out to conquer the world and Jaken's distaste with humans was as strong as ever, although Rin and I were an exception to him. Nope, not much was different. Besides the fact that a powerful demon lord that kills without mercy is now your boyfriend. Oh ya there's that…

I kept deathly silent as I prowled around the clearing our camp was being held. The light breeze rustled the new leaves that were just beginning to grow on the trees and I peered through them looking for the familiar bright orange color of a kimono. The melting snow beneath the new combat boots Kagome bought me crunched ever so lightly with my footsteps. I was grateful Kagome didn't mind bringing me extra supplies every now and again. With the weather beginning to warm up I no longer needed my oversized black sweatshirt and long sleeve shirt, but instead opted for a cream colored sweater that was much lighter.

"Ah-Un help me out here!" I called over to him. Rin was the expert in hiding. Sometimes I would just have to wait for Sesshomaru to return so he could find her with his enhanced senses. I hated it when I didn't find her before he came back though! He would always have this smug look on his face after he found her with little to no effort. This time was going to be different.

Ah-Un shook his head as if implicating that I was on my own. Guess we know whose side he's on. Grumbling under my breath I returned to my search. We had a rule that we couldn't hide outside of camp so she had to be right here somewhere! I walked around the perimeter of the camp for the third time and determined that she had to be somewhere in the middle of it. Walking to the center of the small clearing I looked around. Not much was there. The only places she could be hiding would be up in the trees or behind…

"AH-UN! Are you hiding her?!" I twirled to face the two headed beast and heard a faint giggle coming from behind him. No wonder I couldn't find her! I never bothered to check behind Au-Un! "No fair! You had help!" I ran toward them just as Rin shot out and sprinted off into the trees. "Hey get back here!" I followed after at full speed fully intending to catch her. Heavy footsteps sounded behind me as did a growl from Ah-Un. We weren't supposed to leave the camp, but this was hardly my fault. "I know, I know!" I shouted over my shoulder. My curly hair whipped from side to side from on top of my head in its pony tail as I ran after our little trouble maker.

"You have to catch me first!" Rin shouted out, laughing as she circled around trees.

"Rin we have to go back to the camp! We aren't supposed to leave remember?" I called after her ducking under a tree branch she had run under.

She began to slow down and turned to face me with a big toothy grin. "I know! But there isn't enough room there for you to chase me." Her grin turned unto an adorable pout as I grabbed her hand and began to lead her back.

"Maybe we can ask Sesshomaru when he gets back if we can go to a large field. Maybe one with flowers in it?" I smirked down to her as her face lit up at the thought of frolicking in a giant field of flowers. It had been a while since we were able to see flowers with the snow covering the ground, but now with the soft white flakes melting there should be some fresh flowers popping up.

As we neared the campsite a familiar aura swept over the area and grew in size as it neared the same destination. A slight smiled began tugging at the corners of my mouth at the feeling. Both Rin and I picked up our pace not only to greet Sesshomaru, but so that we could beat him to the camp. He wasn't overly fond of us leaving on our own when he wasn't around. Too many incidents of us getting into trouble which inevitably lead to an injury on my person prompted this. A 'little human' such as me shouldn't wonder around alone. Technically I wasn't alone, I had Rin! Because that makes it so much better.

We broke through the trees just as his feet touched the ground with Jaken in tow. I sweat dropped at the annoyed look that was sent my way once he saw us emerging from the woods.

"Lord Sesshomaru you're back!" Rin exclaimed completely ignorant of his irritated scowl. She ran over stopping directly in front of him with a huge smile on her face. "Can we go to a huge field of flowers? I wanna pick some flowers and play tag with Yuuki-chan!" He looked down at her and his features quickly softened.

"We shall see." With that response Rin jumped for joy and was off to torment poor Jaken who attempted to scurry away at the sight of her approaching him.

I let out a giggle at the scene, but was soon at a loss for words as a looming figure hovered over me. Pushing back the few curls that framed my face awkwardly I tried to find my voice. "Uhhh I'm glad you're back! Any new leads on Naraku?" I smiled up to him hoping to avoid a scolding.

"How many times must I tell you not to leave camp?" There was a hint of annoyance in his voice, probably from having to repeat himself over and over again.

"How many times have you told me already?" His eyes only narrowed at me showing he wasn't in a good mood. "I'm sorry, Rin ran off and I followed after her, but we didn't go too far! And nothing happened." I defended myself. I didn't want a repeat of last time. I certainly was unlucky sometimes and seemed to attract trouble at every turn. I was only looking for some food when a man tried to rob me at knife point. I escaped, but not unscathed as I had a bloody hand from an attempt to grab the knife from him. Sesshomaru refused to let me out of his sight for a good week. Not even to bathe. Smug little bastard…

He closed his eyes and let out an inaudible sigh. His golden eyes opened and looked me over double checking that there really was no harm done to me. Finally it seemed he determined that I truly was unharmed and put his hand on my back to lead me over to Ah-Un.

"We will be leaving now." I mentally let out a cheer as I had been let off the hook this time.

Hours later Rin was leaned up against Au-Un passed out from flower picking and numerous games of tag. Jaken too was out cold from being forced to join us and leaned up against a tree root snoring loudly. We were all now positioned on the tree line facing an enormous field of flowers. At out arrival Rin and I both were speechless as we stared wide eyes at the array of flowers displayed before us. Immediately we took off chasing one another around in them under the watchful eye of Sesshomaru. He was still leaning against the large tree he sat down at the moment we got here. One knee propped up with his arm draped over it in his signature sitting position, his eyes closed for the time being, but I knew better than to assume he was asleep. He hadn't sad another word since his return and I was becoming slightly worried at what events took place that put him in such a mood.

I was about to turn in for the night when tiny orbs of light caught my attention. Turning my head to look out toward the field I saw a few lighting bugs flying around and landing on the colorful flowers. I smiled to myself and walked out toward them. It had been a long time since I had seen lightning bugs and I remembered how much fun it had been to catch them. I turned back to look at Rin wondering if I should wake her. Seeing her peaceful face as she slept made me think twice.

Even though I was a grown adult with my eighteenth birthday in only a few more months didn't mean I couldn't enjoy catching a firefly. Who cares if it's a childish action, as far as I am concerned I am a child! With that I released my hair from its band and began hunting down the lighting bugs jumping in the air trying to catch one. I kept my laughter quite as to not wake anyone up. I certainly didn't need Jaken to ruin my fun.

Finally I caught one with one last leap into the air. Breathing heavily I brought my hands up to my face and opened them to peek inside to see the green light. A smile spread wide across my face at the bouncing light in my hand. Feeling a pair of eyes watching me I looked back up to meet the amused golden orbs of Sesshomaru.

Laughing sheepishly I made my way back over to camp keeping the lightning bug trapped in my hands. "What? Am I really that entertaining?" I questioned kneeling down beside him and leaning my back against the same tree with our shoulders touching.

"Indeed," was his short response. A girlish giggle slipped past my lips as I released the bug from my hands and watched it fly away.

"To bad Rin's already asleep, I bet she would have enjoyed catching them with me." I glanced bake over to her tiny form curled up against Ah-Un. Sesshomaru responded with an 'hn' and closed his eyes once more. "Did something happen?" I didn't want to be nosy, but the curiosity was killing me. Sesshomaru was rarely in a good mood, but he wasn't necessarily in a bad mood all the time. This evening, however, his aura seemed irritated.

The only answer I received was silence which only increased my worrying. I would always at least get a one worded answer from him. Looking over to him I noticed his eyes were open staring out into the field. His emotionless mask was in place, but his eyes gave away his wandering mind. Something happened, no doubt something related to Naraku. The wretched man had probably managed to disappear without a trace again. That always seemed to happen once we managed to catch up to him. Every time that happened Sesshomaru's mood instantly turned sour for a couple days.

He wouldn't speak one word for days and our traveling would always increase. There would be less time to rest and certainly no time for any games. Jaken would also always end up with a couple of bruises. I always hated it when he got like this, but I never pried. I gave him the time to cool down and just waited it out. He would go off alone sometimes, but I would always end up following after him sitting in silence right next to him.

Giving up on him answering anytime soon I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes deciding to go to sleep. The fur from around his shoulder which I learned was in fact a tail wrapped around us. He would always do this and I thought it was partly to let me know that although he was upset he wasn't ignoring me. I petted the white fur gently relishing in its softness and also trying to ease the tension he was feeling. Sesshomaru's aura began to calm slightly and his body seemed to relax back against the tree. Another smile graced my lips as I slowly drifted off to sleep surrounded by the powerful aura of the man sitting so close next to me. This cold heated man who despised weak creatures who killed without mercy who was determined to become the most powerful demon alive. This man whom I loved and who loved me in return.